private JumpItem MinimumNumberofJumpsDP(int[] input) { if (input.Length == 0 || input[0] == 0) { return(null); } int[] jumps = new int[input.Length]; int[] jumpvalues = new int[input.Length]; // Find the minimum number of jumps to reach arr[i] from 0 to i -1 // from arr[0], and assign this value to jumps[i] jumps[0] = 0; jumpvalues[0] = -1; for (int i = 1; i < input.Length; i++) { jumps[i] = Int32.MaxValue; //Initialize with max and then we update with actual value //Here we need to see whether we can reach i from 0 to i -1... //Note i and j should not be equal because there is no reason to start and end at the same place. (No need to jump if the start and end are same) for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { //can we reach index i if we jump from j position if (j + input[j] >= i && jumps[j] != Int32.MaxValue) { int steps = jumps[j] + 1; if (steps < jumps[i]) { //jumps[i] = min(jumps[i], jumps[j] + 1); jumps[i] = steps; jumpvalues[i] = j; //index where it came from } } } } //Backtrack with jump values StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int k = input.Length - 1; sb.Insert(0, "," + input[k]); while (k > 0) { int lastjumpfromIndex = jumpvalues[k]; sb.Insert(0, "," + input[lastjumpfromIndex]); k = lastjumpfromIndex; } JumpItem result = new JumpItem(); result.MinimumJump = jumps[input.Length - 1]; //get the lasat item result.Path = sb.ToString(); return(result); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // int[] input = AlgorithmHelper.ConvertCommaSeparetedStringToInt(this.textBox15.Text); JumpItem result = MinimumNumberofJumpsDP(input); this.textBox12.Text = result.MinimumJump.ToString(); this.textBox1.Text = result.Path; }