public void SetInvoice(Invoice invoice,bool caller,DateTime date,DriverInfo driver,int selection) { inputinvoice = invoice; this.caller = caller; this.viewdate = date; this.driverinfo = driver; this.selection = selection; }
public void SetInvoice(Invoice invoice,int caller,DateTime date,DriverInfo driver,bool flag) { this.flag = flag; inputinvoice = invoice; this.caller = caller; this.viewdate = date; this.driverinfo = driver; currentgeodata = new GeoData(); }
void bw1_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { try { ThreadArgs results= (ThreadArgs)e.Result; if (listInvoices.SelectedIndex == results.selection) { GeoData currentgeodata = results.geodata; Invoice newinvoice = new Invoice(viewinvoices[listInvoices.SelectedIndex].number, viewinvoices[listInvoices.SelectedIndex].value, viewinvoices[listInvoices.SelectedIndex].due, viewinvoices[listInvoices.SelectedIndex].customername, currentgeodata.street[0], "",[0], currentgeodata.state[0],[0], currentgeodata.longitude[0], currentgeodata.latitude[0], viewinvoices[listInvoices.SelectedIndex].delivered); mysql_invoices.UpdateInvoice(newinvoice, viewinvoices[listInvoices.SelectedIndex]); viewinvoices[listInvoices.SelectedIndex] = newinvoice; findAddress.Image = RRS.Properties.Resources.greencheck; if (pointadded == true) { webkitBrowser2.StringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString("map.removeShape(current);"); } webkitBrowser2.StringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString("var current=new MQA.Poi( {lat:" + viewinvoices[listInvoices.SelectedIndex].latitude + ", lng:" + viewinvoices[listInvoices.SelectedIndex].longitude + "} );"); webkitBrowser2.StringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString("map.addShape(current);"); pointadded = true; } else { } } catch { findAddress.Image = RRS.Properties.Resources.redx; } }
void bw1_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { try { ThreadArgs threadargs = (ThreadArgs)e.Result; GeoData currentgeodata = threadargs.geodata; if (threadargs.list == 2) { int index = threadargs.selection; Invoice newinvoice = new Invoice(viewinvoices[index].number, viewinvoices[index].value, viewinvoices[index].due, viewinvoices[index].customername, currentgeodata.street[0], "",[0], currentgeodata.state[0],[0], currentgeodata.longitude[0], currentgeodata.latitude[0], viewinvoices[index].delivered); mysql_invoices.UpdateInvoice(newinvoice, viewinvoices[index]); viewinvoices[index] = newinvoice; findAddress.Image = RRS.Properties.Resources.greencheck; } if (threadargs.list == 1) { int index=threadargs.selection; Invoice newinvoice = new Invoice(scheduledinvoices[index].number, scheduledinvoices[index].value, scheduledinvoices[index].due, scheduledinvoices[index].customername, currentgeodata.street[0], "",[0], currentgeodata.state[0],[0], currentgeodata.longitude[0], currentgeodata.latitude[0], scheduledinvoices[index].delivered); mysql_invoices.UpdateInvoice(newinvoice, scheduledinvoices[index]); scheduledinvoices[index] = newinvoice; findAddress.Image = RRS.Properties.Resources.greencheck; } } catch { findAddress.Image = RRS.Properties.Resources.redx; } }
private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //check blank fields if (textInvoice.Text == "" || textValue.Text == "" || textCustomer.Text == "" || textStreet.Text == "" || textCity.Text == "" || textState.Text == "") { toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Some required fields are blank."; return; } string pattern = @"^\$?\-?([1-9]{1}[0-9]{0,2}(\,\d{3})*(\.\d{0,2})?|[1-9]{1}\d{0,}(\.\d{0,2})?|0(\.\d{0,2})?|(\.\d{1,2}))$|^\-?\$?([1-9]{1}\d{0,2}(\,\d{3})*(\.\d{0,2})?|[1-9]{1}\d{0,}(\.\d{0,2})?|0(\.\d{0,2})?|(\.\d{1,2}))$|^\(\$?([1-9]{1}\d{0,2}(\,\d{3})*(\.\d{0,2})?|[1-9]{1}\d{0,}(\.\d{0,2})?|0(\.\d{0,2})?|(\.\d{1,2}))\)$"; if (!Regex.IsMatch(textValue.Text, pattern)) { textValue.Focus(); toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Value must be a U.S. dollar amount (dollar symbol is optional)."; return; } pattern = @"^[0-9]+$"; if (!Regex.IsMatch(textInvoice.Text, pattern)) { textInvoice.Focus(); toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Invoice number must be a number."; return; } newinvoice = new Invoice(Int32.Parse(textInvoice.Text), DataFormat.FormatMoneyToInt(textValue.Text), currentday, textCustomer.Text, textStreet.Text, "", textCity.Text, textState.Text, textZip.Text, longitude, latitude, currentday.AddYears(1)); List < Invoice > toadd = new List<Invoice>(); toadd.Add(newinvoice); mysql_invoices.AddInvoices(toadd,false); } catch { toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Failed to update invoice."; return; } if (flag == true) { DeliverySchedule deliveryschedule = new DeliverySchedule(); deliveryschedule.SetDate(currentday,0); deliveryschedule.Show(); this.Close(); } else { ConfigureTruckRoute configureroute = new ConfigureTruckRoute(); configureroute.SetData(currentday, driver); configureroute.Show(); } this.Close(); }
private void EditInvoice_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { textInvoice.Text = ""; textValue.Text = ""; textCustomer.Text = ""; textStreet.Text = ""; textCity.Text = ""; textZip.Text = ""; textState.Text = ""; listAddresses.Items.Clear(); listAddresses.Enabled = false; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ""; mysql_invoices = new MySQL_Invoices(GlobalVar.sqlhost, GlobalVar.sqlport, GlobalVar.sqldatabase, GlobalVar.sqlusername, ""); newinvoice = mysql_invoices.GetInvoice(inputinvoice.number); if (newinvoice != null) { textInvoice.Text = newinvoice.number.ToString(); textValue.Text = DataFormat.FormatMoneyToString(newinvoice.value); if(newinvoice.addr1!="") { textStreet.Text = newinvoice.addr1; } else { textStreet.Text = newinvoice.addr2; } textCustomer.Text = newinvoice.customername; textCity.Text =; textZip.Text =; textState.Text = newinvoice.state; } else { Cancel_Click(null, null); } } catch { Cancel_Click(null, null); } }
public List<LineItem> GetLineItems(Invoice invoice) { List<LineItem> lineitems = new List<LineItem>(); try { MySqlConnection theconnection = Connect(); List<DriverInfo> drivers = new List<DriverInfo>(); MySqlDataReader rdr = Select("SELECT * FROM invoice_line_data WHERE inl_inv_number='" + invoice.number+ "';", theconnection); while (rdr.Read()) { LineItem toinsert = new LineItem((int)rdr[0],(int)rdr[1],(string)rdr[2],(int)rdr[3]); lineitems.Add(toinsert); } Disconnect(); return (lineitems); } catch { Disconnect(); return (null); } }
public bool UpdateInvoice(Invoice invoice,Invoice originalinvoice) { try { MySqlConnection theconnection = Connect(); invoice.customername = invoice.customername.Replace("\'", "\\'"); invoice.customername = invoice.customername.Replace("\"", "\\\""); string updatequery = "UPDATE invoice_data SET `INV_NUMBER`=" + invoice.number + ", `INV_SALES_AMOUNT`=" + invoice.value + ", `INV_DUE_DATE`='" + invoice.due.ToShortDateString() + "', `INV_CUSTOMER_NAME`='" + invoice.customername + "', `INV_ADDR_LN1`='" + invoice.addr1 + "',`INV_ADDR_LN2`='" + invoice.addr2 + "', `INV_CITY`='" + + "', `INV_STATE`='" + invoice.state + "', `INV_ZIP`='" + + "', `INV_LATITUDE`=" + invoice.latitude + ", `INV_LONGITUDE`=" + invoice.longitude + ", `INV_DELIVERED_DATE`='" + invoice.delivered.ToShortDateString() + "' WHERE `INV_NUMBER`="+originalinvoice.number+";"; Update(updatequery, theconnection); //do line items updatequery = "UPDATE invoice_line_data SET `INL_INV_NUMBER`=" + invoice.number + " WHERE `INL_INV_NUMBER`=" + originalinvoice.number + ";"; Update(updatequery, theconnection); Disconnect(); return (true); } catch { Disconnect(); return (false); } }
public List<Invoice> GetInvoices(DateTime date) { StreamWriter sw=new StreamWriter("test.txt"); sw.WriteLine("test"); List<Invoice> invoices = new List<Invoice>(); try { MySqlConnection theconnection = Connect(); List<DriverInfo> drivers = new List<DriverInfo>(); string selectquery = "SELECT * FROM INVOICE_DATA WHERE inv_due_date LIKE '%" + date.ToShortDateString() + "%' OR inv_due_date LIKE '%" + date.ToString("M/d/yy") + "%' OR inv_due_date LIKE '%" + date.ToString("M/d/yyyy") + "%' OR inv_due_date LIKE '%" + date.ToString("MM/d/yy") + "%';"; MySqlDataReader rdr = Select(selectquery, theconnection); sw.WriteLine(selectquery); while (rdr.Read()) { Invoice toinsert = new Invoice((int)rdr[0], (int)rdr[1], DateTime.Parse((string)rdr[2]), (string)rdr[3], (string)rdr[4], (string)rdr[5], (string)rdr[6], (string)rdr[7], (string)rdr[8], (double)rdr[9], (double)rdr[10], DateTime.Parse((string)rdr[11])); sw.WriteLine((string)rdr[3]); invoices.Add(toinsert); } } catch { sw.WriteLine("test2"); } sw.WriteLine("test4"); sw.Close(); Disconnect(); return (invoices); }
public Invoice GetInvoice(int number) { try { MySqlConnection theconnection = Connect(); List<DriverInfo> drivers = new List<DriverInfo>(); MySqlDataReader rdr = Select("SELECT * FROM INVOICE_DATA WHERE inv_number=" + number + ";", theconnection); rdr.Read(); Invoice toreturn = new Invoice((int)rdr[0], (int)rdr[1], DateTime.Parse((string)rdr[2]), (string)rdr[3], (string)rdr[4], (string)rdr[5], (string)rdr[6], (string)rdr[7], (string)rdr[8], (double)rdr[9], (double)rdr[10], DateTime.Parse((string)rdr[11])); Disconnect(); return (toreturn); } catch { Disconnect(); return (null); } }
public List<Invoice> GetBlocks(DateTime date) { try { List<Invoice> invoices = new List<Invoice>(); MySqlConnection theconnection = Connect(); string getblockquery = "SELECT * FROM invoice_block WHERE inv_due_date LIKE '%" + date.ToShortDateString() + "%' OR inv_due_date LIKE '%" + date.ToString("M/d/yy") + "%' OR inv_due_date LIKE '%" + date.ToString("M/d/yyyy") + "%' OR inv_due_date LIKE '%" + date.ToString("MM/d/yy") + "%';"; MySqlDataReader rdr = Select(getblockquery, theconnection); while (rdr.Read()) { Invoice toinsert = new Invoice((int)rdr[0], 0,DateTime.Parse((string)rdr[1]), "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, DateTime.Parse((string)rdr[1])); invoices.Add(toinsert); } Disconnect(); return (invoices); } catch { Disconnect(); return null; } }
public bool DeleteInvoice(Invoice invoice) { try { MySqlConnection theconnection = Connect(); string deletequery="DELETE FROM invoice_data WHERE INV_NUMBER="+invoice.number+";"; Delete(deletequery,theconnection); Disconnect(); return (false); } catch { Disconnect(); return(false); } }
public void BlockInvoice(Invoice invoice) { try { MySqlConnection theconnection = Connect(); string blockquery = "INSERT INTO invoice_block (`INV_NUMBER`,`INV_DUE_DATE`) VALUES("+invoice.number+",'"+invoice.due+"');"; Insert(blockquery, theconnection); Disconnect(); } catch { Disconnect(); } }
public void ReadInvoices(DateTime date) { // TODO: Set date value. OleDbConnection dbConn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=vfpoledb.1;Data Source="+invoicefile+";Collating Sequence=general"); try { // Initialize database connection. dbConn.Open(); // Open connection. OleDbCommand command= new OleDbCommand("select INVNO,NAME,ADD1,ADD2,CITY,STATE,ZIP,SNAME,SADD1,SADD2,SCITY,SSTATE,SZIP,WHEN_REQ,SUBTOTAL,SHIPVIA,ORDDATE from oehead.dbf",dbConn); Invoice invoicetoadd; OleDbDataReader reader= command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { string raw = (string)reader[13]; string[] dates = raw.Split('/'); try { int[] dates_int = new int[3]; if (dates.Length >= 3) { dates[0] = dates[0].Trim(); dates[1] = dates[1].Trim(); dates[2] = dates[2].Trim(); dates[2] = dates[2].Substring(0, 4); if (dates[0][0] == '0') { dates[0] = dates[0].Remove(0, 1); } if (dates[1][0] == '0') { dates[1] = dates[1].Remove(0, 1); } } else { continue; } } catch { } if (dates[0] == date.Month.ToString() && dates[1] == date.Day.ToString() && dates[2] == date.Year.ToString()) { if ((string)reader[2] != " " || (string)reader[8] != " ") { DateTime due = new DateTime(); try { String duestring=dates[0]+"/"+dates[1]+"/"+dates[2]; duestring = duestring.Trim(); String[] duearray = duestring.Split(' '); due = DateTime.Parse(duearray[0]); } catch { continue; } try{ DateTime order = (DateTime)reader[16]; int dueint = due.Year * 12 + due.Month; int orderint = order.Year * 12 + order.Month; if (!((dueint - orderint) > 2) && !((dueint - orderint) < -2)) { if (!reader[15].ToString().Contains("WILL CALL")) { if ((string)reader[11].ToString().Trim() == "" || (string)reader[7].ToString().Substring(0, 4) == "SAME") { invoicetoadd = new Invoice(Int32.Parse((string)reader[0]), System.Decimal.Multiply((System.Decimal)reader[14],100), due, (string)reader[1], (string)reader[2], (string)reader[3], (string)reader[4], (string)reader[5], (string)reader[6], 0, 0, DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)); } else { invoicetoadd = new Invoice(Int32.Parse((string)reader[0]), System.Decimal.Multiply((System.Decimal)reader[14],100), due, (string)reader[1], (string)reader[8], (string)reader[9], (string)reader[10], (string)reader[11], (string)reader[12], 0, 0, DateTime.Now.AddYears(1)); } invoicetoadd.customername = invoicetoadd.customername.Trim(); invoicetoadd.addr1 = invoicetoadd.addr1.Trim(); invoicetoadd.addr2 = invoicetoadd.addr2.Trim(); invoicetoadd.addr1=invoicetoadd.addr1.Replace('#', ' '); invoicetoadd.addr2=invoicetoadd.addr2.Replace('#', ' '); =; invoicetoadd.state = invoicetoadd.state.Trim(); =; int i = Math.Abs(invoicetoadd.number); while (i >= 10) i /= 10; if(i!=8) { rawinvoices.Add(invoicetoadd); } } }else{ } } catch{} } else { } } } } catch { } // Close connection. dbConn.Close(); }
private void EditInvoice_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { textInvoice.Text = ""; textValue.Text = ""; textCustomer.Text = ""; textStreet.Text = ""; textCity.Text = ""; textZip.Text = ""; textState.Text = ""; listAddresses.Items.Clear(); button1.Enabled = false; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ""; mysql_invoices = new MySQL_Invoices(GlobalVar.sqlhost, GlobalVar.sqlport, GlobalVar.sqldatabase, GlobalVar.sqlusername, ""); mysql_lineitems = new MySQL_LineItems(GlobalVar.sqlhost, GlobalVar.sqlport, GlobalVar.sqldatabase, GlobalVar.sqlusername, ""); newinvoice = mysql_invoices.GetInvoice(inputinvoice.number); if (newinvoice != null) { lineitems = mysql_lineitems.GetLineItems(newinvoice); textInvoice.Text = newinvoice.number.ToString(); textValue.Text = DataFormat.FormatMoneyToString(newinvoice.value); if (newinvoice.addr1 != "") { textStreet.Text = newinvoice.addr1; } else { textStreet.Text = newinvoice.addr2; } textCustomer.Text = newinvoice.customername; textCity.Text =; textZip.Text =; textState.Text = newinvoice.state; for (int i = 0; i < lineitems.Count; i++) { string toinsert = lineitems[i].description + " - " + DataFormat.FormatMoneyToString(lineitems[i].value); listAddresses.Items.Add(toinsert); } DatePicker.Value = newinvoice.due; button1.Enabled = true; } else { Cancel_Click(null, null); } } catch { Cancel_Click(null, null); } }