public void loadArchieve(long pDetailId) { var a = new RsafDbContext(); var query = from c in a.RSAF_ARCHIVE where c.DETAIL_ID == pDetailId select c; foreach (var row in query) { this.TxANSPSI.Text = row.ANSPSI; if (row.ANSPSIDT != null) { this.DtANSPSIDT.Value = DateTime.Parse(row.ANSPSIDT.Value.ToShortDateString()); } this.TxANSRVREF.Text = row.ANSRVREF; if (row.DESPARDT != null) { this.DtDESPARDT.Value = DateTime.Parse(row.DESPARDT.Value.ToShortDateString()); } this.TxDESPPART.Text = row.DESPPART; if (row.INTOROS != null) { this.DtINTOROS.Value = DateTime.Parse(row.INTOROS.Value.ToShortDateString()); } if (row.PROMDATE != null) { this.DtPROMDATE.Value = DateTime.Parse(row.PROMDATE.Value.ToShortDateString()); } this.TxRCD.Text = row.RCD.ToString(); this.TxRECDOC.Text = row.RECDOC; if (row.RECDPART != null) { this.DtRECDPART.Value = DateTime.Parse(row.RECDPART.Value.ToShortDateString()); } this.TxACC_DM.Text = row.ACC_DM.ToString(); this.TxREF.Text = row.REF; this.TxRVREF.Text = row.RVREF; this.TxSCRPREF.Text = row.SCRPREF; this.TxX.Text = row.X.ToString(); this.TxDESCRIPTION.Text = row.DESCRIPTION; if (row.PREVIOUS_PROMISE_DATE != null) { this.DtPREVIOUS_PROMISE_DATE.Value = DateTime.Parse(row.PREVIOUS_PROMISE_DATE.Value.ToShortDateString()); } } a.Dispose(); }
public POMasterForm(PODetailForm detailForm) { InitializeComponent(); DetailForm = detailForm; List <RSAF_TYPE> listType = new List <RSAF_TYPE>(); var a = new RsafDbContext(); listType = a.RSAF_TYPE.ToList(); a.Dispose(); CxTYPE.DataSource = listType; CxTYPE.DisplayMember = "TYPE"; CxTYPE.ValueMember = "TYPE_CODE"; List <RSAF_SITE> listSite = new List <RSAF_SITE>(); var b = new RsafDbContext(); listSite = b.RSAF_SITE.ToList(); b.Dispose(); CxSITE.DataSource = listSite; CxSITE.DisplayMember = "SITE"; CxSITE.ValueMember = "SITE_CODE"; }
private void ArrangeFields() { SearchFields x = CxSearchField.SelectedItem as SearchFields; List <SearchCriterias> textCriteria = new List <SearchCriterias>(); textCriteria.Add(new SearchCriterias() { Id = "E", Name = "Equals" }); textCriteria.Add(new SearchCriterias() { Id = "C", Name = "Contains" }); List <SearchCriterias> otherCriteria = new List <SearchCriterias>(); otherCriteria.Add(new SearchCriterias() { Id = "E", Name = "Equals" }); TxValue.Text = ""; CbValue.Checked = false; switch (x.ValueType) { case ValueTypes.Text: CbValue.Visible = false; CxValue.Visible = false; DtValue.Visible = false; TxValue.Visible = true; CxSearchCriteria.DataSource = textCriteria; CxSearchCriteria.ValueMember = "Id"; CxSearchCriteria.DisplayMember = "Name"; break; case ValueTypes.CheckBox: CbValue.Visible = true; CxValue.Visible = false; DtValue.Visible = false; TxValue.Visible = false; CxSearchCriteria.DataSource = otherCriteria; CxSearchCriteria.ValueMember = "Id"; CxSearchCriteria.DisplayMember = "Name"; break; case ValueTypes.ComboBox: CbValue.Visible = false; CxValue.Visible = true; DtValue.Visible = false; TxValue.Visible = false; CxSearchCriteria.DataSource = otherCriteria; CxSearchCriteria.ValueMember = "Id"; CxSearchCriteria.DisplayMember = "Name"; switch (x.Id) { case "TYPE": List <RSAF_TYPE> listType = new List <RSAF_TYPE>(); var a = new RsafDbContext(); listType = a.RSAF_TYPE.ToList(); a.Dispose(); CxValue.DataSource = listType; CxValue.DisplayMember = "TYPE"; CxValue.ValueMember = "TYPE_CODE"; break; case "SITE": List <RSAF_SITE> listSite = new List <RSAF_SITE>(); var b = new RsafDbContext(); listSite = b.RSAF_SITE.ToList(); b.Dispose(); CxValue.DataSource = listSite; CxValue.DisplayMember = "SITE"; CxValue.ValueMember = "SITE_CODE"; break; } break; case ValueTypes.DateTime: CbValue.Visible = false; CxValue.Visible = false; DtValue.Visible = true; DtValue.CustomFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; TxValue.Visible = false; CxSearchCriteria.DataSource = otherCriteria; CxSearchCriteria.ValueMember = "Id"; CxSearchCriteria.DisplayMember = "Name"; break; } }
private void BtUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TxBAEPART.Text != "" && TxBAEPO.Text != "" && CxSITE.SelectedIndex != -1 && CxTYPE.SelectedIndex != -1) { /////////////////////////////// /// /// SAVE CHANGES /// /////////////////////////////// if (DetailForm.TxBAEPART.Text == this.TxBAEPART.Text && DetailForm.TxBAEPO.Text == this.TxBAEPO.Text && DetailForm.CxSITE.SelectedIndex == this.CxSITE.SelectedIndex && DetailForm.CxTYPE.SelectedIndex == this.CxTYPE.SelectedIndex) { MessageBox.Show("There is no change!", "Information"); } else { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to change the PO header values?", "Confirm PO Header Changes", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { long newmasterId = 0; List <RSAF_MASTER> lMaster = new List <RSAF_MASTER>(); var b = new RsafDbContext(); lMaster = b.RSAF_MASTER.Where(c => c.BAEPART == this.TxBAEPART.Text.ToString() && c.BAEPO == this.TxBAEPO.Text.ToString() && c.SITE == this.CxSITE.SelectedValue.ToString() && c.TYPE == this.CxTYPE.SelectedValue.ToString()).ToList(); if (lMaster != null) { foreach (var x in lMaster) { newmasterId = lMaster.First().MASTER_ID; } } b.Dispose(); if (newmasterId == 0) { var a = new RsafDbContext(); var masterPO = a.RSAF_MASTER.Find(masterId); if (DetailForm.TxBAEPART.Text != this.TxBAEPART.Text) { masterPO.BAEPART = this.TxBAEPART.Text; } if (DetailForm.TxBAEPO.Text != this.TxBAEPO.Text) { masterPO.BAEPO = this.TxBAEPO.Text; } if (DetailForm.CxSITE.SelectedIndex != this.CxSITE.SelectedIndex) { masterPO.SITE = this.CxSITE.SelectedValue.ToString(); } if (DetailForm.CxTYPE.SelectedIndex != this.CxTYPE.SelectedIndex) { masterPO.TYPE = this.CxTYPE.SelectedValue.ToString(); } a.SaveChanges(); a.Dispose(); DetailForm.TxBAEPART.Text = this.TxBAEPART.Text; DetailForm.TxBAEPO.Text = this.TxBAEPO.Text; DetailForm.CxSITE.SelectedIndex = this.CxSITE.SelectedIndex; DetailForm.CxTYPE.SelectedIndex = this.CxTYPE.SelectedIndex; MessageBox.Show("PO header has been successfully updated!", "Information"); DetailForm.toolStripStatusLabel.Text = "Changed Purchase Order Header"; Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("PO header could not updated because there is already a PO which has the same header values. Check them first, please!", "Error"); } } } } }