Example #1
        public void Evaluate(EvalutationContext <ItemRanking> context)
            if (!(context is ItemRankingEvaluationContext))
                throw new Exception("Wrong evaluation context.");

            var model = (IUserItemMapper)context.Model;

            var measures = ((ItemRankingEvaluationContext)context).GetTestUsersRankedList()
                           .Select(url =>
                var rankedItems  = url.GetMappedItemIds(model.ItemsMap);
                var correctItems = url.GetMappedCorrectItemIds(model.ItemsMap);

                double ap        = MML.PrecisionAndRecall.AP(rankedItems, correctItems);
                double precAtN   = MML.PrecisionAndRecall.PrecisionAt(rankedItems, correctItems, _position);
                double recallAtN = MML.PrecisionAndRecall.RecallAt(rankedItems, correctItems, _position);

                return(new { AP = ap, PrecAtN = precAtN, RecallAtN = recallAtN });

            if (!context.Items.ContainsKey("AP"))
                context["AP"] = measures.Select(m => m.AP).Average();
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("AP: {0:0.0000}", context["AP"]));

            context["PrecAt" + _position]   = measures.Select(m => m.PrecAtN).Average();
            context["RecallAt" + _position] = measures.Select(m => m.RecallAtN).Average();

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("PrecAt {0}: {1:0.0000}", _position, context["PrecAt" + _position]));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("RecallAt {0}: {1:0.0000}", _position, context["RecallAt" + _position]));
Example #2
        public void Evaluate(EvalutationContext <ItemRating> context)
            // make sure that the test samples are predicted

            var testset = context.Dataset.TestSamples;

            double sum = 0;

            foreach (var itemRating in testset)
                sum += Math.Abs(itemRating.PredictedRating - itemRating.Rating);

            context["MAE"] = Math.Sqrt(sum / testset.Count());

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("MAE: {0:0.0000}", context["MAE"]));
Example #3
        public void Evaluate(EvalutationContext <ItemRanking> context)
            if (!(context is ItemRankingEvaluationContext))
                throw new Exception("Wrong evaluation context.");

            var model = (IUserItemMapper)context.Model;

            double ndcg = ((ItemRankingEvaluationContext)context).GetTestUsersRankedList()
                          .Select(url => MyMediaLite.Eval.Measures.NDCG.Compute(

            context["NDCG"] = ndcg;

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("NDCG: {0:0.0000}", ndcg));
        public void Evaluate(EvalutationContext <ItemRanking> context)
            if (!(context is ItemRankingEvaluationContext))
                throw new Exception("Wrong evaluation context.");

            var dataset = context.Dataset;
            var model   = (IPredictor <ItemRanking>)context.Model;

            // make sure the model is trained
            if (!model.IsTrained)

            var mapper = (IUserItemMapper)context.Model;

            var testset  = dataset.TestSamples.ToPosOnlyFeedback(mapper.UsersMap, mapper.ItemsMap);
            var trainset = dataset.TrainSamples.ToPosOnlyFeedback(mapper.UsersMap, mapper.ItemsMap);

            var results = _recommender.Evaluate(testset, trainset);

            foreach (var item in results)
                context[item.Key] = item.Value;
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1:0.0000}", item.Key, item.Value));

            // calculate F1@5 and F1@10
            var precAt5    = (float)context["prec@5"];
            var precAt10   = (float)context["prec@5"];
            var recallAt5  = (float)context["recall@5"];
            var recallAt10 = (float)context["recall@10"];

            var f1At5  = precAt5 * recallAt5 * 2 / (precAt5 + recallAt5);
            var f1At10 = precAt10 * recallAt10 * 2 / (precAt10 + recallAt10);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("F1@5: {0:0.0000}", f1At5));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("F1@10: {0:0.0000}", f1At10));
        public void Evaluate(EvalutationContext <ItemRating> context)
            if (!(context.Model is IPredictor <ItemRating>))
                throw new Exception("To predict the full user item matrix the model should implement IPredictor<ItemRating>.");

            // make sure the dataset is trained

            Console.WriteLine("Predicting full user-item matrix...");

            var recommender = (IPredictor <ItemRating>)context.Model;

            var dataset = context.Dataset;

            var allItemIds = dataset.AllSamples.Select(ir => ir.Item.Id).ToList();
            var allUserIds = dataset.AllSamples.Select(ir => ir.User.Id).ToList();

            var writer = new StreamWriter(_outputPath);

            // header of the file should be the list of all items
            var header = allItemIds.Aggregate("\t", (cur, next) => cur + "\t" + next);


            allItemIds.ForEach(u =>
                string line = u;
                allUserIds.ForEach(i =>
                    var itemRating = new ItemRating(u, i);
                    line += string.Format("\t{0:0.00}", itemRating.PredictedRating);

Example #6
 public EvaluationPipeline(EvalutationContext <T> context)
     Context    = context;
     Evaluators = new List <IEvaluator <T> >();