Information we need for a tiling.
Example #1
        public Tile[] FundamentalCell()
            Tile template = TemplateTile();

            Tile.ShrinkTile(ref template, 0.9);

            // Generate a cell tiling.
            TilingConfig tilingConfig = new TilingConfig(Q, P);
            Tiling       poly         = new Tiling();

            m_tiles = poly.Tiles.ToList();
            //SetupTransformCircle( tile );	// Call this before transforming.
            //SetupNeighborCircle( tile );

            // Generate our cell.
            List <Tile> cellTiles = new List <Tile>();

            foreach (Tile t in poly.Tiles)
                Tile temp = template.Clone();

Example #2
        private static void GetAssociatedTiling(int p, int q, int maxTiles, out Tiling tiling)
            TilingConfig tilingConfig = new TilingConfig(p, q, maxTiles: maxTiles);

            tiling = new Tiling();
            tiling.GenerateInternal(tilingConfig, p == 6 ? Polytope.Projection.VertexCentered : Polytope.Projection.FaceCentered);
Example #3
        public void GenerateInternal(TilingConfig config, Polytope.Projection projection = Polytope.Projection.FaceCentered)
            this.TilingConfig = config;

            // Create a base tile.
            Tile tile = CreateBaseTile(config);

            // Handle edge/vertex centered projections.
            if (projection == Polytope.Projection.VertexCentered)
                Mobius mobius = config.VertexCenteredMobius();
            else if (projection == Polytope.Projection.EdgeCentered)
                Mobius mobius = config.EdgeMobius();


            List <Tile> tiles = new List <Tile>();

            Dictionary <Vector3D, bool> completed = new Dictionary <Vector3D, bool>();

            completed[tile.Boundary.Center] = true;
            ReflectRecursive(tiles, completed);

            FillOutIsometries(tile, m_tiles, config.Geometry);
Example #4
        public static Tile CreateBaseTile(TilingConfig config)
            Polygon boundary = new Polygon(), drawn = new Polygon();

            boundary.CreateRegular(config.P, config.Q);
            drawn = boundary.Clone();

            //boundary.CreateRegular( 3, 10 );
            //drawn.CreateRegular( 3, 8 );
            //boundary.CreateRegular( 3, 7 );
            //drawn = Heart();

            //for( int i=0; i<drawn.NumSides; i++ )
            //	drawn.Segments[i].Center *= 0.1;

            // Good combos:
            // ( 5, 5 ), ( 10, 10 )
            // ( 3, 10 ), ( 3, 9 )
            // ( 6, 4 ), ( 6, 8 )
            // ( 7, 3 ), ( 7, 9 )

            Tile tile = new Tile(boundary, drawn, config.Geometry);

            Tile.ShrinkTile(ref tile, config.Shrink);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Make an edge mesh of a regular tiling.
        /// </summary>
        public static Mesh MakeEdgeMesh( int p, int q )
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            int maxTiles = 400;

            Tiling tiling = new Tiling();
            TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig( p, q, maxTiles: maxTiles );
            config.Shrink = 0.6;
            tiling.GenerateInternal( config );

            TilingConfig boundaryConfig = new TilingConfig( 14, 7, maxTiles: 1 );
            boundaryConfig.Shrink = 1.01;
            Tile boundary = Tiling.CreateBaseTile( boundaryConfig );

            AddSymmetryTriangles( mesh, tiling, boundary.Drawn );
            //AddSymmetryTriangles( mesh, tiling, null );
            return mesh;

            HashSet<Vector3D> completed = new HashSet<Vector3D>();
            int count = 0;
            foreach( Tile tile in tiling.Tiles )
                MeshEdges( mesh, tile, completed, null );
                if( count >= maxTiles )

            return mesh;
Example #6
        private static Segment[] BaseTileSegments(int p, int q)
            Tiling       tiling   = new Tiling();
            TilingConfig config   = new TilingConfig(p, q, 1);
            Tile         baseTile = Tiling.CreateBaseTile(config);

            //baseTile.Transform( Mobius.Scale( 2 ) );				// Only works in Euclidean case
Example #7
        private void Transform(double anim, IEnumerable <Tile> tetTiles)
            //TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig( 8, 3, 4 );	// Reproduces Tolerance issues with {3,3,7}, though not actually correct to be applying hyperbolic transforms anyway (only spherical).
            TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig(3, 3, 1);
            Mobius       m      = new Mobius();

            m = Mobius.Identity();

            // Invert
            Complex c1 = new Complex(0, 1);
            Complex c2 = new Complex(1, 0);
            Complex c3 = new Complex(0, -0.999999999999);               // - 1 doesn't work
            //m.MapPoints( c1, c2, c3, c3, c2, c1 );

            //Mobius m = config.DualMobius();
            //m.Isometry( Geometry.Spherical, 0, new Complex( 1.2345, -0.4321 ) );	// nice one
            //m.Isometry( Geometry.Spherical, 0, new Complex( 0, 0.148125 ) );		 // half plane

            // Animation.
            double p2       = DonHatch.e2hNorm(0.6);
            double p2Interp = DonHatch.h2eNorm(p2 * anim);

            //m.Isometry( Geometry.Spherical, 0, -p2Interp );
            m.Isometry(Geometry.Hyperbolic, 0, new Complex(-p2Interp, 0));

            Mobius m2 = new Mobius();

            m2.Isometry(Geometry.Hyperbolic, 0, new Complex(-0.6, 0));
            m2 = m_fixedCircleToStandardDisk.Inverse() * m2 * m_fixedCircleToStandardDisk;

            bool firstAnim = false;

            if (firstAnim)
                m            = m_fixedCircleToStandardDisk.Inverse() * m * m_fixedCircleToStandardDisk;
                m_animMobius = m;
                m            = m_neighborToStandardDisk.Inverse() * m * m_neighborToStandardDisk;
                m_animMobius = m2 * m;

            foreach (Tile t in tetTiles)
            foreach (Tile t in m_tiles)
Example #8
        private static void GetAssociatedTiling(EHoneycomb honeycomb, out Tiling tiling, out Tile baseTile)
            int p, q;

            GetPQ(honeycomb, out p, out q);
            TilingConfig tilingConfig = new TilingConfig(p, q, maxTiles: m_params.MaxTiles);

            tiling = new Tiling();

            baseTile = Tiling.CreateBaseTile(tilingConfig);
Example #9
        public static void Cell633()
            TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig( 6, 3, maxTiles: 20000 );
            Tiling tiling = new Tiling();
            tiling.GenerateInternal( config, Polytope.Projection.VertexCentered );

            double edgeLength = Honeycomb.EdgeLength( 6, 3, 3 );

            double z = 0.25;
            double offset = H3Models.UHS.ToEHorizontal( edgeLength, z );
            double scale = offset / tiling.Tiles.First().Boundary.Segments.First().Length;
            foreach( Tile tile in tiling.Tiles )
                tile.Transform( Mobius.Scale( scale ) );

            Vector3D dummy;
            double radius;
            H3Models.UHS.Geodesic( new Vector3D( 0, 0, z ), new Vector3D( scale, 0, z ), out dummy, out radius );
            Vector3D midradius = H3Models.UHSToBall( new Vector3D( 0, 0, radius ) );
            double temp = midradius.Z;
            double temp2 = ( 1 - temp ) / 2;
            double temp3 = temp + temp2;
            double temp4 = temp3;

            Vector3D circumradius = H3Models.UHSToBall( new Vector3D( 0, 0, z ) );
            temp = circumradius.Z;
            temp2 = ( 1 - temp ) / 2;
            temp3 = temp + temp2;
            temp4 = temp3;

            // Checking
            Vector3D test = new Vector3D( offset, 0, z );
            test = H3Models.UHSToBall( test );
            double edgeLength2 = DonHatch.e2hNorm( test.Abs() );
            edgeLength2 += 0;

            HashSet<H3.Cell.Edge> edges = new HashSet<H3.Cell.Edge>();
            foreach( Tile tile in tiling.Tiles )
                foreach( Segment seg in tile.Boundary.Segments )
                    H3.Cell.Edge edge = new H3.Cell.Edge(
                        H3Models.UHSToBall( seg.P1 + new Vector3D( 0, 0, z ) ),
                        H3Models.UHSToBall( seg.P2 + new Vector3D( 0, 0, z ) ) );
                    edges.Add( edge );

            PovRay.WriteH3Edges( new PovRay.Parameters(), edges.ToArray(), "edges.pov" );
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// A static helper to generate two dual tilings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>{p,q} will have a vertex at the center.</remarks>
        /// <remarks>{q,p} will have its center at the center.</remarks>
        public static void MakeDualTilings(out Tiling tiling1, out Tiling tiling2, int p, int q)
            tiling1 = new Tiling();
            tiling2 = new Tiling();

            int          maxTiles = 2000;
            TilingConfig config1  = new TilingConfig(p, q, maxTiles);
            TilingConfig config2  = new TilingConfig(q, p, maxTiles);

            tiling1.GenerateInternal(config1, Polytope.Projection.FaceCentered);
            tiling2.GenerateInternal(config2, Polytope.Projection.VertexCentered);

             * Circle c = new Circle();
             * c.Radius = .9;
             * tiling1.Clip( c );
             * tiling2.Clip( c );
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Make an edge mesh of a regular tiling.
        /// </summary>
        public static Mesh MakeEdgeMesh(int p, int q)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            int maxTiles = 400;

            Tiling       tiling = new Tiling();
            TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig(p, q, maxTiles: maxTiles);

            config.Shrink = 0.6;

            TilingConfig boundaryConfig = new TilingConfig(14, 7, maxTiles: 1);

            boundaryConfig.Shrink = 1.01;
            Tile boundary = Tiling.CreateBaseTile(boundaryConfig);

            AddSymmetryTriangles(mesh, tiling, boundary.Drawn);
            //AddSymmetryTriangles( mesh, tiling, null );
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Make an edge mesh of a regular tiling.
        /// </summary>
        public static Mesh MakeEdgeMesh(int p, int q)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            int maxTiles = 400;

            Tiling       tiling = new Tiling();
            TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig(p, q, maxTiles: maxTiles);

            config.Shrink = 0.6;

            TilingConfig boundaryConfig = new TilingConfig(14, 7, maxTiles: 1);

            boundaryConfig.Shrink = 1.01;
            Tile boundary = Tiling.CreateBaseTile(boundaryConfig);

            AddSymmetryTriangles(mesh, tiling, boundary.Drawn);
            //AddSymmetryTriangles( mesh, tiling, null );

            HashSet <Vector3D> completed = new HashSet <Vector3D>();
            int count = 0;

            foreach (Tile tile in tiling.Tiles)
                MeshEdges(mesh, tile, completed, null);
                if (count >= maxTiles)

Example #13
        private static Sphere[] SphericalCellFacetMirrors( HoneycombDef imageData )
            int p = imageData.P;
            int q = imageData.Q;
            int r = imageData.R;

            double inRadius = Honeycomb.InRadius( p, q, r );
            //inRadius *= 1.4;	// Experimenting with {3,3,u}

            Tiling tiling = new Tiling();
            TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig( p, q );
            tiling.GenerateInternal( config, imageData.Projection );

            Sphere[] mirrors = H3.GenFacetSpheres( tiling, inRadius )
                .Select( f => f.Sphere ).ToArray();

            return mirrors;
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate ourselves from a tiling config.
 /// </summary>
 public void Generate(TilingConfig config)
Example #15
        private static void GetAssociatedTiling( EHoneycomb honeycomb, out Tiling tiling, out Tile baseTile )
            int p, q;
            GetPQ( honeycomb, out p, out q );
            TilingConfig tilingConfig = new TilingConfig( p, q, maxTiles: m_params.MaxTiles );
            tiling = new Tiling();
            tiling.Generate( tilingConfig );

            baseTile = Tiling.CreateBaseTile( tilingConfig );
Example #16
        public static Tile CreateBaseTile( TilingConfig config )
            Polygon boundary = new Polygon(), drawn = new Polygon();
            boundary.CreateRegular( config.P, config.Q );
            drawn = boundary.Clone();

            //boundary.CreateRegular( 3, 10 );
            //drawn.CreateRegular( 3, 8 );
            //boundary.CreateRegular( 3, 7 );
            //drawn = Heart();

            //for( int i=0; i<drawn.NumSides; i++ )
            //	drawn.Segments[i].Center *= 0.1;

            // Good combos:
            // ( 5, 5 ), ( 10, 10 )
            // ( 3, 10 ), ( 3, 9 )
            // ( 6, 4 ), ( 6, 8 )
            // ( 7, 3 ), ( 7, 9 )

            Tile tile = new Tile( boundary, drawn, config.Geometry );
            Tile.ShrinkTile( ref tile, config.Shrink );
            return tile;
Example #17
        private static void HyperidealSquares()
            Mobius rot = new Mobius();
            rot.Isometry( Geometry.Spherical, Math.PI / 4, new Vector3D() );

            List<Segment> segs = new List<Segment>();
            int[] qs = new int[] { 5, -1 };
            foreach( int q in qs )
                TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig( 4, q, 1 );
                Tile t = Tiling.CreateBaseTile( config );
                List<Segment> polySegs = t.Boundary.Segments;
                polySegs = polySegs.Select( s => { s.Transform( rot ); return s; } ).ToList();
                segs.AddRange( polySegs );

            Vector3D v1 = new Vector3D(1,0);
            v1.RotateXY( Math.PI/6 );
            Vector3D v2 = v1;
            v2.Y *= -1;
            Vector3D cen;
            double rad;
            H3Models.Ball.OrthogonalCircle( v1, v2, out cen, out rad );
            Segment seg = Segment.Arc( v1, v2, cen, false );
            rot.Isometry( Geometry.Spherical, Math.PI / 2, new Vector3D() );
            for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
                seg.Transform( rot );
                segs.Add( seg.Clone() );

            SVG.WriteSegments( "output1.svg", segs );

            System.Func<Segment, Segment> PoincareToKlein = s =>
                return Segment.Line(
                    HyperbolicModels.PoincareToKlein( s.P1 ),
                    HyperbolicModels.PoincareToKlein( s.P2 ) );
            segs = segs.Select( s => PoincareToKlein( s ) ).ToList();

            Vector3D v0 = new Vector3D( v1.X, v1.X );
            Vector3D v3 = v0;
            v3.Y *= -1;
            Segment seg1 = Segment.Line( v0, v1 ), seg2 = Segment.Line( v2, v3 );
            Segment seg3 = Segment.Line( new Vector3D( 1, 1 ), new Vector3D( 1, -1 ) );
            for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
                seg1.Transform( rot );
                seg2.Transform( rot );
                seg3.Transform( rot );
                segs.Add( seg1.Clone() );
                segs.Add( seg2.Clone() );
                segs.Add( seg3.Clone() );

            SVG.WriteSegments( "output2.svg", segs );
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate ourselves from a tiling config.
 /// </summary>
 public void Generate( TilingConfig config )
     GenerateInternal( config );
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// A static helper to generate two dual tilings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>{p,q} will have a vertex at the center.</remarks>
        /// <remarks>{q,p} will have its center at the center.</remarks>
        public static void MakeDualTilings( out Tiling tiling1, out Tiling tiling2, int p, int q )
            tiling1 = new Tiling();
            tiling2 = new Tiling();

            int maxTiles = 2000;
            TilingConfig config1 = new TilingConfig( p, q, maxTiles );
            TilingConfig config2 = new TilingConfig( q, p, maxTiles );
            tiling1.GenerateInternal( config1, Polytope.Projection.FaceCentered );
            tiling2.GenerateInternal( config2, Polytope.Projection.VertexCentered );

            Circle c = new Circle();
            c.Radius = .9;
            tiling1.Clip( c );
            tiling2.Clip( c );
Example #20
        public void GenerateInternal( TilingConfig config, Polytope.Projection projection = Polytope.Projection.FaceCentered )
            this.TilingConfig = config;

            // Create a base tile.
            Tile tile = CreateBaseTile( config );

            // Handle edge/vertex centered projections.
            if( projection == Polytope.Projection.VertexCentered )
                Mobius mobius = config.VertexCenteredMobius();
                tile.Transform( mobius );
            else if( projection == Polytope.Projection.EdgeCentered )
                Mobius mobius = config.EdgeMobius();
                tile.Transform( mobius );

            TransformAndAdd( tile );

            List<Tile> tiles = new List<Tile>();
            tiles.Add( tile );
            Dictionary<Vector3D,bool> completed = new Dictionary<Vector3D,bool>();
            completed[tile.Boundary.Center] = true;
            ReflectRecursive( tiles, completed );

            FillOutIsometries( tile, m_tiles, config.Geometry );
Example #21
        public static void TwinDodecs()
            Tiling tiling = new Tiling();
            TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig( 5, 3 );
            tiling.GenerateInternal( config, Polytope.Projection.VertexCentered );	// Vertex-centered makes infinities tricky

            Dodec dodec = new Dodec();
            foreach( Tile tile in tiling.Tiles )
            foreach( Segment seg in tile.Boundary.Segments )
                Vector3D p1 = seg.P1, p2 = seg.P2;
                if( Infinity.IsInfinite( p1 ) )
                    p1 = Infinity.InfinityVector;
                if( Infinity.IsInfinite( p2 ) )
                    p2 = Infinity.InfinityVector;

                dodec.Verts.Add( p1 );
                dodec.Verts.Add( p2 );
                dodec.Midpoints.Add( Halfway( p1, p2 ) );

            // Now recursively add more vertices.
            HashSet<Vector3D> allVerts = new HashSet<Vector3D>();
            foreach( Vector3D v in dodec.Verts )
                allVerts.Add( v );
            RecurseTwins( allVerts, dodec, 0 );

            using( StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText( "dual_dodecs_points_sphere.pov" ) )
                foreach( Vector3D vert in allVerts )
                    Vector3D onSphere = Sterographic.PlaneToSphereSafe( vert );
                    sw.WriteLine( PovRay.Sphere( new Sphere() { Center = onSphere, Radius = 0.01 } ) );

                    //if( !Infinity.IsInfinite( vert ) )
                    //	sw.WriteLine( PovRay.Sphere( new Sphere() { Center = vert, Radius = 0.01 } ) );
Example #22
        public static void Generate(EHoneycomb honeycomb, H3.Settings settings)
            // XXX - Block the same as in H3.  Share code better.
            H3.Cell template = null;
                int p, q, r;
                Honeycomb.PQR(honeycomb, out p, out q, out r);

                // Get data we need to generate the honeycomb.
                Polytope.Projection projection = Polytope.Projection.FaceCentered;
                double phi, chi, psi;
                H3.HoneycombData(honeycomb, out phi, out chi, out psi);

                H3.SetupCentering(honeycomb, settings, phi, chi, psi, ref projection);

                Tiling       tiling = new Tiling();
                TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig(p, q);
                tiling.GenerateInternal(config, projection);

                H3.Cell first = new H3.Cell(p, H3.GenFacets(tiling));
                first.ToSphere();                       // Work in ball model.

                template = first;

            // Center
            Vector3D center = template.Center;

            // Face
            H3.Cell.Facet facet = template.Facets[0];
            Sphere        s     = H3Models.Ball.OrthogonalSphereInterior(facet.Verts[0], facet.Verts[1], facet.Verts[2]);
            Vector3D      face  = s.Center;

            face *= DistOriginToOrthogonalSphere(s.Radius);

            // Edge
            Circle3D c;

            H3Models.Ball.OrthogonalCircleInterior(facet.Verts[0], facet.Verts[1], out c);
            Vector3D edge = c.Center;

            edge *= DistOriginToOrthogonalSphere(c.Radius);

            // Vertex
            Vector3D vertex = facet.Verts[0];

            Tet fundamental = new Tet(center, face, edge, vertex);

            // Recurse.
            int level = 1;
            Dictionary <Tet, int> completedTets = new Dictionary <Tet, int>(new TetEqualityComparer());

            completedTets.Add(fundamental, level);
            List <Tet> tets = new List <Tet>();

            ReflectRecursive(level, tets, completedTets, settings);

            Shapeways mesh = new Shapeways();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Tet, int> kvp in completedTets)
                if (Utils.Odd(kvp.Value))

                Tet tet = kvp.Key;

                // XXX - really want sphere surfaces here.
                mesh.Mesh.Triangles.Add(new Mesh.Triangle(tet.Verts[0], tet.Verts[1], tet.Verts[2]));
                mesh.Mesh.Triangles.Add(new Mesh.Triangle(tet.Verts[0], tet.Verts[3], tet.Verts[1]));
                mesh.Mesh.Triangles.Add(new Mesh.Triangle(tet.Verts[0], tet.Verts[2], tet.Verts[3]));
                mesh.Mesh.Triangles.Add(new Mesh.Triangle(tet.Verts[1], tet.Verts[3], tet.Verts[2]));

            STL.SaveMeshToSTL(mesh.Mesh, H3.m_baseDir + "fundamental" + ".stl");
Example #23
        public static void Polarity()
            TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig( 3, 7, 50 );
            Tiling tiling = new Tiling();
            tiling.GenerateInternal( config );

            List<Vector3D> points = new List<Vector3D>();
            List<H3.Cell.Edge> edges = new List<H3.Cell.Edge>();

            foreach( Polygon p in tiling.Tiles.Select( t => t.Boundary ) )
            foreach( Segment s in p.Segments )
            foreach( Vector3D v in s.Subdivide( 25 ) )
                Vector3D klein = HyperbolicModels.PoincareToKlein( v );
                H3.Cell.Edge e = Dual( klein );
                points.Add( klein );
                edges.Add( e );

            using( StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText( "polarity.pov" ) )
                double rad = 0.01;
                foreach( Vector3D vert in points )
                    sw.WriteLine( PovRay.Sphere( new Sphere() { Center = vert, Radius = rad } ) );
                foreach( H3.Cell.Edge edge in edges )
                    sw.WriteLine( PovRay.Cylinder( edge.Start, edge.End, rad/2 ) );
Example #24
 private static Segment[] BaseTileSegments( int p, int q )
     Tiling tiling = new Tiling();
     TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig( p, q, 1 );
     Tile baseTile = Tiling.CreateBaseTile( config );
     //baseTile.Transform( Mobius.Scale( 2 ) );				// Only works in Euclidean case
     return baseTile.Boundary.Segments.ToArray();