public override void GenerateEvents() { eventList = new List <Event>(eventCount); int longNoteType = GetHeader <int>("LNTYPE"); Dictionary <int, LongNoteEvent> lastLNEvent = new Dictionary <int, LongNoteEvent>(); Dictionary <int, LongNoteEvent> startLNEvent = new Dictionary <int, LongNoteEvent>(); Dictionary <int, NoteEvent> lastPlayerEvent = new Dictionary <int, NoteEvent>(); long pulse = 0; double currentBpm = bpmObjects[0]; double meter = 1.0; if (longNoteType == 2) { // insert empty measure at the end to close longnotes ending at last beat (#LNTYPE 2) int measureIndex = 0; if (measureList.Count > 0) { measureIndex = measureList[measureList.Count - 1].index + 1; } BMSMeasure measure = new BMSMeasure(measureIndex); measureList.Add(measure); } foreach (BMSMeasure measure in measureList) { List <Event> measureEvents = new List <Event>(); // check if long notes should be ended at previous measure (#LNTYPE 2) if (longNoteType == 2 && lastLNEvent.Count > 0) { List <int> keys = lastLNEvent.Keys.ToList(); foreach (var lnChannel in keys) { bool breakNote = true; for (int i = 0; i < measure.channelList.Count; i++) { if (measure.channelList[i].index != lnChannel) { continue; } else if (measure.channelList[i].values.Count > 0 && measure.channelList[i].values[0] != 0) { breakNote = false; break; } } if (breakNote) { // LN section ended at the last note in previous measure, // and does not continue in next measure, so restore the // last skipped event, and end the long note there. LongNoteEvent lastEvent = lastLNEvent[lnChannel]; LongNoteEvent startEvent = startLNEvent[lnChannel]; LongNoteEndEvent endEvent = new LongNoteEndEvent(pulse, lastEvent.sound, lastEvent.lane, startEvent); startEvent.endNote = endEvent; eventList.Add(endEvent); lastLNEvent.Remove(lnChannel); startLNEvent.Remove(lnChannel); } } } // reset meter back to 1.0 if (meter != measure.meter) { MeterEvent measureEvent = new MeterEvent(pulse, measure.meter); eventList.Add(measureEvent); timeEventList.Add(measureEvent); } meter = measure.meter; // mark measure position measureCount++; measurePositions.Add(new Tuple <int, long>(measure.index, pulse)); MeasureMarkerEvent measureMarker = new MeasureMarkerEvent(pulse); eventList.Add(measureMarker); double nextBpm = 0.0; Dictionary <long, double> bpmExValues = new Dictionary <long, double>(); foreach (BMSChannel channel in measure.channelList) { long channelPulse = pulse; long beatPulse = (resolution * 4) / channel.values.Count; int lane = BMSChannel.GetLaneIndex(channel.index, playerChannels, players); bool isLongChannel = BMSChannel.IsLong(channel.index); for (int i = 0; i < channel.values.Count; i++, channelPulse += beatPulse) { int value = channel.values[i]; if (value == 0 && !isLongChannel) { continue; } Event bmsEvent = null; if (BMSChannel.IsSound(channel.index)) { SoundObject sound = null; soundObjects.TryGetValue(value, out sound); if (channel.index == (int)BMSChannel.Type.BGM) { bmsEvent = new SoundEvent(channelPulse, sound); } else if (BMSChannel.IsInvisible(channel.index)) { bmsEvent = new KeySoundChangeEvent(channelPulse, sound, lane); } else if (BMSChannel.IsLandmine(channel.index)) { // landmine does damage based on the object value itself, // and plays the hit sound from WAV00. int damage = value; soundObjects.TryGetValue(0, out sound); bmsEvent = new LandmineEvent(channelPulse, sound, lane, damage); } else { NoteEvent noteEvent = null; bool isLnObj = lnObjects.Contains(value); if (isLongChannel || isLnObj) { LongNoteEvent longNoteEvent = new LongNoteEvent(channelPulse, sound, lane, null); if (longNoteType == 2) { // ignore section filler events with #LNTYPE 2 // skip all the events except the first one, and restore the last // skipped event at the end of long note. if (lastLNEvent.ContainsKey(channel.index)) { if (value != 0) { lastLNEvent[channel.index] = longNoteEvent; continue; } else { // long note breaks here, // replace current event with last skipped LN event. LongNoteEvent startEvent = startLNEvent[channel.index]; LongNoteEndEvent endEvent = new LongNoteEndEvent(channelPulse, sound, lane, startEvent); startEvent.endNote = endEvent; lastLNEvent.Remove(channel.index); startLNEvent.Remove(channel.index); noteEvent = endEvent; } } else if (value != 0) { lastLNEvent.Add(channel.index, longNoteEvent); startLNEvent.Add(channel.index, longNoteEvent); noteEvent = longNoteEvent; } } else if (longNoteType == 1 && value != 0) { LongNoteEvent lastLongNote = null; if (isLnObj) { NoteEvent lastEvent = lastPlayerEvent[lane]; if (lastEvent != null) { lastPlayerEvent[lane] = null; lastLongNote = new LongNoteEvent(lastEvent.pulse, lastEvent.sound, lastEvent.lane, null); bool foundNote = false; for (int j = measureEvents.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (measureEvents[j] != lastEvent) { continue; } measureEvents[j] = lastLongNote; foundNote = true; break; } if (!foundNote) { for (int j = eventList.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (eventList[j] != lastEvent) { continue; } eventList[j] = lastLongNote; foundNote = true; break; } } if (!foundNote) { throw new ApplicationException("Could not find long note starting point"); } } else { noteEvent = new NoteEvent(channelPulse, sound, lane); } } else { lastLNEvent.TryGetValue(channel.index, out lastLongNote); } if (lastLongNote != null) { LongNoteEvent startEvent = lastLongNote; LongNoteEndEvent endEvent = new LongNoteEndEvent(channelPulse, sound, lane, startEvent); startEvent.endNote = endEvent; lastLNEvent.Remove(channel.index); SoundObject releaseSound = null; if (startEvent.sound != sound && sound != null) { // play sound on release releaseSound = sound; } noteEvent = endEvent; } else if (isLongChannel) { lastLNEvent.Add(channel.index, longNoteEvent); noteEvent = longNoteEvent; } } } else { noteEvent = new NoteEvent(channelPulse, sound, lane); lastPlayerEvent[lane] = noteEvent; } bmsEvent = noteEvent; } } else if (channel.index == (int)BMSChannel.Type.BPM) { bmsEvent = new BPMEvent(channelPulse, value); nextBpm = value; } else if (channel.index == (int)BMSChannel.Type.BPMExtended) { double bpmValue = 0.0; if (bpmObjects.TryGetValue(value, out bpmValue) && bpmValue != 0.0) { bmsEvent = new BPMEvent(channelPulse, bpmValue); nextBpm = bpmValue; bpmExValues.Add(channelPulse, bpmValue); } } else if (channel.index == (int)BMSChannel.Type.Stop) { double stopValue = 0; stopObjects.TryGetValue(value, out stopValue); long stopTime = (long)(stopValue / 192.0 * resolution * 4); bmsEvent = new StopEvent(channelPulse, stopTime); } else if (channel.index == (int)BMSChannel.Type.BGA || channel.index == (int)BMSChannel.Type.BGALayer || channel.index == (int)BMSChannel.Type.BGAPoor) { BGAObject bga = null; bgaObjects.TryGetValue(value, out bga); BGAEvent.BGAType type = BGAEvent.BGAType.BGA; if (channel.index == (int)BMSChannel.Type.BGALayer) { type = BGAEvent.BGAType.LayerTransparentBlack; } else if (channel.index == (int)BMSChannel.Type.BGAPoor) { type = BGAEvent.BGAType.Poor; } bmsEvent = new BGAEvent(channelPulse, bga, type); } else { Log.Warning("Unsupported BMS channel: " + channel.index.ToString("X2")); } if (bmsEvent == null) { continue; } measureEvents.Add(bmsEvent); } } pulse += resolution * 4; measureEvents.Sort(new Comparison <Event>((e1, e2) => { return(e1.pulse > e2.pulse ? 1 : (e1.pulse < e2.pulse ? -1 : e1 is StopEvent ? 1 : (e2 is StopEvent ? -1 : e1 is BPMEvent ? 1 : (e2 is BPMEvent ? -1 : 0)))); })); foreach (Event bmsEvent in measureEvents) { NoteEvent noteEvent = bmsEvent as NoteEvent; if (noteEvent != null) { playerEventCount++; if (noteEvent is LandmineEvent) { landmineCount++; } else { noteCount++; if (noteEvent is LongNoteEvent) { longNoteCount++; } } } else if (bmsEvent is BPMEvent) { // on overlap, prefer extended BPM (xxx08) changes over basic (xxx03) values double otherBpm; if (bpmExValues.TryGetValue(bmsEvent.pulse, out otherBpm)) { if (otherBpm != (bmsEvent as BPMEvent).bpm) { continue; } } timeEventList.Add(bmsEvent); } else if (bmsEvent is StopEvent) { timeEventList.Add(bmsEvent); } eventList.Add(bmsEvent); } } GenerateTimestamps(); if (eventList.Count > 0) { songLength = eventList[eventList.Count - 1].timestamp; } }
public virtual void OnMeter(MeterEvent meterEvent) { }