Example #1
File: RNN.cs Project: wintonpc/Quqe
        Vec Propagate(Vec input)
            Debug.Assert(!input.Any(x => double.IsNaN(x)));
            var output = new DenseVector(RNNInterop.PropagateInput(PropagationContext, input.ToArray(), Spec.Layers.Last().NodeCount));

            Debug.Assert(!output.Any(x => double.IsNaN(x)));
Example #2
File: RNN.cs Project: wintonpc/Quqe
 public static int GetWeightCount(List <LayerSpec> layers, int numInputs)
     return(RNNInterop.GetWeightCount(layers, numInputs));
Example #3
File: RNN.cs Project: wintonpc/Quqe
 public RNN(RNNSpec spec)
     Spec = spec;
     Debug.Assert(!spec.Weights.Any(x => double.IsNaN(x)));
     PropagationContext = RNNInterop.CreatePropagationContext(spec);
Example #4
        /// <summary>Scaled Conjugate Gradient algorithm from Williams (1991)</summary>
        public static RnnTrainResult TrainSCG(List <LayerSpec> layerSpecs, Vec weights, double epoch_max, Mat trainingData,
                                              Vec outputData, Func <bool> canceled = null)
            using (var context = RNNInterop.CreateTrainingContext(layerSpecs, trainingData, outputData))
                Func <Vec, Vec, Vec, double, Vec> approximateCurvature =
                    (w1, gradientAtW1, searchDirection, sig) => {
                    var w2           = w1 + sig * searchDirection;
                    var gradientAtW2 = context.EvaluateWeights(w2).Gradient;
                    return((gradientAtW2 - gradientAtW1) / sig);

                double       lambda_min = double.Epsilon;
                double       lambda_max = double.MaxValue;
                int          S_max      = weights.Count;
                const double tau        = 0.00001;

                // 0. initialize variables
                var    w       = weights;
                double epsilon = Math.Pow(10, -3);
                double lambda  = 1;
                double pi      = 0.05;

                var wei = context.EvaluateWeights(w);

                var           errAtW     = wei.Error;
                List <double> errHistory = new List <double> {
                //List<Vec> weightHistory = new List<Vec> { w };
                Vec  g       = wei.Gradient;
                Vec  s       = -g;
                bool success = true;
                int  S       = 0;

                double kappa = 0; // will be assigned in (1) on first iteration
                double sigma = 0; // will be assigned in (1) on first iteration
                double gamma = 0; // will be assigned in (1) on first iteration
                double mu    = 0; // will be assigned in (1) on first iteration
                int    n     = 0;
                while (true)
                    // 1. if success == true, calculate first and second order directional derivatives
                    if (success)
                        mu = s.DotProduct(g); // (directional gradient)
                        if (mu >= 0)
                            s  = -g;
                            mu = s.DotProduct(g);
                            S  = 0;
                        kappa = s.DotProduct(s);
                        sigma = epsilon / Math.Sqrt(kappa);
                        gamma = s.DotProduct(approximateCurvature(w, g, s, sigma)); // (directional curvature)

                    // 2. increase the working curvature
                    double delta = gamma + lambda * kappa;

                    // 3. if delta <= 0, make delta positive and increase lambda
                    if (delta <= 0)
                        delta  = lambda * kappa;
                        lambda = lambda - gamma / kappa;

                    // 4. calculate step size and adapt epsilon
                    double alpha    = -mu / delta;
                    double epsilon1 = epsilon * Math.Pow(alpha / sigma, pi);

                    // 5. calculate the comparison ratio
                    double rho = 2 * (context.EvaluateWeights((w + alpha * s)).Error - errAtW) / (alpha * mu);
                    success = rho >= 0;

                    // 6. revise lambda
                    double lambda1;
                    if (rho < 0.25)
                        lambda1 = Math.Min(lambda + delta * (1 - rho) / kappa, lambda_max);
                    else if (rho > 0.75)
                        lambda1 = Math.Max(lambda / 2, lambda_min);
                        lambda1 = lambda;

                    // 7. if success == true, adjust weights
                    Vec    w1;
                    double errAtW1;
                    Vec    g1;
                    if (success)
                        w1 = w + alpha * s;
                        var ei1 = context.EvaluateWeights(w1);
                        errAtW1 = ei1.Error;
                        g1      = ei1.Gradient;
                        errAtW1 = errAtW;
                        w1      = w;
                        g1      = g;

                    // 8. choose the new search direction
                    Vec s1;
                    if (S == S_max || (S >= 2 && g.DotProduct(g1) >= 0.2 * g1.DotProduct(g1))) // Powell-Beale restarts
                        //Trace.WriteLine("*** RESTARTED ***");
                        s1      = -g1;
                        success = true;
                        S       = 0;
                        //if (n == 0) Trace.WriteLine("not restarting");
                        if (success) // create new conjugate direction
                            //if (n == 0) Trace.WriteLine("new conjugate direction");
                            double beta = (g - g1).DotProduct(g1) / mu;
                            s1 = -g1 + beta * s;
                        else // use current direction again
                            //if (n == 0) Trace.WriteLine("same conjugate direction");
                            s1 = s;
                            // mu, kappa, sigma, and gamma stay the same;

                    // 9. check tolerance and keep iterating if we're not there yet
                    epsilon = epsilon1;
                    lambda  = lambda1;
                    errAtW  = errAtW1;
                    g = g1;
                    s = s1;
                    w = w1;

                    bool done = n == epoch_max || n > 10 && g.Norm(2) < tau;
                    //if (n == 1 || n % 50 == 0 || done)
                    //  Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}]  Error = {1}  |g| = {2}", n, errAtW, g.Norm(2)));

                    if (done || (canceled != null && canceled()))

                return(new RnnTrainResult {
                    RNNSpec = new RNNSpec(trainingData.RowCount, layerSpecs, w),
                    Cost = errAtW,
                    CostHistory = errHistory,
                    //WeightHistory = weightHistory