protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TB_UserPw.Text.Equals("")) ShowMessage("請輸入用戶密碼!", MessagePanel, TB_UserPw); else { String ShopPW = String.Empty; String ShopBU = String.Empty; Boolean ShopFirst = true; String sql = "select shop_pw, shop_first, shop_bu from rps_shopinfo where shop_id = '" + TB_UserID.Text.Trim() + "'"; try { Database db = new Database("rpsdb", sql, Database.WebConfig); SqlDataReader reader = db.GetReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ShopPW = reader["shop_pw"].ToString(); ShopFirst = reader["shop_first"].ToString().Equals("T"); ShopBU = reader["shop_bu"].ToString(); } if (!reader.HasRows || !TB_UserPw.Text.Trim().Equals(ShopPW.Trim())) { TB_UserPw.Text = String.Empty; ShowMessage("登入失敗!", MessagePanel, TB_UserPw); db.Close(); } else { Session[HF_UserToken.Value] = true; Session["User"] = new User(TB_UserID.Text, TB_UserPw.Text, Request.UserHostAddress, HF_UserToken.Value, ShopBU); db.Close(); String location = ""; if (ShopFirst) location = "location.replace('/FirstLogin.aspx');"; else location = "location.replace('/Main.aspx');"; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "ClientScript", location, true); } } catch (SqlException) { TB_UserPw.Text = String.Empty; MessagePanel.Text = "資料庫連接失敗!"; } } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String UserPW = ""; if (TB_NewPW.Text.Length < 6) ShowMessage("密碼最少六個位!", MessagePanel, TB_NewPW); else if (TB_ConfirmPW.Text.Length < 6) ShowMessage("密碼最少六個位!", MessagePanel, TB_ConfirmPW); else if (TB_NewPW.Text.Equals("")) ShowMessage("請輸入新密碼!", MessagePanel, TB_NewPW); else if (TB_ConfirmPW.Text.Equals("")) ShowMessage("請輸入確認密碼!", MessagePanel, TB_ConfirmPW); else if (!TB_NewPW.Text.Equals(TB_ConfirmPW.Text)) { ShowMessage("新密碼及確認密碼不相符!", MessagePanel, TB_NewPW); } else { String sql = "select shop_pw from rps_shopinfo where shop_id = '" + this.user.ID + "'"; Database db = new Database("rpsdb", sql, Database.WebConfig); SqlDataReader reader = db.GetReader(); while (reader.Read()) UserPW = reader["shop_pw"].ToString(); db.Close(); if (UserPW.Equals(Cryptography.MD5(TB_NewPW.Text))) { ShowMessage("不能使用舊密碼!請更改!", MessagePanel, TB_NewPW); TB_NewPW.Text = String.Empty; TB_ConfirmPW.Text = String.Empty; } else { String HashPW = Cryptography.MD5(TB_NewPW.Text); String ShopID = user.ID; sql = "update rps_shopinfo set shop_first = 'F', shop_pw = '" + HashPW + "' " + "where shop_id = '" + ShopID + "'"; db = new Database("rpsdb", sql, Database.WebConfig); db.ExecuteSql(sql); db.Close(); String script = "alert('密碼成功更新!'); location.replace('/Main.aspx');"; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "ClientScript", script, true); } } }
public User(String ID, String PW, String IPAddress, String Token, String bu) { this.ID = ID; this.PW = PW; this.IPAddress = IPAddress; this.Token = Token; this.bu = bu; = HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID; this.sql = "insert into rps_session values('" + this.ID + "','" + this.Token + "','" + + "', GETDATE(), '" + this.IPAddress + "')"; this.db = new Database("rpsdb", this.sql, Database.WebConfig); this.db.ExecuteSql(this.sql); this.db.Close(); ResetReportParameter(); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TB_NewPassword.Text.Length < 6) ShowMessage("密碼最少六個位!", MessagePanel, TB_NewPassword); else if (TB_ConfirmPassword.Text.Length < 6) ShowMessage("密碼最少六個位!", MessagePanel, TB_ConfirmPassword); else if (TB_OldPassword.Text.Equals("")) ShowMessage("請輸入舊密碼!", MessagePanel, TB_OldPassword); else if (TB_NewPassword.Text.Equals("")) ShowMessage("請輸入新密碼!", MessagePanel, TB_NewPassword); else if (TB_ConfirmPassword.Text.Equals("")) ShowMessage("請輸入確認密碼!", MessagePanel, TB_ConfirmPassword); else if (!TB_ConfirmPassword.Text.Equals(TB_NewPassword.Text)) { ShowMessage("新密碼與確認密碼不吻合!", MessagePanel, TB_NewPassword); TB_NewPassword.Text = ""; TB_ConfirmPassword.Text = ""; } else if (!this.user.ValidatePassword(TB_OldPassword.Text)) { ShowMessage("舊密碼不正確!", MessagePanel, TB_OldPassword); } else { MessagePanel.Text = " "; try { String HashPW = Cryptography.MD5(TB_NewPassword.Text); String sql = "update rps_shopinfo set shop_pw = '" + HashPW + "' where shop_id = '" + user.ID + "'"; Database db = new Database("rpsdb", sql, Database.WebConfig); db.ExecuteSql(sql); MessagePanel.Text = " "; TB_OldPassword.Text = ""; TB_NewPassword.Text = ""; TB_ConfirmPassword.Text = ""; String script = "alert('密碼成功更新!'); location.replace('/Main.aspx');"; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "ClientScript", script, true); } catch (Exception) { String script = "alert('密碼更新失敗!'); location.replace('/Main.aspx');"; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "ClientScript", script, true); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ShowMessage(" ", MessagePanel, TB_UserPw); String[] IPAddress = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].Split('.'); //Testing Code (Local Only) if (IPAddress[0].Equals("172")) { IPAddress[0] = "10"; IPAddress[1] = "211"; IPAddress[2] = "105"; } String sql = "select shop_bu, shop_id from rps_shopinfo " + "where shop_ip1 = '" + IPAddress[0] + "' and shop_ip2 = '" + IPAddress[1] + "' and " + "shop_ip3 = '" + IPAddress[2] + "' and shop_active = 'T'"; Database db = new Database("rpsdb", sql, Database.WebConfig); SqlDataReader reader = db.GetReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Session["bu"] = reader["shop_bu"]; Session["shop"] = reader["shop_id"]; } if (!reader.HasRows) { Response.Write("您沒有權限開啟此系統!"); Response.End(); } else { TB_UserID.Text = (String)Session["shop"]; } } }