Example #1
        public JSValue Invoke(JSContext ctx, JSValue this_obj, int argc, JSValue[] argv)
            var self       = _delegate.Target;
            var methodInfo = _delegate.Method;
            var parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters();
            var nArgs      = argc;
            var args       = new object[nArgs];

            for (var i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
                if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, argv[i], parameters[i].ParameterType, out args[i]))
                    return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "failed to cast val"));
            if (methodInfo.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                var ret = methodInfo.Invoke(self, args);
                return(Values.js_push_var(ctx, ret));
                methodInfo.Invoke(self, args);
Example #2
        public override JSValue Invoke(JSContext ctx, JSValue this_obj, int argc, JSValue[] argv)
            if (!_ctor.IsPublic && !_type.privateAccess)
                return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "constructor is inaccessible due to its protection level"));

            var parameters = _ctor.GetParameters();
            var nArgs      = argc;
            var args       = new object[nArgs];

            for (var i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
                if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, argv[i], parameters[i].ParameterType, out args[i]))
                    return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "failed to cast val"));

            if (_crossbind)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat($"_js_crossbind_constructor {_type}");
                return(Values._js_crossbind_constructor(ctx, this_obj));

            var inst = _ctor.Invoke(args);
            var val  = Values.NewBridgeClassObject(ctx, this_obj, inst, _type.id, false);

Example #3
        public JSValue GetValue(JSContext ctx, JSValue this_obj)
            var propInfoGetMethod = _propertyInfo.GetGetMethod(true);

            if (propInfoGetMethod == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("property getter is null");
            if (!propInfoGetMethod.IsPublic && !_type.privateAccess)
                throw new InaccessibleMemberException(_propertyInfo.Name);
            object self = null;

            if (!propInfoGetMethod.IsStatic)
                if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, this_obj, _type.type, out self) || !_type.CheckThis(self))
                    throw new ThisBoundException();

            var rval = _propertyInfo.GetValue(self, null);

            return(Values.js_push_var(ctx, rval));
Example #4
        public JSValue SetValue(JSContext ctx, JSValue this_obj, JSValue val)
            if (!_fieldInfo.IsPublic && !_type.privateAccess)
                throw new InaccessibleMemberException(_fieldInfo.Name);
            object self = null;

            if (!_fieldInfo.IsStatic)
                if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, this_obj, _type.type, out self) || !_type.CheckThis(self))
                    throw new ThisBoundException();
            object t_val = null;

            if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, val, _fieldInfo.FieldType, out t_val))
                throw new InvalidCastException();
            _fieldInfo.SetValue(self, t_val);

            if (_type.type.IsValueType && !_fieldInfo.IsStatic)
                Values.js_rebind_var(ctx, this_obj, _type.type, self);

Example #5
        public JSValue SetValue(JSContext ctx, JSValue this_obj, JSValue val)
            var propInfoSetMethod = _propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(true);

            if (propInfoSetMethod == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("property setter is null");
            if (!propInfoSetMethod.IsPublic && !_type.privateAccess)
                throw new InaccessibleMemberException(_propertyInfo.Name);
            object self = null;

            if (!propInfoSetMethod.IsStatic)
                if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, this_obj, _type.type, out self) || !_type.CheckThis(self))
                    throw new ThisBoundException();
            object t_val = null;

            if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, val, _propertyInfo.PropertyType, out t_val))
                throw new InvalidCastException();
            _propertyInfo.SetValue(self, t_val, null);
            if (_type.type.IsValueType && !propInfoSetMethod.IsStatic)
                Values.js_rebind_var(ctx, this_obj, _type.type, self);
Example #6
        public JSValue SetValue(JSContext ctx, JSValue this_obj, JSValue val)
            if (!_fieldInfo.IsPublic && !_type.privateAccess)
                return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "field is inaccessible due to its protection level"));
            object self = null;

            if (!_fieldInfo.IsStatic)
                Values.js_get_cached_object(ctx, this_obj, out self);
                if (!_type.CheckThis(self))
                    throw new ThisBoundException();
            object t_val = null;

            if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, val, _fieldInfo.FieldType, out t_val))
                return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "failed to cast val"));
            _fieldInfo.SetValue(self, t_val);
Example #7
        public JSValue GetValue(JSContext ctx, JSValue this_obj)
            if (!_fieldInfo.IsPublic && !_type.privateAccess)
                throw new InaccessibleMemberException(_fieldInfo.Name);
            object self = null;

            if (!_fieldInfo.IsStatic)
                if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, this_obj, _type.type, out self) || !_type.CheckThis(self))
                    throw new ThisBoundException();

            var rval = _fieldInfo.GetValue(self);

            return(Values.js_push_var(ctx, rval));
Example #8
        public override JSValue Invoke(JSContext ctx, JSValue this_obj, int argc, JSValue[] argv)
            if (!_methodInfo.IsPublic && !_type.privateAccess)
                return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "method is inaccessible due to its protection level"));
            object self = null;

            if (!_methodInfo.IsStatic)
                Values.js_get_cached_object(ctx, this_obj, out self);
                if (!_type.CheckThis(self))
                    throw new ThisBoundException();
            var parameters = _methodInfo.GetParameters();
            var nArgs      = argc;
            var args       = new object[nArgs];

            for (var i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
                if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, argv[i], parameters[i].ParameterType, out args[i]))
                    return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "failed to cast val"));
            if (_methodInfo.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                var ret = _methodInfo.Invoke(self, args);
                return(Values.js_push_var(ctx, ret));
                _methodInfo.Invoke(self, args);
Example #9
        public override JSValue Invoke(JSContext ctx, JSValue this_obj, int argc, JSValue[] argv)
            if (!_ctor.IsPublic && !_type.privateAccess)
                return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "constructor is inaccessible due to its protection level"));

            var nArgs = argc;
            var args  = new object[nArgs];

            for (var i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
                if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, argv[i], _parameters[i].ParameterType, out args[i]))
                    return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "failed to cast val"));

            var inst = _ctor.Invoke(args);
            var val  = Values.js_new_var(ctx, this_obj, _type.type, inst, _type.id, _disposable);

Example #10
        public override JSValue Invoke(JSContext ctx, JSValue this_obj, int argc, JSValue[] argv)
            if (!_methodInfo.IsPublic && !_type.privateAccess)
                return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, "method is inaccessible due to its protection level"));
            object self = null;

            if (!_methodInfo.IsStatic)
                if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, this_obj, _type.type, out self) || !_type.CheckThis(self))
                    throw new ThisBoundException();
            var nArgs       = _methodParameters.Length;
            var args        = new object[nArgs];
            var vIndex      = 0;
            var bBackValues = false;

            for (var i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
                var parameterInfo = _methodParameters[i];
                var pType         = parameterInfo.ParameterType;
                if (Values.IsContextualType(pType))
                    args[i] = Values.js_get_context(ctx, pType);
                    if (_isVarargMethod && i == nArgs - 1)
                        var varArgLength = argc - nArgs + 1;
                        var varArgType   = pType.GetElementType();
                        var varArgArray  = Array.CreateInstance(varArgType, varArgLength);
                        for (var varArgIndex = 0; varArgIndex < varArgLength; varArgIndex++)
                            object varArgElement = null;
                            if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, argv[vIndex++], varArgType, out varArgElement))
                                return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, $"failed to cast val vararg #{varArgIndex}"));
                            varArgArray.SetValue(varArgElement, varArgIndex);
                        args[i] = varArgArray;
                        if (pType.IsByRef)
                            bBackValues = true;
                            if (!parameterInfo.IsOut)
                                if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, argv[vIndex], pType.GetElementType(), out args[i]))
                                    return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, $"failed to cast val byref #{vIndex}"));
                            if (!Values.js_get_var(ctx, argv[vIndex], pType, out args[i]))
                                return(JSApi.JS_ThrowInternalError(ctx, $"failed to cast val #{vIndex}"));

            var ret = _methodInfo.Invoke(self, args);

            if (bBackValues)
                vIndex = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
                    var parameterInfo = _methodParameters[i];
                    var pType         = parameterInfo.ParameterType;
                    if (!Values.IsContextualType(pType))
                        if (_isVarargMethod && i == nArgs - 1)
                            if (pType.IsByRef)
                                var backValue = Values.js_push_var(ctx, args[i]);
                                var valueAtom = ScriptEngine.GetContext(ctx).GetAtom("value");
                                JSApi.JS_SetProperty(ctx, argv[vIndex], valueAtom, backValue);


            if (_type.type.IsValueType && !_methodInfo.IsStatic)
                Values.js_rebind_var(ctx, this_obj, _type.type, self);

            if (_methodInfo.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                return(Values.js_push_var(ctx, ret));
