public void PreviewBudgetFormEntry(int budID, string wbs) { FPreviewAR pv = new FPreviewAR(); rprtBudgetAccounting rprt = new rprtBudgetAccounting(); DataSet ds; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetAccountingEntryForReport(budID, wbs); rprt.SetTitles(cust.Name + " / " + loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, proj.Description, proj.Number, bud.GetNumber(), wbs); rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; pv.projNumber = proj.Number; //*************************Added 6/29/15 pv.ViewReport(rprt); pv.ShowDialog(); }
private GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.Section.PagesCollection CreatePagesBudgetFormEntry(int budID, string wbs) { rprtBudgetAccounting rprt = new rprtBudgetAccounting(); DataSet ds; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetAccountingEntryForReport(budID, wbs); rprt.SetTitles(cust.Name + " / " + loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, proj.Description, proj.Number, bud.GetNumber(), wbs); rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; rprt.Run(false); return(rprt.Document.Pages); }
private void LoadItemList() { SqlDataReader dr; ListViewItem lvi; this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; dr = CBCustomer.GetList(); lvwItems.Items.Clear(); while (dr.Read()) { lvi = new ListViewItem(); lvi.Text = dr["ID"].ToString(); lvi.SubItems.Add(dr["Number"].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add(dr["Name"].ToString()); lvwItems.Items.Add(lvi); } lvwItems.ColumnClick += new ColumnClickEventHandler(lvwItems_ColumnClick); dr.Close(); dr = null; sbPanStatus.Text = lvwItems.Items.Count.ToString() + " customer(s)"; this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
public void PreviewBudgetDetails(int budID, string wbs) { FPreviewAR pv = new FPreviewAR(); rprtBudgetDetail rprt = new rprtBudgetDetail(); DataSet ds; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetDetailsForReport(budID, wbs); if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 1) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Staffing Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 2) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Engineering Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 3) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Pipeline Services Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 4) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Program Management Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 5) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "EPC Estimate Loaded Details"; } pv.projNumber = proj.Number; //***************************Added 6/25/15 // MessageBox.Show(pv.projNumber); rprt.SetTitles(cust.Name + " / " + loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, proj.Description, proj.Number, bud.GetNumber(), wbs); rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; pv.Title = rprt.MainReportTitle; //************************Added 10/1/2015 pv.ViewReport(rprt); pv.ShowDialog(); }
private void LoadScreenToObject() { CBCustomer c = new CBCustomer(); CBEmployee e = new CBEmployee(); CBRateSchedule rs = new CBRateSchedule(); moProj.Number = txtNumber.Text; moProj.Description = txtDescription.Text; moProj.CustomerProjNumber = txtCustomerNumber.Text; Func <ComboBox, int?> getId = (box) => { var selected = ((RSLib.COListItem)box.SelectedItem); return((selected != null) ? selected.ID : (int?)null); }; moProj.CustomerID = getId(cboCustomer) ?? moProj.CustomerID; moProj.LocationID = getId(cboLocation) ?? moProj.LocationID; moProj.ProjMngrID = getId(cboManager) ?? moProj.ProjMngrID; moProj.LeadProjMngrID = getId(cboManagerLead) ?? moProj.LeadProjMngrID; moProj.RelationshipMngrID = getId(cboRelationship) ?? moProj.RelationshipMngrID; moProj.RateSchedID = getId(cboRateSched) ?? moProj.RateSchedID; moProj.Multiplier = RevSol.RSMath.IsDecimalEx(txtMultiplier.Text); moProj.Overlay = RevSol.RSMath.IsDecimalEx(txtOverlay.Text); moProj.POAmount = txtPOAmount.Text; moProj.DateStart = dtpStart.Value; moProj.DateEnd = dtpEnd.Value; moProj.IsProposal = chkActiveProposal.Checked; moProj.IsBooked = chkIsBooked.Checked; moProj.IsActive = chkIsActive.Checked; moProj.IsGovernment = chkIsGovernment.Checked; moProj.IsMaster = chkIsMaster.Checked; if (cboMasterJobs.SelectedItem == null) { moProj.MasterID = 0; } else { moProj.MasterID = ((RSLib.COListItem)cboMasterJobs.SelectedItem).ID; } moProj.ReportingStatus = cboReportStatus.SelectedIndex; moProj.Notes = rtbNotes.Text; moProj.IsFixedRate = chkIsFixedRate.Checked; }
protected override void bttDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.bttDelete_Click(sender, e); int tmpID = Convert.ToInt32(lvwItems.SelectedItems[0].Text); string val = lvwItems.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text; DialogResult retVal = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure that you wish to remove \"" + val + "\"", "Remove Item", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (retVal == DialogResult.Yes) { CBCustomer.Delete(tmpID); LoadItemList(); } }
private GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.Section.PagesCollection CreatePagesBudgetDetails(int budID, string wbs) { rprtBudgetDetail rprt = new rprtBudgetDetail(); DataSet ds; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetDetailsForReport(budID, wbs); if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 1) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Staffing Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 2) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Engineering Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 3) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Pipeline Services Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 4) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Program Management Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 5) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "EPC Estimate Loaded Details"; } rprt.SetTitles(cust.Name + " / " + loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, proj.Description, proj.Number, bud.GetNumber(), wbs); rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; rprt.Run(false); return(rprt.Document.Pages); }
private void LoadPCNLog(int projectID) { CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBEmployee emp = new CBEmployee(); miProjectID = projectID; proj.Load(projectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); emp.Load(proj.ProjMngrID); emp.Load(proj.LeadProjMngrID); txtClient.Text = cust.Name; txtProjName.Text = proj.Description; txtHGANumber.Text = proj.Number; txtClientNumber.Text = proj.CustomerProjNumber; txtProjectManager.Text = emp.Name; mdsPCNLogs = CBBudgetPCN.GetPCNLogByProjID(projectID); tdbgPCNLogs.SetDataBinding(mdsPCNLogs, "Table", true); int hours, mh; decimal tic, dlr, trend; hours = 0; tic = 0; mh = 0; dlr = 0; trend = 0; CBBudgetPCN.GetPCILogTotalByProjID(projectID, ref hours, ref tic, ref mh, ref dlr, ref trend); txtTotalEngHrs.Text = hours.ToString(); txtTotalEngrTIC.Text = tic.ToString("#,##0"); txtBudgetMHAdd.Text = mh.ToString(); txtBudgetDlrAdd.Text = dlr.ToString("#,##0"); txtBudgetTrend.Text = trend.ToString("#,##0"); if (mdsPCNLogs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { tlbbPrint.Enabled = true; } else { tlbbPrint.Enabled = false; } }
private void ClearForm() { moCust = new CBCustomer(); txtNumber.Text = ""; txtName.Text = ""; mbItemChanged = false; lstLocations.Items.Clear(); bttEdit.Enabled = false; bttRemove.Enabled = false; bttOK.Enabled = false; bttApply.Enabled = false; //toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.grpLocation, "Save changes for customer to edit locations"); //toolTip1.Active = true; CreateRemovedDS(); }
private void LoadCustomerBox() { SqlDataReader dr; RSLib.COListItem li; dr = CBCustomer.GetList(); cboCustomer.Items.Clear(); while (dr.Read()) { li = new RSLib.COListItem(); li.ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); li.Description = dr["Name"].ToString(); cboCustomer.Items.Add(li); } dr.Close(); }
public void SetProject(int deptID, int projID, int weekID, decimal totPlan, decimal totFor, decimal totAct) { CBProject p = new CBProject(); CBWeekList w = new CBWeekList(); CBCustomer c = new CBCustomer(); CBProjectBudget pb = new CBProjectBudget(); CBDepartment d = new CBDepartment(); p.Load(projID); miProjID = projID; w.Load(weekID); c.Load(p.CustomerID); pb.Load(deptID, projID); d.Load(deptID); txtNumber.Text = p.Number; txtWeek.Text = w.StartOfWeek.ToShortDateString(); txtStartDate.Text = p.DateStart.ToShortDateString(); txtEndDate.Text = p.DateEnd.ToShortDateString(); txtDescription.Text = p.Description; txtCustomer.Text = c.Name; if (d.Name.Length > 5) { lblBudget.Text = d.Name.Substring(0, 5) + " Bugt.:"; } else { lblBudget.Text = d.Name + " Bugt.:"; } txtTotBudget.Text = pb.BudgetHrs.ToString(DISPFORMAT); txtTotPlanned.Text = totPlan.ToString(DISPFORMAT); txtTotForecast.Text = totFor.ToString(DISPFORMAT); txtTotActual.Text = totAct.ToString(DISPFORMAT); txtRemaining.Text = ((decimal)(totFor + totAct)).ToString(DISPFORMAT); }
private void LoadObjectToScreen() { CBCustomer c = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation l = new CBLocation(); CBEmployee e = new CBEmployee(); CBRateSchedule rs = new CBRateSchedule(); txtNumber.Text = moProj.Number; txtDescription.Text = moProj.Description; c.Load(moProj.CustomerID); cboCustomer.Text = c.Name; txtCustomerNumber.Text = moProj.CustomerProjNumber; LoadLocationBox(moProj.CustomerID); l.Load(moProj.LocationID); cboLocation.Text = l.FullName; e.Load(moProj.ProjMngrID); cboManager.Text = e.Name; e.Load(moProj.LeadProjMngrID); cboManagerLead.Text = e.Name; e.Load(moProj.RelationshipMngrID); cboRelationship.Text = e.Name; rs.Load(moProj.RateSchedID); cboRateSched.Text = rs.Name; if (rs.IsMultiplier == true) { lblMultiplier.Visible = true; txtMultiplier.Visible = true; txtMultiplier.Text = moProj.Multiplier.ToString("#,##0.00"); lblOverlay.Visible = true; txtOverlay.Visible = true; txtOverlay.Text = moProj.Overlay.ToString("#,##0.00"); } else { lblMultiplier.Visible = false; txtMultiplier.Visible = false; txtMultiplier.Text = "0.00"; lblOverlay.Visible = false; txtOverlay.Visible = false; txtOverlay.Text = "0.00"; } txtPOAmount.Text = moProj.POAmount; dtpStart.Value = moProj.DateStart; dtpEnd.Value = moProj.DateEnd; chkActiveProposal.Checked = moProj.IsProposal; chkIsBooked.Checked = moProj.IsBooked; chkIsActive.Checked = moProj.IsActive; chkIsGovernment.Checked = moProj.IsGovernment; chkIsMaster.Checked = moProj.IsMaster; chkIsFixedRate.Checked = moProj.IsFixedRate; if (moProj.MasterID > 0) { cboMasterJobs.Text = CBProject.GetNumberByID(moProj.MasterID); } cboReportStatus.SelectedIndex = moProj.ReportingStatus; rtbNotes.Text = moProj.Notes; mdsBudget = CBProjectBudget.GetListDSByProjID(moProj.ID); tdbgBudget.SetDataBinding(mdsBudget, "Table", true); TotalBudget(); RSLib.COSecurity sec = new RSLib.COSecurity(); CBUser u = new CBUser(); sec.InitAppSettings(); u.Load(sec.UserID); if (u.IsAdministrator == true || u.IsEngineerAdmin == true) { chkActiveProposal.Enabled = true; chkIsActive.Enabled = true; chkIsBooked.Enabled = true; } }
public void PreviewBudgetSummary(int budID, string wbs, bool rate) //***********************Added 7/22/2015 { FPreviewAR pv = new FPreviewAR(); rprtBudgetSummary1 rprt = new rprtBudgetSummary1(); DataSet ds; int totalHours; decimal totalHourDollars; decimal totalExpenses; decimal contingency; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); totalHours = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetHours(budID, wbs); totalHourDollars = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetHourDollars(budID, wbs); totalExpenses = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetExpenses(budID); contingency = CBBudget.GetContingencyForBudget(budID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetSummaryForReport(budID, wbs); //ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetSummaryForReport(budID, wbs); if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 1) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Staffing Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 2) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Engineering Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 3) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Pipeline Services Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 4) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Program Management Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 5) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "EPC Estimate Loaded Summary"; } rprt.SetTitles(proj.Number, proj.Description, bud.GetNumber(), cust.Name, loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, wbs); rprt.TotalHours = totalHours; rprt.TotalHourDollars = totalHourDollars; rprt.TotalExpenses = totalExpenses; rprt.Contingency = contingency; rprt.Rate = rate; rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; pv.projNumber = proj.Number; // **************************Added 6/29/2015 ************************** if (rate == false) //************************Added 10/1/2015 { pv.Title = rprt.MainReportTitle + "WO Rate"; } else { pv.Title = rprt.MainReportTitle; } pv.ViewReport(rprt); pv.ShowDialog(); }
private GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.Section.PagesCollection CreatePagesBudgetSummary(int budID, string wbs) { rprtBudgetSummary1 rprt = new rprtBudgetSummary1(); DataSet ds; int totalHours; decimal totalHourDollars; decimal totalExpenses; decimal contingency; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); totalHours = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetHours(budID, wbs); totalHourDollars = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetHourDollars(budID, wbs); totalExpenses = CBBudget.GetTotalBudgetExpenses(budID); contingency = CBBudget.GetContingencyForBudget(budID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetSummaryForReport(budID, wbs); if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 1) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Staffing Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 2) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Engineering Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 3) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Pipeline Services Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 4) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Program Management Estimate Loaded Summary"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 5) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "EPC Estimate Loaded Summary"; } rprt.SetTitles(proj.Number, proj.Description, bud.GetNumber(), cust.Name, loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, wbs); rprt.TotalHours = totalHours; rprt.TotalHourDollars = totalHourDollars; rprt.TotalExpenses = totalExpenses; rprt.Contingency = contingency; rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; rprt.Run(false); return(rprt.Document.Pages); }
public void Show_BudgetDetails(int budID, string wbs) //**************************Added 6/22/15 { FPreviewAR pv = new FPreviewAR(); rprtBudgetDetail rprt = new rprtBudgetDetail(); DataSet ds; CBBudget bud = new CBBudget(); CBProject proj = new CBProject(); CBCustomer cust = new CBCustomer(); CBLocation loc = new CBLocation(); CBState state = new CBState(); bud.Load(budID); proj.Load(bud.ProjectID); cust.Load(proj.CustomerID); loc.Load(proj.LocationID); state.Load(loc.StateID); ds = CBBudget.GetBudgetDetailsForReport(budID, wbs); if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 1) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Staffing Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 2) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Engineering Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 3) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Pipeline Services Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 4) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "Program Management Estimate Loaded Details"; } if (proj.BusinessUnit() == 5) { rprt.MainReportTitle = "EPC Estimate Loaded Details"; } rprt.SetTitles(cust.Name + " / " + loc.City + "," + state.Abbrev, proj.Description, proj.Number, bud.GetNumber(), wbs); rprt.DataSource = ds; rprt.DataMember = "Table"; //pv.ViewReport(rprt); //pv.ShowDialog(); GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.PdfExport PDFEx = new GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.PdfExport(); pv.Title = rprt.MainReportTitle; //************************Added 10/1/2015 rprt.Run(); SaveFileDialog sv1 = new SaveFileDialog(); sv1.Filter = "PDF Files | *.pdf"; sv1.DefaultExt = "pdf"; //PDFEx.FileFormat = GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.FileFormat.Xlsx; if (sv1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // ee.ExportBudgetForPrimavera(saveFileDialog1.FileName, moPCN.ID); PDFEx.Export(rprt.Document, sv1.FileName); } }