Example #1
        public void Cargar_Imagen_PDResultante()
            Contorno contorno = new Contorno();

            BLProcesador = new Procesamiento((Bitmap)PDprincipal.Image);
            if (!It_is_file)
                Moriginal = BLProcesador.DescomponerRGB();
                Moriginal = BLProcesador.Convertir(Moriginal);
                Moriginal = contorno.Obtener_Contorno(Moriginal, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < Moriginal.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Moriginal.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (Moriginal[i, j] != 0)
                        Moriginal[i, j] = 1;

            //-------------------------------------Convert matrix to image----------------------------------------------------------
            Convertir_a_Imagen convertir_A_Imagen = new Convertir_a_Imagen();

            Color[][] Imagen_contorno;

            if (!It_is_file)
                Imagen_contorno = convertir_A_Imagen.Convertir_inverso(Moriginal);
                Imagen_contorno = convertir_A_Imagen.Convertir_inverso(Moriginal);

            PDResultante.Image = convertir_A_Imagen.GenerarImagen(Imagen_contorno);
            Imagen_contorno    = null;

            PDResultante.Visible = true;
            label2.Visible       = true;

            label6.Visible   = true;
            button1.Visible  = true;
            textBoxT.Visible = true;
            labelT.Visible   = true;
            textBoxT.Enabled = true;
Example #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (textBoxT.TextLength > 0)
                button1.Visible = false;
                MegaMatriz            megaMatriz            = new MegaMatriz();
                F8                    codigof8              = new F8();
                AF8                   codigoaf8             = new AF8();
                Ordenar_Contorno      ordenar_Contorno      = new Ordenar_Contorno();
                Contorno              contorno              = new Contorno();
                BuscarCoordenadas     buscar_coordenadas    = new BuscarCoordenadas();
                Calcular_Error        calcular_Error        = new Calcular_Error();
                Seleccion_Segmentos   seleccion_Segmentos   = new Seleccion_Segmentos();
                Procesar_PQR          procesar_PQR          = new Procesar_PQR();
                Quitar_BPs            quitar_BPs            = new Quitar_BPs();
                ReOrdenamientoBPS     reOrdenamientoBPS     = new ReOrdenamientoBPS();
                Puntos_Dominantes2    puntos_Dominantes2    = new Puntos_Dominantes2();
                Obtener_subcadenasAF8 obtener_SubcadenasAF8 = new Obtener_subcadenasAF8();

                List <string>         PDs_alfa_siguiente  = new List <string>();
                List <Int32>          PDs_alpha_original  = new List <Int32>();
                List <int>            PDs_mantener_actual = new List <int>();
                List <Int32>          PDs_alpha_actual    = new List <Int32>();
                List <string>         PDs_objeto          = new List <string>();
                List <double>         ISES           = new List <double>();
                List <List <string> > Subcadenas_AF8 = new List <List <string> >();
                List <int>            PDs_ordenados  = new List <int>();
                List <int>            coordenadas_PDs_alfa_actual = new List <int>();
                List <int>            coordenadas_BP_reordenadas  = new List <int>();
                List <int>            PDs_ordenados_ant           = new List <int>();

                List <int> posiciones             = new List <int>();
                List <int> posiciones_almacenadas = new List <int>();
                List <int> posiciones_ant_act     = new List <int>();

                Convertir_a_Imagen Pintar_PDs = new Convertir_a_Imagen();

                string subcadena;

                double[,] distancias_ises = new double[5, 5];
                int[]    coor_pixel_inicial     = new int[3];
                int[]    coor_pixel_inicial_sig = new int[3];
                int[]    dimensiones            = new int[3];
                int[]    pqr        = new int[3];
                string[] vectorBase = new string[2];
                string[] rectas_discretas_actuales = new string[4];
                int      n, p_temporal, q_temporal, r_temporal, contador_BPs = 0;
                double   ISE, CR, WE, FOM, WE2, n_1, nDP;
                int      num_vecinos = 5;
                bool     continuar = false, repetir_penultimo = false;
                string   rectas_discretas2;

                double T;
                T = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxT.Text);
                textBoxT.Enabled = false;
                bool cambiar_resolucion = false, primer_alfa = true;

                dimensiones[0] = Moriginal.GetLength(0);
                dimensiones[1] = Moriginal.GetLength(1);
                dimensiones[2] = 1;

                n = 1;

                string subcadenas = Path.Combine(filepath, "Substrings of " + nombre + ".txt");

                    if (primer_alfa)
                        coor_pixel_inicial = buscar_coordenadas.Buscar_Primerpixel(Moriginal, n);
                        if (!It_is_file)
                            //Traverse the boundary of the 2D shape to obtain its coordinates.
                            coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original = ordenar_Contorno.Ordenar(Moriginal, coor_pixel_inicial)[0];
                        //Obtain the CC to f8 for the boundary of the original shape to know the maximum of p, q and r.
                        cadenaAF8 = codigoaf8.CC_AF8(Moriginal, n, PDs_alfa_siguiente, It_is_file, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original);

                        //Function to obtain maximum p, q, r.
                        while (PDs_alfa_siguiente.Count != 0)
                        pqr = procesar_PQR.Calcular_PQR(cadenaAF8);
                        p   = pqr[0];
                        q   = pqr[1];
                        r   = pqr[2];

                        label3.Visible   = true;
                        textBox2.Visible = true;
                        label6.Visible   = true;
                        textBox3.Visible = true;
                        label5.Visible   = true;
                        label4.Visible   = true;
                        textBox4.Visible = true;

                        textBox2.Text = p.ToString();
                        textBox3.Text = q.ToString();
                        textBox4.Text = r.ToString();
                    cadenaAF8 = codigoaf8.CC_AF8(Moriginal, n, PDs_alfa_siguiente, It_is_file, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original);

                    if (coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original[coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original.Count - 1] < 0)
                        repetir_penultimo = true;
                    if (!It_is_file)
                        coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original.RemoveAt(coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original.Count - 1);
                    char[]   delimiter = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '6', '7', '8', '9' };
                    string[] aAF8      = cadenaAF8.Split(delimiter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    p_temporal = p;
                    q_temporal = q;
                    r_temporal = r;
                        //Store the BPs from the previous iteration to know which are the BPs detected after each change of r.
                        while (posiciones_ant_act.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < posiciones_almacenadas.Count; i++)
                        while (posiciones.Count > 0)
                        //Application of the language for detection of BPs.
                        rectas_discretas2 = puntos_Dominantes2.Coordenates_BPs(cadenaAF8, p_temporal, q_temporal, r_temporal, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original, PDs_alfa_siguiente, primer_alfa);
                        label14.Visible   = true;

                        //Divide the chain into substrings according to the position where PDs are.
                        PDs_alpha_actual = Obtener_subcadenasAF8.Almacenar_PD_Lista(rectas_discretas2, primer_alfa);

                        //1000000000 This value allows to separate the DPs of different Segments of Discrete Straight Lines
                        PDs_alpha_original = seleccion_Segmentos.Obtener_Coordenadas_PDs_reales(PDs_alpha_actual, Moriginal, alfa, true);
                        //-------------------------------------Error ISE -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        PDs_alpha_actual = contorno.LimpiarDPs2(PDs_alpha_original, coor_pixel_inicial, posiciones);

                        for (int i = 0; i < posiciones.Count; i++)
                        //Create and store the images of the sets of BPs detected by L
                        Pintar_PDs.getDP(PDs_alpha_actual, new Bitmap(PDResultante.Image)).Save(filepath + "\\Detection" + list_ISE.Count + ".jpeg");

                        //Calculation of the error made between each pair of BPs.
                        ISES = calcular_Error.Obtener_Error(PDs_alpha_actual, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original, 0, repetir_penultimo);

                        //Store the different substrings in a file.
                        using (StreamWriter mylogs = File.AppendText(subcadenas))
                            List <int> sortedPosiciones = posiciones_ant_act.OrderBy(number => number).ToList();
                            int        index            = 0;
                            while (index < sortedPosiciones.Count - 1)
                                if (sortedPosiciones[index] == sortedPosiciones[index + 1])

                            if (list_ISE.Count > 0)
                                List <int>    PD_temp  = new List <int>();
                                List <double> ISE_temp = new List <double>();
                                for (int k = 0; k < sortedPosiciones.Count; k++)
                                    PD_temp.Add(coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original[(sortedPosiciones[k] * 2)]);
                                    PD_temp.Add(coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original[(sortedPosiciones[k] * 2) + 1]);
                                ISE_temp = calcular_Error.Obtener_Error(PD_temp, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original, 0, true);
                                list_ISE.Add(ISE_temp[ISE_temp.Count - 1]);
                                list_ISE.Add(ISES[ISES.Count - 1]);


                            mylogs.WriteLine("                                     r = " + r_temporal);
                            contador_BPs = 0;
                            subcadena    = System.String.Empty;
                            string[] Substring = cadenaAF8.Split(' ');
                            for (int i = 0; i < Substring[Substring.Length - 2].Length; i++)
                                if (contador_BPs < sortedPosiciones.Count)
                                    if (sortedPosiciones[contador_BPs] != 0)
                                        if (i == (sortedPosiciones[contador_BPs]))
                                            mylogs.WriteLine(sortedPosiciones[contador_BPs - 1] + "," + subcadena);
                                            subcadena  = System.String.Empty;
                                            subcadena += Substring[Substring.Length - 2].Substring(i, 1);
                                            subcadena += Substring[Substring.Length - 2].Substring(i, 1);
                                        subcadena += Substring[Substring.Length - 2].Substring(i, 1);
                                    subcadena += Substring[Substring.Length - 2].Substring(i, 1);

                            mylogs.WriteLine((sortedPosiciones[sortedPosiciones.Count - 1]) + "," + subcadena);


                        //----------- Obtain segments with errors greater than those allowed (T / sd). --------------
                        if (alfa >= 1)
                            cambiar_resolucion  = false;
                            PDs_mantener_actual = seleccion_Segmentos.Obtener_Segmentos(ISES, PDs_alpha_original, T, PDs_objeto, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original, r_temporal, nombre, list_ISE);

                            if (PDs_mantener_actual.Count > 0)
                                int i_anterior = 0;
                                //Remove 1000000000 from the list of BPs
                                for (int i = 0; i < PDs_alpha_original.Count; i++)
                                    if (PDs_alpha_original[i] == 1000000000)
                                        if (i == i_anterior + 3)
                                            PDs_alpha_original.Insert(i, 0);
                                            PDs_alpha_original.Insert(i, 0);
                                        i_anterior = i;

                                for (int i = 0; i < PDs_mantener_actual.Count; i++)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                                        if (j == 0 || j == 3)
                                            if (!megaMatriz.Es_PD(PDs_objeto, PDs_alpha_original[(PDs_mantener_actual[i] * 6) - i * 6], PDs_alpha_original[(PDs_mantener_actual[i] * 6) - i * 6 + 1], PDs_alpha_original[(PDs_mantener_actual[i] * 6) - i * 6 + 2]))
                                                //Store the coordinates of the BPs that generate an allowed error.
                                                PDs_objeto.Add(PDs_alpha_original[(PDs_mantener_actual[i] * 6) - i * 6].ToString());
                                                PDs_objeto.Add(PDs_alpha_original[(PDs_mantener_actual[i] * 6) - i * 6 + 1].ToString());
                                                PDs_objeto.Add(PDs_alpha_original[(PDs_mantener_actual[i] * 6) - i * 6 + 2].ToString());
                                                posiciones_almacenadas.Add(PDs_alpha_original[(PDs_mantener_actual[i] * 6) - i * 6 + 2]);
                                        PDs_alpha_original.RemoveAt((PDs_mantener_actual[i] * 6) - i * 6);
                                    if (PDs_alpha_original.Count == 0)
                            while (PDs_alpha_original.Count > 0)
                                if (PDs_alpha_original[0] != 1000000000)
                        //Decrease r, while p and q maintain their initial values.

                        while (PDs_alfa_siguiente.Count > 0)
                        if (r_temporal > 0)
                            if (PDs_alpha_original.Count > 0)
                                repetir_penultimo = false;
                            for (int i = 0; i < PDs_alpha_original.Count; i++)
                                if (PDs_alpha_original[i] != 1000000000)
                                    if (i % 6 == 0 && i + 3 < PDs_alpha_original.Count)
                                        //The coordinates of the BPs that do not meet the condition allow finding new BPs contained between them in those contour segments.
                                        if (PDs_alpha_original[i] != PDs_alpha_original[i + 3] || PDs_alpha_original[i + 1] != PDs_alpha_original[i + 4])
                                            i += 3;
                                        if ((i + 1) % 3 != 0)
                        if (r_temporal > 1)
                            r_temporal = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(r_temporal) / 2, 1));
                        else if (r_temporal == 1)
                            r_temporal = 0;
                            r_temporal = -1;
                            while (PDs_alfa_siguiente.Count > 0)
                                if (PDs_alfa_siguiente[0] != "1000000000")
                        primer_alfa = false;
                    } while (r_temporal != -1 && PDs_alfa_siguiente.Count != 0);
                } while (cambiar_resolucion && PDs_alfa_siguiente.Count > 0 && alfa > 1);
                //Eliminate repeated BPs to know the total number of them.
                PDs_objeto    = contorno.LimpiarDPs(PDs_objeto);
                PDs_ordenados = contorno.Ordenar_PDs_2(PDs_objeto, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original);

                megaMatriz = null;
                repetir_penultimo = true;
                int contador_eliminados = 0;

                    ISES = calcular_Error.Obtener_Error(PDs_ordenados, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original, 0, repetir_penultimo);
                    if (list_ISE_Elimination.Count == 0)
                        list_ISE_Elimination.Add(ISES[ISES.Count - 1]);
                        list_n_DPs_Elimination.Add(PDs_ordenados.Count / 3);
                    list_ISE_Rearrangement.Add(ISES[ISES.Count - 1]);
                    list_n_DPs_Rearrangement.Add(PDs_ordenados.Count / 3);

                    Pintar_PDs.getDP(PDs_ordenados, new Bitmap(PDResultante.Image)).Save(filepath + "\\Elimination" + list_ISE_Elimination.Count + ".jpeg");
                    //Use of our novel method for the elimination of BPs.
                    PDs_ordenados = quitar_BPs.Eliminar_BPs_version2(PDs_ordenados, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original, ISES, T);

                    ISES = calcular_Error.Obtener_Error(PDs_ordenados, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original, 0, repetir_penultimo);

                    list_ISE_Elimination.Add(ISES[ISES.Count - 1]);
                    list_n_DPs_Elimination.Add(PDs_ordenados.Count / 3);

                    while (PDs_ordenados_ant.Count > 0)
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < PDs_ordenados.Count; ii++)
                    //Create 5 graphs to use the Dijkstra algorithm.
                    distancias_ises = quitar_BPs.Mejor_acomodo_BPS(PDs_ordenados, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original, T, num_vecinos);

                    //Use of Dijkstra to get the best fit of current BPs.
                    PDs_ordenados = reOrdenamientoBPS.NuevosBPs(distancias_ises, PDs_ordenados, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original, num_vecinos);

                    //Storage of the rearrangement information.
                    Pintar_PDs.getDP(PDs_ordenados, new Bitmap(PDResultante.Image)).Save(filepath + "\\Rearrangement" + list_ISE_Rearrangement.Count + ".jpeg");

                    //Comparison of Sets of BPs of the previous and current iteration to know if there was any change, if not, end the loop.
                    continuar = Comparar_Listas_DPs(PDs_ordenados, PDs_ordenados_ant);
                } while (continuar);

                //Updating of errors made between each pair of BPs.
                ISES = calcular_Error.Obtener_Error(PDs_ordenados, coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original, 0, true);

                //----------------------------------------ISE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                ISE           = Math.Round(ISES[ISES.Count - 1], 4);
                textBox5.Text = ISE.ToString();

                //----------------------------------------n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                n_1 = coordenadas_contorno_ordenadas_original.Count / 2;
                nDP = ((PDs_ordenados.Count) / 3);
                //----------------------------------------CR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                CR = Math.Round(n_1 / nDP, 4);

                textBox6.Text = n_1.ToString();

                //----------------------------------------FOM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                FOM           = Math.Round(n_1 / (ISE * nDP), 4);
                textBox8.Text = FOM.ToString();

                //----------------------------------------WE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                WE            = Math.Round(ISE / CR, 4);
                textBox7.Text = WE.ToString();

                //----------------------------------------WE2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                WE2           = Math.Round(ISE / Math.Pow(CR, 2), 4);
                textBox9.Text = WE2.ToString();

                textBox1.Text = nDP.ToString();

                label7.Visible   = true;
                label8.Visible   = true;
                label9.Visible   = true;
                label10.Visible  = true;
                label11.Visible  = true;
                label12.Visible  = true;
                labelT.Visible   = true;
                label13.Visible  = true;
                textBox1.Visible = true;
                textBox5.Visible = true;
                textBox6.Visible = true;
                textBox7.Visible = true;
                textBox8.Visible = true;
                textBox9.Visible = true;

                Clean.Visible   = true;
                Restart.Visible = true;
                label2.Text     = "Result";
                It_is_file      = false;


                PDResultante.Image = Pintar_PDs.Pintar_lineas(PDResultante, PDs_ordenados);
                PDResultante.Image = Pintar_PDs.getDP(PDs_ordenados, new Bitmap(PDResultante.Image));

                button2.Visible = true;
                //Storage of the generated polygon, its BPs and the original boundary on the hard disk.
                PDResultante.Image.Save(filepath + "\\Resultante_PDs" + nombre + ".jpeg");

                //Show the method information on the screen.
                Form_BPs_Detection bPs_Detection = new Form_BPs_Detection();
                bPs_Detection.Mostrar_informacion(filepath, list_ISE, list_n_DPs, r, list_ISE_Elimination, list_n_DPs_Elimination, list_ISE_Rearrangement, list_n_DPs_Rearrangement);
                string            message = "Assign a value to T to continue";
                string            caption = "Error Detected in Input";
                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
                DialogResult      result;

                // Displays the MessageBox.
                result = MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons);
                if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                    // Closes the parent form.