Example #1
        public static QGraphNode MutateNode(QGraphNode node, List <string> possibleActions, ConstraintMapping constraints)
            QGraphNode mutant = new QGraphNode(node);

            mutant.actions = Utils.RandomlyModifyList_FilterInvalidLists(possibleActions, mutant.actions, constraints);
Example #2
        public QGraphNode(QGraphNode other)
            actions = new List <string> (other.actions);
            int e_c = other.outgoingEdges.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < e_c; ++i)
                outgoingEdges.Add(new QGraphEdge(other.outgoingEdges [i]));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy constructor of QGraph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">Other.</param>
        public QGraph(ref QGraph other)
            this.actionConstraints = new ConstraintMapping(actionConstraints);
            this.stateConstraints  = new ConstraintMapping(stateConstraints);
            this.memoryWindow      = new List <QGraphNode> (other.memoryWindow);

            this.windowSize  = other.windowSize;
            this.windowIndex = other.windowIndex;

            ID = numGraphs;


            this.comparison_operators = new List <ComparisonOperator> (other.comparison_operators);

            int n_c = other.nodes.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < n_c; ++i)
                nodes.Add(new QGraphNode(other.nodes [i]));

            root = nodes [0];

            currentNode = nodes [other.nodes.IndexOf(other.currentNode)];

            this.numActions = other.numActions;

            this.mutationIncrement = other.mutationIncrement;

            this.edgeMutationChance          = other.edgeMutationChance;
            this.actionMutationChance        = other.actionMutationChance;
            this.addNodeChance               = other.addNodeChance;
            this.changeInterruptWeightChance = other.changeInterruptWeightChance;

            this.possibleStates          = new List <string> (other.possibleStates);
            this.possibleActions         = new List <string> (other.possibleActions);
            this.float_restriction_range = new List <FloatRange> (other.float_restriction_range);
            this.float_mult = new List <float> (other.float_mult);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a random QGraph using the given info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="possibleStates">Possible states.</param>
        /// <param name="possibleActions">Possible actions.</param>
        /// <param name="default_float_mult">Default float mult.</param>
        /// <param name="default_restriction_range">Default restriction range.</param>
        /// <param name="stateConstraints">State constraints.</param>
        /// <param name="actionConstraints">Action constraints.</param>
        /// <param name="edgeMutationChance">Edge mutation chance.</param>
        /// <param name="actionMutationChance">Action mutation chance.</param>
        /// <param name="addNodeChance">Add node chance.</param>
        /// <param name="changeInterruptWeightChance">Change interrupt weight chance.</param>
        /// <param name="numNodesToConnectToNewNode">Number nodes to connect to new node.</param>
        /// <param name="numNodesToConnectNewNodeTo">Number nodes to connect new node to.</param>
        /// <param name="comparison_ops">Comparison ops.</param>
        /// <param name="windowSize">Window size.</param>
        /// <param name="timeCostDiscount">Time cost discount.</param>
        public QGraph(IEnumerable <string> possibleStates, IEnumerable <string> possibleActions, IEnumerable <float> default_float_mult, IEnumerable <FloatRange> default_restriction_range, IEnumerable <SAConstraint> stateConstraints, IEnumerable <SAConstraint> actionConstraints, float edgeMutationChance, float actionMutationChance, float addNodeChance, float changeInterruptWeightChance, float numNodesToConnectToNewNode, float numNodesToConnectNewNodeTo, IEnumerable <ComparisonOperator> comparison_ops, int windowSize, float timeCostDiscount)
            this.stateConstraints = new ConstraintMapping(stateConstraints.ToList());

            this.actionConstraints = new ConstraintMapping(actionConstraints.ToList());

            this.comparison_operators = comparison_ops.ToList();

            this.timeCostDiscount = timeCostDiscount;

            ID = numGraphs;


            root = new QGraphNode();
            currentNode = root;

            string[] states  = possibleStates.ToArray();
            string[] actions = possibleActions.ToArray();

            this.possibleStates          = new List <string> (states);
            this.possibleActions         = new List <string> (actions);
            this.float_mult              = new List <float> (default_float_mult.ToArray());
            this.float_restriction_range = new List <FloatRange> (default_restriction_range.ToArray());

            this.edgeMutationChance          = edgeMutationChance;
            this.actionMutationChance        = actionMutationChance;
            this.addNodeChance               = addNodeChance;
            this.changeInterruptWeightChance = changeInterruptWeightChance;
            this.numNodesToConnectToNewNode  = numNodesToConnectToNewNode;
            this.numNodesToConnectNewNodeTo  = numNodesToConnectNewNodeTo;

            Debug.Assert(float_restriction_range.Count == float_restriction_range.Count);

            this.possibleStates  = Utils.ShuffleList(this.possibleStates);
            this.possibleActions = Utils.ShuffleList(this.possibleActions);

            int s_c = states.Count();
            int a_c = actions.Count();

            //Debug.Assert (s_c > 0);
            Debug.Assert(a_c > 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < a_c; ++i)
                QGraphNode tempNode = new QGraphNode(actions [i]);

            //randomly plug root node into other nodes
            for (int i = 1; i < a_c + 1; ++i)
                QGraphEdge temp_edge = new QGraphEdge(i);
                if (s_c > 0)
                    temp_edge.RequiredStates = new List <string> {
                        states [i % s_c]
                temp_edge.Float_restrictions = new List <float> (float_restriction_range.Count);
                for (int j = 0; j < float_restriction_range.Count; ++j)
                    temp_edge.Float_restrictions.Add(UnityEngine.Random.Range(float_restriction_range [j].min, float_restriction_range [j].max));
                    //temp_edge.Float_restrictions [j] = (UnityEngine.Random.Range (float_restriction_range, 1f));
                    //temp_edge.Float_restrictions [j] = Mathf.ac
                temp_edge.Float_mult           = new List <float> (default_float_mult.ToArray());
                temp_edge.Comparison_operators = new List <ComparisonOperator> (this.comparison_operators);

            states = Utils.ShuffleArray(states);

            int stateIndex = -1;

            for (int i = 1; i < a_c + 1; ++i)
                for (int j = 1; j < a_c + 1; ++j)
                    if (i == j)


                    if (stateIndex > s_c)
                        stateIndex = 0;
                        states     = Utils.ShuffleArray(states);

                    QGraphEdge temp_edge = new QGraphEdge(j);
                    if (s_c > 0)
                        temp_edge.RequiredStates = new List <string> {
                            states [stateIndex]
                    temp_edge.Float_restrictions = new List <float> (float_restriction_range.Count);
                    for (int k = 0; k < float_restriction_range.Count; ++k)
                        temp_edge.Float_restrictions.Add(UnityEngine.Random.Range(float_restriction_range [k].min, float_restriction_range [k].max));
                    temp_edge.Float_mult           = new List <float> (default_float_mult.ToArray());
                    temp_edge.Comparison_operators = new List <ComparisonOperator> (this.comparison_operators);
                    nodes [i].AddEdge(temp_edge);

            //init window
            this.windowSize = windowSize;
            memoryWindow    = new List <QGraphNode> (this.windowSize);
Example #5
        static QGraph SmartMutateQGraph(QGraph graph)
            QGraph mutant = new QGraph(ref graph);

            mutant.edgeMutationChance          += mutant.mutationIncrement * (0.5f - UnityEngine.Random.value);
            mutant.actionMutationChance        += mutant.mutationIncrement * (0.5f - UnityEngine.Random.value);
            mutant.addNodeChance               += mutant.mutationIncrement * (0.5f - UnityEngine.Random.value);
            mutant.changeInterruptWeightChance += mutant.mutationIncrement * (0.5f - UnityEngine.Random.value);
            //			float mutationIncrement = 0.001f;
            //			float edgeMutationChance = 0.1f;
            //			float actionMutationChance = 0.1f;
            //			float addNodeChance = 0.8f;
            //			float changeInterruptWeightChance = 0.01f;
            //mutate edges
            List <QGraphNode> t_nodes    = new List <QGraphNode> (mutant.nodes);
            float             n_c        = t_nodes.Count;
            float             numChanges = n_c;

            t_nodes = Utils.ShuffleList <QGraphNode> (t_nodes);
            float max_delta_reward = 0;
            float min_delta_reward = 0;

            //calculate max and min change in reward between two nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < n_c; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < mutant.nodes [i].outgoingEdges.Count; ++j)
                    float delta = (mutant.nodes [mutant.nodes [i].outgoingEdges [j].targetNode].Reward - mutant.nodes [i].Reward);
                    if (max_delta_reward < delta)
                        max_delta_reward = delta;
                    if (min_delta_reward > delta)
                        min_delta_reward = delta;
            for (int i = 0; i < numChanges; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < mutant.nodes [i].outgoingEdges.Count; ++j)
                    float mutationChance = (mutant.nodes [mutant.nodes [i].outgoingEdges [j].targetNode].Reward - mutant.nodes [i].Reward) / (max_delta_reward - min_delta_reward);
                    if (UnityEngine.Random.value > mutationChance * 0.8f)
                        mutant.nodes [i].outgoingEdges [j] = QGraphEdge.MutateEdge(mutant.nodes [i].outgoingEdges [j], mutant.possibleStates, mutant.mutationIncrement, mutant.stateConstraints);
            //mutate nodes
            //numChanges = mutant.nodes.Count * mutant.actionMutationChance;
            t_nodes = Utils.ShuffleList <QGraphNode> (t_nodes);
            for (int i = 0; i < numChanges; ++i)
                int nodeToChange = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, t_nodes.Count);
                t_nodes [nodeToChange] = QGraphNode.MutateNode(t_nodes [nodeToChange], mutant.possibleActions, mutant.actionConstraints);
            //add nodes
            numChanges = mutant.nodes.Count * mutant.addNodeChance;
            t_nodes    = Utils.ShuffleList <QGraphNode> (t_nodes);
            if (numChanges < 1)
                numChanges = 1f;
            for (int i = 0; i < numChanges; ++i)
                QGraphNode newNode = new QGraphNode(t_nodes [UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, t_nodes.Count - 1)]);
                newNode = QGraphNode.MutateNode(newNode, mutant.possibleActions, mutant.actionConstraints);
                int numNodesToConnectTo = (int)(n_c * mutant.numNodesToConnectToNewNode);
                if (numNodesToConnectTo < 1)
                    numNodesToConnectTo = 1;
                List <QGraphNode> nodesToRandomlyConnectToTemp = new List <QGraphNode> (mutant.nodes);
                nodesToRandomlyConnectToTemp = Utils.ShuffleList(nodesToRandomlyConnectToTemp);
                //connect nodes to the new node
                for (int j = 0; j < numNodesToConnectTo; ++j)
                    QGraphEdge temp_edge = new QGraphEdge(mutant.nodes.Count);
                    if (mutant.possibleStates.Count > 0)
                        temp_edge.RequiredStates = new List <string> {
                            mutant.possibleStates [j % mutant.possibleStates.Count]
                    temp_edge.Float_restrictions = new List <float> (mutant.float_restriction_range.Count);
                    for (int k = 0; k < temp_edge.Float_restrictions.Count; ++k)
                        temp_edge.Float_restrictions.Add(UnityEngine.Random.Range(mutant.float_restriction_range [k].min, mutant.float_restriction_range [k].max));
                    temp_edge.Float_mult           = new List <float> (mutant.float_mult);
                    temp_edge.Comparison_operators = new List <ComparisonOperator> (mutant.comparison_operators);
                    nodesToRandomlyConnectToTemp [j].AddEdge(temp_edge);
                numNodesToConnectTo = (int)(n_c * mutant.numNodesToConnectNewNodeTo);
                if (numNodesToConnectTo < 1)
                    numNodesToConnectTo = 1;
                //connect the new node to other nodes;
                nodesToRandomlyConnectToTemp = Utils.ShuffleList(nodesToRandomlyConnectToTemp);
                for (int j = 0; j < numNodesToConnectTo; ++j)
                    QGraphEdge temp_edge = new QGraphEdge(mutant.nodes.IndexOf(nodesToRandomlyConnectToTemp [j]));
                    if (mutant.possibleStates.Count > 0)
                        temp_edge.RequiredStates = new List <string> {
                            mutant.possibleStates [j % mutant.possibleStates.Count]
                    temp_edge.Float_restrictions = new List <float> (mutant.float_restriction_range.Count);
                    for (int k = 0; k < temp_edge.Float_restrictions.Count; ++k)
                        temp_edge.Float_restrictions.Add(UnityEngine.Random.Range(mutant.float_restriction_range [k].min, mutant.float_restriction_range [k].max));
                    temp_edge.Float_mult           = new List <float> (mutant.float_mult);
                    temp_edge.Comparison_operators = new List <ComparisonOperator> (mutant.comparison_operators);
            mutant.memoryWindow = new List <QGraphNode> (graph.memoryWindow.Count);
            mutant.windowSize   = graph.windowSize;
            mutant.windowIndex  = 0;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine actions to take, based on the given enumerable and continuous states.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The actions to take.</returns>
        /// <param name="states">States.</param>
        /// <param name="values">Values.</param>
        public List <string> GetActionsToTake(IEnumerable <string> states, IEnumerable <float> values)
            //List<string> actions = new List<string> ();

            //numActions = false;
            int edgeToUse      = -1;
            int edgeMatchLevel = 0;

            int e_c = currentNode.outgoingEdges.Count;

            currentNode.outgoingEdges = Utils.ShuffleList(currentNode.outgoingEdges);

            for (int i = 0; i < e_c; ++i)
                int t_matchLevel = currentNode.outgoingEdges [i].GetStateMatchLevel(states, values);
                if (t_matchLevel > edgeMatchLevel)
                    edgeToUse      = i;
                    edgeMatchLevel = t_matchLevel;

            //Debug.Assert (edgeToUse > -1);

            if (edgeToUse < 0 || nodes [currentNode.outgoingEdges [edgeToUse].targetNode] == root)
                edgeToUse = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, currentNode.outgoingEdges.Count);

            //Debug.Log (currentNode.outgoingEdges.Count);

            currentNode.outgoingEdges [edgeToUse].LastTriggeredTime = Time.time;

            if (numActions == 0 || UnityEngine.Random.value > currentNode.outgoingEdges [edgeToUse].InterruptThreshold)
                currentNode = nodes [currentNode.outgoingEdges [edgeToUse].targetNode];

                windowIndex %= windowSize;
                if (windowIndex >= memoryWindow.Count)
                    memoryWindow [windowIndex] = currentNode;

                return(new List <string> (currentNode.Actions));
                currentNode = nodes [currentNode.outgoingEdges [edgeToUse].targetNode];

                windowIndex %= windowSize;
                memoryWindow [windowIndex] = currentNode;

                return(new List <string> ());
Example #7
 public void ResetCurrentNodeToRoot()
     currentNode = root;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Load QGraph from given text file, for heuristic initialization
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asset">Asset.</param>
        public QGraph(TextAsset asset)
            ID = numGraphs;


            List <string> lines = new List <string> (asset.text.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()));

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; ++i)
                if (lines [i].Contains("//") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines [i]))
                    Debug.Log("Removing: " + lines [i]);

            Dictionary <string, QGraphNode> neuronDict = new Dictionary <string, QGraphNode> ();

            Debug.Assert(lines.Count > 7);

            Utils.ConverterTU <string, float> f_conv = Utils.TryParseRandomValue;

            Debug.Log(lines [0]);
            possibleStates = new List <string> (lines [0].Split(" ".ToCharArray()));
            Debug.Log(lines [1]);
            possibleActions = new List <string> (lines [1].Split(" ".ToCharArray()));
            Debug.Log(lines [2]);
            Debug.Log(lines [3]);
            float_restriction_range = new List <FloatRange> (FloatRange.ToFloatRange(new List <float> (Utils.ConvertArrayType <string, float> (lines [2].Split(" ".ToCharArray()), f_conv)), new List <float> (Utils.ConvertArrayType <string, float> (lines [3].Split(" ".ToCharArray()), f_conv))));
            float_mult = new List <float> (Utils.ConvertArrayType <string, float> (lines [4].Split(" ".ToCharArray()), f_conv));
            List <float> evol_values = new List <float> (Utils.ConvertArrayType <string, float> (lines [5].Split(" ".ToCharArray()), f_conv));

            string [] comparisonLine = lines [6].Split(" ".ToCharArray());

            for (int i = 0; i < comparisonLine.Length; ++i)
                this.comparison_operators.Add((ComparisonOperator)Enum.Parse(typeof(ComparisonOperator), comparisonLine [i]));

            Debug.Assert(evol_values.Count == 6);

            this.edgeMutationChance          = evol_values [0];
            this.actionMutationChance        = evol_values [1];
            this.addNodeChance               = evol_values [2];
            this.changeInterruptWeightChance = evol_values [3];
            this.numNodesToConnectToNewNode  = evol_values [4];
            this.numNodesToConnectNewNodeTo  = evol_values [5];

            Debug.Assert(int.TryParse(lines [7], out this.windowSize));

            memoryWindow = new List <QGraphNode> (this.windowSize);
            //memoryWindow.Add (currentNode);

            for (int i = 8; i < lines.Count; ++i)
                Debug.Log("Parsing: " + lines [i]);
                lines [i] = lines [i].Trim();
                if (lines [i].StartsWith("Node"))
                    //format: Neuron [refName] [Action1] ... [ActionN]
                    string[]   neuronLine = lines [i].Split(" ".ToCharArray());
                    QGraphNode node       = new QGraphNode();

                    Debug.Assert(neuronLine.Length > 1, "Line is missing a neuron name!");
                    Debug.Assert(!neuronDict.ContainsKey(neuronLine [1]), "Node with this name is already defined!");

                    for (int j = 2; j < neuronLine.Length; ++j)
                        node.AddAction(neuronLine [j]);
                    neuronDict.Add(neuronLine [1], node);
                else if (lines [i].StartsWith("Edge"))
                    //format: [startNode] [Node connected to] | [state1] ... [stateN] | [float_restriction1] ... [float_restrictionN] | [mult1] ... [multN] | [op1] ... [opN] | [interruptChance]

                    string[] lineSegs = lines [i].Split("|".ToCharArray());
                    Debug.Assert(lineSegs.Length == 6);
                    string[] edgeNodes = lineSegs [0].Split(" ".ToCharArray());
                    Debug.Assert(edgeNodes.Length == 3, "Start and end nodes not defined");
                    Debug.Assert(neuronDict.ContainsKey(edgeNodes [1]), "Start neuron not defined");
                    Debug.Assert(neuronDict.ContainsKey(edgeNodes [2]), "End neuron not defined");

                    //string [] reqFloats = lineSegs[2].Split (" ".ToCharArray ());

//					List<float> restrictions = new List<float> (reqFloats.Length);
//					for (int j = 0; j < reqFloats.Length; ++j) {
//						float f = 0;
//						Debug.Assert (float.TryParse (reqFloats [j], out f));
//						restrictions.Add (f);
//					}

                    comparisonLine = lineSegs [4].Split(" ".ToCharArray());

                    List <ComparisonOperator> comp_ops = new List <ComparisonOperator> (comparisonLine.Length);

                    for (int j = 0; j < comparisonLine.Length; ++j)
                        comp_ops.Add((ComparisonOperator)Enum.Parse(typeof(ComparisonOperator), comparisonLine [j]));

                    float interruptChance = 0;

                    Debug.Assert(Utils.TryParseRandomValue(lineSegs [5], out interruptChance));

                    QGraphEdge edge = new QGraphEdge(new List <string> (lineSegs [1].Split(" ".ToCharArray())), Utils.ConvertArrayType <string, float> (lineSegs [2].Split(" ".ToCharArray()), f_conv), Utils.ConvertArrayType <string, float> (lineSegs [3].Split(" ".ToCharArray()), f_conv), nodes.IndexOf(neuronDict [edgeNodes [2]]), comp_ops);

                    edge.InterruptThreshold = interruptChance;

                    nodes [nodes.IndexOf(neuronDict [edgeNodes [1]])].AddEdge(edge);
                else if (lines [i].StartsWith("CurrentNode"))
                    string[] vals = lines [i].Split(" ".ToCharArray());
                    Debug.Assert(neuronDict.ContainsKey(vals [1]));
                    currentNode = neuronDict [vals [1]];
                else if (lines [i].StartsWith("Root"))
                    string[] vals = lines [i].Split(" ".ToCharArray());
                    Debug.Assert(neuronDict.ContainsKey(vals [1]));
                    root = neuronDict [vals [1]];
                    throw new Exception("Line definition format could not be determined: " + i + " " + lines [i]);
