Example #1
        private void buttonSaveAddProxy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int found = 0;

            string[] allLines = textBoxAddProxy.Text.Split('\n');

            foreach (string line in allLines)
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+):([0-9]+)") == false)
                    _Global.log("Skippet incorrect formatted proxy " + line);

                string[] server = line.Split(':');

                lock (_Global.ProxyServers)
                    if (_Global.ProxyServers.Any(s => s.Ip == server[0]) == true)
                        //_Global.log("Skippet known ip " + server[0]);
                    // ToDo: implement banned list here also:
                    //else if (banned != null && banned.Exists(s => s == server[0]) == true)
                    //    _Global.log("Skippet banned ip " + server[0]);
                        _Global.ProxyServers.Add(new ProxyServer(_Form, server[0], Convert.ToInt32(server[1]), "Added manually"));

                // Update the sourc about total proxies added
                ProxySource source = _Global.ProxySources.Single(s => s.Url == "Added manually");

                lock (_Global.ProxySources)
                    source.Proxies += found;

Example #2
        // This method will be called when the thread is started.
        public void DoWork()
            while (!shutdown)
                if (_Global.ProxyServers.Count != 0)
                        string path = _Global.ProxyOutFilePath();
                        //_Global.log("Writing proxies to file");

                        using (var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path)) {
                            lock (_Global.ProxyServers)
                                foreach (ProxyServer server in _Global.ProxyServers.ToList())
                                    if (server.Status.Substring(0, 2) == "Ok" && AnonymityToInt(server.Anonymity) >= AnonymityToInt(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyMinAnonymity))
                                        file.WriteLine(server.Ip + ":" + server.Port);

                        _Form.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                            _labelOutFileTime.Text      = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
                            _labelProxyOutFilePath.Text = path;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _Global.log("Can not writ to out file: " + ex.Message);

        private void buttonSaveProxies_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] allLines = textBoxAddProxies.Text.Split('\n');

            foreach (string line in allLines)
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"http") == false)
                    _Global.log("Skippet incorrect formatted proxy source " + line);

                if (_Global.ProxySources.Any(s => s.Url == line) == false)
                    _Form.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                        ProxySource source = new ProxySource(_Form, line, "", "", 0, -1);

Example #4
        private int ExtractProxies(string sourceurl, string result, List <string> banned)
            int found = 0;

            foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(result, @"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+:[0-9]+"))
                //_Global.log("Found new proxy server " + match.Value);
                string[] server = match.Value.Split(':');

                lock (_Global.ProxyServers)
                    if (_Global.ProxyServers.Any(s => s.Ip == server[0]) == true)
                        //_Global.log("Skippet known ip " + server[0]);
                    else if (banned != null && banned.Exists(s => s == server[0]) == true)
                        _Global.log("Skippet banned ip " + server[0]);
                        _Global.ProxyServers.Add(new ProxyServer(_Form, server[0], Convert.ToInt32(server[1]), sourceurl));


Example #5
        public void DoWork()
            // Hardcoded list of bad and good headers.
            Dictionary <string, bool> revealingheader = new Dictionary <string, bool>()
                { "HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL", true },
                { "HTTP_CDN_SRC_IP", true },
                { "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", true },
                { "HTTP_REFERER", true },
                { "HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH", true },
                { "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE", true },
                { "HTTP_MAX_FORWARDS", true },
                { "HTTP_OCT_MAX_AGE", true },
                { "HTTP_PROXY_AGENT", true },
                { "HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION", true },
                { "HTTP_VIA", true },
                { "HTTP_X_ACCEPT_ENCODING_PRONTOWIFI", true },
                { "HTTP_X_BLUECOAT_VIA", true },
                { "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", true },
                { "HTTP_X_FORWARD_FOR", true },
                { "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST", true },
                { "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER", true },
                { "HTTP_X_MATO_PARAM", true },
                { "HTTP_X_NAI_ID", true },
                { "HTTP_X_PROXY_ID", true },
                { "HTTP_X_REAL_IP", true },
                { "HTTP_X_VIA", true },
                { "HTTP_XCNOOL_REMOTE_ADDR", true },
                { "HTTP_XROXY_CONNECTION", true },
                { "HTTP_XXPECT", true },

                { "HTTP_ACCEPT", false },
                { "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", false },
                { "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", false },
                { "HTTP_CONNECTION", false },
                { "HTTP_HOST", false },
                { "HTTP_USER_AGENT", false },
                { "REMOTE_ADDR", false },
                { "REMOTE_PORT", false },
                { "REQUEST_METHOD", false },
                { "REQUEST_TIME", false },
                { "REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT", false },
                { "REQUEST_URI", false },

            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "ProxyChecker";

            while (_Global.ProxyCheckerContinue())
                int i = _Global.ProxyServersToCheck();

                // Asked to exit. Wil do so.
                if (i == -2)

                if (i == -1)
                _Global.log(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + " check server nr " + i);

                ProxyServer server = _Global.ProxyServers[i];

                string lastStatus = server.Status;
                lock (_Global.ProxyServers)
                    server.Status = "Checking";

                _Global.log("Trying to connect to " + server.Ip + ":" + server.Port);

                string anonymity = "";
                string status    = "";

                    ProxyJudge pj    = new ProxyJudge(_Form, _Global);
                    WebProxy   proxy = new WebProxy(server.Ip, server.Port);

                    var client = new RestClient(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyJudge);
                    client.Proxy = proxy;

                    var request = new RestRequest("", Method.GET);
                    request.AddHeader("Accept", "text/html");

                    // execute the request
                    IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

                    var result = response.Content; // raw content as string

                    // Debug: show more info
                    //_Global.log("result (" + server.Ip + ":" + server.Port + "): " + result);
                    //_Global.log("StatusCode: " + response.StatusCode);
                    //_Global.log("StatusDescription: " + response.StatusDescription);

                    if (response.ErrorException != null)
                        throw new Exception(response.ErrorException.Message);
                    ProxyJudge pj    = new ProxyJudge(_Form, _Global);
                    WebProxy   proxy = new WebProxy(server.Ip, server.Port);

                    WebRequest web = WebRequest.Create(Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyJudge);
                    web.Timeout = Properties.Settings.Default.ProxyTimeOut * 1000;
                    web.Proxy   = proxy;
                    HttpWebResponse response   = (HttpWebResponse)web.GetResponse();
                    Stream          dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                    StreamReader    reader     = new StreamReader(dataStream);
                    string          result     = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    Dictionary <string, string> values = pj.parse(result);

                    // Test to se if our ip adress exist in the result
                    string ip = _Global.OwnIp;

                    if (result == "")
                        throw new Exception("Emty response");

                    if (result.IndexOf("REQUEST_URI") == -1)
                        throw new Exception("Did not find header info. The proxy may tamper with the response");

                    // Will go troght black and whitlist to see what level of anonymity this server provides
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> value in values)
                        bool revealing;
                        if (revealingheader.TryGetValue(value.Key, out revealing)) // Returns true.
                            if (revealing)
                                anonymity = "Low";
                                // Debug: _Global.log("Found revealing header " + value.Key + " : " + value.Value);
                                status += "Found revealing header " + value.Key + " = " + value.Value + ". ";
                            anonymity = "Low";
                            // Debug: _Global.log("Have unknown header '" + value.Key + " : " + value.Value);
                            status += "Have unknown header '" + value.Key + " : " + value.Value + ". ";

                    if (result.IndexOf(ip) != -1)
                        // Debug: _Global.log(server.Ip + ": Have your ip in results");
                        status   += "Have your ip in results. ";
                        anonymity = "None";

                    // No ip and not proxy filds found
                    if (anonymity == "")
                        anonymity = "High";
                        status    = "Ok";
                        status = "Ok (" + status + ")";

                    _Global.log(server.Ip + " Ok: anonymity=" + anonymity + ", status=" + status);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _Global.log(server.Ip + " error: '" + ex.Message + "'");
                    status = "Error: " + ex.Message;

                // Update the global object
                lock (_Global.ProxyServers)
                    server.Anonymity = anonymity;
                    server.Checked   = DateTime.Now;
                    server.Status    = status;

                // Update the owervive, do no count twice.
                if (server.Status != lastStatus)
                    ProxySource source = _Global.ProxySources.Single(s => s.Url == server.Source);

                    lock (_Global.ProxySources)
                        if (status.Substring(0, 2) == "Ok")
                            source.Working += 1;
                            source.Bad += 1;

            _Global.log("T exeting");