internal RSACryptoSystem(BackgroundWorker UseWorker, RSACryptoWorkerInfo UseWInfo) { Worker = UseWorker; WorkerInfo = UseWInfo; StartTime = new ECTime(); StartTime.SetToNow(); RngCsp = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); IntMath = new IntegerMath(null); IntMathForP = new IntegerMath(null); IntMathForQ = new IntegerMath(null); // Worker.ReportProgress( 0, IntMath.GetStatusString() ); Quotient = new Integer(); Remainder = new Integer(); PrimeP = new Integer(); PrimeQ = new Integer(); PrimePMinus1 = new Integer(); PrimeQMinus1 = new Integer(); PubKeyN = new Integer(); PubKeyExponent = new Integer(); PrivKInverseExponent = new Integer(); PrivKInverseExponentDP = new Integer(); PrivKInverseExponentDQ = new Integer(); QInv = new Integer(); PhiN = new Integer(); TestForDecrypt = new Integer(); M1ForInverse = new Integer(); M2ForInverse = new Integer(); HForQInv = new Integer(); M1MinusM2 = new Integer(); M1M2SizeDiff = new Integer(); PubKeyExponent.SetFromULong(PubKeyExponentUint); }
internal void Copy(ECTime ToCopy) { // This won't be quite exact since it's to the nearest millisecond. UTCTime = new DateTime(ToCopy.GetYear(), ToCopy.GetMonth(), ToCopy.GetDay(), ToCopy.GetHour(), ToCopy.GetMinute(), ToCopy.GetSecond(), ToCopy.GetMillisecond(), DateTimeKind.Utc); // DateTimeKind.Local }
internal bool DecryptWithQInverse(Integer EncryptedNumber, Integer DecryptedNumber, Integer TestDecryptedNumber, Integer PubKeyN, Integer PrivKInverseExponentDP, Integer PrivKInverseExponentDQ, Integer PrimeP, Integer PrimeQ, BackgroundWorker Worker) { Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Top of DecryptWithQInverse()."); // QInv and the dP and dQ numbers are normally already set up before // you start your listening socket. ECTime DecryptTime = new ECTime(); DecryptTime.SetToNow(); // See section 5.1.2 of RFC 2437 for these steps: // // 2.2 Let m_1 = c^dP mod p. // 2.3 Let m_2 = c^dQ mod q. // 2.4 Let h = qInv ( m_1 - m_2 ) mod p. // 2.5 Let m = m_2 + hq. Worker.ReportProgress(0, "EncryptedNumber: " + IntMath.ToString10(EncryptedNumber)); // 2.2 Let m_1 = c^dP mod p. TestForDecrypt.Copy(EncryptedNumber); IntMathForP.ModReduction.ModularPower(TestForDecrypt, PrivKInverseExponentDP, PrimeP, true); if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return(false); } M1ForInverse.Copy(TestForDecrypt); // 2.3 Let m_2 = c^dQ mod q. TestForDecrypt.Copy(EncryptedNumber); IntMathForQ.ModReduction.ModularPower(TestForDecrypt, PrivKInverseExponentDQ, PrimeQ, true); if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return(false); } M2ForInverse.Copy(TestForDecrypt); // 2.4 Let h = qInv ( m_1 - m_2 ) mod p. // How many is optimal to avoid the division? int HowManyIsOptimal = (PrimeP.GetIndex() * 3); for (int Count = 0; Count < HowManyIsOptimal; Count++) { if (M1ForInverse.ParamIsGreater(M2ForInverse)) { M1ForInverse.Add(PrimeP); } else { break; } } if (M1ForInverse.ParamIsGreater(M2ForInverse)) { M1M2SizeDiff.Copy(M2ForInverse); IntMath.Subtract(M1M2SizeDiff, M1ForInverse); // Unfortunately this long Divide() has to be done. IntMath.Divider.Divide(M1M2SizeDiff, PrimeP, Quotient, Remainder); Quotient.AddULong(1); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "The Quotient for M1M2SizeDiff is: " + IntMath.ToString10(Quotient)); IntMath.Multiply(Quotient, PrimeP); M1ForInverse.Add(Quotient); } M1MinusM2.Copy(M1ForInverse); IntMath.Subtract(M1MinusM2, M2ForInverse); if (M1MinusM2.IsNegative) { throw(new Exception("M1MinusM2.IsNegative is true.")); } if (QInv.IsNegative) { throw(new Exception("QInv.IsNegative is true.")); } HForQInv.Copy(M1MinusM2); IntMath.Multiply(HForQInv, QInv); if (HForQInv.IsNegative) { throw(new Exception("HForQInv.IsNegative is true.")); } if (PrimeP.ParamIsGreater(HForQInv)) { IntMath.Divider.Divide(HForQInv, PrimeP, Quotient, Remainder); HForQInv.Copy(Remainder); } // 2.5 Let m = m_2 + hq. DecryptedNumber.Copy(HForQInv); IntMath.Multiply(DecryptedNumber, PrimeQ); DecryptedNumber.Add(M2ForInverse); if (!TestDecryptedNumber.IsEqual(DecryptedNumber)) { throw(new Exception("!TestDecryptedNumber.IsEqual( DecryptedNumber ).")); } Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "DecryptedNumber: " + IntMath.ToString10(DecryptedNumber)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "TestDecryptedNumber: " + IntMath.ToString10(TestDecryptedNumber)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Decrypt with QInv time seconds: " + DecryptTime.GetSecondsToNow().ToString("N2")); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); return(true); }
internal void MakeRSAKeys() { int ShowBits = (PrimeIndex + 1) * 32; // int TestLoops = 0; Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Making RSA keys."); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Bits size is: " + ShowBits.ToString()); // ulong Loops = 0; while (true) { if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } Thread.Sleep(1); // Let other things run. // Make two prime factors. // Normally you'd only make new primes when you pay the Certificate // Authority for a new certificate. if (!MakeAPrime(PrimeP, PrimeIndex, 20)) { return; } if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } if (!MakeAPrime(PrimeQ, PrimeIndex, 20)) { return; } if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } // This is extremely unlikely. Integer Gcd = new Integer(); IntMath.GreatestCommonDivisor(PrimeP, PrimeQ, Gcd); if (!Gcd.IsOne()) { Worker.ReportProgress(0, "They had a GCD: " + IntMath.ToString10(Gcd)); continue; } if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } IntMath.GreatestCommonDivisor(PrimeP, PubKeyExponent, Gcd); if (!Gcd.IsOne()) { Worker.ReportProgress(0, "They had a GCD with PubKeyExponent: " + IntMath.ToString10(Gcd)); continue; } if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } IntMath.GreatestCommonDivisor(PrimeQ, PubKeyExponent, Gcd); if (!Gcd.IsOne()) { Worker.ReportProgress(0, "2) They had a GCD with PubKeyExponent: " + IntMath.ToString10(Gcd)); continue; } // For Modular Reduction. This only has to be done // once, when P and Q are made. IntMathForP.ModReduction.SetupGeneralBaseArray(PrimeP); IntMathForQ.ModReduction.SetupGeneralBaseArray(PrimeQ); PrimePMinus1.Copy(PrimeP); IntMath.SubtractULong(PrimePMinus1, 1); PrimeQMinus1.Copy(PrimeQ); IntMath.SubtractULong(PrimeQMinus1, 1); if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } // These checks should be more thorough to // make sure the primes P and Q are numbers // that can be used in a secure way. Worker.ReportProgress(0, "The Index of Prime P is: " + PrimeP.GetIndex().ToString()); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Prime P:"); Worker.ReportProgress(0, IntMath.ToString10(PrimeP)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Prime Q:"); Worker.ReportProgress(0, IntMath.ToString10(PrimeQ)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); PubKeyN.Copy(PrimeP); IntMath.Multiply(PubKeyN, PrimeQ); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "PubKeyN:"); Worker.ReportProgress(0, IntMath.ToString10(PubKeyN)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); // Test Division: Integer QuotientTest = new Integer(); Integer RemainderTest = new Integer(); IntMath.Divider.Divide(PubKeyN, PrimeP, QuotientTest, RemainderTest); if (!RemainderTest.IsZero()) { throw(new Exception("RemainderTest should be zero after divide by PrimeP.")); } IntMath.Multiply(QuotientTest, PrimeP); if (!QuotientTest.IsEqual(PubKeyN)) { throw(new Exception("QuotientTest didn't come out right.")); } // Euler's Theorem: //'s_theorem // ========== // Work on the Least Common Multiple thing for // P - 1 and Q - 1. // ===== IntMath.GreatestCommonDivisor(PrimePMinus1, PrimeQMinus1, Gcd); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "GCD of PrimePMinus1, PrimeQMinus1 is: " + IntMath.ToString10(Gcd)); if (!Gcd.IsULong()) { Worker.ReportProgress(0, "This GCD number is too big: " + IntMath.ToString10(Gcd)); continue; } else { ulong TooBig = Gcd.GetAsULong(); // How big of a GCD is too big? // ============== if (TooBig > 1234567) { // (P - 1)(Q - 1) + (P - 1) + (Q - 1) = PQ - 1 Worker.ReportProgress(0, "This GCD number is bigger than 1234567: " + IntMath.ToString10(Gcd)); continue; } } Integer Temp1 = new Integer(); PhiN.Copy(PrimePMinus1); Temp1.Copy(PrimeQMinus1); IntMath.Multiply(PhiN, Temp1); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "PhiN:"); Worker.ReportProgress(0, IntMath.ToString10(PhiN)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } // In RFC 2437 there are commonly used letters/symbols to represent // the numbers used. So the number e is the public exponent. // The number e that is used here is called PubKeyExponentUint = 65537. // In the RFC the private key d is the multiplicative inverse of // e mod PhiN. Which is mod (P - 1)(Q - 1). It's called // PrivKInverseExponent here. if (!IntMath.FindMultiplicativeInverseSmall(PrivKInverseExponent, PubKeyExponent, PhiN, Worker)) { return; } if (PrivKInverseExponent.IsZero()) { continue; } Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "PrivKInverseExponent: " + IntMath.ToString10(PrivKInverseExponent)); if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } // In RFC 2437 it defines a number dP which is the multiplicative // inverse, mod (P - 1) of e. That dP is named PrivKInverseExponentDP here. Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); if (!IntMath.FindMultiplicativeInverseSmall(PrivKInverseExponentDP, PubKeyExponent, PrimePMinus1, Worker)) { return; } Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "PrivKInverseExponentDP: " + IntMath.ToString10(PrivKInverseExponentDP)); if (PrivKInverseExponentDP.IsZero()) { continue; } // PrivKInverseExponentDP is PrivKInverseExponent mod PrimePMinus1. Integer Test1 = new Integer(); Test1.Copy(PrivKInverseExponent); IntMath.Divider.Divide(Test1, PrimePMinus1, Quotient, Remainder); Test1.Copy(Remainder); if (!Test1.IsEqual(PrivKInverseExponentDP)) { throw(new Exception("This does not match the definition of PrivKInverseExponentDP.")); } if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } // In RFC 2437 it defines a number dQ which is the multiplicative // inverse, mod (Q - 1) of e. That dQ is named PrivKInverseExponentDQ here. Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); if (!IntMath.FindMultiplicativeInverseSmall(PrivKInverseExponentDQ, PubKeyExponent, PrimeQMinus1, Worker)) { return; } if (PrivKInverseExponentDQ.IsZero()) { continue; } Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "PrivKInverseExponentDQ: " + IntMath.ToString10(PrivKInverseExponentDQ)); if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } Test1.Copy(PrivKInverseExponent); IntMath.Divider.Divide(Test1, PrimeQMinus1, Quotient, Remainder); Test1.Copy(Remainder); if (!Test1.IsEqual(PrivKInverseExponentDQ)) { throw(new Exception("This does not match the definition of PrivKInverseExponentDQ.")); } // Make a random number to test encryption/decryption. Integer ToEncrypt = new Integer(); int HowManyBytes = PrimeIndex * 4; byte[] RandBytes = MakeRandomBytes(HowManyBytes); if (RandBytes == null) { Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Error making random bytes in MakeRSAKeys()."); return; } if (!ToEncrypt.MakeRandomOdd(PrimeIndex - 1, RandBytes)) { Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Error making random number ToEncrypt."); return; } Integer PlainTextNumber = new Integer(); PlainTextNumber.Copy(ToEncrypt); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Before encrypting number: " + IntMath.ToString10(ToEncrypt)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); IntMath.ModReduction.ModularPower(ToEncrypt, PubKeyExponent, PubKeyN, false); if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } // Worker.ReportProgress( 0, IntMath.GetStatusString() ); Integer CipherTextNumber = new Integer(); CipherTextNumber.Copy(ToEncrypt); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Encrypted number: " + IntMath.ToString10(CipherTextNumber)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); ECTime DecryptTime = new ECTime(); DecryptTime.SetToNow(); IntMath.ModReduction.ModularPower(ToEncrypt, PrivKInverseExponent, PubKeyN, false); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Decrypted number: " + IntMath.ToString10(ToEncrypt)); if (!PlainTextNumber.IsEqual(ToEncrypt)) { throw(new Exception("PlainTextNumber not equal to unencrypted value.")); // Because P or Q wasn't really a prime? // Worker.ReportProgress( 0, "PlainTextNumber not equal to unencrypted value." ); // continue; } Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Decrypt time seconds: " + DecryptTime.GetSecondsToNow().ToString("N2")); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } // Test the standard optimized way of decrypting: if (!ToEncrypt.MakeRandomOdd(PrimeIndex - 1, RandBytes)) { Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Error making random number in MakeRSAKeys()."); return; } PlainTextNumber.Copy(ToEncrypt); IntMath.ModReduction.ModularPower(ToEncrypt, PubKeyExponent, PubKeyN, false); if (Worker.CancellationPending) { return; } CipherTextNumber.Copy(ToEncrypt); // QInv is the multiplicative inverse of PrimeQ mod PrimeP. if (!IntMath.MultiplicativeInverse(PrimeQ, PrimeP, QInv, Worker)) { throw(new Exception("MultiplicativeInverse() returned false.")); } if (QInv.IsNegative) { throw(new Exception("QInv is negative.")); } Worker.ReportProgress(0, "QInv is: " + IntMath.ToString10(QInv)); DecryptWithQInverse(CipherTextNumber, ToEncrypt, // Decrypt it to this. PlainTextNumber, // Test it against this. PubKeyN, PrivKInverseExponentDP, PrivKInverseExponentDQ, PrimeP, PrimeQ, Worker); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Found the values:"); Worker.ReportProgress(0, "Seconds: " + StartTime.GetSecondsToNow().ToString("N0")); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(1, "Prime1: " + IntMath.ToString10(PrimeP)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(1, "Prime2: " + IntMath.ToString10(PrimeQ)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(1, "PubKeyN: " + IntMath.ToString10(PubKeyN)); Worker.ReportProgress(0, " "); Worker.ReportProgress(1, "PrivKInverseExponent: " + IntMath.ToString10(PrivKInverseExponent)); // return; // Comment this out to just leave it while( true ) for testing. } }