public static void papa(PictureBox pic, Label des, Button Right, Button Left, Characters player) { pic.Image = Image.FromFile("Bev2p.jpg"); des.Text = "Your dad notices you're scared and hugs you. \n He asks you if you're still his little girl. Are you?"; Right.Visible = true; Left.Visible = true; Right.Text = "Yes you are"; Left.Text = "No you're not"; Right.Click += (sender, args) => { Bev2.gopapa(pic, des, Right, Left); playerChoices.addToList("You are his little girl."); }; Left.Click += (sender, args) => { //Coraje++ globalVar.courage += 1;, des, Right, Left, player); playerChoices.addToList("You're not his little girl."); }; }
public static void sangre(PictureBox pic, Label des, Button Right, Button Left, Characters player) { pic.Image = Image.FromFile("Bev2s.jpg"); des.Text = "As you peek into the sink, a blood explosion \n covers your face. You scream and your dad \n comes in, sees you're worried and asks you" + "\n if you're still his little girl. Are you?"; Right.Visible = true; Left.Visible = true; Right.Text = "Yes you are"; Left.Text = "No you're not"; Right.Click += (sender, args) => { Bev2.gopapa(pic, des, Right, Left); playerChoices.addToList("You are his little girl."); }; Left.Click += (sender, args) => { //Coraje++ globalVar.courage += 1;, des, Right, Left, player); playerChoices.addToList("You're not his little girl."); }; }