void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            //delay timer is still going and we can't damage in delay time + make sure that no damage has been applied or damaging multiple times is enabled
            if (isActive == false || effectObjComp.CurrentState != EffectObj.State.running || delayTimer > 0.0f && damageInDelay == false && (didDamage == false || damageOnce == false))

            if (RTSHelper.IsInLayerMask(obstacleLayerMask, other.gameObject.layer)) //Check if this is an obstacle that stops the attack object.
                ApplyDamage(other.gameObject, null, transform.position);

            SelectionEntity hitSelection = other.gameObject.GetComponent <SelectionEntity>();

            //if the attack object didn't enter in collision with a selection entity or it did but it was one belonging to resource
            if (hitSelection == null || hitSelection.FactionEntity == null)

            //make sure the faction entity belongs to an enemy faction and that it's not dead yet:
            if ((hitSelection.FactionEntity.FactionID != sourceFactionID || damageFriendly) && hitSelection.FactionEntity.EntityHealthComp.IsDead() == false)
                ApplyDamage(other.gameObject, hitSelection.FactionEntity, hitSelection.transform.position);