public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Acl = "private", }); var firehoseRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("firehoseRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var testStream = new Aws.Kinesis.FirehoseDeliveryStream("testStream", new Aws.Kinesis.FirehoseDeliveryStreamArgs { Destination = "s3", S3Configuration = new Aws.Kinesis.Inputs.FirehoseDeliveryStreamS3ConfigurationArgs { BucketArn = bucket.Arn, RoleArn = firehoseRole.Arn, }, }); }
public MyStack() { var example = new Aws.Iam.Role("example", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary <string, object?> { { "Statement", new[] { new Dictionary <string, object?> { { "Action", "sts:AssumeRole" }, { "Effect", "Allow" }, { "Principal", new Dictionary <string, object?> { { "Service", "" }, } }, }, } }, { "Version", "2012-10-17" }, }), }); var example_AmazonEKSFargatePodExecutionRolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("example-AmazonEKSFargatePodExecutionRolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSFargatePodExecutionRolePolicy", Role = example.Name, }); }
public MyStack() { var testRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("testRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", Tags = { { "tag-key", "tag-value" }, }, }); }
public MyStack() { var exampleRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("exampleRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": [""sts:AssumeRole""], ""Effect"": ""allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": [""""] } } ] } ", }); var exampleRolePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("exampleRolePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSBackupServiceRolePolicyForBackup", Role = exampleRole.Name, }); var exampleSelection = new Aws.Backup.Selection("exampleSelection", new Aws.Backup.SelectionArgs { IamRoleArn = exampleRole.Arn, }); }
private iam.Role createRedshiftRole() { var redShiftRole = new iam.Role("dend-redshift-role", new iam.RoleArgs { Description = "Role Created for Udacity's DEND", Path = "/service-role/", AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Sid"": """", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": [ """" ] }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } ] }", }, this.CustomResourceOptions); var redShiftRolePolicyAttachment = new iam.RolePolicyAttachment("redshift-s3-readonly-attachment", new iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { Role = redShiftRole.Name, PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess", }, this.CustomResourceOptions); return(redShiftRole); }
public MyStack() { var example = new Aws.Iam.Role("example", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } ] } ", }); var example_AmazonEKSClusterPolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("example-AmazonEKSClusterPolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy", Role = example.Name, }); var example_AmazonEKSServicePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("example-AmazonEKSServicePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSServicePolicy", Role = example.Name, }); }
public MyStack() { var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var foo = new Aws.Cfg.Recorder("foo", new Aws.Cfg.RecorderArgs { RoleArn = role.Arn, }); }
public MyStack() { var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", Path = "/", }); var testProfile = new Aws.Iam.InstanceProfile("testProfile", new Aws.Iam.InstanceProfileArgs { Role = role.Name, }); }
public MyStack() { var exampleRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("exampleRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } ] } ", }); var exampleRolePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("exampleRolePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSAppSyncPushToCloudWatchLogs", Role = exampleRole.Name, }); var exampleGraphQLApi = new Aws.AppSync.GraphQLApi("exampleGraphQLApi", new Aws.AppSync.GraphQLApiArgs { LogConfig = new Aws.AppSync.Inputs.GraphQLApiLogConfigArgs { CloudwatchLogsRoleArn = exampleRole.Arn, FieldLogLevel = "ERROR", }, }); }
public MyStack() { var exampleBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("exampleBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Acl = "private", }); var exampleRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("exampleRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } ] } ", }); var exampleRolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("exampleRolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = Output.Tuple(exampleBucket.Arn, exampleBucket.Arn).Apply(values => { var exampleBucketArn = values.Item1; var exampleBucketArn1 = values.Item2; return(@$ "{{ " "Version" ": " "2012-10-17" ", " "Statement" ": [
public MyStack() { var testRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("testRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @" { ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": { ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": {""Service"": """"}, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } } ", }); var testAttach = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("testAttach", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore", Role = testRole.Name, }); var foo = new Aws.Ssm.Activation("foo", new Aws.Ssm.ActivationArgs { Description = "Test", IamRole = testRole.Id, RegistrationLimit = 5, }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = { "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.test_attach", }, }); }
public MyStack() { var exampleRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("exampleRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Sid"": """", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } ] } ", }); var aWSCodeDeployRole = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("aWSCodeDeployRole", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSCodeDeployRole", Role = exampleRole.Name, }); var exampleApplication = new Aws.CodeDeploy.Application("exampleApplication", new Aws.CodeDeploy.ApplicationArgs { }); var exampleTopic = new Aws.Sns.Topic("exampleTopic", new Aws.Sns.TopicArgs { }); var exampleDeploymentGroup = new Aws.CodeDeploy.DeploymentGroup("exampleDeploymentGroup", new Aws.CodeDeploy.DeploymentGroupArgs { AlarmConfiguration = new Aws.CodeDeploy.Inputs.DeploymentGroupAlarmConfigurationArgs { Alarms = { "my-alarm-name", }, Enabled = true, }, AppName = exampleApplication.Name, AutoRollbackConfiguration = new Aws.CodeDeploy.Inputs.DeploymentGroupAutoRollbackConfigurationArgs { Enabled = true, Events = { "DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE", }, }, DeploymentGroupName = "example-group", Ec2TagSets = { new Aws.CodeDeploy.Inputs.DeploymentGroupEc2TagSetArgs { Ec2TagFilter = { { { "key", "filterkey1" },
public MyStack() { var dlmLifecycleRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("dlmLifecycleRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var dlmLifecycle = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("dlmLifecycle", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Action"": [ ""ec2:CreateSnapshot"", ""ec2:DeleteSnapshot"", ""ec2:DescribeVolumes"", ""ec2:DescribeSnapshots"" ], ""Resource"": ""*"" }, { ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Action"": [ ""ec2:CreateTags"" ], ""Resource"": ""arn:aws:ec2:*::snapshot/*"" } ] } ", Role = dlmLifecycleRole.Id, }); var example = new Aws.Dlm.LifecyclePolicy("example", new Aws.Dlm.LifecyclePolicyArgs { Description = "example DLM lifecycle policy", ExecutionRoleArn = dlmLifecycleRole.Arn, PolicyDetails = new Aws.Dlm.Inputs.LifecyclePolicyPolicyDetailsArgs { ResourceTypes = { "VOLUME", },
public MyStack() { var aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRoleAssumeRolePolicy = Output.Create(Aws.Iam.GetPolicyDocument.InvokeAsync(new Aws.Iam.GetPolicyDocumentArgs { Statements = { new Aws.Iam.Inputs.GetPolicyDocumentStatementArgs { Actions = { "sts:AssumeRole", }, Effect = "Allow", Principals = { new Aws.Iam.Inputs.GetPolicyDocumentStatementPrincipalArgs { Identifiers = { aws_iam_role.AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole.Arn, }, Type = "AWS", }, }, }, }, })); var aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRoleAssumeRolePolicy.Apply(aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRoleAssumeRolePolicy => aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRoleAssumeRolePolicy.Json), }); var aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRoleMinimumExecutionPolicyPolicyDocument = Output.Create(Aws.Iam.GetPolicyDocument.InvokeAsync(new Aws.Iam.GetPolicyDocumentArgs { Statements = { new Aws.Iam.Inputs.GetPolicyDocumentStatementArgs { Actions = { "cloudformation:*", "s3:*", "sns:*", }, Effect = "Allow", Resources = { "*", }, }, }, })); var aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRoleMinimumExecutionPolicyRolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRoleMinimumExecutionPolicyRolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRoleMinimumExecutionPolicyPolicyDocument.Apply(aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRoleMinimumExecutionPolicyPolicyDocument => aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRoleMinimumExecutionPolicyPolicyDocument.Json), Role = aWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole.Name, }); }
public MyStack() { var rule = new Aws.Cfg.Rule("rule", new Aws.Cfg.RuleArgs { Source = new Aws.Cfg.Inputs.RuleSourceArgs { Owner = "AWS", SourceIdentifier = "S3_BUCKET_VERSIONING_ENABLED", }, }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = { "", }, }); var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var foo = new Aws.Cfg.Recorder("foo", new Aws.Cfg.RecorderArgs { RoleArn = role.Arn, }); var rolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("rolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""config:Put*"", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Resource"": ""*"" } ] } ", Role = role.Id, }); }
public CreateRoleStack() { var config = new Pulumi.Config(); var unprivilegedUsername = config.Require("unprivilegedUsername"); var unprivilegedUser = new Iam.User("unprivilegedUser", new Iam.UserArgs { Name = unprivilegedUsername, }); var unprivilegedUserCreds = new Iam.AccessKey("unprivileged-user-key", new Iam.AccessKeyArgs { User = unprivilegedUser.Name, }, // additional_secret_outputs specify properties that must be encrypted as secrets // new CustomResourceOptions { AdditionalSecretOutputs = { "secret" } }); var tempPolicy = unprivilegedUser.Arn.Apply((string arn) => { AssumeRolePolicyArgs policyArgs = new AssumeRolePolicyArgs(arn); return(JsonSerializer.Serialize <AssumeRolePolicyArgs>(policyArgs)); }); var allowS3ManagementRole = new Iam.Role("allow-s3-management", new Iam.RoleArgs { Description = "Allow management of S3 buckets", AssumeRolePolicy = tempPolicy }); var rolePolicy = new Iam.RolePolicy("allow-s3-management-policy", new Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Role = allowS3ManagementRole.Name, Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [{ ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Action"": ""s3:*"", ""Resource"": ""*"", ""Sid"": ""allowS3Access"" }] }" }, new CustomResourceOptions { Parent = allowS3ManagementRole } ); this.roleArn = allowS3ManagementRole.Arn; this.accessKeyId = unprivilegedUserCreds.Id; this.secretAccessKey = unprivilegedUserCreds.Secret; }
public MyStack() { var fooRecorderStatus = new Aws.Cfg.RecorderStatus("fooRecorderStatus", new Aws.Cfg.RecorderStatusArgs { IsEnabled = true, }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = { "", }, }); var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var rolePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("rolePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSConfigRole", Role = role.Name, }); var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var fooDeliveryChannel = new Aws.Cfg.DeliveryChannel("fooDeliveryChannel", new Aws.Cfg.DeliveryChannelArgs { S3BucketName = bucket.BucketName, }); var fooRecorder = new Aws.Cfg.Recorder("fooRecorder", new Aws.Cfg.RecorderArgs { RoleArn = role.Arn, }); var rolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("rolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = Output.Tuple(bucket.Arn, bucket.Arn).Apply(values => { var bucketArn = values.Item1; var bucketArn1 = values.Item2; return(@$ "{{ " "Version" ": " "2012-10-17" ", " "Statement" ": [
public MyStack() { var app = new Aws.Pinpoint.App("app", new Aws.Pinpoint.AppArgs { }); var identity = new Aws.Ses.DomainIdentity("identity", new Aws.Ses.DomainIdentityArgs { Domain = "", }); var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var email = new Aws.Pinpoint.EmailChannel("email", new Aws.Pinpoint.EmailChannelArgs { ApplicationId = app.ApplicationId, FromAddress = "*****@*****.**", Identity = identity.Arn, RoleArn = role.Arn, }); var rolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("rolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": { ""Action"": [ ""mobileanalytics:PutEvents"", ""mobileanalytics:PutItems"" ], ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Resource"": [ ""*"" ] } } ", Role = role.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var app = new Aws.Pinpoint.App("app", new Aws.Pinpoint.AppArgs { }); var testStream = new Aws.Kinesis.Stream("testStream", new Aws.Kinesis.StreamArgs { ShardCount = 1, }); var testRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("testRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var stream = new Aws.Pinpoint.EventStream("stream", new Aws.Pinpoint.EventStreamArgs { ApplicationId = app.ApplicationId, DestinationStreamArn = testStream.Arn, RoleArn = testRole.Arn, }); var testRolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("testRolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": { ""Action"": [ ""kinesis:PutRecords"", ""kinesis:DescribeStream"" ], ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Resource"": [ ""arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:*:*/*"" ] } } ", Role = testRole.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var exampleLogGroup = new Aws.CloudWatch.LogGroup("exampleLogGroup", new Aws.CloudWatch.LogGroupArgs { }); var exampleRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("exampleRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Sid"": """", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } ] } ", }); var exampleFlowLog = new Aws.Ec2.FlowLog("exampleFlowLog", new Aws.Ec2.FlowLogArgs { IamRoleArn = exampleRole.Arn, LogDestination = exampleLogGroup.Arn, TrafficType = "ALL", VpcId = aws_vpc.Example.Id, }); var exampleRolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("exampleRolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": [ ""logs:CreateLogGroup"", ""logs:CreateLogStream"", ""logs:PutLogEvents"", ""logs:DescribeLogGroups"", ""logs:DescribeLogStreams"" ], ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Resource"": ""*"" } ] } ", Role = exampleRole.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var cloudwatchRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("cloudwatchRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Sid"": """", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } ] } ", }); var demo = new Aws.ApiGateway.Account("demo", new Aws.ApiGateway.AccountArgs { CloudwatchRoleArn = cloudwatchRole.Arn, }); var cloudwatchRolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("cloudwatchRolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Action"": [ ""logs:CreateLogGroup"", ""logs:CreateLogStream"", ""logs:DescribeLogGroups"", ""logs:DescribeLogStreams"", ""logs:PutLogEvents"", ""logs:GetLogEvents"", ""logs:FilterLogEvents"" ], ""Resource"": ""*"" } ] } ", Role = cloudwatchRole.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { ForceDestroy = true, }); var fooDeliveryChannel = new Aws.Cfg.DeliveryChannel("fooDeliveryChannel", new Aws.Cfg.DeliveryChannelArgs { S3BucketName = bucket.BucketName, }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = { "", }, }); var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var fooRecorder = new Aws.Cfg.Recorder("fooRecorder", new Aws.Cfg.RecorderArgs { RoleArn = role.Arn, }); var rolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("rolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = Output.Tuple(bucket.Arn, bucket.Arn).Apply(values => { var bucketArn = values.Item1; var bucketArn1 = values.Item2; return(@$ "{{ " "Version" ": " "2012-10-17" ", " "Statement" ": [
public MyStack() { var key = new Aws.Kms.Key("key", new Aws.Kms.KeyArgs { }); var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var grant = new Aws.Kms.Grant("grant", new Aws.Kms.GrantArgs { Constraints = { new Aws.Kms.Inputs.GrantConstraintArgs { EncryptionContextEquals = { { "Department", "Finance" }, }, }, }, GranteePrincipal = role.Arn, KeyId = key.KeyId, Operations = { "Encrypt", "Decrypt", "GenerateDataKey", }, }); }
public MyStack() { var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @" { ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var policy = new Aws.Iam.Policy("policy", new Aws.Iam.PolicyArgs { Description = "A test policy", Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": [ ""ec2:Describe*"" ], ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Resource"": ""*"" } ] } ", }); var test_attach = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("test-attach", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = policy.Arn, Role = role.Name, }); }
public MyStack() { var organizationRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("organizationRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Sid"": """", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } ] } ", }); var organizationConfigurationAggregator = new Aws.Cfg.ConfigurationAggregator("organizationConfigurationAggregator", new Aws.Cfg.ConfigurationAggregatorArgs { OrganizationAggregationSource = new Aws.Cfg.Inputs.ConfigurationAggregatorOrganizationAggregationSourceArgs { AllRegions = true, RoleArn = organizationRole.Arn, }, }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = { "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.organization", }, }); var organizationRolePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("organizationRolePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSConfigRoleForOrganizations", Role = organizationRole.Name, }); }
public MyStack() { var mytopic = new Aws.Sns.Topic("mytopic", new Aws.Sns.TopicArgs { }); var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } ] } ", }); var rule = new Aws.Iot.TopicRule("rule", new Aws.Iot.TopicRuleArgs { Description = "Example rule", Enabled = true, Sns = new Aws.Iot.Inputs.TopicRuleSnsArgs { Sns = "RAW", Sns = role.Arn, Sns = mytopic.Arn, }, Sql = "SELECT * FROM 'topic/test'", SqlVersion = "2016-03-23", }); var iamPolicyForLambda = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("iamPolicyForLambda", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = mytopic.Arn.Apply(arn => @$ "{{ " "Version" ": " "2012-10-17" ", " "Statement" ": [
public MyStack() { var mainUserPool = new Aws.Cognito.UserPool("mainUserPool", new Aws.Cognito.UserPoolArgs { }); var groupRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("groupRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Sid"": """", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Federated"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity"", ""Condition"": { ""StringEquals"": { """": ""us-east-1:12345678-dead-beef-cafe-123456790ab"" }, ""ForAnyValue:StringLike"": { """": ""authenticated"" } } } ] } ", }); var mainUserGroup = new Aws.Cognito.UserGroup("mainUserGroup", new Aws.Cognito.UserGroupArgs { Description = "Managed by Pulumi", Precedence = 42, RoleArn = groupRole.Arn, UserPoolId = mainUserPool.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var model = new Aws.Sagemaker.Model("model", new Aws.Sagemaker.ModelArgs { ExecutionRoleArn = aws_iam_role.Foo.Arn, PrimaryContainer = new Aws.Sagemaker.Inputs.ModelPrimaryContainerArgs { Image = "", }, }); var assumeRole = Output.Create(Aws.Iam.GetPolicyDocument.InvokeAsync(new Aws.Iam.GetPolicyDocumentArgs { Statements = { new Aws.Iam.Inputs.GetPolicyDocumentStatementArgs { Actions = { "sts:AssumeRole", }, Principals = { new Aws.Iam.Inputs.GetPolicyDocumentStatementPrincipalArgs { Identifiers = { "", }, Type = "Service", }, }, }, }, })); var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = assumeRole.Apply(assumeRole => assumeRole.Json), }); }
public MyStack() { var exampleTable = new Aws.DynamoDB.Table("exampleTable", new Aws.DynamoDB.TableArgs { Attributes = { new Aws.DynamoDB.Inputs.TableAttributeArgs { Name = "UserId", Type = "S", }, }, HashKey = "UserId", ReadCapacity = 1, WriteCapacity = 1, }); var exampleRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("exampleRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"" } ] } ", }); var exampleRolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("exampleRolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = exampleTable.Arn.Apply(arn => @$ "{{ " "Version" ": " "2012-10-17" ", " "Statement" ": [
public MyStack() { var testRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("testRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var testPolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("testPolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Role = testRole.Id, Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": [ ""ec2:Describe*"" ], ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Resource"": ""*"" } ] } ", }); }