Example #1
        public static List<Seed> GetSeeds(
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            uint nature,
            uint id)
            var seeds = new List<Seed>();

            uint x4 = 0;
            uint x4_2 = 0;

            x4 = spe + (spa << 5) + (spd << 10);
            x4_2 = x4 ^ 0x8000;

            uint x8 = 0;
            uint x8_2 = 0;

            x8 = hp + (atk << 5) + (def << 10);
            x8_2 = x8 ^ 0x8000;

            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt <= 0x1FFFE; cnt++)
                uint x_test;
                uint x_testXD;

                //  We want to test with the high bit
                //  both set and not set, so we're going
                //  to sneakily do them both.  god help
                //  me if i ever have to figure this out
                //  in the future.
                x_test = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x4 : x4_2;

                x_testXD = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x8 : x8_2;

                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed = (x_test << 16) + (cnt%0xFFFF);
                uint seedXD = (x_testXD << 16) + (cnt%0xFFFF);
                var rng = new PokeRngR(seed);

                var rngXD = new XdRng(seedXD);
                var rngXDR = new XdRngR(seedXD);
                uint XDColoSeed = rngXDR.GetNext32BitNumber();

                //  Right now, this simply assumes method
                //  1 and gets the value previous to check
                //  for  match.  We need a clean way to do
                //  this for all of our methods.

                //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                ushort rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                ushort rng1XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();

                uint method1Seed = rng.Seed;

                uint method234Seed = rng.Seed;
                ushort choppedPID;

                //  Check Method 1
                // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng3, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed();
                    newSeed.Method = "Method 1";
                    newSeed.Pid = ((uint) rng2 << 16) + rng3;
                    newSeed.MonsterSeed = method1Seed;
                    newSeed.Sid = (rng2 ^ (uint) rng3 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;


                //  Check Method 2
                // [PID] [PID] [xxxx] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng4] [rng3] [xxxx] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng3, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method = "Method 2",
                            Pid = ((uint) rng3 << 16) + rng4,
                            MonsterSeed = method234Seed,
                            Sid = (rng3 ^ (uint) rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                 * Removed because Method 3 doesn't exist in-game
                //  Check Method 3
                //  [PID] [xxxx] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                //  [rng4] [xxxx] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    Seed newSeed = new Seed();
                    newSeed.Method = "Method 3";
                    newSeed.Pid = ((uint)rng2 << 16) + (uint)rng4;
                    newSeed.MonsterSeed = method234Seed;
                    newSeed.Sid = ((uint)rng2 ^ (uint)rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;


                //  Check Method 4
                //  [PID] [PID] [IVs] [xxxx] [IVs]
                //  [rng4] [rng3] [rng2] [xxxx] [START]
                if (Check(rng2, rng3, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method = "Method 4",
                            Pid = ((uint) rng3 << 16) + rng4,
                            MonsterSeed = method234Seed,
                            Sid = (rng3 ^ (uint) rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                //  Check Colosseum\XD
                // [IVs] [IVs] [xxx] [PID] [PID]
                // [START] [rng1] [rng3]

                if (Check(rng1XD, rng3XD, rng4XD, spe, spa, spd, nature))
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method = "Colosseum/XD",
                            Pid = ((uint) rng3XD << 16) + rng4XD,
                            MonsterSeed = XDColoSeed,
                            Sid = (rng4XD ^ (uint) rng3XD ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                if (rng3/0x5556 != 0)
                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (50% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E + 0x96);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (25% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E + 0xC8);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (75% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E + 0x4B);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E + 0x32);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                if (rng3%3 != 0)
                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (50% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25 + 0x96);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (25% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25 + 0xC8);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (75% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25 + 0x4B);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25 + 0x32);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


            return seeds;
Example #2
        //  We need a function to return a list of monster seeds,
        //  which will be updated to include a method.
        public static List<Seed> GetXDSeeds(
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            uint nature,
            uint id)
            var seeds = new List<Seed>();

            uint x8 = 0;
            uint x8_2 = 0;

            x8 = hp + (atk << 5) + (def << 10);
            x8_2 = x8 ^ 0x8000;

            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt <= 0x1FFFE; cnt++)
                //  We want to test with the high bit
                //  both set and not set, so we're going
                //  to sneakily do them both.  god help
                //  me if i ever have to figure this out
                //  in the future.
                uint x_testXD = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x8 : x8_2;

                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed = (x_testXD << 16) + (cnt%0xFFFF);

                var rngXD = new XdRng(seed);
                var rngXDR = new XdRngR(seed);
                uint XDColoSeed = rngXDR.GetNext32BitNumber();

                //  Right now, this simply assumes method
                //  1 and gets the value previous to check
                //  for  match.  We need a clean way to do
                //  this for all of our methods.

                //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                ushort rng1XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();

                //  Check Colosseum\XD
                // [IVs] [IVs] [xxx] [PID] [PID]
                // [START] [rng1] [rng3] [rng4]

                if (Check(rng1XD, rng3XD, rng4XD, spe, spa, spd, nature))
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method = "Colosseum/XD",
                            Pid = ((uint) rng3XD << 16) + rng4XD,
                            MonsterSeed = XDColoSeed

            return seeds;