public override IList<SearchDocument> GetModifiedSearchDocuments (ModuleInfo modInfo, DateTime beginDate)
            var searchDocs = new List<SearchDocument> ();
            var settings = new EmployeeListSettingsRepository ().GetSettings (modInfo);

            IEnumerable<EmployeeInfo> employees = null;

            using (var modelContext = new UniversityModelContext ()) {
                employees = new EmployeeQuery (modelContext).ListByDivisionId (
                    settings.DivisionID, settings.IncludeSubdivisions, settings.SortType);

            var now = DateTime.Now;
            foreach (var employee in employees) {
                if (employee.LastModifiedOnDate.ToUniversalTime () > beginDate.ToUniversalTime ()) {
                    var aboutEmployee = employee.SearchDocumentText;
                    var sd = new SearchDocument ()
                        PortalId = modInfo.PortalID,
                        AuthorUserId = employee.LastModifiedByUserID,
                        Title = employee.FullName,
                        // Description = HtmlUtils.Shorten (aboutEmployee, 255, "..."),
                        Body = aboutEmployee,
                        ModifiedTimeUtc = employee.LastModifiedOnDate.ToUniversalTime (),
                        UniqueKey = string.Format ("University_Employee_{0}", employee.EmployeeID),
                        Url = string.Format ("/Default.aspx?tabid={0}#{1}", modInfo.TabID, modInfo.ModuleID),
                        IsActive = employee.IsPublished (now)

                    searchDocs.Add (sd);
            return searchDocs;
        public override IList<SearchDocument> GetModifiedSearchDocuments (ModuleInfo modInfo, DateTime beginDate)
            var searchDocs = new List<SearchDocument> ();
            var settings = new DivisionSettingsRepository ().GetSettings (modInfo);

            using (var modelContext = new UniversityModelContext ()) {

                var division = modelContext.Get<DivisionInfo> (settings.DivisionID);
                if (division != null && division.LastModifiedOnDate.ToUniversalTime () > beginDate.ToUniversalTime ()) {
                    var aboutDivision = division.SearchDocumentText;
                    var sd = new SearchDocument ()
                        PortalId = modInfo.PortalID,
                        AuthorUserId = division.LastModifiedByUserID,
                        Title = division.Title,
                        // Description = HtmlUtils.Shorten (aboutDivision, 255, "..."),
                        Body = aboutDivision,
                        ModifiedTimeUtc = division.LastModifiedOnDate.ToUniversalTime (),
                        UniqueKey = string.Format ("University_Division_{0}", division.DivisionID),
                        Url = string.Format ("/Default.aspx?tabid={0}#{1}", modInfo.TabID, modInfo.ModuleID),
                        IsActive = division.IsPublished (DateTime.Now)
                    searchDocs.Add (sd);
                return searchDocs;
 public override DataTable GetDataTable (PortalModuleBase module, UniversityModelContext modelContext, string search)
     var eduProgramProfiles = new FindEduProgramProfileQuery (modelContext).List (search)
         .Select (epp => new EduProgramProfileViewModel (epp));
     return DataTableConstructor.FromIEnumerable (eduProgramProfiles);
        public override DataTable GetDataTable (PortalModuleBase module, UniversityModelContext modelContext, string search)
            var dt = new DataTable ();
            DataRow dr;

            dt.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("AchievementID", typeof (int)));
            dt.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("Title", typeof (string)));
            dt.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("ShortTitle", typeof (string)));
            dt.Columns.Add (new DataColumn ("AchievementType", typeof (string)));

            foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
                column.AllowDBNull = true;

            // REVIEW: Cannot set comparison options
            var achievements = (search == null)
                ? new FlatQuery<AchievementInfo> (modelContext).List ()
                : new FlatQuery<AchievementInfo> (modelContext)
                    .ListWhere (a => a.Title.Contains (search) || a.ShortTitle.Contains (search));

            foreach (var achievement in achievements) {
                var col = 0;
                dr = dt.NewRow ();

                dr [col++] = achievement.AchievementID;
                dr [col++] = achievement.Title;
                dr [col++] = achievement.ShortTitle;
                dr [col++] = Localization.GetString (
                    AchievementTypeInfo.GetResourceKey (achievement.AchievementType),

                dt.Rows.Add (dr);

            return dt;
        public override IList<SearchDocument> GetModifiedSearchDocuments (ModuleInfo modInfo, DateTime beginDate)
            var searchDocs = new List<SearchDocument> ();
            var settings = new EmployeeSettingsRepository ().GetSettings (modInfo);

            var employee = default (EmployeeInfo);
            using (var modelContext = new UniversityModelContext ()) {
                employee = modelContext.Get<EmployeeInfo> (settings.EmployeeID);

            if (employee != null && employee.LastModifiedOnDate.ToUniversalTime () > beginDate.ToUniversalTime ()) {
                var aboutEmployee = employee.SearchDocumentText;
                var sd = new SearchDocument ()
                    PortalId = modInfo.PortalID,
                    AuthorUserId = employee.LastModifiedByUserID,
                    Title = employee.FullName,
                    // Description = HtmlUtils.Shorten (aboutEmployee, 255, "..."),
                    Body = aboutEmployee,
                    ModifiedTimeUtc = employee.LastModifiedOnDate.ToUniversalTime (),
                    UniqueKey = string.Format ("University_Employee_{0}", employee.EmployeeID),
                    Url = string.Format ("/Default.aspx?tabid={0}#{1}", modInfo.TabID, modInfo.ModuleID),
                    IsActive = employee.IsPublished (DateTime.Now)
                searchDocs.Add (sd);
            return searchDocs;
        public override DataTable GetDataTable (PortalModuleBase module, UniversityModelContext modelContext, string search)
            // REVIEW: Cannot set comparison options
            var documents = (search == null)
                ? new FlatQuery<DocumentInfo> (modelContext).List ()
                : new FlatQuery<DocumentInfo> (modelContext)
                    .ListWhere (p => p.Title.Contains (search) || p.Url.Contains (search));

            return DataTableConstructor.FromIEnumerable (documents);
 public override DataTable GetDataTable (PortalModuleBase module, UniversityModelContext modelContext, string search)
     // REVIEW: Cannot set comparison options
     var eduPrograms = (search == null)
         ? new FlatQuery<EduProgramInfo> (modelContext).List ()
         : new FlatQuery<EduProgramInfo> (modelContext)
             .ListWhere (ep => ep.Code.Contains (search) || ep.Title.Contains (search));
     return DataTableConstructor.FromIEnumerable (eduPrograms);
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles Load event for a control
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e">Event args.</param>
		protected override void OnLoad (EventArgs e)
			base.OnLoad (e);

                if (!IsPostBack) {
					var division_id = Request.QueryString ["division_id"];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (division_id)) {
					    var division = default (DivisionInfo);
                        using (var modelContext = new UniversityModelContext ()) {
                            division = modelContext.Get<DivisionInfo> (int.Parse (division_id));

                        if (division != null) {
							var vcard = division.VCard;

							Response.Clear ();
							Response.ContentType = "text/x-vcard";
							Response.AddHeader ("content-disposition", string.Format ("attachment; filename=\"{0}.vcf\"", division.FileName));

							if (Request.Browser.Platform.ToUpperInvariant ().StartsWith ("WIN"))
								// HACK: Windows russian version hack
								// TODO: Need a way to determine language / locale for division description
								Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding (1251);
								vcard.Encoding = Response.ContentEncoding;
                            else {
								Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

							Response.Write (vcard.ToString ());
							Response.Flush ();
							Response.Close ();
                        else {
							throw new Exception ("No division found with DivisionID=" + division_id);
                    else {
						throw new Exception ("\"division_id\" query parameter should not be empty");
			catch (Exception ex)
				Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException (this, ex);
        public override DataTable GetDataTable (PortalModuleBase module, UniversityModelContext modelContext, string search)
            // REVIEW: Cannot set comparison options
            var employees = (search == null)
                ? new FlatQuery<EmployeeInfo> (modelContext).List ()
                : new FlatQuery<EmployeeInfo> (modelContext)
                    .ListWhere (e => e.LastName.Contains (search)
                                || e.FirstName.Contains (search)
                                || e.OtherName.Contains (search)
                                || e.CellPhone.Contains (search)
                                || e.Phone.Contains (search)
                                || e.Fax.Contains (search)
                                || e.Email.Contains (search)
                                || e.SecondaryEmail.Contains (search)
                                || e.WebSite.Contains (search)
                                || e.WebSiteLabel.Contains (search)
                                || e.WorkingHours.Contains (search)

            return DataTableConstructor.FromIEnumerable (employees.Select (e => new EmployeeViewModel (e)));
 public abstract DataTable GetDataTable (PortalModuleBase module, UniversityModelContext modelContext, string search);
 public virtual void DataBind (PortalModuleBase module, UniversityModelContext modelContext, string search = null)
     Grid.DataSource = GetDataTable (module, modelContext, search);
     module.Session [Grid.ID] = Grid.DataSource;
     Grid.DataBind ();
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles Click event for Update button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='sender'>
        /// Sender.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='e'>
        /// Event args.
        /// </param>
        protected void buttonUpdate_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
            // HACK: Dispose current model context used in load to create new one for update
            if (modelContext != null) {
                modelContext.Dispose ();
                modelContext = null;

            try {
                EduProgramInfo item;
                var isNew = false;

                // determine if we are adding or updating
                // ALT: if (Null.IsNull (itemId))
                if (!itemId.HasValue) {
                    // add new record
                    item = new EduProgramInfo ();
                    isNew = true;
                else {
                    // update existing record
                    item = ModelContext.Get<EduProgramInfo> (itemId.Value);

                // fill the object
                item.Code = textCode.Text.Trim ();
                item.Title = textTitle.Text.Trim ();
                item.Generation = textGeneration.Text.Trim ();
                item.StartDate = datetimeStartDate.SelectedDate;
                item.EndDate = datetimeEndDate.SelectedDate;
                item.HomePage = urlHomePage.Url;

                // update references
                item.EduLevelID = int.Parse (comboEduLevel.SelectedValue);
                item.EduLevel = ModelContext.Get<EduLevelInfo> (item.EduLevelID);
                item.DivisionId = divisionSelector.DivisionId;

                if (itemId == null) {
                    item.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now;
                    item.LastModifiedOnDate = item.CreatedOnDate;
                    item.CreatedByUserID = UserInfo.UserID;
                    item.LastModifiedByUserID = item.CreatedByUserID;

                    ModelContext.Add<EduProgramInfo> (item);
                    ModelContext.SaveChanges (false);

                    if (checkAddDefaultProfile.Checked) {
                        var defaultProfile = new EduProgramProfileInfo {
                            ProfileCode = string.Empty,
                            ProfileTitle = string.Empty,
                            EduProgramID = item.EduProgramID,
                            EduLevelId = item.EduLevelID,
                            CreatedOnDate = item.CreatedOnDate,
                            LastModifiedOnDate = item.LastModifiedOnDate,
                            CreatedByUserID = item.CreatedByUserID,
                            LastModifiedByUserID = item.LastModifiedByUserID,
                            // unpublish profile
                            EndDate = item.CreatedOnDate.Date

                        ModelContext.Add<EduProgramProfileInfo> (defaultProfile);
                        ModelContext.SaveChanges (false);
                else {
                    item.LastModifiedOnDate = DateTime.Now;
                    item.LastModifiedByUserID = UserInfo.UserID;

                    // REVIEW: Solve on SqlDataProvider level on upgrage to 2.0.0?
                    if (item.CreatedOnDate == default (DateTime)) {
                        item.CreatedOnDate = item.LastModifiedOnDate;
                        item.CreatedByUserID = item.LastModifiedByUserID;

                    ModelContext.Update<EduProgramInfo> (item);

                // update EduProgram module settings then adding new item
                if (isNew && ModuleConfiguration.ModuleDefinition.DefinitionName == "R7.University.EduProgram") {
                    var settingsRepository = new EduProgramSettingsRepository ();
                    var settings = settingsRepository.GetSettings (ModuleConfiguration);
                    settings.EduProgramId = item.EduProgramID;
                    settingsRepository.SaveSettings (ModuleConfiguration, settings);

                // update related documents
                new UpdateDocumentsCommand (ModelContext)
                    .UpdateDocuments (formEditDocuments.GetData (), DocumentModel.EduProgram, item.EduProgramID);
                ModelContext.SaveChanges ();

                ModuleController.SynchronizeModule (ModuleId);

                Response.Redirect (Globals.NavigateURL (), true);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException (this, ex);
 public override DataTable GetDataTable (PortalModuleBase module, UniversityModelContext modelContext, string search)
     var divisions = new FindDivisionQuery (modelContext).List (search);
     return DataTableConstructor.FromIEnumerable (divisions);