static void Main(string[] args) { try { XLog.statuslog("Started"); Ec2ConfigDir = @"C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Ec2ConfigDir)) { Ec2ConfigDir = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Amazon\Ec2ConfigSetup"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Ec2ConfigDir)) { throw new System.IO.IOException(@"Unable to locate directory for Amazon\Ec2ConfigSetup"); } } Ec2ConfigLogsDir = Ec2ConfigDir + @"\Logs"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Ec2ConfigLogsDir)) { Ec2ConfigLogsDir = Ec2ConfigDir; } try { // C:\<ProgramFiles>\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Logs\Ec2ConfigLog.txt // contains "Ec2RebootInstance:Windows is Ready to use" // Allow thread abort and interrupt exceptions here. XLog.statuslog("Waiting on EC2 instance to fully to initialize"); for (; ;) { string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText( Ec2ConfigLogsDir + @"\Ec2ConfigLog.txt"); if (-1 != content.IndexOf("Windows is Ready to use")) { break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 20); } } catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException) { return; } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { return; } XLog.statuslog("Processing user data"); string userdata; for (int itries = 0; ; itries++) { try { System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient(); userdata = wc.DownloadString(""); } catch { if (itries > 5) { throw; } continue; } break; } userdata = userdata.Trim(); string[] options = get(userdata).Split('\t'); if (options.Length < 1 || options[0].Length < 1 || options[0][0] != '@') { throw new Exception("Not expected format of user data"); } string mypassword = ""; // Do the other options first. for (int i = 1; i < options.Length; i++) { string opt = options[i]; if (opt.StartsWith("PASSWORD:"******"\t", options)); #endif int iarg = 0; if (args.Length > iarg && args[iarg].StartsWith("PASSWORD:"******"Expected new password"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mypassword)) { XLog.statuslog("Updating password"); // Set the password: Exec.Shell("net user administrator " + mypassword); } #if RESETEC2SERVICEPASSWORD { XLog.statuslog("Setting QizmtEC2Service permissions"); { // Should already be stopped... //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 2); Exec.Shell(@"sc stop QizmtEC2Service"); } { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 2); CallSC(@"sc config QizmtEC2Service obj= .\administrator password= "******"sc start QizmtEC2Service"); } } #endif try { // Note: if there's no D drive, stay on C. if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(LocalQizmtDir)) { string NewLocalQizmtParentDir = @"D:\"; string NewLocalQizmtDir = @"D:\Qizmt"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(NewLocalQizmtDir) && System.IO.Directory.Exists(NewLocalQizmtParentDir)) { //XLog.statuslog("Copy Qizmt to " + NewLocalQizmtDir); CopyDirectory(LocalQizmtDir, NewLocalQizmtDir); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(LocalQizmtDir)) { throw new System.IO.IOException("Not able to copy Qizmt from " + LocalQizmtDir + " to " + NewLocalQizmtDir); } LocalQizmtDir = NewLocalQizmtDir; XLog.statuslog("Copied Qizmt to " + NewLocalQizmtDir); } } } catch { } { XLog.statuslog("Setting Qizmt DistributedObjects permissions"); { //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 2); Exec.Shell(@"sc stop DistributedObjects"); } { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 2); CallSC(@"sc config DistributedObjects binPath= """ + LocalQizmtDir + @"\MySpace.DataMining.DistributedObjects.exe"" obj= .\administrator password= """ + mypassword + @""""); } { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 4); CallSC(@"sc start DistributedObjects"); } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 2); if (options[0].StartsWith("@SURROGATEWORKER:")) { // Participating surrogate. XLog.statuslog("Configuring Qizmt surrogate (participating)"); DoSurrogate(options[0].Substring(options[0].IndexOf(':') + 1), mypassword, true); } else if (options[0].StartsWith("@SURROGATENONWORKER:")) { // Non-participating surrogate XLog.statuslog("Configuring Qizmt surrogate (non-participating)"); DoSurrogate(options[0].Substring(options[0].IndexOf(':') + 1), mypassword, false); } else { XLog.statuslog("Configuring Qizmt worker"); } } catch (Exception e) { XLog.errorlog(e.ToString()); } XLog.statuslog("Done"); }
static void DoSurrogate(string hostsinfo, string mypassword, bool participating) { string[] hinfos = hostsinfo.Split((char)1); string myipaddr = IPAddressUtil.GetIPv4Address(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()); string myhost = GetHostnameInternal(myipaddr); try { if (myipaddr != IPAddressUtil.GetIPv4Address(myhost)) { throw new Exception("IP addresses do not match"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error with internal IP address and host name" + " (" + myipaddr + " != " + myhost + ")", e); } // File in the format: // <WindowsUser> // <machine>=<password> string logondatContent = "administrator" + Environment.NewLine; logondatContent += myhost + "=" + mypassword + Environment.NewLine; string formatmachines = ""; if (participating) { formatmachines = myhost; } string appendhostsfiles = Environment.NewLine + myipaddr + " " + myhost + Environment.NewLine; foreach (string hinfo in hinfos) { int ieq = hinfo.IndexOf('='); if (-1 != ieq) { // hinfo already in form <machine>=<password> //logondatContent += hinfo + Environment.NewLine; // I want the hostname, not the IPaddr. string rhost = hinfo.Substring(0, ieq); // Probably an internal IP address. string rpasswd = hinfo.Substring(ieq + 1); { if (formatmachines.Length > 0) { formatmachines += ";"; } string fmhost = rhost; try { fmhost = GetHostnameInternal(rhost); appendhostsfiles += rhost + " " + fmhost + Environment.NewLine; } catch { } formatmachines += fmhost; logondatContent += fmhost + "=" + rpasswd + Environment.NewLine; } } } // Append my appendhostsfiles to hosts file. string hostsfilepath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables( @"%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"); System.IO.File.Copy(hostsfilepath, "hosts.old", true); // Backup old one. System.IO.File.AppendAllText(ToNetworkPath(hostsfilepath, myipaddr), appendhostsfiles); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // Write my logon.dat; and logon. string thisnetpath = NetworkPathForHost(myipaddr); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(thisnetpath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(thisnetpath); } string thislogonfile = thisnetpath + @"\logon.dat"; for (int itries = 0; ;) { try { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(thislogonfile, logondatContent); } catch { if (++itries > 3) { throw; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * itries); try { System.IO.File.Delete(thislogonfile); } catch { } continue; } break; } XLog.statuslog("Logging on all machines in cluster"); if (!LogonMachines(thislogonfile)) { throw new Exception("Was not able to LogonMachines"); } XLog.statuslog("Logged on all machines in cluster"); XLog.statuslog("Configuring machines in cluster"); // Write logon.dat to other machines. // Append appendhostsfiles to other machines' hosts file. foreach (string hinfo in hinfos) { int ieq = hinfo.IndexOf('='); if (-1 != ieq) { string rhost = hinfo.Substring(0, ieq); // Probably an internal IP address. string fmhost = rhost; try { fmhost = GetHostnameInternal(rhost); } catch { } string rnetpath = NetworkPathForHost(fmhost); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(rnetpath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(rnetpath); } string rlogonfile = rnetpath + @"\logon.dat"; for (int itries = 0; ;) { try { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(rlogonfile, logondatContent); } catch { if (++itries > 3) { throw; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * itries); try { System.IO.File.Delete(rlogonfile); } catch { } continue; } break; } System.IO.File.AppendAllText(ToNetworkPath(hostsfilepath, fmhost), appendhostsfiles); } } XLog.statuslog("Configured machines in cluster"); { string fmtcmd = "Qizmt format Machines=" + formatmachines; XLog.statuslog("Formatting Qizmt cluster: " + fmtcmd); Exec.Shell(fmtcmd); } }