public static string GetText(Bitmap imgsource) { try { if (useNetworkOCR) { return(Networking.NetworkOCR(imgsource, networkOCRIP, networkOCRPort)); } } catch (SocketException) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Remote OCR server error. Defaulting to the local engine."); if (eng == null) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Local OCR engine is null!"); throw new Exception("OCR engine is null!"); } } var ocrtext = string.Empty; using (var img = PixConverter.ToPix(imgsource)) { lock (RSTools._lockObj) // You can only process one image at a time { using (var page = eng.Process(img)) // Program.engine { ocrtext = page.GetText(); } } } //imgsource.Dispose(); return(ocrtext); }
public Config(String fileName) { List <String> fileContents = new List <String>(File.ReadAllLines(fileName)); pluginSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>(); bool foundWindowName = false; foreach (String line in fileContents) { String[] splitLine = line.Split(' '); String reLine = ""; for (int i = 1; i < splitLine.Length; i++) { reLine += splitLine[i] + " "; } if (reLine.Length > 0) { reLine.Substring(reLine.Length - 1); } if (splitLine[0].Equals("UseNetworkOCR")) { try { networkOCRIP = splitLine[1]; networkOCRPort = Convert.ToInt32(splitLine[2]); PluginAPI.WriteLine("Network OCR Enabled: " + networkOCRIP + ":" + networkOCRPort); useNetworkOCR = true; } catch (Exception) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Error reading Network OCR settings. Using integrated OCR."); useNetworkOCR = false; } } else if (splitLine[0].Equals("OverlayLogMaxTime")) { try { overlayLogTime = Convert.ToInt32(splitLine[1]); PluginAPI.WriteLine("Overlay Max Log Line Time (ms): " + overlayLogTime); } catch (Exception) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Error reading overlay max log time. Using default size."); overlayLogTime = defaultLogTime; } } else if (splitLine[0].Equals("OverlayLogMaxSize")) { try { overlayLogSize = Convert.ToInt32(splitLine[1]); PluginAPI.WriteLine("Overlay Max Log Height: " + overlayLogSize); } catch (Exception) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Error reading overlay max log size. Using default size."); overlayLogSize = defaultLogSize; } } else if (splitLine[0].Equals("OverlayIgnoreTopWindow")) { overlayIgnoreTopWindow = true; PluginAPI.WriteLine("Ignoring top window for overlay!"); } else if (splitLine[0].Equals("GameWindow")) { gameWindowName = string.Join("", splitLine.Skip(1).ToArray()); PluginAPI.WriteLine("Game Window Name: " + gameWindowName); try { Win32.RECT rect; IntPtr handle = Win32.FindWindow(null, gameWindowName); Win32.GetWindowRect(handle, out rect); gameResolution[0] = rect.right - rect.left; gameResolution[1] = rect.bottom -; if (gameResolution[0] == 0 || gameResolution[1] == 0) { throw new Exception(); } PluginAPI.WriteLine("Window Resolution: " + gameResolution[0] + "x" + gameResolution[1]); xOffset = rect.left; yOffset =; PluginAPI.WriteLine("Window Offsets: X:" + xOffset + " Y:" + yOffset); foundWindowName = true; } catch (Exception) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Couldn't get data from window!"); } } else if (splitLine[0].Equals("Resolution") && !foundWindowName) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Window Resolution: " + splitLine[1] + "x" + splitLine[2]); gameResolution[0] = Convert.ToInt32(splitLine[1]); gameResolution[1] = Convert.ToInt32(splitLine[2]); } else if (splitLine[0].Equals("WindowOffsets") && !foundWindowName) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Window Offsets: X:" + splitLine[1] + " Y:" + splitLine[2]); xOffset = Convert.ToInt32(splitLine[1]); yOffset = Convert.ToInt32(splitLine[2]); } else if (line.StartsWith("//") || line.StartsWith("#")) { // Comment line, do nothing. } else { pluginSettings.Add(splitLine[0], reLine); PluginAPI.WriteLine("Found config: " + splitLine[0] + " - " + reLine); } } }
//[STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("RS Tools by gnmmarechal"); Config cfg = new Config("config.cfg"); if (cfg.useNetworkOCR) { Display.useNetworkOCR = true; Display.networkOCRIP = cfg.networkOCRIP; Display.networkOCRPort = cfg.networkOCRPort; } else { Display.eng = new TesseractEngine(@"./tessdata", "eng", EngineMode.Default); Display.eng.SetVariable("debug_file", "nul"); Console.WriteLine("\nTesseract Version: " + Display.eng.Version); } //Display.eng.SetVariable("classify_enable_learning", "false"); if (args.Length == 1) { cfg = new Config(args[0]); } cfg.SetBootTime(_bootTime); _overlayIgnoreTopWindow = cfg.overlayIgnoreTopWindow; /*Thread screenshotThread = new Thread(() => * { * * });*/ //overlayThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); Thread overlayThread = new Thread(() => { //Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); overlayForm = new PluginAPIOverlay(); overlayForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; overlayForm.Top = cfg.yOffset; overlayForm.Left = cfg.xOffset; overlayForm.Size = new Size(cfg.gameResolution[0], cfg.gameResolution[1]); overlayForm.gameWindowTitle = cfg.gameWindowName; overlayForm.maxLogHeight = cfg.overlayLogSize; overlayForm.logTime = cfg.overlayLogTime; overlayForm.ShowDialog(); }); overlayThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); overlayThread.Start(); //Display.CropBitmap(Display.GetWholeDisplayBitmap(), 3703, 966, 3735-3703, 988-966).Save("lastInvSlot.bmp"); Console.WriteLine("\n===Hit ENTER to load all plugins==="); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Starting screen capture and loading all plugins..."); int loopCount = 0; Display d1 = new Display(); // Load Plugins PluginLoader loader; try { loader = new PluginLoader(); loader.loadPlugins(); PluginAPI.WriteLine("Loaded plugins:"); foreach (IRSToolsPluginBase plugin in PluginLoader.Plugins) { string pluginInfo = plugin.PluginName + " | " + plugin.PluginPackage + " | v" + plugin.PluginVersion; PluginAPI.WriteLine(pluginInfo); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Plugins couldn't be loaded: {0}", e.Message)); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } PluginAPI.WriteLine("Plugin setup started."); foreach (IRSToolsPluginBase plugin in PluginLoader.Plugins) { plugin.Setup(cfg); } List <String> disabledPluginList = new List <String>(); PluginAPI.WriteLine("Starting plugin execution loop."); while (isRunning) { // New System //Console.WriteLine("Game Area BMP {0}: " + Convert.ToString(gameAreaScreenshot.Width) + "x" + Convert.ToString(gameAreaScreenshot.Height), Convert.ToString(loopCount)); // Run Plugins List <Thread> threadList = new List <Thread>(); bool runWorker = true; runOverlay = true; foreach (IRSToolsPluginBase plugin in PluginLoader.Plugins) { if (!disabledPluginList.Contains(plugin.PluginPackage)) { Thread t = null; // Here add a check to see if a plugin is both ("hybrid") and check flags to see what to run it as if (plugin is IRSToolsPlugin) { t = new Thread(() => { while (runWorker) { Bitmap completeScreenshot = Display.GetWholeDisplayBitmap(); Bitmap gameAreaScreenshot = Display.CropBitmap(completeScreenshot, cfg.xOffset, cfg.yOffset, cfg.gameResolution[0], cfg.gameResolution[1]); completeScreenshot.Dispose(); ((IRSToolsPlugin)plugin).Run(gameAreaScreenshot); gameAreaScreenshot.Dispose(); GC.Collect(); } }); } else if (plugin is IMiniRSToolsPlugin) // Plugins that don't require a game bitmap { t = new Thread(() => { while (runWorker) { ((IMiniRSToolsPlugin)plugin).Run(); GC.Collect(); } }); } t.Start(); threadList.Add(t); } } // Read user commands string input; do { input = Console.ReadLine(); string arg = string.Join("", input.Split(' ').Skip(1).ToArray()); String command = input.Split(' ')[0]; command = Regex.Replace(command, @"[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", ""); if (command.Equals("disable")) { if (!disabledPluginList.Contains(arg)) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Adding plugin to the blacklist..."); disabledPluginList.Add(arg); } } else if (command.Equals("enable")) { if (disabledPluginList.Contains(arg)) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Adding plugin to the blacklist..."); disabledPluginList.Remove(arg); } } else if (command.Equals("report")) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Blacklisted packages:\n"); foreach (String plugPackage in disabledPluginList) { PluginAPI.WriteLine(plugPackage); } } else if (command.Equals("quit") || command.Equals("exit")) { PluginAPI.WriteLine("Shutting down RSTools..."); isRunning = false; } } while (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)); while (Console.KeyAvailable) { Console.ReadKey(false); } PluginAPI.WriteLine("Restarting plugin threads...\n"); runWorker = false; runOverlay = false; foreach (Thread t in threadList) // This might be unnecessary right now. { t.Join(); } loopCount++; } Console.ReadLine(); //engine.Dispose(); Display.eng.Dispose(); }