Example #1
File: tiger.cs Project: KDE/kimono
 public override void PaintInterface(    QPainter painter,
                                         QStyleOptionGraphicsItem option,
                                         QRect contentsRect )
     svg.Paint(painter, 0, 0);
        public override QRect VisualRect(QModelIndex index)
            GCHandle ret = (GCHandle)QAbstractItemViewVisualRect((IntPtr)GCHandle.Alloc(this),
            QRect r = (QRect)ret.Target;

Example #3
        public QRect BoundingRect(QRect r, int flags, string text, int tabstops, ref int tabarray)
            StackItem[] stack = new StackItem[6];
            stack[1].s_class = (IntPtr)DebugGCHandle.Alloc(r);
            stack[1].s_class = (IntPtr)GCHandle.Alloc(r);
            stack[2].s_int = flags;
            stack[3].s_class = (IntPtr)DebugGCHandle.Alloc(text);
            stack[3].s_class = (IntPtr)GCHandle.Alloc(text);
            stack[4].s_int = tabstops;
            stack[5].s_int = tabarray;
            interceptor.Invoke("boundingRect#$$$$", "boundingRect(const QRect&, int, const QString&, int, int*) const", stack);
            tabarray = stack[5].s_int;
            object returnValue = ((GCHandle)stack[0].s_class).Target;
Example #4
 public abstract void Paint(QPainter painter, QRect rect, QIcon.Mode mode, QIcon.State state);
Example #5
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static QDBusArgument Write(QDBusArgument a, QRect rect)
     return (QDBusArgument) staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator<<##", "operator<<(QDBusArgument&, const QRect&)", typeof(QDBusArgument), typeof(QDBusArgument), a, typeof(QRect), rect);
Example #6
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static void QDrawWinPanel(QPainter p, QRect r, QPalette pal)
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("qDrawWinPanel###", "qDrawWinPanel(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QPalette&)", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), p, typeof(QRect), r, typeof(QPalette), pal);
Example #7
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static void QDrawShadeRect(QPainter p, QRect r, QPalette pal, bool sunken, int lineWidth, int midLineWidth, QBrush fill)
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("qDrawShadeRect###$$$#", "qDrawShadeRect(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QPalette&, bool, int, int, const QBrush*)", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), p, typeof(QRect), r, typeof(QPalette), pal, typeof(bool), sunken, typeof(int), lineWidth, typeof(int), midLineWidth, typeof(QBrush), fill);
Example #8
 public void Ortho(QRect rect)
     interceptor.Invoke("ortho#", "ortho(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), rect);
Example #9
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Get the rating that would be selected if the user clicked position pos
 ///  within rect if the rating has been drawn with paintRating() using the same
 ///  rect and align values.
 ///  \return The new rating or -1 if pos is outside of the rating area.
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Get the rating that would be selected if the user clicked position pos  within rect if the rating has been drawn with paintRating() using the same  rect and align values.</short>
 public static int GetRatingFromPosition(QRect rect, uint align, Qt.LayoutDirection direction, QPoint pos)
     return (int) staticInterceptor.Invoke("getRatingFromPosition#$$#", "getRatingFromPosition(const QRect&, Qt::Alignment, Qt::LayoutDirection, const QPoint&)", typeof(int), typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(uint), align, typeof(Qt.LayoutDirection), direction, typeof(QPoint), pos);
Example #10
File: QLayout.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public virtual void SetGeometry(QRect arg1)
     interceptor.Invoke("setGeometry#", "setGeometry(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), arg1);
 protected override void SetSelection(QRect rect, uint command)
Example #12
 protected override void SetSelection(QRect arg1, uint arg2)
     interceptor.Invoke("setSelection#$", "setSelection(const QRect&, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), arg1, typeof(uint), arg2);
Example #13
 protected virtual void PaintSection(QPainter painter, QRect rect, int logicalIndex)
     interceptor.Invoke("paintSection##$", "paintSection(QPainter*, const QRect&, int) const", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), painter, typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(int), logicalIndex);
Example #14
 public void Complete(QRect rect)
     interceptor.Invoke("complete#", "complete(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), rect);
Example #15
 public void SetScaledClipRect(QRect rect)
     interceptor.Invoke("setScaledClipRect#", "setScaledClipRect(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), rect);
Example #16
 /// <remarks>
 ///  This method is called when the interface should be painted.
 /// <param> name="painter" the QPainter to use to do the paintiner
 /// </param><param> name="option" the style options object
 /// </param><param> name="contentsRect" the rect to paint within; automatically adjusted for
 ///                      the background, if any
 /// </param></remarks>        <short>    This method is called when the interface should be painted.</short>
 public virtual void PaintInterface(QPainter painter, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem option, QRect contentsRect)
Example #17
    private QRect shotRect()
        const double gravity = 4;

        double time = timerCount / 20.0;
        double velocity = shootForce;
        double radians = shootAngle * 3.14159265 / 180;

        double velx = velocity * Math.Cos(radians);
        double vely = velocity * Math.Sin(radians);
        double x0 = (barrelRect.Right() + 5) * Math.Cos(radians);
        double y0 = (barrelRect.Right() + 5) * Math.Sin(radians);
        double x = x0 + velx * time;
        double y = y0 + vely * time - 0.5 * gravity * time * time;

        QRect result = new QRect(0, 0, 6, 6);
        result.MoveCenter(new QPoint((int) Math.Round(x), Height() - 1 - (int) Math.Round(y)));
        return result;
Example #18
 public QRegion Unite(QRect r)
     return((QRegion)interceptor.Invoke("unite#", "unite(const QRect&) const", typeof(QRegion), typeof(QRect), r));
Example #19
 public void Paint(QPainter painter, QRect rect, int rating)
     interceptor.Invoke("paint##$", "paint(QPainter*, const QRect&, int) const", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), painter, typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(int), rating);
Example #20
 public QRegion Intersected(QRect r)
     return((QRegion)interceptor.Invoke("intersected#", "intersected(const QRect&) const", typeof(QRegion), typeof(QRect), r));
Example #21
 public void Complete(QRect rect)
     interceptor.Invoke("complete#", "complete(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), rect);
Example #22
 public bool Intersects(QRect r)
     return((bool)interceptor.Invoke("intersects#", "intersects(const QRect&) const", typeof(bool), typeof(QRect), r));
Example #23
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static void QDrawPlainRect(QPainter p, QRect r, QColor arg3, int lineWidth)
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("qDrawPlainRect###$", "qDrawPlainRect(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QColor&, int)", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), p, typeof(QRect), r, typeof(QColor), arg3, typeof(int), lineWidth);
Example #24
 public void SetRects(QRect rect, int num)
     interceptor.Invoke("setRects#$", "setRects(const QRect*, int)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(int), num);
Example #25
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static void QDrawWinButton(QPainter p, QRect r, QPalette pal, bool sunken, QBrush fill)
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("qDrawWinButton###$#", "qDrawWinButton(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QPalette&, bool, const QBrush*)", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), p, typeof(QRect), r, typeof(QPalette), pal, typeof(bool), sunken, typeof(QBrush), fill);
Example #26
 public QRegion(QRect r, QRegion.RegionType t) : this((Type)null)
     interceptor.Invoke("QRegion#$", "QRegion(const QRect&, QRegion::RegionType)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), r, typeof(QRegion.RegionType), t);
Example #27
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static QDBusArgument Read(QDBusArgument a, QRect rect)
     return (QDBusArgument) staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator>>##", "operator>>(const QDBusArgument&, QRect&)", typeof(QDBusArgument), typeof(QDBusArgument), a, typeof(QRect), rect);
Example #28
 public QRegion(QRect r) : this((Type)null)
     interceptor.Invoke("QRegion#", "QRegion(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), r);
Example #29
 public void SetBoundingRect(QRect r)
     interceptor.Invoke("setBoundingRect#", "setBoundingRect(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), r);
Example #30
 public bool Contains(QRect r)
     return((bool)interceptor.Invoke("contains#", "contains(const QRect&) const", typeof(bool), typeof(QRect), r));
Example #31
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Maps a QRect from a view's coordinates to local coordinates.
 /// <param> name="view" the view from which rect should be mapped
 /// </param><param> name="rect" the rect to be mapped
 ///          </param></remarks>        <short>    Maps a QRect from a view's coordinates to local coordinates.</short>
 public QRectF MapFromView(QGraphicsView view, QRect rect)
     return applet.MapFromView(view, rect);
Example #32
 protected virtual void DrawCheck(QPainter painter, QStyleOptionViewItem option, QRect rect, Qt.CheckState state)
     interceptor.Invoke("drawCheck###$", "drawCheck(QPainter*, const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QRect&, Qt::CheckState) const", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), painter, typeof(QStyleOptionViewItem), option, typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(Qt.CheckState), state);
Example #33
 private QRect cannonRect()
     QRect result = new QRect(0, 0, 50, 50);
     return result;
Example #34
 protected void DoLayout(QStyleOptionViewItem option, QRect checkRect, QRect iconRect, QRect textRect, bool hint)
     interceptor.Invoke("doLayout####$", "doLayout(const QStyleOptionViewItem&, QRect*, QRect*, QRect*, bool) const", typeof(void), typeof(QStyleOptionViewItem), option, typeof(QRect), checkRect, typeof(QRect), iconRect, typeof(QRect), textRect, typeof(bool), hint);
Example #35
 private QRect targetRect()
     QRect result = new QRect(0, 0, 20, 10);
     result.MoveCenter(new QPoint(target.X(), Height() - 1 - target.Y()));
     return result;
Example #36
 protected QRect Check(QStyleOptionViewItem option, QRect bounding, QVariant variant)
     return((QRect)interceptor.Invoke("check###", "check(const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QRect&, const QVariant&) const", typeof(QRect), typeof(QStyleOptionViewItem), option, typeof(QRect), bounding, typeof(QVariant), variant));
Example #37
File: QLayout.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 protected QRect AlignmentRect(QRect arg1)
     return (QRect) interceptor.Invoke("alignmentRect#", "alignmentRect(const QRect&) const", typeof(QRect), typeof(QRect), arg1);
Example #38
 protected QRect TextRectangle(QPainter painter, QRect rect, QFont font, string text)
     return((QRect)interceptor.Invoke("textRectangle###$", "textRectangle(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QFont&, const QString&) const", typeof(QRect), typeof(QPainter), painter, typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(QFont), font, typeof(string), text));
Example #39
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Calculate the rating value from mouse position pos.
 ///  \return The rating corresponding to pos or -1 if pos is
 ///  outside of the configured rect.
 ///      </remarks>        <short>    Calculate the rating value from mouse position pos.</short>
 public int RatingFromPosition(QRect rect, QPoint pos)
     return (int) interceptor.Invoke("ratingFromPosition##", "ratingFromPosition(const QRect&, const QPoint&) const", typeof(int), typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(QPoint), pos);
Example #40
 protected virtual void DrawDisplay(QPainter painter, QStyleOptionViewItem option, QRect rect, string text)
     interceptor.Invoke("drawDisplay###$", "drawDisplay(QPainter*, const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QRect&, const QString&) const", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), painter, typeof(QStyleOptionViewItem), option, typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(string), text);
Example #41
 public static void PaintRating(QPainter p, QRect rect, uint align, int rating)
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("paintRating##$$", "paintRating(QPainter*, const QRect&, Qt::Alignment, int)", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), p, typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(uint), align, typeof(int), rating);
Example #42
 protected virtual void DrawDecoration(QPainter painter, QStyleOptionViewItem option, QRect rect, QPixmap pixmap)
     interceptor.Invoke("drawDecoration####", "drawDecoration(QPainter*, const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QRect&, const QPixmap&) const", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), painter, typeof(QStyleOptionViewItem), option, typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(QPixmap), pixmap);
Example #43
 public QRect MapRect(QRect rect)
     return (QRect) interceptor.Invoke("mapRect#", "mapRect(const QRect&) const", typeof(QRect), typeof(QRect), rect);
Example #44
 protected virtual void DrawFocus(QPainter painter, QStyleOptionViewItem option, QRect rect)
     interceptor.Invoke("drawFocus###", "drawFocus(QPainter*, const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QRect&) const", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), painter, typeof(QStyleOptionViewItem), option, typeof(QRect), rect);
Example #45
 public override void SetGeometry(QRect rect)
     interceptor.Invoke("setGeometry#", "setGeometry(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), rect);
Example #46
 public virtual QRect ItemTextRect(QFontMetrics fm, QRect r, int flags, bool enabled, string text)
     return((QRect)interceptor.Invoke("itemTextRect##$$$", "itemTextRect(const QFontMetrics&, const QRect&, int, bool, const QString&) const", typeof(QRect), typeof(QFontMetrics), fm, typeof(QRect), r, typeof(int), flags, typeof(bool), enabled, typeof(string), text));
Example #47
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static void QDrawPlainRect(QPainter p, QRect r, QColor arg3)
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("qDrawPlainRect###", "qDrawPlainRect(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QColor&)", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), p, typeof(QRect), r, typeof(QColor), arg3);
Example #48
 public virtual QRect ItemPixmapRect(QRect r, int flags, QPixmap pixmap)
     return((QRect)interceptor.Invoke("itemPixmapRect#$#", "itemPixmapRect(const QRect&, int, const QPixmap&) const", typeof(QRect), typeof(QRect), r, typeof(int), flags, typeof(QPixmap), pixmap));
Example #49
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static void QDrawShadeRect(QPainter p, QRect r, QPalette pal, bool sunken, int lineWidth)
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("qDrawShadeRect###$$", "qDrawShadeRect(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QPalette&, bool, int)", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), p, typeof(QRect), r, typeof(QPalette), pal, typeof(bool), sunken, typeof(int), lineWidth);
Example #50
 public virtual void DrawItemText(QPainter painter, QRect rect, int flags, QPalette pal, bool enabled, string text)
     interceptor.Invoke("drawItemText##$#$$", "drawItemText(QPainter*, const QRect&, int, const QPalette&, bool, const QString&) const", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), painter, typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(int), flags, typeof(QPalette), pal, typeof(bool), enabled, typeof(string), text);
Example #51
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static void QDrawWinPanel(QPainter p, QRect r, QPalette pal, bool sunken)
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("qDrawWinPanel###$", "qDrawWinPanel(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QPalette&, bool)", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), p, typeof(QRect), r, typeof(QPalette), pal, typeof(bool), sunken);
Example #52
 public virtual void DrawItemPixmap(QPainter painter, QRect rect, int alignment, QPixmap pixmap)
     interceptor.Invoke("drawItemPixmap##$#", "drawItemPixmap(QPainter*, const QRect&, int, const QPixmap&) const", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), painter, typeof(QRect), rect, typeof(int), alignment, typeof(QPixmap), pixmap);
Example #53
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static QDataStream Read(QDataStream arg1, QRect arg2)
     return (QDataStream) staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator>>##", "operator>>(QDataStream&, QRect&)", typeof(QDataStream), typeof(QDataStream), arg1, typeof(QRect), arg2);
Example #54
 public static QPoint VisualPos(Qt.LayoutDirection direction, QRect boundingRect, QPoint logicalPos)
     return((QPoint)staticInterceptor.Invoke("visualPos$##", "visualPos(Qt::LayoutDirection, const QRect&, const QPoint&)", typeof(QPoint), typeof(Qt.LayoutDirection), direction, typeof(QRect), boundingRect, typeof(QPoint), logicalPos));
Example #55
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static QDataStream Write(QDataStream arg1, QRect arg2)
     return (QDataStream) staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator<<##", "operator<<(QDataStream&, const QRect&)", typeof(QDataStream), typeof(QDataStream), arg1, typeof(QRect), arg2);
Example #56
 public static QRect AlignedRect(Qt.LayoutDirection direction, uint alignment, QSize size, QRect rectangle)
     return((QRect)staticInterceptor.Invoke("alignedRect$$##", "alignedRect(Qt::LayoutDirection, Qt::Alignment, const QSize&, const QRect&)", typeof(QRect), typeof(Qt.LayoutDirection), direction, typeof(uint), alignment, typeof(QSize), size, typeof(QRect), rectangle));
Example #57
 public void SetGeometry(QRect r)
     interceptor.Invoke("setGeometry#", "setGeometry(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), r);
Example #58
 public override void SetGeometry(QRect arg1)
     interceptor.Invoke("setGeometry#", "setGeometry(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), arg1);
Example #59
 public virtual void PaintInterface(QPainter painter, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem option, QRect contentsRect)
     interceptor.Invoke("paintInterface###", "paintInterface(QPainter*, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QPainter), painter, typeof(QStyleOptionGraphicsItem), option, typeof(QRect), contentsRect);
Example #60
 public void SetBoundingRect(QRect r)
     interceptor.Invoke("setBoundingRect#", "setBoundingRect(const QRect&)", typeof(void), typeof(QRect), r);