Example #1
        public void GEUSERJFBXLIST(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string userName    = UserInfo.User.UserName;
            string strUserName = context.Request["username"] ?? "";//经费报销统计中的查看列表需要的参数

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUserName))
                userName = strUserName;
            string strWhere = " And jfbx.ComId =" + UserInfo.User.ComId.Value;

            DataTable dtList = new DataTable();

            strWhere += " And jfbx.CRUser ='******'";
            //var intProD = new Yan_WF_PIB().GetYSHUserPI(userName, UserInfo.User.ComId.Value, "JFBX").Select(d => d.ID.ToString()).ToList();
            //if (intProD.Count > 0)
            //    strWhere += " And intProcessStanceid in (" + (intProD.ListTOString(',') == "" ? "0" : intProD.ListTOString(',')) + ")";

            //    strWhere += " And 1=0";
            int month = 0;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["month"] ?? "1", out month);
            string strTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, month, 1).ToShortDateString();
            string endTime = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, month, 1).AddMonths(1).ToShortDateString();

            strWhere += string.Format(" And BXDate BETWEEN '{0}' and '{1}'", strTime, endTime);

            string strContent = context.Request["Content"] ?? "";

            if (strContent != "")
                strWhere += string.Format(" And (BranchName like '%{0}%' or ShenQingRen like '%{0}%' or FormCode like '%{0}%' )", strContent);
            string strSql = string.Format(@" SELECT  jfbx.*,dbo.fn_PDStatus(intProcessStanceid) AS StateName  FROM SZHL_JFBX jfbx
                                        Left join Yan_WF_PI wfpi on intProcessStanceid=wfpi.ID WHERE   ((wfpi.Id is not null and wfpi.isComplete='Y') or wfpi.Id is null) {0}   order by CRDate desc", strWhere);

            dtList      = new SZHL_JFBXB().GetDTByCommand(strSql);
            msg.Result  = dtList;
            msg.Result1 = dtList.Compute("sum(BXZJE)", "");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取编号
        /// </summary>
        public string GetFormCode()
            string strSql   = string.Format("select top 1 formcode from SZHL_JFBX where CRDate>'{0}' order by CRDate DESC", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
            object obj      = new SZHL_JFBXB().ExsSclarSql(strSql);
            string formCode = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

            if (obj == null || obj.ToString() == "")
                formCode = formCode + "001";
                string preFormCode = obj.ToString();
                int    code        = 0;
                int.TryParse(preFormCode.Substring(preFormCode.Length - 3), out code);
                formCode = formCode + (code + 1).ToString("000");
Example #3
        public void GETJFBXMODEL(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int id = 0;

            int.TryParse(P1, out id);
            SZHL_JFBX jfbx = new SZHL_JFBXB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == id);

            if (jfbx != null)
                msg.Result  = jfbx;
                msg.Result1 = new SZHL_JFBXITEMB().GetDTByCommand("SELECT item.*,zd.TypeName from SZHL_JFBXITEM item inner join JH_Auth_ZiDian  zd on zd.ID=item.LeiBie and zd.Class=23 where JFBXID=" + id);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jfbx.Files))
                    int[] fileIds = jfbx.Files.SplitTOInt(',');
                    msg.Result2 = new FT_FileB().GetEntities(d => fileIds.Contains(d.ID));
                if (jfbx.XMID != null)
                    msg.Result3 = new SZHL_XMGLB().GetEntity(d => d.ID == jfbx.XMID);
Example #4
        public void GETJFBXTJ(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            int page      = 0;
            int pagecount = 8;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["p"] ?? "1", out page);
            int.TryParse(context.Request["pagecount"] ?? "8", out pagecount);//页数
            page = page == 0 ? 1 : page;
            int total = 0;

            int year = 0;

            int.TryParse(P1, out year);
            int month = 0;

            int.TryParse(P2, out month);
            string strWhere = "";

            if (month > 0)
                DateTime newData = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
                strWhere = string.Format("  and DATEDIFF(MONTH, jfbx.BXDate,'{0}')=0 ", newData);
            string content = context.Request["search"] ?? "";

            content = content.TrimEnd();
            if (content != "")
                strWhere += string.Format("and (jfbx.ShenQingRen like '%{0}%' or jfbx.BranchName like '%{0}%')", content);
            string    strSql = string.Format(@"SELECT  jfbx.ShenQingRen,jfbx.CRUser,jfbx.BranchName,DATEPART(YEAR, jfbx.BXDate) BXYear,DATEPART(month, jfbx.BXDate) BXMonth,SUM(BXZJE) totalMoney FROM SZHL_JFBX jfbx
                                            Left join Yan_WF_PI wfpi on intProcessStanceid=wfpi.ID WHERE jfbx.ComId={0} and  ((wfpi.Id is not null and wfpi.isComplete='Y') or wfpi.Id is null)    {1} group by jfbx.ShenQingRen,jfbx.CRUser,jfbx.BranchName,DATEPART(YEAR, jfbx.BXDate),DATEPART(month, jfbx.BXDate)", UserInfo.User.ComId, strWhere);
            DataTable dtJFBX = new SZHL_JFBXB().GetDataPager("(" + strSql + ") as newjf", "*", pagecount, page, "BranchName,ShenQingRen", "1=1", ref total);

            msg.Result  = dtJFBX;
            msg.Result1 = total;
Example #5
        public void GETJFBXLIST(HttpContext context, Msg_Result msg, string P1, string P2, JH_Auth_UserB.UserInfo UserInfo)
            string userName    = UserInfo.User.UserName;
            string strUserName = context.Request["username"] ?? "";//经费报销统计中的查看列表需要的参数

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUserName))
                userName = strUserName;
            string strWhere = " ComId =" + UserInfo.User.ComId.Value;

            DataTable dtList    = new DataTable();
            int       page      = 0;
            int       pagecount = 8;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["p"] ?? "1", out page);              //页码
            int.TryParse(context.Request["pagecount"] ?? "8", out pagecount); //页数
            int DataID = -1;

            int.TryParse(context.Request["ID"] ?? "-1", out DataID);//记录Id
            if (DataID != -1)
                string strIsHasDataQX = new JH_Auth_QY_ModelB().ISHASDATAREADQX("JFBX", DataID, UserInfo);
                if (strIsHasDataQX == "Y")
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And ID = '{0}'", DataID);
            switch (P1)
            case "0":     //手机单条数据
                new JH_Auth_User_CenterB().ReadMsg(UserInfo, DataID, "JFBX");

            case "1":     //创建的
                strWhere += " And CRUser ='******'";

            case "2":     //待审核
                var intProD = new Yan_WF_PIB().GetDSH(UserInfo.User).Select(d => d.PIID.ToString()).ToList();
                if (intProD.Count > 0)
                    strWhere += " And intProcessStanceid in (" + (intProD.ListTOString(',') == "" ? "0" : intProD.ListTOString(',')) + ")";
                    strWhere += " And 1=0";

            case "3":      //已审核
                var intProD = new Yan_WF_PIB().GetYSH(UserInfo.User).Select(d => d.PIID.ToString()).ToList();
                if (intProD.Count > 0)
                    strWhere += " And intProcessStanceid in (" + (intProD.ListTOString(',') == "" ? "0" : intProD.ListTOString(',')) + ")";
                    strWhere += " And 1=0";

            case "4":

                string Users = new JH_Auth_UserB().GetUserBranchUsers(UserInfo.User.ComId.Value, UserInfo.User.UserName).Select(d => d.UserName).ToList().ListTOString(',');
                strWhere += string.Format("and   CRUser in ('{0}')", Users.ToFormatLike());
            string time = context.Request["time"] ?? "";

            if (time != "")
                if (time == "1")   //近一周
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And datediff(day,BXDate,getdate())<7");
                else if (time == "2")
                {  //近一月
                    strWhere += string.Format(" And datediff(day,BXDate,getdate())<30");
                else if (time == "3")  //自定义时间
                    string strTime = context.Request["starTime"] ?? "";
                    string endTime = context.Request["endTime"] ?? "";
                    if (strTime != "")
                        strWhere += string.Format(" And BXDate >='{0}'", strTime);
                    if (endTime != "")
                        strWhere += string.Format(" And BXDate <='{0}'", endTime);
            string strContent = context.Request["Content"] ?? "";

            strContent = strContent.TrimEnd();
            if (strContent != "")
                strWhere += string.Format(" And (BranchName like '%{0}%' or ShenQingRen like '%{0}%' or FormCode like '%{0}%' )", strContent);
            page = page == 0 ? 1 : page;
            int recordCount = 0;

            dtList = new SZHL_JFBXB().GetDataPager(" SZHL_JFBX ", "*,dbo.fn_PDStatus(intProcessStanceid) AS StateName ", pagecount, page, "CRDate desc", strWhere, ref recordCount);

            msg.Result  = dtList;
            msg.Result1 = recordCount;