Example #1
        void Awake()
            /* layer change must be done before adding the Graphic components */
            GameObject obj = new GameObject("Translation Vector Object");

            obj.layer                   = gameObject.layer;
            obj.transform.parent        = transform;
            obj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            transVector                 = obj.AddComponent <VectorGraphic> ();
            Color color = Color.green;

            color.a                      = 0.4f;
            transVector.color            = color;
            transVector.offset           = 0.6f;
            transVector.maxLength        = 3f;
            transVector.minLength        = 0.25f;
            transVector.maxWidth         = 0.16f;
            transVector.minWidth         = 0.05f;
            transVector.upperMagnitude   = 5;
            transVector.lowerMagnitude   = threshold;
            transVector.exponentialScale = true;

            obj                           = new GameObject("Torque Vector Object");
            obj.layer                     = gameObject.layer;
            obj.transform.parent          = transform;
            obj.transform.localPosition   = Vector3.zero;
            torqueVector                  = obj.AddComponent <VectorGraphic> ();
            color                         = XKCDColors.ReddishOrange;
            color.a                       = 0.6f;
            torqueVector.color            = color;
            torqueVector.offset           = 0.6f;
            torqueVector.maxLength        = 3f;
            torqueVector.minLength        = 0.25f;
            torqueVector.maxWidth         = 0.16f;
            torqueVector.minWidth         = 0.05f;
            torqueVector.upperMagnitude   = 5;
            torqueVector.lowerMagnitude   = threshold;
            torqueVector.exponentialScale = true;

            obj                         = new GameObject("Torque Circle Object");
            obj.layer                   = gameObject.layer;
            obj.transform.parent        = transform;
            obj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            torqueCircle                = obj.AddComponent <CircularVectorGraphic> ();

            MoI = gameObject.AddComponent <MomentOfInertia> ();
Example #2
        void Awake()
            /* layer change must be done before adding the Graphic components */
            transVector = getGameObject("Translation Vector Object").AddComponent <MarkerVectorGraphic> ();
            Color color = Color.green;

            color.a = 0.4f;

            torqueVector = getGameObject("Torque Vector Object").AddComponent <MarkerVectorGraphic> ();
            color        = XKCDColors.ReddishOrange;
            color.a      = 0.6f;

            torqueCircle = getGameObject("Torque Circle Object").AddComponent <CircularVectorGraphic> ();

            MoI = gameObject.AddComponent <MomentOfInertia> ();
Example #3
        void Awake()
            /* layer change must be done before adding the Graphic components */
            transVector = getGameObject ("Translation Vector Object").AddComponent<MarkerVectorGraphic> ();
            Color color = Color.green;
            color.a = 0.4f;

            torqueVector = getGameObject ("Torque Vector Object").AddComponent<MarkerVectorGraphic> ();
            color = XKCDColors.ReddishOrange;
            color.a = 0.6f;

            torqueCircle = getGameObject ("Torque Circle Object").AddComponent<CircularVectorGraphic> ();

            MoI = gameObject.AddComponent<MomentOfInertia> ();

            Events.RootPartPicked += RootPartPicked;
            Events.RootPartDropped += RootPartDropped;