internal QueueAbstract GetQueue(XElement ep, Progress <QueueMonitorMessage> monitorPipelineProgress, string inputQueueName) { QueueAbstract queue = GetQueue(ep, monitorPipelineProgress); queue.pipeInputQueueName = inputQueueName; return(queue); }
public FilterContextContains(XElement config, QueueAbstract queue) : base(config) { _contextCache = new MemoryCache(queue.queueName); try { contextCacheKeyXPath = config.Attribute("contextCacheKeyXPath").Value; } catch (Exception) { contextCacheKeyXPath = null; } try { this.contextCacheExpiry = double.Parse(config.Attribute("contextCacheExpiry").Value); } catch (Exception) { this.contextCacheExpiry = 10.0; } try { this.useMessageAsKey = bool.Parse(config.Attribute("useMessageAsKey").Value); } catch (Exception) { this.useMessageAsKey = false; } // this.queue = queue; }
public IQueueFilter GetFilter(XElement ep, QueueAbstract queue) { string type = ep.Name.ToString(); IQueueFilter filter = null; switch (type) { case "xpexists": filter = new FilterXPathExists(ep); break; case "xpequals": case "xpmatches": filter = new FilterXPathEquals(ep); break; case "dateRange": filter = new FilterDateRange(ep); break; case "bool": filter = new FilterBool(ep); break; case "contains": filter = new FilterContains(ep); break; case "equals": filter = new FilterEquals(ep); break; case "matches": filter = new FilterMatches(ep); break; case "length": filter = new FilterLength(ep); break; case "contextContains": filter = new FilterContextContains(ep, queue); break; } return(filter); }
public Expression(XElement defn, QueueAbstract queue) { try { type = defn.Attribute("type").Value; } catch (Exception) { type = "single"; } type = defn.Name.ToString(); foreach (string fType in filterTypes) { foreach (XElement filterConfig in defn.Elements(fType)) { IQueueFilter filter = filterFact.GetFilter(filterConfig, queue); if (filter != null) { filters.Add(filter); } // If it is a "single" type of expression, there will only be one filter Element if (type == "single" || type == "not") { singleFilter = filter; } } } // Boolean operators are all implemented in the this class foreach (string eType in expressionTypes) { foreach (XElement exprConfig in defn.Elements(eType)) { Expression exp = new Expression(exprConfig, queue); expressions.Add(exp); if (type == "single" || type == "not") { singleExpression = exp; } } } }
private async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendAndLog(QueueAbstract queue, ExchangeMessage message) { message = await queue.Send(message); return(message); }
public Pipeline(XElement pipeConfig, IProgress <PipelineMonitorMessage> monitorMessageProgress) { this.monitorMessageProgress = monitorMessageProgress; monitorPipelineProgress = new Progress <QueueMonitorMessage>(); monitorPipelineProgress.ProgressChanged += MonitorStatusMessage; try { string dist = pipeConfig.Attribute("distribution").Value; if (dist == "random") { randomDistribution = true; } else if (dist == "roundRobin") { roundRobinDistribution = true; } } catch { randomDistribution = false; roundRobinDistribution = false; } try { = pipeConfig.Attribute("id").Value; } catch (Exception) { = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } try { outputIsolation = bool.Parse(pipeConfig.Attribute("outputIsolation").Value); } catch (Exception) { outputIsolation = false; } try { contextAware = bool.Parse(pipeConfig.Attribute("contextAware").Value); } catch (Exception) { contextAware = false; } try { mostRecentOnly = bool.Parse(pipeConfig.Attribute("mostRecentOnly").Value); } catch (Exception) { mostRecentOnly = false; } try { name = pipeConfig.Attribute("name").Value; } catch (Exception) { name = "Un Named PipeLine"; } try { inputQueueName = pipeConfig.Attribute("pipeInputQueueName").Value; } catch (Exception) { inputQueueName = null; } // Configure a throttling time to limit the throughput of the pipeline try { maxMsgPerMinute = int.Parse(pipeConfig.Attribute("maxMsgPerMinute").Value); if (maxMsgPerMinute == -1) { throttleInterval = 0; } else { throttleInterval = 60000 / maxMsgPerMinute; } } catch (Exception) { throttleInterval = 0; } // Configure a throttling time to limit the throughput of the pipeline try { maxMsgPerMinuteProfile = pipeConfig.Attribute("maxMsgPerMinuteProfile").Value; } catch (Exception) { maxMsgPerMinuteProfile = null; } // QueueFactory takes the definition of each of the queues and creates the defined // queue of the defined type. All the filters and transformations are built into the // queue itself and configured in the constructor // The input queue. There may be multiple queue which have to be prioritised IEnumerable <XElement> InEndPoints = from ep in pipeConfig.Descendants("input") select ep; foreach (XElement ep in InEndPoints) { QueueAbstract queue = queueFactory.GetQueue(ep, monitorPipelineProgress, inputQueueName); //queue.SetParentPipe(this); if (queue != null) { if (!queue.isValid) { logger.Warn($"Could not add Input Queue {queue.queueName} to {name}. Invalid Configuration"); continue; } input.Add(queue); } else { logger.Error($"Could not proccess Input Queue {queue.queueName}"); } } // The output queues. There may be multiple output queues for each input queue IEnumerable <XElement> OutEndPoints = from ep in pipeConfig.Descendants("output") select ep; foreach (XElement ep in OutEndPoints) { try { QueueAbstract queue = queueFactory.GetQueue(ep, monitorPipelineProgress); if (queue != null) { if (!queue.isValid) { logger.Warn($"Could not add Output Queue {queue.queueName} to {name}. Invalid Configuration"); continue; } output.Add(queue); } else { logger.Error($"Could not proccess Output Queue {queue.queueName}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } // Create a queue that all the inputs will sent messages to try { if (!MessageQueue.Exists(inputQueueName)) { using (MessageQueue t = MessageQueue.Create(inputQueueName)) { this.pipeInputQueue = t; logger.Info($"Created Input Queue {inputQueueName} for pipeline"); } } else { this.pipeInputQueue = new MessageQueue(inputQueueName); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } _contextCache = new MemoryCache(name); try { contextCacheKeyXPath = pipeConfig.Attribute("contextCacheKeyXPath").Value; } catch (Exception) { contextCacheKeyXPath = null; } try { this.contextCacheExpiry = double.Parse(pipeConfig.Attribute("contextCacheExpiry").Value); } catch (Exception) { this.contextCacheExpiry = 10.0; } try { this.discardInCache = bool.Parse(pipeConfig.Attribute("discardInCache").Value); } catch (Exception) { this.discardInCache = false; } try { this.firstOnly = bool.Parse(pipeConfig.Attribute("firstOnly").Value); } catch (Exception) { this.firstOnly = false; } try { this.useMessageAsKey = bool.Parse(pipeConfig.Attribute("useMessageAsKey").Value); } catch (Exception) { this.useMessageAsKey = false; } //Output and reset context if (contextCacheKeyXPath != null) { int contextStatsInterval; try { contextStatsInterval = int.Parse(pipeConfig.Attribute("contextStatsInterval").Value); } catch (Exception) { contextStatsInterval = 30000; } resetTimer = new System.Timers.Timer() { AutoReset = true, Interval = contextStatsInterval }; logger.Info($"Context Cache Stats Interval set to {contextStatsInterval}"); resetTimer.Elapsed += (source, eventArgs) => { statLogger.Info($"Total received: {this.totalReceived}, Total sent: {this.totalSent}"); statLogger.Info($">>>> Context Cache Stats for Previous {resetTimer.Interval}ms"); try { foreach (var v in statDict.Values) { statLogger.Info(v); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error($"Stats dictionary problem {ex.Message}"); } finally { statDict.Clear(); } statLogger.Info($"<<<<< End of Context Cache Stats"); }; resetTimer.Start(); } /* Only allow if there are output queues configured * It is OK if there are no inputs defined. An output only queue may be * defined just to specifiy a maxMessages parameter on the queue for size maintenance */ if (output.Count() > 0) { OK_TO_RUN = true; } else { OK_TO_RUN = false; logger.Warn($"No inputs or outputs defined for Pipeline {name}"); } }
public QueueAbstract(XElement defn, IProgress <QueueMonitorMessage> monitorMessageProgress) { this.monitorMessageProgress = monitorMessageProgress; this.definition = defn; try { var stylesheet = definition.Attribute("stylesheet").Value; this.styleSheets = stylesheet.Split(',').ToList <string>(); this.bTransform = true; } catch (Exception) { this.styleSheets = new List <string>(); this.bTransform = false; } try { this.queueName = definition.Attribute("queue").Value; } catch (Exception) { this.queueName = "undefined"; } try { = definition.Attribute("id").Value; } catch (Exception) { = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } try { = definition.Attribute("name").Value; } catch (Exception) { = this.queueName; } try { this.createQueue = bool.Parse(definition.Attribute("createQueue").Value); } catch (Exception) { this.createQueue = false; } try { this.xslVersion = definition.Attribute("xslVersion").Value; } catch (Exception) { this.xslVersion = "1.0"; } try { this.maxRetry = Convert.ToInt32(definition.Attribute("maxRetry").Value); } catch (Exception) { this.maxRetry = 10; } try { this.priority = Convert.ToInt32(definition.Attribute("priority").Value); switch (priority) { case 0: mqPriority = MessagePriority.Lowest; break; case 1: mqPriority = MessagePriority.VeryLow; break; case 2: mqPriority = MessagePriority.Low; break; case 3: mqPriority = MessagePriority.Normal; break; case 4: mqPriority = MessagePriority.AboveNormal; break; case 5: mqPriority = MessagePriority.High; break; case 6: mqPriority = MessagePriority.VeryHigh; break; case 7: mqPriority = MessagePriority.Highest; break; } } catch (Exception) { this.priority = 2; mqPriority = MessagePriority.Normal; } try { undeliverableQueue = defn.Attribute("undeliverableQueue").Value; CreateQueue(undeliverableQueue); } catch (Exception) { undeliverableQueue = null; } try { bufferQueueName = definition.Attribute("bufferQueueName").Value; CreateQueue(bufferQueueName, true); } catch (Exception) { bufferQueueName = null; } try { xpathDestination = definition.Attribute("xpathDestination").Value; } catch (Exception) { xpathDestination = null; } try { xpathContentDestination = definition.Attribute("xpathContentDestination").Value; } catch (Exception) { xpathContentDestination = null; } // Add any filter expresion XElement filtersDefn = defn.Element("filter"); if (filtersDefn != null) { // Add the alternate queue to send to if the expression fails (optional) try { altQueue = fact.GetQueue(filtersDefn.Element("altqueue"), this.monitorMessageProgress); } catch (Exception) { altQueue = null; } /* * At the top level, there is only one Expresssion, which it self can be a compound * expression or a single data filter * * When the Expression itself is constucted, it recurssive creates all the Expression o * filters configured under it */ // Cycle through the expressions types (and, or, not, xor) to see if any exist foreach (string eType in Expression.expressionTypes) { XElement exprDefn = filtersDefn.Element(eType); if (exprDefn != null) { expression = new Expression(exprDefn, this); } } // Cycle through the data filter types (and, or, not, xor) to see if any exist foreach (string fType in Expression.filterTypes) { XElement filtDefn = filtersDefn.Element(fType); if (filtDefn != null) { topLevelFilter = fact.GetFilter(filtDefn, this); } } } // Call the instance specific setup this.isValid = this.SetUp(); }