Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the given root element to the given stream as AXML.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream to save to</param>
        /// <param name="rootElement">Root element of the document</param>
        public static void SaveDocument(Stream stream, AxmlElement rootElement)
            BinaryWriter mainOutput = new BinaryWriter(stream);

            // Write the main elements chunk of the file to a MemoryStream first
            SavingContext ctx = new SavingContext();

            MemoryStream mainChunkStream = (MemoryStream)ctx.Writer.BaseStream;

            string[] stringPool   = ctx.StringPool.Save();
            int[]    resourcePool = ctx.ResourcePool.Save();

            int stringPoolLength  = StringPool.CalculatePoolLength(stringPool);
            int stringPoolPadding = 4 - stringPoolLength % 4;

            stringPoolLength += stringPoolPadding;            // Add padding to four bytes

            int resourcePoolLength = resourcePool.Length * 4; // Each pool item is an integer

            // The length of the main xml tag is that of the whole file, so also including the string pool, resource pool, and main chunk. (+ extra 8 + 8 = 16 bytes for string pool and resource pool header)
            mainOutput.WriteChunkHeader(ResourceType.Xml, stringPoolLength + resourcePoolLength + (int)mainChunkStream.Position + 16);

            mainOutput.WriteChunkHeader(ResourceType.StringPool, stringPoolLength);
            StringPool.SaveStringPool(stringPool, mainOutput);
            for (int i = 0; i < stringPoolPadding; i++)

            mainOutput.WriteChunkHeader(ResourceType.XmlResourceMap, resourcePoolLength);
            foreach (int resource in resourcePool)

            // Save the main chunk of the file
            mainChunkStream.Position = 0;