Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Loads the room into memory. 
        ///  If IsPersistant is set to true, loads up the previously saved State file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doorIndex">Represents which door the player is entering from.
        /// If set to -1, player will enter at the default spawning location.</param>
        public void Load(string filePath, int doorIndex)
            if (filePath != "" && filePath != null)
                    int numberOfDoors;
                    int numberOfEnemies;
                    int numberOfEnvironmentObjects;

                    using (Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream(filePath))
                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream))
                            longName = GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#");
                            graphicsName = GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#");

                            spawnLocation = new Vector2(Convert.ToInt16(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#")),
                                                        Convert.ToInt16(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#")));

                            isPersistant = bool.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"));
                            hasLighting = bool.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"));

                            musicName = GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#");

                            numberOfDoors = Convert.ToInt16(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"));
                            doorArray = new Door[numberOfDoors];
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDoors; i++)
                                Door.DoorOrientations orientation = (Door.DoorOrientations)byte.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"));
                                string roomName = GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#");
                                int connectedDoorIndex = Convert.ToInt16(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"));
                                Locks lockType = (Locks)byte.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"));

                                doorArray[i] = new Door(Content, soundEngine, orientation, roomName, connectedDoorIndex, lockType);

                                doorArray[i].Spawn(new Vector2(float.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#")),
                                                               float.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"))));

                            numberOfEnemies = Int16.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"));
                            enemyArray = new Enemy[numberOfEnemies];

                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEnemies; i++)
                                String enemyName = GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#");

                                enemyArray[i] = new Enemy(enemyName, Content);

                                enemyArray[i].Spawn(new Vector2(Int16.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#")),
                                    Int16.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"))));

                            numberOfEnvironmentObjects = Int16.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"));
                            environmentArray = new PhysicsObject[numberOfEnvironmentObjects];

                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEnvironmentObjects; i++)
                                String objectName = GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#");

                                bool objHasGraphics = bool.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"));

                                environmentArray[i] = new PhysicsObject(objectName, Content, new Vector2(0,0), objHasGraphics, soundEngine, false);

                                environmentArray[i].IsSolid = bool.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"));

                                environmentArray[i].Spawn(new Vector2(Int16.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#")),
                                    Int16.Parse(GameResources.getNextDataLine(sr, "#"))));

                            objectArray = new GameObject[numberOfDoors + numberOfEnemies + numberOfEnvironmentObjects];
                            int arrayIndex = 0;

                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDoors; i++)
                                objectArray[i + arrayIndex] = doorArray[i + arrayIndex];
                            arrayIndex += numberOfDoors;

                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEnemies; i++)
                                objectArray[i + arrayIndex] = enemyArray[i];
                            arrayIndex += numberOfEnemies;

                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEnvironmentObjects; i++)
                                objectArray[i + arrayIndex] = environmentArray[i];

                            if (doorIndex != -1)
                                spawnLocation = doorArray[doorIndex].Position;
                                if (doorArray[doorIndex].Orientation == Door.DoorOrientations.FacingLeft)
                                    spawnLocation.X -= Player.PLAYER_WIDTH;
                                    spawnLocation.X += doorArray[doorIndex].HitBox.Width;

                            isLoaded = true;

                catch (Exception e)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + e.Message);
 /// <summary>
 /// Another constructor that also specifies position, whether the object is an enemy,
 /// whether it has graphics that will be drawn, and the source of its sounds, if it produces any.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objName">The type of object that is represented.</param>
 /// <param name="content">The content manager to load assets to.</param>
 /// <param name="spawnPosition">The coordinates in the room at which the object will start.</param>
 /// <param name="graphics">Whether the object has graphics that will be drawn to the screen.</param>
 /// <param name="audioEngine">The AudioEngine object that produces this object's sounds.</param>
 /// <param name="enemy">Whether the object is an enemy.</param>
 public PhysicsObject(string objName, ContentManager content, Vector2 spawnPosition, bool graphics, AudioEngine audioEngine, bool enemy)
     : base(objName, content, spawnPosition, graphics, audioEngine)
     if (isPhysicsObject)
         velocityX = 0;
         velocityY = 0;
         accelerationX = 0;
         accelerationY = 0;
         velocityLimitX = 0;
         velocityLimitY = 0;
         displacementX = 0;
         displacementY = 0;
         isOnGround = false;
         currentHealth = maxHealth;
         riding = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes all of the object's relevant properties to reflect that
 /// it has just now become airborne (i.e. no longer on ground).
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void LeaveGround()
     isOnGround = false;
     riding = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks to see if an object is stuck inside of a solid region or object at its
 /// current coordinates, OR if it *will be* stuck if its coordinates are adjusted
 /// by specified amounts in the x and/or y positions.
 /// Non-zero values may be input for dX and/or dY to test for stuckness at the
 /// coordinates equal to the object's coordinates plus the vector (dX, dY).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="room">The room in which to test for stuckness</param>
 /// <param name="dX">The value by which to adjust the x-coordinate in the test</param>
 /// <param name="dY">The value by which to adjust the y-coordinate in the test</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual bool IsStuck(Room room, int dX, int dY)
     //If dX != 0, it's added to the test x-coordinate
     int CoordinateX = (int)Position.X + dX;
     //If the leftmost collision points are past the left of the map, or
     //if the rightmost collision points are past the right of the map,
     //the object is stuck.
     if (CoordinateX + collisionXs.First() < 0 ||
         CoordinateX + collisionXs.Last() >= room.CollisionMap.Width)
         return true;
     //If dY != 0, it's added to the test y-coordinate
     int CoordinateY = (int)Position.Y + dY;
     foreach (int intY in collisionYs)
         //Collision points above or below the map will not cause stuckness.
         if (CoordinateY + intY >= 0 && CoordinateY + intY < room.CollisionMap.Height)
             foreach (int intX in collisionXs)
                 //Walls/grounds/ceilings are black on the collision map, i.e. the R value is 0
                 if (room.collisionColors[CoordinateX + intX + (CoordinateY + intY) * room.CollisionMap.Width].R == 0)
                     return true;
     foreach (GameObject obj in room.ObjectArray)
         if (obj.IsSolid && obj.IsSpawned && this != obj)
             if ((CoordinateX + collisionXs.First() <= obj.Position.X + obj.HitBox.Width) &&
                 (CoordinateX + collisionXs.Last() >= obj.Position.X) &&
                 (CoordinateY + collisionYs.First() <= obj.Position.Y + obj.HitBox.Height) &&
                 (CoordinateY + collisionYs.Last() >= obj.Position.Y))
                 if (dX == 0 & obj.IsPhysicsObject)
                     riding = (PhysicsObject)obj;
                 return true;
     return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if the object is touching ground at its current coordinates, OR
        /// if the object *will be* touching ground if its coordinates are adjusted by
        /// specified amounts in the x and/or y directions.
        /// Non-zero values may be input for dX and/or dY to test for ground at the coordinates
        /// equal to the object's coordinates plus the vector (dX, dY).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="room">The room in which to test for ground</param>
        /// <param name="dX">The value by which to adjust the x-coordinate in the test</param>
        /// <param name="dY">The value by which to adjust the y-coordinate in the test</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual bool CheckGround(Room room, int dX, int dY)
            //row is the y-coordinate just beneath the object's hitbox at its
            //(adjusted) coordinates.
            int row = (int)Position.Y + dY + collisionYs.Last() + 1;
            //All space above or below the map is not considered ground.
            if (row < 0 || row >= room.CollisionMap.Height)
                return false;
            //If the row is on the collision map, do a color test on
            //all collision points in the row:
            int coordinateX = (int)Position.X + dX;
            foreach (int intX in collisionXs)
                //Walls/grounds/ceilings are black on the collision map, i.e. the R value is 0
                if (room.collisionColors[(int)(coordinateX + intX + row * room.CollisionMap.Width)].R == 0)
                    return true;
            //If none of the collision points are in a black region, there is no ground.

            foreach (GameObject obj in room.ObjectArray)
                if (obj.IsSolid && obj.IsSpawned && this != obj)
                    if ((coordinateX + collisionXs.First() <= obj.Position.X + obj.HitBox.Width) &&
                        (coordinateX + collisionXs.Last() >= obj.Position.X) &&
                        (row >= obj.Position.Y) && (row <= obj.Position.Y + obj.HitBox.Height))
                            riding = (PhysicsObject)obj;
                        return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests to see if an object's intended x- and y-displacements are fully achievable in its
        /// current room and position. Causes a collision and modifies the displacement value if
        /// it would send the object into a collideable surface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to be evaluated.</param>
        /// <param name="room">The room in which the object is located and trying to move.</param>
        /// <param name="time">The amount of time since the last frame.</param>
        public static void Update(PhysicsObject obj, Room room, GameTime time)
            PhysicsObject ridingAtStart = obj.riding;
            float totalTime = (float)(time.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds);
            //All ungrounded, gravity-affected objects will have the displacement caused by
            //gravity in this frame added to their y-displacement.
            if (obj.IsGravityAffected && !obj.IsOnGround)
                obj.DisplacementY = Math.Min(obj.DisplacementY + (GRAVITY / 2) * (totalTime * totalTime), MAX_FALLING_SPEED * totalTime);

            obj.DisplacementX = (float)((int)(obj.DisplacementX));
            obj.DisplacementY = (float)((int)(obj.DisplacementY));

            //If the object will get stuck trying to move the originally intended amount, a collision
            //has occurred. The appropriate velocity & acceleration variables as well as boolean flags
            //will be reset, by calling the appropriate collision function (HitCeiling(), Land(), or
            //Then the intended displacement is decreased by one until the object finds a coordinate
            //at which it will no longer be stuck.
            if (obj.DisplacementY < 0)
                if (obj.IsStuck(room, 0, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                    obj.DisplacementY += 1;
                    while (obj.DisplacementY != 0 && obj.IsStuck(room, 0, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                        obj.DisplacementY += 1;
                if (obj.SticksToSurfaces && obj.DisplacementX == 0)
                    if (obj.WillLoseSurface(room))
                        while (obj.WillLoseSurface(room))
                            obj.DisplacementY += 1;
            else if (obj.DisplacementY > 0)
                if (obj.IsStuck(room, 0, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                    obj.DisplacementY -= 1;
                    while (obj.DisplacementY != 0 && obj.IsStuck(room, 0, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                        obj.DisplacementY -= 1;
                if (obj.SticksToSurfaces && obj.DisplacementX == 0)
                    if (obj.WillLoseSurface(room))
                        while (obj.WillLoseSurface(room))
                            obj.DisplacementY -= 1;

            if (obj.DisplacementX > 0)
                if (obj.IsStuck(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                    obj.DisplacementX -= 1;
                    while (obj.DisplacementX != 0 && obj.IsStuck(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                        obj.DisplacementX -= 1;
                if (!obj.MovesOffEdges && obj.IsOnGround && obj.DisplacementY == 0)
                    if (obj.WillMovePastEdge(room))
                        obj.VelocityX *= -1;
                        while (obj.WillMovePastEdge(room))
                            obj.DisplacementX -= 1;
                if (obj.SticksToSurfaces && obj.DisplacementY == 0)
                    if (obj.WillLoseSurface(room))
                        while (obj.WillLoseSurface(room))
                            obj.DisplacementX -= 1;
            else if (obj.DisplacementX < 0)
                if (obj.IsStuck(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                    obj.DisplacementX += 1;
                    while (obj.DisplacementX != 0 && obj.IsStuck(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                        obj.DisplacementX += 1;
                if (!obj.MovesOffEdges && obj.IsOnGround && obj.DisplacementY == 0)
                    if (obj.WillMovePastEdge(room))
                        obj.VelocityX *= -1;
                        while (obj.WillMovePastEdge(room))
                            obj.DisplacementX += 1;
                if (obj.SticksToSurfaces && obj.DisplacementY == 0)
                    if (obj.WillLoseSurface(room))
                        while (obj.WillLoseSurface(room))
                            obj.DisplacementX += 1;
            else if (obj.DisplacementX == 0 && obj.DisplacementY == 0)
                if (obj.IsStuck(room, 0, 0))
                    if (obj.WallOnLeft && !obj.WallOnRight)
                        obj.DisplacementX += STUCK_OBJ_DISPLACEMENT;
                    else if (obj.WallOnRight && !obj.WallOnLeft)
                        obj.DisplacementX -= STUCK_OBJ_DISPLACEMENT;

            //Even if a displacement value goes unchanged in the above test, it's still possible that the object
            //will (not) have a wall beside or ground beneath them after moving their full displacements. This last
            //test checks to see if this is the case, and changes the appropriate boolean flags accordingly.
            //If the object is touching a floor in its new position, the appropriate collision-causing function
            //is called.
            //If an object was airborne at the beginning of the frame and is still airborne, its y-velocity
            //is increased by the acceleration due to gravity.
            //If it's determined that the object is now in the air, it will become airborne.

            if (!obj.WallOnLeft)
                if (obj.CheckWallLeft(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                if (!obj.CheckWallLeft(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                    obj.WallOnLeft = false;

            if (!obj.WallOnRight)
                if (obj.CheckWallRight(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                if (!obj.CheckWallRight(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                    obj.WallOnRight = false;

            if (!obj.IsOnGround)
                if (obj.CheckGround(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                else if (obj.IsGravityAffected)
                    obj.VelocityY = Math.Min(obj.VelocityY + GRAVITY * totalTime, MAX_FALLING_SPEED);
                if (!obj.CheckGround(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))

            if (!obj.CeilingAbove)
                if (obj.CheckCeiling(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))
                if (!obj.CheckCeiling(room, (int)obj.DisplacementX, (int)obj.DisplacementY))

            if ((obj.riding != null) && (obj.riding == ridingAtStart))
                obj.DisplacementX += ridingAtStart.DisplacementX;
                obj.DisplacementY += ridingAtStart.DisplacementY;