Example #1
        public void DefineChromosomePositions(double dBetweenMarkers = 0.5, long numberOfLocii = 11)
            List <int> numberOfLoci = null;

            //go over all chromosome and define the position according to each marker dBetweenMarkers=0.5 . ex: 0 , 0.5, 1.5 ...
            //each chromosome begin at 0 cm the position of loci
            if (OrganismType.Random == this.type)
                numberOfLoci = new List <int>();
                foreach (Dictionary <int, string> dic in rawGeneticData)

            int idLocus = 0;

            for (int iChr = 0; iChr < nChr; iChr++)
                if (OrganismType.Random == this.type)
                    numberOfLocii = numberOfLoci[iChr];
                double posPrev = -0.5;
                for (int jOnChr = 0; jOnChr < numberOfLocii; jOnChr++)
                    if (posPrev < go.Chromosome[iChr].LenGenetcM)
                        Position pos = new Position();
                        pos.Chromosome          = go.Chromosome[iChr];
                        pos.PositionChrGenetic  = posPrev;
                        pos.PositionChrGenetic += dBetweenMarkers;
                        posPrev = pos.PositionChrGenetic;
                        Locus locus = new Locus(jOnChr, pos);
                        locus.Id = idLocus;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the genetic organism object via teh input data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        private void buildGenomeOrganizm(List <Dictionary <int, string> > data)
            var db = DatabaseProvider.GetDatabase();

            db.GenomeOrganization            = new GenomeOrganization();
            db.GenomeOrganization.Chromosome = new List <Chromosome>();
            int markerId = 0;
            var chrDic   = new Dictionary <int, List <Locus> >();

            foreach (Dictionary <int, string> row in data)
                //get the chr number
                string chrNum    = row[1].Substring(2);
                int    chrNumber = Convert.ToInt32(chrNum);

                //get the position of the marker
                double genPosition = Convert.ToDouble(row[2]);

                //set the position
                Position p = new Position();
                p.PositionChrGenetic = genPosition;

                if (chrDic.ContainsKey(chrNumber))
                    //This is case we have the chromosome
                    List <Locus> markerList;
                    chrDic.TryGetValue(chrNumber, out markerList);
                    //same chromosome - as the first one from the list
                    p.Chromosome = markerList[0].Position.Chromosome;
                    Locus l = new Locus(markerId, p);
                    l.FullName = row[0];
                    //add to the current chr
                    List <Locus> markerList = new List <Locus>();
                    chrDic.Add(chrNumber, markerList);
                    p.Chromosome      = new Chromosome();
                    p.Chromosome.Name = chrNumber.ToString();
                    Locus l = new Locus(markerId, p);
                    l.FullName = row[0];
                    //add new chromosome

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Locus> > entry in chrDic)
                Chromosome ch = new Chromosome();
                ch.Id    = entry.Key;
                ch.Locus = entry.Value;
                var maxChrLen = ch.Locus.Max(x => x.Position.PositionChrGenetic);
                ch.LenGenetcM = maxChrLen;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is  method defines the location of the loci on the chromosome
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dBetweenMarkers_set"></param>
        /// <param name="nMarkersGrouped"></param>
        /// <param name="dMarkersGrouped"></param>
        /// <param name="indexAnimal"></param>
        public void DefineChromosomePositions(double dBetweenMarkers_set, long nMarkersGrouped, double dMarkersGrouped, int indexAnimal)
            int index = 1;

            double coorPrev = 0.0, d, coorStartOnCurrentChr = 0.0, dBetweenMarkers = 2.0;
            long   j, nMarkersMax, nOnChr = 11;

            if (dBetweenMarkers_set > 0)
                //distance between markers
                dBetweenMarkers = dBetweenMarkers_set;

            if (index == 0)
                //amount of markers
                nMarkersMax = nChr * nOnChr;
                //amount of markers
                nMarkersMax = nChr * (int)(500 / dBetweenMarkers);

            for (int i = 0; i < nChr; i++)
                if (index == 0)
                    d = go.Chromosome[i].LenGenetcM / (nOnChr - 1);
                    d      = dBetweenMarkers;
                    nOnChr = (int)(go.Chromosome[i].LenGenetcM / d) + 1;
                //Line 195 is this correct
                if (go.Chromosome[i].Id > 1)
                    coorPrev = coorPrev + 1000 - d;
                    coorPrev = -d;
                for (j = 0; j < nOnChr; j++)
                    Locus loci = new Locus();
                    //default location
                    loci.Position.Chromosome         = go.Chromosome[i];
                    loci.Position.PositionChrGenetic = coorPrev + d;

                    if (j > 1 && j <= dMarkersGrouped)
                        loci.Position.PositionChrGenetic = coorPrev + dMarkersGrouped;
                    if (j == 1)
                        coorStartOnCurrentChr = loci.Position.PositionChrGenetic;
                    if (j == nOnChr)
                        loci.Position.PositionChrGenetic = coorStartOnCurrentChr + go.Chromosome[i].LenGenetcM;
                    //Line 215 not clear
                    // go.Chromosome[i]loci.Position.PositionChrGenetic - coorStartOnCurrentChr;

                    loci.Name = "loc_" + j;
                    loci.Id   = i;
                    coorPrev  = loci.Position.PositionChrGenetic;
