private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool hopLe = thongTinHopLe(); if (hopLe) { string maHS = txtMaHS.Text.Trim(); int maHS_length = maHS.Length; string ho_ten = txtHoTen.Text.Trim(); int hoten_length = ho_ten.Length; string gioi_tinh = gioitinh.Checked == true ? "Nam" : "Nu"; string diachi = dia_chi.Text.Trim(); Single diemTB = 0; diemTB = Single.Parse(diem_tb.Text.Trim()); string lop = cbLop.Text; string ngay_sinh = ngaysinh.Value.ToShortDateString(); string txtmaLop = maLop(lop); string procedureName = "sp_InsertHocSinh"; SqlParameter @out = new SqlParameter("@p_Mess", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100); #region Input Parameter object[] inputValue = { maHS, ho_ten, gioi_tinh, ngay_sinh, diachi, diemTB, txtmaLop }; string[] inputKey = { "@p_MaHS", "@p_TenHs", "@p_GioiTinh", "@p_NgaySinh", "@p_DiaChi", "@p_DTB", "@p_MaLop" }; SqlParameter[] InputParametter = new SqlParameter[inputValue.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < inputValue.Length; i++) { InputParametter[i] = new SqlParameter(inputKey[i], inputValue[i]); } #endregion string message = SQL_Connect.execProcedure(procedureName, @out, InputParametter); if (message.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Nhap thanh cong"); button2_Click(sender, e); Form1_Load(sender, e); } else { MessageBox.Show(message); } } }
private void xoa_hs_trong_csdl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string mahs_temp = txtMaHS.Text.Trim(); int index = xoa_hoc_sinh_trong_du_lieu.FocusedItem.Index; if ((index < 0) && (mahs_temp.Length == 0)) { MessageBox.Show("Chon hoc sinh can xoa"); } else { txtMaHS.Text = mahs_temp; button6_Click(sender, e); string sql_text = "DELETE from HOCSINH WHERE MAHS = '" + mahs_temp + "'"; if (SQL_Connect.exec(sql_text)) { MessageBox.Show("Xoa thanh cong"); button2_Click(sender, e); Form1_Load(sender, e); } else { MessageBox.Show("Loi du lieu"); } } }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string maHS = txtMaHS.Text.Trim(); int n = maHS.Length; if (n == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Vui long nhap ma hoc sinh"); } else { string sql_command = "SELECT MaHS, HoTen, GioiTinh, NgaySinh, " + "DTB, TenLop, DiaChi " + "from HOCSINH,LOP " + "where HOCSINH.MALOP =LOP.MALOP " + "AND MAHS='" + maHS + "'"; DataTable dataReader = SQL_Connect.getTable(sql_command); if (dataReader.Rows.Count > 0) { txtMaHS.Text = dataReader.Rows[0]["MAHS"].ToString(); txtHoTen.Text = dataReader.Rows[0]["HOTEN"].ToString(); gioitinh.Checked = dataReader.Rows[0]["GIOITINH"].ToString() == "Nam"; dia_chi.Text = dataReader.Rows[0]["DIACHI"].ToString(); diem_tb.Text = dataReader.Rows[0]["DTB"].ToString(); cbLop.Text = dataReader.Rows[0]["TenLop"].ToString(); ngaysinh.Value = (DateTime)dataReader.Rows[0]["NgaySinh"]; } else { MessageBox.Show("khong tim thay"); } } }
private void btnTimKiem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sLop = ""; try { sLop = cbLop.SelectedItem.ToString(); } catch { } string sMaHS = ""; try { sMaHS = txtMaHS.Text.ToUpper(); } catch { } string sHoTenHS = ""; try { sHoTenHS = txtHoTenHS.Text; } catch { } string sGioiTinh = ""; try { sGioiTinh = cbGioiTinh.SelectedItem.ToString(); } catch { } string sql = @"SELECT HOCSINH.MAHS, HOCSINH.HOTEN, HOCSINH.GIOITINH, HOCSINH.NGAYSINH, HOCSINH.DIACHI, HOCSINH.DTB, LOP.LOP FROM LOP, HOCSINH WHERE LOP.MALOP = HOCSINH.MALOP"; if (sLop != "") { sql += " and LOP.LOP = '" + sLop + "'"; } if (sMaHS != "") { sql += " and HOCSINH.MAHS like '%" + sMaHS + "%'"; } if (sHoTenHS != "") { sql += " and HOCSINH.HOTEN like '%" + sHoTenHS + "%'"; } if (sGioiTinh != "") { sql += " and HOCSINH.GIOITINH ='" + sGioiTinh + "'"; } DataTable hocSinh = SQL_Connect.getTable(sql); dgHocSinh.DataSource = hocSinh; dgHocSinh.ReadOnly = true; }
private static string maLop(string txtLop) { string sql_docLop = "SELECT * FROM LOP WHERE TenLop ='" + txtLop + "'"; DataTable dt = SQL_Connect.getTable(sql_docLop); string txtMALop = dt.Rows[0]["MALOP"].ToString(); return(txtMALop); }
private void cbLop_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string txt_Lop = cbLop.Text; if (!SQL_Connect.openConnection()) { MessageBox.Show("Khong ket noi duoc CSDL", "Thong bao loi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } DataTable tbHocSinh; tbHocSinh = Doc_Danhsachhocsinh(txt_Lop); Load_DanhSach_HocSinh_ListView(tbHocSinh); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool hopLe = thongTinHopLe(); if (hopLe) { string maHS = txtMaHS.Text.Trim(); int maHS_length = maHS.Length; string ho_ten = txtHoTen.Text.Trim(); int hoten_length = ho_ten.Length; string gioi_tinh = gioitinh.Checked == true ? "Nam" : "Nu"; string diachi = dia_chi.Text.Trim(); Single diemTB = 0; bool dtb_bool = kiem_diem(ref diemTB); string lop = cbLop.Text; string ngay_sinh = ngaysinh.Value.ToShortDateString(); string txtMaLop = maLop(lop); string sql_text = "UPDATE HOCSINH SET " + "HOTEN = '" + ho_ten + "'," + "GIOITINH = '" + gioi_tinh + "'," + "NGAYSINH = '" + ngay_sinh + "'," + "DIACHI='" + diachi + "'," + "DTB='" + diemTB + "'," + "MALOP='" + txtMaLop + "'" + "WHERE MAHS = '" + maHS + "';"; if (SQL_Connect.exec(sql_text)) { MessageBox.Show("Nhap thanh cong"); button2_Click(sender, e); Form1_Load(sender, e); } else { MessageBox.Show("loi khi nhap du lieu"); } } }
DataTable Doc_Danhsachhocsinh(string txtLop) { string sql_command = "SELECT MaHS, HoTen, GioiTinh, NgaySinh, " + "DTB, TenLop, DiaChi " + "from HOCSINH,LOP " + "where HOCSINH.MALOP =LOP.MALOP"; if (txtLop != "") { string txtMaLop = maLop(txtLop); sql_command += " AND HOCSINH.MALOP ='" + txtMaLop + "'"; } DataTable tb = SQL_Connect.getTable(sql_command); return(tb); }
private void danh_sach_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = @"SELECT distinct LOP FROM LOP"; DataTable tbLop = SQL_Connect.getTable(sql); cbLop.Items.Clear(); cbLop.Items.Add(""); for (int i = 0; i < tbLop.Rows.Count; i++) { cbLop.Items.Add(tbLop.Rows[i]["LOP"].ToString()); } sql = @"SELECT HOCSINH.MAHS, HOCSINH.HOTEN, HOCSINH.GIOITINH, HOCSINH.NGAYSINH, HOCSINH.DIACHI, HOCSINH.DTB, LOP.LOP FROM LOP INNER JOIN HOCSINH ON LOP.MALOP = HOCSINH.MALOP;"; DataTable hocSinh = SQL_Connect.getTable(sql); dgHocSinh.DataSource = hocSinh; dgHocSinh.ReadOnly = true; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!SQL_Connect.openConnection()) { MessageBox.Show("Khong ket noi duoc CSDL", "Thong bao loi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } string sql_docLop = "SELECT TenLop from LOP"; DataTable tb_Lop = SQL_Connect.getTable(sql_docLop); cbLop.Items.Clear(); cbLop.Items.Add(""); for (int i = 0; i < tb_Lop.Rows.Count; i++) { string lop_txt = tb_Lop.Rows[i]["TenLop"].ToString(); cbLop.Items.Add(lop_txt); } DataTable tbHocSinh; tbHocSinh = Doc_Danhsachhocsinh(""); Load_DanhSach_HocSinh_ListView(tbHocSinh); }