ReloadAmmo() public method

public ReloadAmmo ( DirectEve.DirectItem charge, int weaponNumber, double Range ) : bool
charge DirectEve.DirectItem
weaponNumber int
Range double
return bool
Example #1
        //    Interlocked.Decrement(ref CombatInstances);
        // Reload correct (tm) ammo for the NPC
        // (enough/correct) ammo is loaded, false if wrong/not enough ammo is loaded
        private static bool ReloadNormalAmmo(ModuleCache weapon, EntityCache entity, int weaponNumber, bool force = false)
            if (Settings.Instance.WeaponGroupId == 53) return true;
            if (entity == null)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadAll) Logging.Log("debug ReloadAll:", "if (entity == null)", Logging.Orange);
                return false;

            List<Ammo> correctAmmoToUse = null;
            List<Ammo> correctAmmoInCargo = null;

            // NOTE: This new setting is NOT ready for use!
            // NOTE: when we are finished molesting ReloadNormalAmmo we should do the same to the routine used for lasers...
            // ammo selection based on target size
            if (Settings.Instance.SelectAmmoToUseBasedOnShipSize)
                if (Cache.Instance.LastChangedAmmoTimeStamp != null && Cache.Instance.LastChangedAmmoTimeStamp.ContainsKey(weapon.ItemId))
                    // Do not allow the changing of ammo if we already changed ammo in the last 60 seconds AND we do not need to reload yet
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow < Cache.Instance.LastChangedAmmoTimeStamp[weapon.ItemId].AddSeconds(Time.Instance.EnforcedDelayBetweenArbitraryAmmoChanges))
                        if (weapon.CurrentCharges >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges && !force)
                            if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadAll) Logging.Log("debug ReloadAll:", "[" + weapon.TypeName + "] last reloaded [" + DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(Cache.Instance.LastChangedAmmoTimeStamp[weapon.ItemId]).TotalSeconds + "sec ago] [ " + weapon.CurrentCharges + " ] charges in in [" + Cache.Instance.Weapons.Count() + "] total weapons, minimum of [" + Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges + "] charges, MaxCharges is [" + weapon.MaxCharges + "]", Logging.Orange);
                            return true;

                if (Settings.Instance.Ammo.Any(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType))
                    // Get ammo based on damage type
                    correctAmmoToUse = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType).ToList();

                    // get Ammo Based on entity we are shooting's size class, default to normal ammo if we cant determine its size
                    if (entity.IsBattleship)
                        // this needs one more layer somewhere to determine the right damage type for battleships, etc (EM, kinetic, etc) and it needs to do it for
                        // default, faction and mission specific layers
                        //correctAmmoToUse = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == DamageType.BattleShip_EM).ToList();
                    else if (entity.IsBattlecruiser)
                        //correctAmmoToUse = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == DamageType.BattleShip_EM).ToList();
                    else if (entity.IsCruiser)
                        //correctAmmoToUse = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == DamageType.BattleShip_EM).ToList();
                    else if (entity.IsFrigate)
                        //correctAmmoToUse = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == DamageType.Frigate_EM).ToList();
                    else if (entity.IsLargeCollidable)
                        //correctAmmoToUse = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == DamageType.LargeCollidable_EM).ToList();
                    else if (entity.IsPlayer)
                        //correctAmmoToUse = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == DamageType.PVP_EM).ToList();

                    // Check if we still have that ammo in our cargo
                    correctAmmoInCargo = correctAmmoToUse.Where(a => Cache.Instance.CurrentShipsCargo.Items.Any(i => i.TypeId == a.TypeId && i.Quantity >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges)).ToList();

                    //check if mission specific ammo is defined
                    if (Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Count() != 0)
                        correctAmmoInCargo = Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Where(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType).ToList();

                    // Check if we still have that ammo in our cargo
                    correctAmmoInCargo = correctAmmoInCargo.Where(a => Cache.Instance.CurrentShipsCargo.Items.Any(i => i.TypeId == a.TypeId && i.Quantity >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges)).ToList();
                    if (Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Count() != 0)
                        correctAmmoInCargo = Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo;

                    // We are out of ammo! :(
                    if (!correctAmmoInCargo.Any())
                        Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: not enough [" + Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType + "] ammo in cargohold: MinimumCharges: [" + Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges + "]", Logging.Orange);
                        _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                        return false;

                    Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: ammo is not defined properly in the ammo section of this characters settings xml", Logging.Orange);
                    _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                    return false;

                // normal ammo selection - ignore target attributes and uses the right ammo for the pocket
                if (Settings.Instance.Ammo.Any(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType))
                    // Get ammo based on damage type
                    correctAmmoToUse = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType).ToList();

                    // Check if we still have that ammo in our cargo
                    correctAmmoInCargo = correctAmmoToUse.Where(a => Cache.Instance.CurrentShipsCargo.Items.Any(i => i.TypeId == a.TypeId && i.Quantity >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges)).ToList();

                    //check if mission specific ammo is defined
                    if (Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Count() != 0)
                        correctAmmoInCargo = Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Where(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType).ToList();

                    // Check if we still have that ammo in our cargo
                    correctAmmoInCargo = correctAmmoInCargo.Where(a => Cache.Instance.CurrentShipsCargo.Items.Any(i => i.TypeId == a.TypeId && i.Quantity >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges)).ToList();
                    if (Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Count() != 0)
                        correctAmmoInCargo = Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo;

                    // We are out of ammo! :(
                    if (!correctAmmoInCargo.Any())
                        Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: not enough [" + Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType + "] ammo in cargohold: MinimumCharges: [" + Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges + "]", Logging.Orange);
                        _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                        return false;
                    Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: ammo is not defined properly in the ammo section of this characters settings xml", Logging.Orange);
                    _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                    return false;

            if (weapon.Charge != null)
                IEnumerable<Ammo> areWeMissingAmmo = correctAmmo.Where(a => a.TypeId == weapon.Charge.TypeId);
                if (!areWeMissingAmmo.Any())
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(Cache.Instance.LastLoggingAction).TotalSeconds > 4)
                        Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: We have ammo loaded that does not have a full reload available, checking cargo for other ammo", Logging.Orange);
                        Cache.Instance.LastLoggingAction = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            if (Settings.Instance.Ammo.Any())
                                DirectItem availableAmmo = cargo.Items.OrderByDescending(i => i.Quantity).Where(a => Settings.Instance.Ammo.Any(i => i.TypeId == a.TypeId)).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
                                if (availableAmmo != null)
                                    Cache.Instance.DamageType = Settings.Instance.Ammo.ToList().OrderByDescending(i => i.Quantity).Where(a => a.TypeId == availableAmmo.TypeId).ToList().FirstOrDefault().DamageType;
                                    Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: found [" + availableAmmo.Quantity + "] units of  [" + availableAmmo.TypeName + "] changed DamageType to [" + Cache.Instance.DamageType.ToString() + "]", Logging.Orange);
                                    return false;

                                Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: unable to find any alternate ammo in your cargo", Logging.teal);
                                _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                                return false;
                        catch (Exception)
                            Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: unable to find any alternate ammo in your cargo", Logging.teal);
                            _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                        return false;

            // Get the best possible ammo
            Ammo ammo = correctAmmoInCargo.FirstOrDefault();
                if (ammo != null && entity != null)
                    ammo = correctAmmoInCargo.Where(a => a.Range > entity.Distance).OrderBy(a => a.Range).FirstOrDefault();
            catch (Exception exception)
                Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: Unable to find the correct ammo: waiting [" + exception + "]", Logging.Teal);
                return false;

            // We do not have any ammo left that can hit targets at that range!
            if (ammo == null)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadAll) Logging.Log("debug ReloadAll:", "We do not have any ammo left that can hit targets at that range!", Logging.Orange);
                return false;

            // Do We have enough ammo loaded?
            if (weapon.Charge != null && weapon.Charge.TypeId == ammo.TypeId)
                if (weapon.CurrentCharges >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges && !force)
                    if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadAll) Logging.Log("debug ReloadAll:", "[ " + weapon.CurrentCharges + " ] charges in in [" + Cache.Instance.Weapons.Count() + "] total weapons, minimum of [" + Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges + "] charges, MaxCharges is [" + weapon.MaxCharges + "]", Logging.Orange);
                    return true;

                if (weapon.CurrentCharges >= weapon.MaxCharges && force)
                    // even if force is true do not reload a weapon that is already full!
                    if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadAll) Logging.Log("debug ReloadAll:", "[ " + weapon.CurrentCharges + " ] charges in [" + Cache.Instance.Weapons.Count() + "] total weapons, MaxCharges [" + weapon.MaxCharges + "]", Logging.Orange);
                    return true;

                if (force && weapon.CurrentCharges < weapon.MaxCharges)
                    // allow the reload (and log it!)
                    if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadAll) Logging.Log("debug ReloadAll:", "[ " + weapon.CurrentCharges + " ] charges in [" + Cache.Instance.Weapons.Count() + "] total weapons, MaxCharges [" + weapon.MaxCharges + "] - forced reloading proceeding", Logging.Orange);


            // Retry later, assume its ok now
            //if (!weapon.MatchingAmmo.Any())
            //    LastWeaponReload[weapon.ItemId] = DateTime.UtcNow; //mark this weapon as reloaded... by the time we need to reload this timer will have aged enough...
            //    return true;

            DirectItem charge = Cache.Instance.CurrentShipsCargo.Items.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ammo.TypeId && e.Quantity >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges);

            // This should have shown up as "out of ammo"
            if (charge == null)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadAll) Logging.Log("debug ReloadAll:", "This should have shown up as out of ammo", Logging.Orange);
                return false;

            // If we are reloading, wait Time.ReloadWeaponDelayBeforeUsable_seconds (see time.cs)
            if (weapon.IsReloadingAmmo)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadAll) Logging.Log("debug ReloadAll:", "We are already reloading, wait - weapon.IsReloadingAmmo [" + weapon.IsReloadingAmmo + "]", Logging.Orange);
                return true;

            // If we are changing ammo, wait Time.ReloadWeaponDelayBeforeUsable_seconds (see time.cs)
            if (weapon.IsChangingAmmo)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadAll) Logging.Log("debug ReloadAll:", "We are already changing ammo, wait - weapon.IsReloadingAmmo [" + weapon.IsReloadingAmmo + "]", Logging.Orange);
                return true;

                // Reload or change ammo
                if (weapon.Charge != null && weapon.Charge.TypeId == charge.TypeId && !weapon.IsChangingAmmo)
                    if (weapon.ReloadAmmo(charge, weaponNumber, (double) ammo.Range))
                        return true;

                    return false;

                if (weapon.ChangeAmmo(charge, weaponNumber, (double) ammo.Range, entity.Name, entity.Distance))
                    return true;

                return false;
            catch (Exception exception)
                Logging.Log("Combat.ReloadNormalAmmo", "Exception [" + exception + "]", Logging.Debug);

            // Return true as we are reloading ammo, assume it is the correct ammo...
            return true;
Example #2
        /// <summary> Reload correct (tm) ammo for the NPC
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "weapon"></param>
        /// <param name = "entity"></param>
        /// <param name = "weaponNumber"></param>
        /// <returns>True if the (enough/correct) ammo is loaded, false if wrong/not enough ammo is loaded</returns>
        public static bool ReloadNormalAmmo(ModuleCache weapon, EntityCache entity, int weaponNumber)
            if (Settings.Instance.WeaponGroupId == 53) return true;
            if (entity == null) return false;

            DirectContainer cargo = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.GetShipsCargo();

            // Get ammo based on damage type
            IEnumerable<Ammo> correctAmmo = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.DamageType).ToList();

            // Check if we still have that ammo in our cargo
            IEnumerable<Ammo> correctAmmoIncargo = correctAmmo.Where(a => cargo.Items.Any(i => i.TypeId == a.TypeId && i.Quantity >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges)).ToList();

            //check if mission specific ammo is defined
            if (Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Count() != 0)
                correctAmmoIncargo = Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Where(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.DamageType).ToList();

            // Check if we still have that ammo in our cargo
            correctAmmoIncargo = correctAmmoIncargo.Where(a => cargo.Items.Any(i => i.TypeId == a.TypeId && i.Quantity >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges)).ToList();
            if (Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Count() != 0)
                correctAmmoIncargo = Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo;

            // We are out of ammo! :(
            if (!correctAmmoIncargo.Any())
                Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: not enough [" + Cache.Instance.DamageType + "] ammo in cargohold: MinimumCharges: [" + Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges + "]", Logging.Orange);
                _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                return false;

            if (weapon.Charge != null)
                IEnumerable<Ammo> areWeMissingAmmo = correctAmmo.Where(a => a.TypeId == weapon.Charge.TypeId);
                if (!areWeMissingAmmo.Any())
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(Cache.Instance.LastLoggingAction).TotalSeconds > 4)
                        Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: We have ammo loaded that does not have a full reload available, checking cargo for other ammo", Logging.Orange);
                        Cache.Instance.LastLoggingAction = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            if (Settings.Instance.Ammo.Any())
                                DirectItem availableAmmo = cargo.Items.OrderByDescending(i => i.Quantity).Where(a => Settings.Instance.Ammo.Any(i => i.TypeId == a.TypeId)).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
                                if (availableAmmo != null)
                                    Cache.Instance.DamageType = Settings.Instance.Ammo.ToList().OrderByDescending(i => i.Quantity).Where(a => a.TypeId == availableAmmo.TypeId).ToList().FirstOrDefault().DamageType;
                                    Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: found [" + availableAmmo.Quantity + "] units of  [" + availableAmmo.TypeName + "] changed DamageType to [" + Cache.Instance.DamageType.ToString() + "]", Logging.Orange);
                                    return false;

                                Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: unable to find any alternate ammo in your cargo", Logging.teal);
                                _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                                return false;
                        catch (Exception)
                            Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: unable to find any alternate ammo in your cargo", Logging.teal);
                            _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                        return false;

            // Get the best possible ammo
            Ammo ammo = correctAmmoIncargo.FirstOrDefault();
                if (ammo != null && entity != null)
                    ammo = correctAmmoIncargo.Where(a => a.Range > entity.Distance).OrderBy(a => a.Range).FirstOrDefault();
            catch (Exception exception)
                Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadNormalAmmo: Unable to find the correct ammo: waiting [" + exception + "]", Logging.Teal);
                return false;

            // We do not have any ammo left that can hit targets at that range!
            if (ammo == null)
                return false;

            // We have enough ammo loaded
            if (weapon.Charge != null && weapon.Charge.TypeId == ammo.TypeId && weapon.CurrentCharges >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges)
                LastWeaponReload[weapon.ItemId] = DateTime.UtcNow; //mark this weapon as reloaded... by the time we need to reload this timer will have aged enough...
                return true;

            // Retry later, assume its ok now
            //if (!weapon.MatchingAmmo.Any())
            //    LastWeaponReload[weapon.ItemId] = DateTime.UtcNow; //mark this weapon as reloaded... by the time we need to reload this timer will have aged enough...
            //    return true;

            DirectItem charge = cargo.Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.TypeId == ammo.TypeId && i.Quantity >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges);

            // This should have shown up as "out of ammo"
            if (charge == null)
                return false;

            // We are reloading, wait Time.ReloadWeaponDelayBeforeUsable_seconds (see time.cs)
            if (LastWeaponReload.ContainsKey(weapon.ItemId) && DateTime.UtcNow < LastWeaponReload[weapon.ItemId].AddSeconds(Time.Instance.ReloadWeaponDelayBeforeUsable_seconds))
                return true;
            LastWeaponReload[weapon.ItemId] = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Reload or change ammo
                if (weapon.Charge != null && weapon.Charge.TypeId == charge.TypeId && !weapon.IsChangingAmmo)
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(Cache.Instance.LastLoggingAction).TotalSeconds > 10)
                        Cache.Instance.TimeSpentReloading_seconds = Cache.Instance.TimeSpentReloading_seconds + Time.Instance.ReloadWeaponDelayBeforeUsable_seconds;
                        Cache.Instance.LastLoggingAction = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    Logging.Log("Combat", "Reloading [" + weaponNumber + "] with [" + charge.TypeName + "][" + Math.Round((double)ammo.Range / 1000, 0) + "][TypeID: " + charge.TypeId + "]", Logging.Teal);
                    weapon.ReloadTimeThisMission = weapon.ReloadTimeThisMission + Time.Instance.ReloadWeaponDelayBeforeUsable_seconds;
                    return false;

                if (!weapon.IsChangingAmmo)
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(Cache.Instance.LastLoggingAction).TotalSeconds > 10)
                        Cache.Instance.TimeSpentReloading_seconds = Cache.Instance.TimeSpentReloading_seconds + Time.Instance.ReloadWeaponDelayBeforeUsable_seconds;
                        Cache.Instance.LastLoggingAction = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    Logging.Log("Combat", "Changing [" + weaponNumber + "] with [" + charge.TypeName + "][" + Math.Round((double)ammo.Range / 1000, 0) + "][TypeID: " + charge.TypeId + "] so we can hit [" + entity.Name + "][" + Math.Round(entity.Distance / 1000, 0) + "k]", Logging.Teal);
                    weapon.ReloadTimeThisMission = weapon.ReloadTimeThisMission + Time.Instance.ReloadWeaponDelayBeforeUsable_seconds;
                    return false;

                if (weapon.IsChangingAmmo)
                    Logging.Log("Combat", "Weapon [" + weaponNumber + "] is already reloading. waiting", Logging.Teal);
                    return false;
            catch (Exception exception)
                Logging.Log("Combat.ReloadNormalAmmo", "Exception [" + exception + "]", Logging.Debug);

            // Return true as we are reloading ammo, assume it is the correct ammo...
            return true;
Example #3
        private static bool ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo(ModuleCache weapon, EntityCache entity, int weaponNumber)
            // Get ammo based on damage type
            IEnumerable<Ammo> correctAmmo = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType).ToList();

            // Check if we still have that ammo in our cargo
            IEnumerable<Ammo> correctAmmoInCargo = correctAmmo.Where(a => Cache.Instance.CurrentShipsCargo.Items.Any(e => e.TypeId == a.TypeId)).ToList();

            //check if mission specific ammo is defined
            if (Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Count() != 0)
                correctAmmoInCargo = Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Where(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType).ToList();

            // Check if we still have that ammo in our cargo
            correctAmmoInCargo = correctAmmoInCargo.Where(a => Cache.Instance.CurrentShipsCargo.Items.Any(e => e.TypeId == a.TypeId && e.Quantity >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges)).ToList();
            if (Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Count() != 0)
                correctAmmoInCargo = Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo;

            // We are out of ammo! :(
            if (!correctAmmoInCargo.Any())
                Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeapon: not enough [" + Cache.Instance.MissionDamageType + "] ammo in cargohold: MinimumCharges: [" + Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges + "]", Logging.Orange);
                _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                return false;

            if (weapon.Charge != null)
                IEnumerable<Ammo> areWeMissingAmmo = correctAmmoInCargo.Where(a => a.TypeId == weapon.Charge.TypeId);
                if (!areWeMissingAmmo.Any())
                    Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: We have ammo loaded that does not have a full reload available in the cargo.", Logging.Orange);

            // Get the best possible ammo - energy weapons change ammo near instantly
            Ammo ammo = correctAmmoInCargo.Where(a => a.Range > (entity.Distance)).OrderBy(a => a.Range).FirstOrDefault(); //default

            // We do not have any ammo left that can hit targets at that range!
            if (ammo == null)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: best possible ammo: [ ammo == null]", Logging.White);
                return false;

            if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: best possible ammo: [" + ammo.TypeId + "][" + ammo.DamageType + "]", Logging.White);
            if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: best possible ammo: [" + entity.Name + "][" + Math.Round(entity.Distance / 1000, 0) + "]", Logging.White);

            DirectItem charge = Cache.Instance.CurrentShipsCargo.Items.OrderBy(e => e.Quantity).FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ammo.TypeId);

            // We do not have any ammo left that can hit targets at that range!
            if (charge == null)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: We do not have any ammo left that can hit targets at that range!", Logging.Orange);
                return false;

            if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: charge: [" + charge.TypeName + "][" + charge.TypeId + "]", Logging.White);

            // We have enough ammo loaded
            if (weapon.Charge != null && weapon.Charge.TypeId == ammo.TypeId)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: We have Enough Ammo of that type Loaded Already", Logging.White);
                return true;

            // We are reloading, wait
            if (weapon.IsReloadingAmmo)
                return true;

            // We are reloading, wait
            if (weapon.IsChangingAmmo)
                return true;

            // Reload or change ammo
            if (weapon.Charge != null && weapon.Charge.TypeId == charge.TypeId)
                // reload
                if (weapon.ReloadAmmo(charge, weaponNumber, (double) ammo.Range))
                    return true;

                return false;

            // change ammo
            if (weapon.ChangeAmmo(charge, weaponNumber, (double) ammo.Range, entity.Name, entity.Distance))
                return true;

            return false;
Example #4
        public static bool ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo(ModuleCache weapon, EntityCache entity, int weaponNumber)
            DirectContainer cargo = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.GetShipsCargo();

            // Get ammo based on damage type
            IEnumerable<Ammo> correctAmmo = Settings.Instance.Ammo.Where(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.DamageType).ToList();

            // Check if we still have that ammo in our cargo
            IEnumerable<Ammo> correctAmmoInCargo = correctAmmo.Where(a => cargo.Items.Any(i => i.TypeId == a.TypeId)).ToList();

            //check if mission specific ammo is defined
            if (Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Count() != 0)
                correctAmmoInCargo = Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Where(a => a.DamageType == Cache.Instance.DamageType).ToList();

            // Check if we still have that ammo in our cargo
            correctAmmoInCargo = correctAmmoInCargo.Where(a => cargo.Items.Any(i => i.TypeId == a.TypeId && i.Quantity >= Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges)).ToList();
            if (Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo.Count() != 0)
                correctAmmoInCargo = Cache.Instance.MissionAmmo;

            // We are out of ammo! :(
            if (!correctAmmoInCargo.Any())
                Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeapon: not enough [" + Cache.Instance.DamageType + "] ammo in cargohold: MinimumCharges: [" + Settings.Instance.MinimumAmmoCharges + "]", Logging.Orange);
                _States.CurrentCombatState = CombatState.OutOfAmmo;
                return false;

            if (weapon.Charge != null)
                IEnumerable<Ammo> areWeMissingAmmo = correctAmmoInCargo.Where(a => a.TypeId == weapon.Charge.TypeId);
                if (!areWeMissingAmmo.Any())
                    Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: We have ammo loaded that does not have a full reload available in the cargo.", Logging.Orange);

            // Get the best possible ammo - energy weapons change ammo near instantly
            Ammo ammo = correctAmmoInCargo.Where(a => a.Range > (entity.Distance)).OrderBy(a => a.Range).FirstOrDefault(); //default

            // We do not have any ammo left that can hit targets at that range!
            if (ammo == null)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: best possible ammo: [ ammo == null]", Logging.White);
                return false;

            if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: best possible ammo: [" + ammo.TypeId + "][" + ammo.DamageType + "]", Logging.White);
            if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: best possible ammo: [" + entity.Name + "][" + Math.Round(entity.Distance / 1000, 0) + "]", Logging.White);

            DirectItem charge = cargo.Items.OrderBy(i => i.Quantity).FirstOrDefault(i => i.TypeId == ammo.TypeId);

            // We do not have any ammo left that can hit targets at that range!
            if (charge == null)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo)
                                "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: We do not have any ammo left that can hit targets at that range!",
                return false;

            if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: charge: [" + charge.TypeName + "][" + charge.TypeId + "]", Logging.White);

            // We have enough ammo loaded
            if (weapon.Charge != null && weapon.Charge.TypeId == ammo.TypeId)
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: We have Enough Ammo of that type Loaded Already", Logging.White);
                return true;

            // We are reloading, wait at least 5 seconds
            if (LastWeaponReload.ContainsKey(weapon.ItemId) && DateTime.UtcNow < LastWeaponReload[weapon.ItemId].AddSeconds(5))
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugReloadorChangeAmmo) Logging.Log("Combat", "ReloadEnergyWeaponAmmo: We are currently reloading: waiting", Logging.White);
                return false;
            LastWeaponReload[weapon.ItemId] = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Reload or change ammo
            if (weapon.Charge != null && weapon.Charge.TypeId == charge.TypeId)
                Logging.Log("Combat", "Reloading [" + weaponNumber + "] with [" + charge.TypeName + "][" + Math.Round((double)ammo.Range / 1000, 0) + "][TypeID: " + charge.TypeId + "]", Logging.Teal);
                weapon.ReloadTimeThisMission = weapon.ReloadTimeThisMission + 1;
                Logging.Log("Combat", "Changing [" + weaponNumber + "] with [" + charge.TypeName + "][" + Math.Round((double)ammo.Range / 1000, 0) + "][TypeID: " + charge.TypeId + "] so we can hit [" + entity.Name + "][" + Math.Round(entity.Distance / 1000, 0) + "k]", Logging.Teal);
                weapon.ReloadTimeThisMission = weapon.ReloadTimeThisMission + 1;

            // Return false as we are reloading ammo
            return false;