Example #1
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            if (_nativeEditor != null)
                // check if it is a PSD file selected
                string assetPath = ((TextureImporter)target).assetPath;

                if (assetPath.EndsWith(PsdImporter.PSD_TAIL))
                    GUILayout.Label("<b>PSD Layout Tool</b>", _guiStyle, GUILayout.Height(23));

                    //set ui width and height;
                    GUIContent screenSize = new GUIContent("屏幕分辨率", "UI 宽*高");
                    PsdImporter.ScreenResolution = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(screenSize, PsdImporter.ScreenResolution);

                    GUIContent imageSizeLimit = new GUIContent("小图限制(超过该尺寸 建议拆分图集)", "小图尺寸限制(超过该尺寸 建议拆出图集)");
                    PsdImporter.LargeImageAlarm = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(imageSizeLimit, PsdImporter.LargeImageAlarm);

                    //set textFont
                    GUIContent fontName = new GUIContent("字体名称", "字体名称");
                    PsdImporter.textFont = EditorGUILayout.TextField(fontName, PsdImporter.textFont);

                    if (GUILayout.Button("Layout in Current Scene"))

                    if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Prefab"))


                    GUILayout.Box(string.Empty, GUILayout.Height(1), GUILayout.MaxWidth(Screen.width - 30));


                    GUILayout.Label("<b>Unity Texture Importer Settings</b>", _guiStyle, GUILayout.Height(23));

                    // draw the default Inspector for the PSD
                    // It is a "normal" Texture, not a PSD
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the Inspector GUI for the TextureImporter.
        /// Normal Texture files should appear as they normally do, however PSD files will have additional items.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            if (nativeEditor != null)
                // check if it is a PSD file selected
                string assetPath = ((TextureImporter)target).assetPath;

                if (assetPath.EndsWith(PsdImporter.PSD_TAIL))
                    GUILayout.Label("<b>PSD Layout Tool</b>", guiStyle, GUILayout.Height(23));

                    //All ui depth is the same 1
                    //GUIContent maximumDepthLabel = new GUIContent("Maximum Depth", "The Z value of the far back plane. The PSD will be laid out from here to 0.");
                    //PsdImporter.MaximumDepth = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(maximumDepthLabel, PsdImporter.MaximumDepth);

                    //modify by yanru
                    //GUIContent pixelsToUnitsLabel = new GUIContent("Pixels to Unity Units", "The scale of the Sprite objects, in the number of pixels to Unity world units.");
                    //PsdImporter.PixelsToUnits = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(pixelsToUnitsLabel, PsdImporter.PixelsToUnits);

                    //GUIContent useUnityUILabel = new GUIContent("Use Unity UI", "Create Unity UI elements instead of \"normal\" GameObjects.");
                    //PsdImporter.UseUnityUI = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(useUnityUILabel, PsdImporter.UseUnityUI);

                    //set ui width and height;
                    GUIContent screenSize = new GUIContent("屏幕分辨率", "UI 宽*高");
                    PsdImporter.ScreenResolution = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(screenSize, PsdImporter.ScreenResolution);

                    GUIContent imageSizeLimit = new GUIContent("小图限制(超过该尺寸 建议拆分图集)", "小图尺寸限制(超过该尺寸 建议拆出图集)");
                    PsdImporter.LargeImageAlarm = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(imageSizeLimit, PsdImporter.LargeImageAlarm);

                    //set textFont
                    GUIContent fontName = new GUIContent("字体名称", "字体名称");
                    PsdImporter.textFont = EditorGUILayout.TextField(fontName, PsdImporter.textFont);

                    //force use fullScreenUI
                    //GUIContent useFullScreenUI = new GUIContent("useFullScreenUI", "useFullScreenUI");
                    //PsdImporter.fullScreenUI = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(useFullScreenUI, PsdImporter.fullScreenUI);

                    // draw our custom buttons for PSD files
                    //if (GUILayout.Button("Export Layers as Textures"))
                    //    PsdImporter.ExportLayersAsTextures(assetPath);

                    if (GUILayout.Button("Layout in Current Scene"))

                    if (GUILayout.Button("Layout in Current Scene(use image real size)"))
                        PsdImporter.LayoutInCurrentScene(assetPath, true);

                    if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Prefab"))

                    if (GUILayout.Button("test ClickButton"))


                    GUILayout.Box(string.Empty, GUILayout.Height(1), GUILayout.MaxWidth(Screen.width - 30));


                    GUILayout.Label("<b>Unity Texture Importer Settings</b>", guiStyle, GUILayout.Height(23));

                    // draw the default Inspector for the PSD
                    // It is a "normal" Texture, not a PSD

            // Unfortunately we cant hide the ImportedObject section because the interal InspectorWindow checks via
            // "if (editor is AssetImporterEditor)" and all flags that this check sets are method local variables
            // so aside from direct patching UnityEditor.dll, reflection cannot be used here.
            // Therefore we just move the ImportedObject section out of view
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the Inspector GUI for the TextureImporter.
        /// Normal Texture files should appear as they normally do, however PSD files will have additional items.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            if (nativeEditor != null)
                // check if it is a PSD file selected
                string assetPath = ((TextureImporter)target).assetPath;

                if (assetPath.EndsWith(".psd"))
                    GUILayout.Label("<b>PSD Layout Tool</b>", guiStyle, GUILayout.Height(23));

                    GUIContent maximumDepthLabel = new GUIContent("Maximum Depth", "The Z value of the far back plane. The PSD will be laid out from here to 0.");
                    PsdImporter.MaximumDepth = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(maximumDepthLabel, PsdImporter.MaximumDepth);

                    GUIContent pixelsToUnitsLabel = new GUIContent("Pixels to Unity Units", "The scale of the Sprite objects, in the number of pixels to Unity world units.");
                    PsdImporter.PixelsToUnits = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(pixelsToUnitsLabel, PsdImporter.PixelsToUnits);

                    GUIContent useUnityUILabel = new GUIContent("Use Unity UI", "Create Unity UI elements instead of \"normal\" GameObjects.");
                    PsdImporter.UseUnityUI = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(useUnityUILabel, PsdImporter.UseUnityUI);

                    // draw our custom buttons for PSD files
                    if (GUILayout.Button("Export Layers as Textures"))

                    if (GUILayout.Button("Layout in Current Scene"))

                    if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Prefab"))


                    GUILayout.Box(string.Empty, GUILayout.Height(1), GUILayout.MaxWidth(Screen.width - 30));


                    GUILayout.Label("<b>Unity Texture Importer Settings</b>", guiStyle, GUILayout.Height(23));

                    // draw the default Inspector for the PSD
                    // It is a "normal" Texture, not a PSD

            // Unfortunately we cant hide the ImportedObject section because the interal InspectorWindow checks via
            // "if (editor is AssetImporterEditor)" and all flags that this check sets are method local variables
            // so aside from direct patching UnityEditor.dll, reflection cannot be used here.

            // Therefore we just move the ImportedObject section out of view