Example #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Make sure that settings aren't corrupted, and fix them.
            try {
                string uiLanguage = Settings.Default.UILanguage;
            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException ex) { //(requires System.Configuration)
                // Once the configuration system is corrupt, there doesn't appear a way to
                // fix it (Settings.Default.Reload() doesn't work, even though you would
                // think it would. So restarting the application appears to be the best way.
                // We inform the user in case deleting doesn't work they can try to delete the file
                // themselves. This is so rare it isn't worth localizing the message.

                string filename = ((ConfigurationErrorsException)ex.InnerException).Filename;
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The configuration file '{0}' is corrupted. Purple Pen will delete this file and restart.", filename),
                                "Corrupt Configuration File",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Application.ExecutablePath); // start new instance of application
                return;                                                       // exit current instance of application.

            // Enable crash reporting.
            Application.ThreadException += (sender, e) => SendCrashReport(e.Exception);
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) => {



            if (args.Length > 0 && LoadCommandLineFile(args[0]))
                // We successfully loaded a file from the command line.
                // Nothing more to do here.
                // No command line args. Show initial screen to load/create an event.
                new InitialScreen().Show();

Example #2
        private void DrawSingleLineText(IGraphicsTarget g, string text, FontDesc fontDesc, PointF pt, StringAlignment horizAlignment, StringAlignment vertAlignment)
            object font = new object();

            g.CreateFont(font, fontDesc.Name, fontDesc.EmHeight, fontDesc.TextEffects);

            ITextFaceMetrics fontMetrics = textMetrics.GetTextFaceMetrics(fontDesc.Name, fontDesc.EmHeight, fontDesc.TextEffects);
            SizeF            size        = fontMetrics.GetTextSize(text);

            switch (horizAlignment)
            case StringAlignment.Near:

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                pt.X = pt.X - size.Width / 2F; break;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                pt.X = pt.X - size.Width; break;

            switch (vertAlignment)
            case StringAlignment.Near:

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                pt.Y = pt.Y - size.Height / 2F; break;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                pt.Y = pt.Y - size.Height; break;

            g.DrawText(text, font, blackBrush, pt);

Example #3
        internal static SizeF GetTextSize(string text, FontDesc font, float fontScaling)
            Graphics g = Util.GetHiresGraphics();
            using (Font f = font.GetScaledFont(fontScaling)) {
                SizeF size = g.MeasureString(text, f, new PointF(0, 0), StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

                // We really want the size of just the digits/capital letters. So, reduce by the descender size from
                // bottom and top (no way to get offset from top of box to top of cap letters).
                FontFamily family = f.FontFamily;
                float descender = family.GetCellDescent(f.Style) * font.EmHeight * fontScaling / family.GetEmHeight(f.Style);
                size.Height = size.Height - 2 * descender;

                return size;
Example #4
        internal static PointF GetTextLocation(PointF controlLocation, float distanceFromCenter, string text, FontDesc font, float fontScaling, IEnumerable<CourseObj> list)
            const double deltaAngle = Math.PI / 16;             // angle to increase by each time when testing an angle.

            // Get a list of all nearby objects that we want to stay away from.
            List<CourseObj> nearbyObjects = GetNearbyObjects(list, controlLocation, distanceFromCenter * 4);

            // Get the size of the text.
            SizeF textSize = GetTextSize(text, font, fontScaling);

            // Try 32 different locations for the number, finding which angle has the largest distance from nearby objects.
            // Start at the default angle, so if all angles are equally good that is the one we pick.
            PointF bestPoint = new PointF();
            double bestDistance = -1;

            for (double angle = NormalCourseAppearance.defaultControlNumberAngle;
                   angle < NormalCourseAppearance.defaultControlNumberAngle + 2 * Math.PI;
                   angle += deltaAngle)
                PointF pt = GetRectangleCenter(controlLocation, distanceFromCenter, angle, textSize);
                double distanceFromNearby = GetMinDistanceFromNearby(pt, nearbyObjects);

                if (distanceFromNearby > bestDistance) {
                    bestPoint = pt;
                    bestDistance = distanceFromNearby;

            return bestPoint;