public static int taille = 1; //32 #endregion Fields #region Methods public static void loadground(string file, Ground source) { List<Tile> lt = new List<Tile>(); if (!File.Exists(file)) { throw new Exception("Fichier introuvable"); } StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file); int ligne = 0; while (!sr.EndOfStream) { lt.AddRange(stringtolistvec(sr.ReadLine(), ligne)); ligne++; } source.SetGroundMap(lt, new int[2, 2]); }
public static int taille = 1; //32 #endregion Fields #region Methods public static Ground loadground(string file) { Ground gd; List<Tile> lt = new List<Tile>(); if (!File.Exists(file)) { throw new Exception("Fichier introuvable"); } StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file); int ligne = 0; while (!sr.EndOfStream) { lt.AddRange(stringtolistvec(sr.ReadLine(), ligne)); ligne++; } gd = new Ground(lt, new int[2, 2]); return gd; }
public void SetGround(Ground ground) { this.ground = ground; }
public void SetGround(Ground ground) { this.ground = ground; biomeMap = ground.biomeMap; }
public Game1() { //Map.MAPSIZE = 513; // ParticleSimple ps; graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; //camera = new Camera(this); ls.Add(Sens.Droite); ls.Add(Sens.Gauche); camera.actucamera(ls); //graphics.ToggleFullScreen(); graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = Tools.Quick.screen.Bounds.Width; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = Tools.Quick.screen.Bounds.Height; Tools.Quick.bounds.X = graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth; Tools.Quick.bounds.Y = graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight; particleManager = new ParticleManager(this); = this; mousy = new ActionMouse(this, camera); Tools.Quick.actmouse = mousy; water = new Water(this); skybox = new SkyBox(this); trees = new Trees(this); d = new Dungeon(25, this); Map map = new Map(); actualGround = new Ground(this, map); world = new WorldSpace(this); dungeon = new WorldSpace(this); }
protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); this.IsMouseVisible = true; // graphics.ToggleFullScreen(); Tools.Quick.content = Content; Tools.Quick.device = graphics.GraphicsDevice; = graphics; Tools.Quick.init(); Tools.Quick.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; Map map = new Map(); map.GenMap(); //MapGen.MapConverter.Init(); //MapGen.MapVoronoi v = new MapGen.MapVoronoi(245); //v.Generate(); //v.Convert(); effect = new BasicEffect(graphics.GraphicsDevice); actualGround = LoadMap.loadground(map); texture = Tools.Quick.groundTexture[BiomeType.SubtropicalDesert]; testgivre = Content.Load<Texture2D>("givre"); //water.SetGround(actualGround); trees.SetGround(actualGround); trees.CreateTrees(); //element a supprimer cause de test myModel = Content.Load<Model>("Models\\sapin"); // myModel = Content.Load<Model>("Models\\untitled"); display.init(); camera.modiposition(actualGround.tiles[1].v2, true); phgest = new PhysicsGest(actualGround, new List<Object>()); camera.modiposition(actualGround.tiles[0].v1, true); // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here //ps = new ParticleSimple(Content, this, Components); //psinit(); //psLoadContent(Content); arial = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Arial"); // menu = new Menu(arial, TypeMenu.Principal); Tools.Quick.player = new Personnage("Test", true, 0, new Inventory(), myModel); //d = new Dungeon(); inf = new InventoryInterface(Content.Load<Texture2D>("InterfaceComponent\\Cadre"), Content.Load<Texture2D>("InterfaceComponent\\cadre bois"), Content.Load<Texture2D>("Test\\Mannequin"), Content.Load<Texture2D>("InterfaceComponent\\fond bois"), this); //d.setVisible(false); //Components.Add(d); base.LoadContent(); }
public PhysicsGest(Ground actualground, List<Object> listofobjectinthemap) { activate = true; gnd = actualground; lo = listofobjectinthemap; }
public static void loadground(Map map, Ground source) { Ground gnd; List<Tile> lts = new List<Tile>(); Tile t; for (int i = 0; i < Map.MAPSIZE; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Map.MAPSIZE; j++) { //int suivi = x + 1; //int suivj = y + 1; //if (suivi <= Map.MAPSIZE) //{ // if (suivj <= Map.MAPSIZE) // { int h1, h2, h3, h4; h1 = map.HeightMap[i, j]; h2 = j + 1 == Map.MAPSIZE ? 0 : map.HeightMap[i, j + 1]; h3 = (i + 1 == Map.MAPSIZE) || (j + 1 == Map.MAPSIZE) ? 0 : map.HeightMap[i + 1, j + 1]; h4 = i + 1 == Map.MAPSIZE ? 0 : map.HeightMap[i + 1, j]; t = new Tile(new Vector3(i * taille, h1 * taille / ajustZ, j * taille), new Vector3(i * taille, h2 * taille / ajustZ, (j + 1) * taille), new Vector3((i + 1) * taille, h3 * taille / ajustZ, (j + 1) * taille), new Vector3((i + 1) * taille, h4 * taille / ajustZ, j * taille), map.BiomeMap[i,j]); lts.Add(t); // } //} } } for (int i = 0; i < lts.Count; i++) { Tile[,] calc = new Tile[3, 3]; Tile tmp = lts[i]; Tile ttmp; int msize = Map.MAPSIZE; tmp.n3 = tmp.normal1 + tmp.normal2; tmp.n1 = tmp.normal1 + tmp.normal2; tmp.n4 = tmp.normal1; tmp.n2 = tmp.normal2; if (i >= msize) { ttmp = lts[i - (msize - 2)]; tmp.n1 += ttmp.normal1; tmp.n2 += ttmp.normal1 + ttmp.normal2; if (i % (msize) != 0) { ttmp = lts[i - msize]; tmp.n1 += ttmp.normal1 + ttmp.normal2; } if (i % (msize - 1) != 0) tmp.n2 += lts[i - msize + 2].normal1; } if (i < (msize - 1) * (msize - 1) - msize) { ttmp = lts[i + (msize - 2)]; tmp.n3 += ttmp.normal2; tmp.n4 += ttmp.normal1 + ttmp.normal2; if (i % (msize) != 0) tmp.n4 += lts[i + msize - 2].normal2; if (i % (msize - 1) != 0) { ttmp = lts[i + msize]; tmp.n3 += ttmp.normal1 + ttmp.normal2; } } if (i % (msize) != 0) { ttmp = lts[i - 1]; tmp.n4 += ttmp.normal2 + ttmp.normal1; tmp.n1 += ttmp.normal2; } if (i % (msize - 1) != 0) { ttmp = lts[i + 1]; tmp.n2 += ttmp.normal2 + ttmp.normal1; tmp.n3 += ttmp.normal1; } tmp.n1.Normalize(); tmp.n2.Normalize(); tmp.n3.Normalize(); tmp.n4.Normalize(); } //lts.Reverse(); source.SetGroundMap(lts, map.HeightMap); }