internal static void InsertChar(char c, ref char deletedChar, QText tb) { switch (c) { case '\n': if (tb.LinesCount == 0) InsertLine(tb); InsertLine(tb); break; case '\r': break; case '\b'://backspace if (tb.Selection.Start.iChar == 0 && tb.Selection.Start.iLine == 0) return; if (tb.Selection.Start.iChar == 0) { if (tb[tb.Selection.Start.iLine - 1].VisibleState != VisibleState.Visible) tb.ExpandBlock(tb.Selection.Start.iLine - 1); deletedChar = '\n'; MergeLines(tb.Selection.Start.iLine - 1, tb); } else { deletedChar = tb[tb.Selection.Start.iLine][tb.Selection.Start.iChar - 1].c; tb[tb.Selection.Start.iLine].RemoveAt(tb.Selection.Start.iChar - 1); tb.Selection.Start = new Place(tb.Selection.Start.iChar - 1, tb.Selection.Start.iLine); } break; default: tb[tb.Selection.Start.iLine].Insert(tb.Selection.Start.iChar, new Char(c)); tb.Selection.Start = new Place(tb.Selection.Start.iChar + 1, tb.Selection.Start.iLine); break; } }
internal AutoCompleteListView(QText tb) { SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); base.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 9); visibleItems = new List<AutoCompleteItem>(); itemHeight = Font.Height + 2; VerticalScroll.SmallChange = itemHeight; BackColor = Color.White; MaximumSize = new Size(Size.Width, 180); toolTip.ShowAlways = false; AppearInterval = 500; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); this.tb = tb; tb.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(tb_KeyDown); tb.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(tb_SelectionChanged); tb.KeyPressed += new KeyPressEventHandler(tb_KeyPressed); Form form = tb.FindForm(); if (form != null) { form.LocationChanged += (o, e) => Menu.Close(); form.ResizeBegin += (o, e) => Menu.Close(); form.FormClosing += (o, e) => Menu.Close(); form.LostFocus += (o, e) => Menu.Close(); } tb.LostFocus += (o, e) => { if (!Menu.Focused) Menu.Close(); }; tb.Scroll += (o, e) => Menu.Close(); }
internal static void BreakLines(int iLine, int pos, QText tb) { Line newLine = new Line(tb.GenerateUniqueLineId()); for (int i = pos; i < tb[iLine].Count; i++) newLine.Add(tb[iLine][i]); tb[iLine].RemoveRange(pos, tb[iLine].Count - pos); tb.InsertLine(iLine + 1, newLine); }
public ReplaceTextCommand(QText tb, List<Range> ranges, string insertedText) : base(tb) { this.ranges = ranges; this.insertedText = insertedText; sel = tb.Selection.Clone(); sel.SelectAll(); }
public AutoCompleteMenu(QText tb) { // create a new popup and add the list view to it AutoClose = false; AutoSize = false; Margin = Padding.Empty; Padding = Padding.Empty; listView = new AutoCompleteListView(tb); host = new ToolStripControlHost(listView); host.Margin = new Padding(2, 2, 2, 2); host.Padding = Padding.Empty; host.AutoSize = false; host.AutoToolTip = false; CalcSize(); base.Items.Add(host); SearchPattern = @"[\w\.]"; MinFragmentLength = 2; }
internal static void InsertText(string insertedText, QText tb) { try { tb.Selection.BeginUpdate(); char cc = '\x0'; if (tb.LinesCount == 0) InsertCharCommand.InsertLine(tb); tb.ExpandBlock(tb.Selection.Start.iLine); foreach (char c in insertedText) InsertCharCommand.InsertChar(c, ref cc, tb); tb.needRecalc = true; } finally { tb.Selection.EndUpdate(); } }
internal static void ClearSelected(QText tb) { Place start = tb.Selection.Start; Place end = tb.Selection.End; int fromLine = Math.Min(end.iLine, start.iLine); int toLine = Math.Max(end.iLine, start.iLine); int fromChar = tb.Selection.FromX; int toChar = tb.Selection.ToX; if (fromLine < 0) return; // if (fromLine == toLine) tb[fromLine].RemoveRange(fromChar, toChar - fromChar); else { tb[fromLine].RemoveRange(fromChar, tb[fromLine].Count - fromChar); tb[toLine].RemoveRange(0, toChar); tb.RemoveLine(fromLine + 1, toLine - fromLine - 1); InsertCharCommand.MergeLines(fromLine, tb); } // tb.Selection.Start = new Place(fromChar, fromLine); // tb.needRecalc = true; }
internal static void InsertLine(QText tb) { if (tb.LinesCount == 0) tb.InsertLine(tb.Selection.Start.iLine + 1, new Line(tb.GenerateUniqueLineId())); else BreakLines(tb.Selection.Start.iLine, tb.Selection.Start.iChar, tb); tb.Selection.Start = new Place(0, tb.Selection.Start.iLine + 1); tb.needRecalc = true; }
public UndoableCommand(QText tb) { this.tb = tb; sel = tb.Selection.Clone(); }
public string GetHtml(Range r) { this.tb = r.tb; Dictionary<StyleIndex, object> styles = new Dictionary<StyleIndex, object>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder tempSB = new StringBuilder(); StyleIndex currentStyleId = StyleIndex.None; r.Normalize(); int currentLine = r.Start.iLine; styles[currentStyleId] = null; // if (UseOriginalFont) sb.AppendFormat("<font style=\"font-family: {0}, monospace; font-size: {1}px; line-height: {2}px;\">", r.tb.Font.Name, r.tb.CharHeight - r.tb.LineInterval, r.tb.CharHeight); // bool hasNonSpace = false; foreach (Place p in r) { Char c = r.tb[p.iLine][p.iChar]; if ( != currentStyleId) { Flush(sb, tempSB, currentStyleId); currentStyleId =; styles[currentStyleId] = null; } if (p.iLine != currentLine) { for (int i = currentLine; i < p.iLine; i++) tempSB.AppendLine(UseBr ? "<br>" : ""); currentLine = p.iLine; hasNonSpace = false; } switch (c.c) { case ' ': if ((hasNonSpace || !UseForwardNbsp) && !UseNbsp) goto default; tempSB.Append(" "); break; case '<': tempSB.Append("<"); break; case '>': tempSB.Append(">"); break; case '&': tempSB.Append("&"); break; default: hasNonSpace = true; tempSB.Append(c.c); break; } } Flush(sb, tempSB, currentStyleId); if (UseOriginalFont) sb.AppendLine("</font>"); //build styles if (UseStyleTag) { tempSB.Length = 0; tempSB.AppendLine("<style type=\"text/css\">"); foreach (var styleId in styles.Keys) tempSB.AppendFormat(".fctb{0}{{ {1} }}\r\n", GetStyleName(styleId), GetCss(styleId)); tempSB.AppendLine("</style>"); sb.Insert(0, tempSB.ToString()); } return sb.ToString(); }
public string GetHtml(QText tb) { this.tb = tb; Range sel = new Range(tb); sel.SelectAll(); return GetHtml(sel); }
protected virtual void AddVisualMarker(QText tb, StyleVisualMarker marker) { tb.AddVisualMarker(marker); }
public virtual void OnVisualMarkerClick(QText tb, VisualMarkerEventArgs args) { if (VisualMarkerClick != null) VisualMarkerClick(tb, args); }
public ClearSelectedCommand(QText tb) : base(tb) { }
internal static void MergeLines(int i, QText tb) { if (i + 1 >= tb.LinesCount) return; tb.ExpandBlock(i); tb.ExpandBlock(i + 1); int pos = tb[i].Count; // if (tb[i].Count == 0) tb.RemoveLine(i); else if (tb[i + 1].Count == 0) tb.RemoveLine(i + 1); else { tb[i].AddRange(tb[i + 1]); tb.RemoveLine(i + 1); } tb.Selection.Start = new Place(pos, i); tb.needRecalc = true; }
void DoAutocomplete(QText tb) { visibleItems.Clear(); selectedItemIndex = 0; VerticalScroll.Value = 0; //get fragment around caret Range fragment = tb.Selection.GetFragment(Menu.SearchPattern); string text = fragment.Text; //calc screen point for popup menu Point point = tb.PlaceToPoint(fragment.End); point.Offset(2, tb.CharHeight); // if (text.Length >= Menu.MinFragmentLength && tb.Selection.Start == tb.Selection.End) { Menu.Fragment = fragment; bool foundSelected = false; //build popup menu foreach (var item in sourceItems) { item.Parent = Menu; CompareResult res = item.Compare(text); if (res != CompareResult.Hidden) visibleItems.Add(item); if (res == CompareResult.VisibleAndSelected && !foundSelected) { foundSelected = true; selectedItemIndex = visibleItems.Count - 1; } } if (foundSelected) { AdjustScroll(); DoSelectedVisible(); } } //show popup menu if (Count > 0) { if (!Menu.Visible) { //prevSelection = tb.Selection.Start; Menu.Show(tb, point); } else Invalidate(); } else Menu.Close(); }
public InsertTextCommand(QText tb, string insertedText) : base(tb) { this.insertedText = insertedText; }
public InsertCharCommand(QText tb, char c) : base(tb) { this.c = c; }