Example #1
    public MyStack()
        var resourceGroup = new Resources.ResourceGroup("resourceGroup");

        var storageAccount = new Storage.StorageAccount("storageaccount", new Storage.StorageAccountArgs
            Kind = Storage.Kind.StorageV2,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Sku = new Storage.Inputs.SkuArgs
                Name = Storage.SkuName.Standard_LRS,

        // Enable static website support
        var staticWebsite = new Storage.StorageAccountStaticWebsite("staticWebsite", new Storage.StorageAccountStaticWebsiteArgs
            AccountName       = storageAccount.Name,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            IndexDocument     = "index.html",
            Error404Document  = "404.html",

        var index_html = new Storage.Blob("index.html", new Storage.BlobArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountName       = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerName     = staticWebsite.ContainerName,
            Source            = new FileAsset("./wwwroot/index.html"),
            ContentType       = "text/html",
        var notfound_html = new Storage.Blob("404.html", new Storage.BlobArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountName       = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerName     = staticWebsite.ContainerName,
            Source            = new FileAsset("./wwwroot/404.html"),
            ContentType       = "text/html",

        // Web endpoint to the website
        this.StaticEndpoint = storageAccount.PrimaryEndpoints.Apply(primaryEndpoints => primaryEndpoints.Web);

        // (Optional) Add a CDN in front of the storage account.
        var profile = new Cdn.Profile("profile", new Cdn.ProfileArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location          = "global",
            Sku = new Cdn.Inputs.SkuArgs
                Name = Cdn.SkuName.Standard_Microsoft,

        var endpointOrigin = storageAccount.PrimaryEndpoints.Apply(pe => pe.Web.Replace("https://", "").Replace("/", ""));

        var endpoint = new Cdn.Endpoint("endpoint", new Cdn.EndpointArgs
            EndpointName     = storageAccount.Name.Apply(sa => $"cdn-endpnt-{sa}"),
            IsHttpAllowed    = false,
            IsHttpsAllowed   = true,
            OriginHostHeader = endpointOrigin,
            Origins          =
                new Cdn.Inputs.DeepCreatedOriginArgs
                    HostName  = endpointOrigin,
                    HttpsPort = 443,
                    Name      = "origin-storage-account",
            ProfileName = profile.Name,
            QueryStringCachingBehavior = Cdn.QueryStringCachingBehavior.NotSet,
            ResourceGroupName          = resourceGroup.Name,

        // CDN endpoint to the website.
        // Allow it some time after the deployment to get ready.
        this.CdnEndpoint = endpoint.HostName.Apply(hostName => $"https://{hostName}");
Example #2
    public MyStack()
        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new Resources.ResourceGroup("resourceGroup");

        // Create an Azure resource (Storage Account)
        var storageAccount = new Storage.StorageAccount("logicappdemosa", new Storage.StorageAccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Sku = new Storage.Inputs.SkuArgs
                Name = Storage.SkuName.Standard_LRS,
            Kind = Storage.Kind.StorageV2,

        // Cosmos DB Account
        var cosmosdbAccount = new DocumentDB.DatabaseAccount("logicappdemo-cdb", new DocumentDB.DatabaseAccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName        = resourceGroup.Name,
            DatabaseAccountOfferType = DocumentDB.DatabaseAccountOfferType.Standard,
            Locations =
                new DocumentDB.Inputs.LocationArgs
                    LocationName     = resourceGroup.Location,
                    FailoverPriority = 0,
            ConsistencyPolicy = new DocumentDB.Inputs.ConsistencyPolicyArgs
                DefaultConsistencyLevel = DocumentDB.DefaultConsistencyLevel.Session,

        // Cosmos DB Database
        var db = new DocumentDB.SqlResourceSqlDatabase("sqldb", new DocumentDB.SqlResourceSqlDatabaseArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountName       = cosmosdbAccount.Name,
            Resource          = new DocumentDB.Inputs.SqlDatabaseResourceArgs
                Id = "sqldb",

        // Cosmos DB SQL Container
        var dbContainer = new DocumentDB.SqlResourceSqlContainer("container", new DocumentDB.SqlResourceSqlContainerArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountName       = cosmosdbAccount.Name,
            DatabaseName      = db.Name,
            Resource          = new DocumentDB.Inputs.SqlContainerResourceArgs
                Id           = "container",
                PartitionKey = new DocumentDB.Inputs.ContainerPartitionKeyArgs {
                    Paths = { "/myPartitionKey" }, Kind = "Hash"

        var accountKeys = DocumentDB.ListDatabaseAccountKeys.Invoke(new DocumentDB.ListDatabaseAccountKeysInvokeArgs
            AccountName       = cosmosdbAccount.Name,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name

        var apiId = Output.Create(Authorization.GetClientConfig.InvokeAsync())
                    .Apply(clientConfig => Output.Format(

        // API Connection to be used in a Logic App
        var connection = new Web.Connection("cosmosdbConnection", new Web.ConnectionArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Properties        = new Web.Inputs.ApiConnectionDefinitionPropertiesArgs
                DisplayName = "cosmosdb_connection",
                Api         = new Web.Inputs.ApiReferenceArgs
                    Id = apiId,
                ParameterValues =
                    { "databaseAccount", cosmosdbAccount.Name                                           },
                    { "accessKey",       accountKeys.Apply(accountKeys => accountKeys.PrimaryMasterKey) },

        // Logic App with an HTTP trigger and Cosmos DB action
        var workflow = new Logic.Workflow("httpToCosmos", new Logic.WorkflowArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Definition        = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "$schema", "https://schema.management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Logic/schemas/2016-06-01/workflowdefinition.json#" },
                { "contentVersion", "" },
                { "parameters", new Dictionary <string, object>
                      { "$connections", new Dictionary <string, object>
                            { "defaultValue", new Dictionary <string, object>() },
                            { "type", "Object" },
                        } },
                  } },
                { "triggers", new Dictionary <string, object>
                      { "Receive_post", new Dictionary <string, object>
                            { "type", "Request" },
                            { "kind", "Http" },
                            { "inputs", new Dictionary <string, object>
                                { "method", "POST" },
                                { "schema", new Dictionary <string, object>
                                    { "properties", new Dictionary <string, object>() },
                                    { "type", "object" },
                                } },
                            } },
                        } },
                  } },
                { "actions", new Dictionary <string, object>
                      { "write_body", new Dictionary <string, object>
                            { "type", "ApiConnection" },
                            { "inputs", new Dictionary <string, object>
                                { "body", new Dictionary <string, object>
                                    { "data", "@triggerBody()" },
                                    { "id", "@utcNow()" },
                                } },
                                { "host", new Dictionary <string, object>
                                    { "$connection", new Dictionary <string, object>
                                        { "name", "@parameters('$connections')['documentdb']['connectionId']" },
                                    } },
                                } },
                                { "method", "post" },
                                { "path", Output.Tuple(db.Name, dbContainer.Name).Apply(values =>
                                                var dbName          = values.Item1;
                                                var dbContainerName = values.Item2;
                                            }) },
                            } },
                        } },
                  } },
            Parameters =
                { "$connections",   new Logic.Inputs.WorkflowParameterArgs
                                    Value = new Dictionary <string, object>
                                        { "documentdb",     new Dictionary <string, object>
                                    { "connectionId",   connection.Id },
                                    { "connectionName", "logicapp-cosmosdb-connection" },
                                    { "id",             apiId },
                                } },
                                } },

        var callbackUrls = Logic.ListWorkflowTriggerCallbackUrl.Invoke(new Logic.ListWorkflowTriggerCallbackUrlInvokeArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            WorkflowName      = workflow.Name,
            TriggerName       = "Receive_post",

        this.Endpoint = callbackUrls.Apply(callbackUrls => callbackUrls.Value);