Example #1
        protected override void initializeDates()
            // dummy ibor index with curve/swap arguments
            IborIndex clonedIborIndex = iborIndex_.clone(termStructureHandle_);

            // do not pass the spread here, as it might be a Quote i.e. it can dinamically change
            swap_ = new MakeVanillaSwap(tenor_, clonedIborIndex, 0.0, fwdStart_)
                    .withFixedLegTenor(new Period(fixedFrequency_))

            earliestDate_ = swap_.startDate();

            // Usually...
            latestDate_ = swap_.maturityDate();
            // ...but due to adjustments, the last floating coupon might
            // need a later date for fixing
            #if QL_USE_INDEXED_COUPON
            FloatingRateCoupon lastFloating = (FloatingRateCoupon)swap_.floatingLeg()[swap_.floatingLeg().Count - 1];
            Date fixingValueDate            = iborIndex_.valueDate(lastFloating.fixingDate());
            Date endValueDate = iborIndex_.maturityDate(fixingValueDate);
            latestDate_ = Date.Max(latestDate_, endValueDate);
Example #2
        // other
        public override void setupArguments(IPricingEngineArguments args)

            AssetSwap.Arguments arguments = args as AssetSwap.Arguments;

            if (arguments == null) // it's a swap engine...

            List <CashFlow> fixedCoupons = bondLeg();

            arguments.fixedResetDates = arguments.fixedPayDates = new List <Date>(fixedCoupons.Count);
            arguments.fixedCoupons    = new List <double>(fixedCoupons.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < fixedCoupons.Count; ++i)
                FixedRateCoupon coupon = fixedCoupons[i] as FixedRateCoupon;

                arguments.fixedPayDates[i]   = coupon.date();
                arguments.fixedResetDates[i] = coupon.accrualStartDate();
                arguments.fixedCoupons[i]    = coupon.amount();

            List <CashFlow> floatingCoupons = floatingLeg();

            arguments.floatingResetDates      = arguments.floatingPayDates =
                arguments.floatingFixingDates = new List <Date>(floatingCoupons.Count);
            arguments.floatingAccrualTimes    = new List <double>(floatingCoupons.Count);
            arguments.floatingSpreads         = new List <double>(floatingCoupons.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < floatingCoupons.Count; ++i)
                FloatingRateCoupon coupon = floatingCoupons[i] as FloatingRateCoupon;

                arguments.floatingResetDates[i]   = coupon.accrualStartDate();
                arguments.floatingPayDates[i]     = coupon.date();
                arguments.floatingFixingDates[i]  = coupon.fixingDate();
                arguments.floatingAccrualTimes[i] = coupon.accrualPeriod();
                arguments.floatingSpreads[i]      = coupon.spread();
Example #3
        public override void setupArguments(IPricingEngineArguments args)
            CapFloor.Arguments arguments = args as CapFloor.Arguments;

            if (arguments == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("wrong argument type");

            int n = floatingLeg_.Count;

            arguments.startDates   = new InitializedList <Date>(n);
            arguments.fixingDates  = new InitializedList <Date>(n);
            arguments.endDates     = new InitializedList <Date>(n);
            arguments.accrualTimes = new InitializedList <double>(n);
            arguments.forwards     = new InitializedList <double?>(n);
            arguments.nominals     = new InitializedList <double>(n);
            arguments.gearings     = new InitializedList <double>(n);
            arguments.capRates     = new InitializedList <double?>(n);
            arguments.floorRates   = new InitializedList <double?>(n);
            arguments.spreads      = new InitializedList <double>(n);

            arguments.type = type_;

            Date today = Settings.evaluationDate();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                FloatingRateCoupon coupon = floatingLeg_[i] as FloatingRateCoupon;

                if (coupon == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("non-FloatingRateCoupon given");

                arguments.startDates[i]  = coupon.accrualStartDate();
                arguments.fixingDates[i] = coupon.fixingDate();
                arguments.endDates[i]    = coupon.date();

                // this is passed explicitly for precision
                arguments.accrualTimes[i] = coupon.accrualPeriod();

                // this is passed explicitly for precision...
                if (arguments.endDates[i] >= today)
                    // ...but only if needed
                    arguments.forwards[i] = coupon.adjustedFixing;
                    arguments.forwards[i] = null;

                arguments.nominals[i] = coupon.nominal();
                double spread  = coupon.spread();
                double gearing = coupon.gearing();
                arguments.gearings[i] = gearing;
                arguments.spreads[i]  = spread;

                if (type_ == CapFloorType.Cap || type_ == CapFloorType.Collar)
                    arguments.capRates[i] = (capRates_[i] - spread) / gearing;
                    arguments.capRates[i] = null;

                if (type_ == CapFloorType.Floor || type_ == CapFloorType.Collar)
                    arguments.floorRates[i] = (floorRates_[i] - spread) / gearing;
                    arguments.floorRates[i] = null;
Example #4
        //! \name LazyObject interface
        protected override void performCalculations()
            // update dates
            Date                referenceDate = termVolSurface_.referenceDate();
            DayCounter          dc            = termVolSurface_.dayCounter();
            BlackCapFloorEngine dummy         = new BlackCapFloorEngine( // discounting does not matter here
                iborIndex_.forwardingTermStructure(), 0.20, dc);

            for (int i = 0; i < nOptionletTenors_; ++i)
                CapFloor temp = new MakeCapFloor(CapFloorType.Cap,
                                                 0.04, // dummy strike
                                                 new Period(0, TimeUnit.Days))
                FloatingRateCoupon lFRC = temp.lastFloatingRateCoupon();
                optionletDates_[i]          = lFRC.fixingDate();
                optionletPaymentDates_[i]   = lFRC.date();
                optionletAccrualPeriods_[i] = lFRC.accrualPeriod();
                optionletTimes_[i]          = dc.yearFraction(referenceDate,
                atmOptionletRate_[i] = lFRC.indexFixing();

            if (floatingSwitchStrike_ && capFlooMatrixNotInitialized_)
                double averageAtmOptionletRate = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < nOptionletTenors_; ++i)
                    averageAtmOptionletRate += atmOptionletRate_[i];
                switchStrike_ = averageAtmOptionletRate / nOptionletTenors_;

            Handle <YieldTermStructure> discountCurve = discount_.empty()
            ? iborIndex_.forwardingTermStructure()
            : discount_;

            List <double> strikes = new List <double>(termVolSurface_.strikes());

            // initialize CapFloorMatrix
            if (capFlooMatrixNotInitialized_)
                for (int i = 0; i < nOptionletTenors_; ++i)
                    capFloors_[i] = new List <CapFloor>(nStrikes_);
                // construction might go here
                for (int j = 0; j < nStrikes_; ++j)
                    // using out-of-the-money options
                    CapFloorType capFloorType = strikes[j] < switchStrike_
                  ? CapFloorType.Floor
                  : CapFloorType.Cap;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nOptionletTenors_; ++i)
                        //volQuotes_[i][j] = new SimpleQuote();
                        if (volatilityType_ == VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal)
                            BlackCapFloorEngine engine = new BlackCapFloorEngine(discountCurve,
                                                                                 new Handle <Quote>(volQuotes_[i][j]), dc, displacement_);
                            capFloors_[i].Add(new MakeCapFloor(capFloorType, capFloorLengths_[i], iborIndex_, strikes[j],
                                                               new Period(0, TimeUnit.Days)).withPricingEngine(engine));
                        else if (volatilityType_ == VolatilityType.Normal)
                            BachelierCapFloorEngine engine = new BachelierCapFloorEngine(discountCurve,
                                                                                         new Handle <Quote>(volQuotes_[i][j]), dc);
                            capFloors_[i].Add(new MakeCapFloor(capFloorType, capFloorLengths_[i], iborIndex_, strikes[j],
                                                               new Period(0, TimeUnit.Days)).withPricingEngine(engine));
                            Utils.QL_FAIL("unknown volatility type: " + volatilityType_);
                capFlooMatrixNotInitialized_ = false;

            for (int j = 0; j < nStrikes_; ++j)
                Option.Type optionletType = strikes[j] < switchStrike_ ? Option.Type.Put : Option.Type.Call;

                double previousCapFloorPrice = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < nOptionletTenors_; ++i)
                    capFloorVols_[i, j] = termVolSurface_.volatility(capFloorLengths_[i], strikes[j], true);
                    volQuotes_[i][j].setValue(capFloorVols_[i, j]);

                    capFloorPrices_[i, j]  = capFloors_[i][j].NPV();
                    optionletPrices_[i, j] = capFloorPrices_[i, j] - previousCapFloorPrice;
                    previousCapFloorPrice  = capFloorPrices_[i, j];
                    double d = discountCurve.link.discount(optionletPaymentDates_[i]);
                    double optionletAnnuity = optionletAccrualPeriods_[i] * d;
                        if (volatilityType_ == VolatilityType.ShiftedLognormal)
                            optionletStDevs_[i, j] = Utils.blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(optionletType, strikes[j], atmOptionletRate_[i],
                                                                                     optionletPrices_[i, j], optionletAnnuity, displacement_, optionletStDevs_[i, j], accuracy_,
                        else if (volatilityType_ == VolatilityType.Normal)
                            optionletStDevs_[i, j] = Math.Sqrt(optionletTimes_[i]) *
                                optionletType, strikes[j], atmOptionletRate_[i],
                                optionletTimes_[i], optionletPrices_[i, j],
                            Utils.QL_FAIL("Unknown volatility type: " + volatilityType_);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (dontThrow_)
                            optionletStDevs_[i, j] = 0.0;
                            Utils.QL_FAIL("could not bootstrap optionlet:" +
                                          "\n type:    " + optionletType +
                                          "\n strike:  " + (strikes[j]) +
                                          "\n atm:     " + (atmOptionletRate_[i]) +
                                          "\n price:   " + optionletPrices_[i, j] +
                                          "\n annuity: " + optionletAnnuity +
                                          "\n expiry:  " + optionletDates_[i] +
                                          "\n error:   " + e.Message);
                    optionletVolatilities_[i][j] = optionletStDevs_[i, j] / Math.Sqrt(optionletTimes_[i]);
Example #5
        // other
        public override void setupArguments(IPricingEngineArguments args)

            Arguments arguments = args as Arguments;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(arguments != null, () => "argument type does not match");

            arguments.type     = type_;
            arguments.nominal1 = nominal1_;
            arguments.nominal2 = nominal2_;
            arguments.index1   = index1_;
            arguments.index2   = index2_;

            List <CashFlow> leg1Coupons = leg1();
            List <CashFlow> leg2Coupons = leg2();

            arguments.leg1ResetDates      = arguments.leg1PayDates =
                arguments.leg1FixingDates = new InitializedList <Date>(leg1Coupons.Count);
            arguments.leg2ResetDates      = arguments.leg2PayDates =
                arguments.leg2FixingDates = new InitializedList <Date>(leg2Coupons.Count);

            arguments.leg1Spreads      = arguments.leg1AccrualTimes =
                arguments.leg1Gearings = new InitializedList <double>(leg1Coupons.Count);
            arguments.leg2Spreads      = arguments.leg2AccrualTimes =
                arguments.leg2Gearings = new InitializedList <double>(leg2Coupons.Count);

            arguments.leg1Coupons = new InitializedList <double?>(leg1Coupons.Count, null);
            arguments.leg2Coupons = new InitializedList <double?>(leg2Coupons.Count, null);

            arguments.leg1IsRedemptionFlow = new InitializedList <bool>(leg1Coupons.Count, false);
            arguments.leg2IsRedemptionFlow = new InitializedList <bool>(leg2Coupons.Count, false);

            arguments.leg1CappedRates = arguments.leg1FlooredRates =
                new InitializedList <double?>(leg1Coupons.Count, null);
            arguments.leg2CappedRates = arguments.leg2FlooredRates =
                new InitializedList <double?>(leg2Coupons.Count, null);

            for (int i = 0; i < leg1Coupons.Count; ++i)
                FloatingRateCoupon coupon = leg1Coupons[i] as FloatingRateCoupon;
                if (coupon != null)
                    arguments.leg1AccrualTimes[i] = coupon.accrualPeriod();
                    arguments.leg1PayDates[i]     = coupon.date();
                    arguments.leg1ResetDates[i]   = coupon.accrualStartDate();
                    arguments.leg1FixingDates[i]  = coupon.fixingDate();
                    arguments.leg1Spreads[i]      = coupon.spread();
                    arguments.leg1Gearings[i]     = coupon.gearing();
                        arguments.leg1Coupons[i] = coupon.amount();
                    catch (Exception)
                        arguments.leg1Coupons[i] = null;
                    CappedFlooredCoupon cfcoupon = leg1Coupons[i] as CappedFlooredCoupon;
                    if (cfcoupon != null)
                        arguments.leg1CappedRates[i]  = cfcoupon.cap();
                        arguments.leg1FlooredRates[i] = cfcoupon.floor();
                    CashFlow cashflow = leg1Coupons[i] as CashFlow;
                    int      j        = arguments.leg1PayDates.FindIndex(x => x == cashflow.date());
                    Utils.QL_REQUIRE(j != -1, () =>
                                     "nominal redemption on " + cashflow.date() + "has no corresponding coupon");
                    int jIdx = j; // Size jIdx = j - arguments->leg1PayDates.begin();
                    arguments.leg1IsRedemptionFlow[i] = true;
                    arguments.leg1Coupons[i]          = cashflow.amount();
                    arguments.leg1ResetDates[i]       = arguments.leg1ResetDates[jIdx];
                    arguments.leg1FixingDates[i]      = arguments.leg1FixingDates[jIdx];
                    arguments.leg1AccrualTimes[i]     = 0.0;
                    arguments.leg1Spreads[i]          = 0.0;
                    arguments.leg1Gearings[i]         = 1.0;
                    arguments.leg1PayDates[i]         = cashflow.date();

            for (int i = 0; i < leg2Coupons.Count; ++i)
                FloatingRateCoupon coupon = leg2Coupons[i] as FloatingRateCoupon;
                if (coupon != null)
                    arguments.leg2AccrualTimes[i] = coupon.accrualPeriod();
                    arguments.leg2PayDates[i]     = coupon.date();
                    arguments.leg2ResetDates[i]   = coupon.accrualStartDate();
                    arguments.leg2FixingDates[i]  = coupon.fixingDate();
                    arguments.leg2Spreads[i]      = coupon.spread();
                    arguments.leg2Gearings[i]     = coupon.gearing();
                        arguments.leg2Coupons[i] = coupon.amount();
                    catch (Exception)
                        arguments.leg2Coupons[i] = null;
                    CappedFlooredCoupon cfcoupon = leg2Coupons[i] as CappedFlooredCoupon;
                    if (cfcoupon != null)
                        arguments.leg2CappedRates[i]  = cfcoupon.cap();
                        arguments.leg2FlooredRates[i] = cfcoupon.floor();
                    CashFlow cashflow = leg2Coupons[i] as CashFlow;
                    int      j        = arguments.leg2PayDates.FindIndex(x => x == cashflow.date());
                    Utils.QL_REQUIRE(j != -1, () =>
                                     "nominal redemption on " + cashflow.date() + "has no corresponding coupon");
                    int jIdx = j; // j - arguments->leg2PayDates.begin();
                    arguments.leg2IsRedemptionFlow[i] = true;
                    arguments.leg2Coupons[i]          = cashflow.amount();
                    arguments.leg2ResetDates[i]       = arguments.leg2ResetDates[jIdx];
                    arguments.leg2FixingDates[i]      =
                    arguments.leg2AccrualTimes[i] = 0.0;
                    arguments.leg2Spreads[i]      = 0.0;
                    arguments.leg2Gearings[i]     = 1.0;
                    arguments.leg2PayDates[i]     = cashflow.date();