Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes functions involved in lodging a new ownership (and kingship) challenge
        /// Returns ProtoMessage in case of error
        /// </summary>
        public ProtoMessage LodgeOwnershipChallenge(PlayerCharacter challenger)
            bool         proceed = true;
            ProtoMessage result  = null;

            // ensure aren't current owner
            if (challenger == this.owner)
                result = new ProtoMessage();
                result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.KingdomAlreadyKing;

                // create and send new OwnershipChallenge
                OwnershipChallenge newChallenge = new OwnershipChallenge(Globals_Game.GetNextOwnChallengeID(), challenger.charID, "kingdom", this.id);
                proceed = Globals_Game.AddOwnershipChallenge(newChallenge, out result);

            if (proceed)
                // create and send journal entry
                // get interested parties
                PlayerCharacter currentOwner = this.owner;

                // ID
                uint entryID = Globals_Game.GetNextJournalEntryID();

                // date
                uint year   = Globals_Game.clock.currentYear;
                byte season = Globals_Game.clock.currentSeason;

                // location
                string entryLoc = this.id;

                // journal entry personae
                string   allEntry          = "all|all";
                string   currentOwnerEntry = currentOwner.charID + "|king";
                string   challengerEntry   = challenger.charID + "|pretender";
                string[] entryPersonae     = new string[] { currentOwnerEntry, challengerEntry, allEntry };

                // entry type
                string entryType = "depose_new";

                // journal entry description
                string[] fields = new string[4];
                fields[0] = this.name;
                fields[1] = this.id;
                fields[2] = challenger.firstName + " " + challenger.familyName;
                fields[3] = currentOwner.firstName + " " + currentOwner.familyName;

                ProtoMessage ownershipChallenge = new ProtoMessage();
                ownershipChallenge.MessageFields = fields;
                ownershipChallenge.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.KingdomOwnershipChallenge;
                // create and send a proposal (journal entry)
                JournalEntry myEntry = new JournalEntry(entryID, year, season, entryPersonae, entryType, ownershipChallenge, loc: entryLoc);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Send an update to the client- used when the message to be sent requires additional information other than just a response code and some strings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">Message to be sent- can contain any number of details</param>
 public void Update(ProtoMessage message)
     Contract.Requires(message != null);
     message.ActionType = Actions.Update;
     if (conn != null)
         Globals_Server.logEvent("Update " + this.username + ": " + message.ResponseType.ToString());
         //Server.SendViaProto(message, conn, alg);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message code to send</param>
        /// <param name="fields">Additional information to add to the message</param>
        public void Update(DisplayMessages message, string[] fields = null)
            ProtoMessage m = new ProtoMessage();

            m.ActionType    = Actions.Update;
            m.ResponseType  = message;
            m.MessageFields = fields;
            if (conn != null)
                Globals_Server.logEvent("Update " + this.username + ": " + message.ToString());
                //Server.SendViaProto(m, conn,alg);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a JournalEntry for the attention of the game sysAdmin
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>random double</returns>
        public static JournalEntry CreateSysAdminJentry()
            JournalEntry jEntry = null;

            if (Globals_Game.sysAdmin != null)
                // ID
                uint jEntryID = Globals_Game.GetNextJournalEntryID();

                // date
                uint year   = Globals_Game.clock.currentYear;
                byte season = Globals_Game.clock.currentSeason;

                // personae
                string   sysAdminEntry  = Globals_Game.sysAdmin.charID + "|sysAdmin";
                string[] jEntryPersonae = new string[] { sysAdminEntry };

                // create and send a proposal (journal entry)
                ProtoMessage errorMessage = new ProtoMessage();
                jEntry = new JournalEntry(jEntryID, year, season, jEntryPersonae, "CSV_importError", errorMessage);

Example #5
 public bool CheckName(string name)
     return(ProtoMessage.CheckName(name, _index, 2 /* skip '{' and whitespace */, _protoAsText));
Example #6
 public bool CheckName(string name)
     return(ProtoMessage.CheckName(name, _index, 1 /* skip colon */, _protoAsText));
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the supplied PlayerCharacter's ID into the Position's officeHolder variable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newPositionHolder">PlayerCharacter being assigned to the Position</param>
        public void BestowPosition(PlayerCharacter newPositionHolder)
            PlayerCharacter oldPositionHolder = null;

            // remove existing holder if necessary
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.officeHolder))
                // get current holder
                if (Globals_Game.pcMasterList.ContainsKey(this.officeHolder))
                    oldPositionHolder = Globals_Game.pcMasterList[this.officeHolder];

                // remove from position

            // assign position
            this.officeHolder = newPositionHolder.charID;

            // update stature

            // get interested parties
            bool            success = true;
            PlayerCharacter king    = this.GetKingdom().owner;

            // ID
            uint entryID = Globals_Game.GetNextJournalEntryID();

            // date
            uint year   = Globals_Game.clock.currentYear;
            byte season = Globals_Game.clock.currentSeason;

            // personae
            List <string> tempPersonae = new List <string>();

            tempPersonae.Add(king.charID + "|king");
            tempPersonae.Add(newPositionHolder.charID + "|newPositionHolder");
            if (oldPositionHolder != null)
                tempPersonae.Add(oldPositionHolder.charID + "|oldPositionHolder");
            string[] thisPersonae = tempPersonae.ToArray();

            // type
            string type = "grantPosition";

            // description

            String[] fields = new string[] { this.title[0].name, king.firstName + " " + king.familyName, newPositionHolder.firstName + " " + newPositionHolder.familyName, "" };
            if (oldPositionHolder != null)
                fields[3] = "; This has necessitated the removal of " + oldPositionHolder.firstName + " " + oldPositionHolder.familyName + " from the position";

            ProtoMessage bestowPosition = new ProtoMessage();

            bestowPosition.MessageFields = fields;
            bestowPosition.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.RankTitleTransfer;
            // create and add a journal entry to the pastEvents journal
            JournalEntry thisEntry = new JournalEntry(entryID, year, season, thisPersonae, type, bestowPosition);

            success = Globals_Game.AddPastEvent(thisEntry);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs standard conditional checks before a pregnancy attempt
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>bool indicating whether or not to proceed with pregnancy attempt</returns>
        /// <param name="husband">The husband</param>
        public static bool ChecksBeforePregnancyAttempt(Character husband, out ProtoMessage error)
            error = null;
            bool proceed            = true;
            bool isPlayer           = husband is PlayerCharacter;
            bool isAncestorOfPlayer = (husband.GetHeadOfFamily()) is PlayerCharacter;

            if (!isPlayer && !isAncestorOfPlayer)
                //TODO error log
                error = new ProtoMessage();
                error.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.CharacterProposalFamily;
                error.MessageFields = new string[] { "husband" };
            // Must be male, as I discovered when William Marshal got pregnant.
            if (!husband.isMale)
                error = new ProtoMessage();
                error.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.CharacterNotMale;

            // Husband cannot be a captive
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(husband.captorID))
                error = new ProtoMessage();
                error.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.CharacterHeldCaptive;

            // check is married
            // get spouse
            Character wife = husband.GetSpouse();

            if (wife != null)
                // Husband cannot be a captive
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wife.captorID))
                    error = new ProtoMessage();
                    error.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.CharacterHeldCaptive;
                // check to make sure is in same fief
                if (!(wife.location == husband.location))
                    if (isPlayer)
                        error = new ProtoMessage();
                        error.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.ErrorGenericNotInSameFief;
                    proceed = false;

                    // make sure wife not already pregnant
                    if (wife.isPregnant)
                        if (isPlayer)
                            error = new ProtoMessage();
                            error.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.BirthAlreadyPregnant;
                            error.MessageFields = new string[] { wife.firstName + " " + wife.familyName };
                        proceed = false;

                    // check if are kept apart by siege
                        if ((!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(husband.location.siege)) && (husband.inKeep != wife.inKeep))
                            if (isPlayer)
                                error = new ProtoMessage();
                                error.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.BirthSiegeSeparation;
                            proceed = false;

                            // ensure player and spouse have at least 1 day remaining
                            double minDays = Math.Min(husband.days, wife.days);

                            if (minDays < 1)
                                error = new ProtoMessage();
                                error.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.ErrorGenericNotEnoughDays;
                                proceed            = false;
                                // ensure days are synchronised
                                if (husband.days != wife.days)
                                    if (husband.days != minDays)
                                        if (husband is PlayerCharacter)
                                            (husband as PlayerCharacter).AdjustDays(husband.days - minDays);
                                            husband.AdjustDays(husband.days - minDays);
                                        wife.AdjustDays(wife.days - minDays);
            // If the husband is a player, alert the husband's user
            // otherwise, the husband is the son of a player- alert the husband's father's user
                string whoThisIs = "";
                if (isPlayer)
                    whoThisIs = "You are ";
                    whoThisIs = "This man is ";
                error = new ProtoMessage();
                error.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.BirthNotMarried;
                error.MessageFields = new string[] { whoThisIs };
                proceed             = false;

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows an attacking army to lay siege to an enemy fief
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attacker">The attacking army</param>
        /// <param name="target">The fief to be besieged</param>
        public static Siege SiegeStart(Army attacker, Fief target)
            Army defenderGarrison   = null;
            Army defenderAdditional = null;

            // check for existence of army in keep
            for (int i = 0; i < target.armies.Count; i++)
                // get army
                Army armyInFief = Globals_Game.armyMasterList[target.armies[i]];

                // check is in keep
                Character armyLeader = armyInFief.GetLeader();
                if (armyLeader != null)
                    if (armyLeader.inKeep)
                        // check owner is same as that of fief (i.e. can help in siege)
                        if (armyInFief.GetOwner() == target.owner)
                            defenderAdditional = armyInFief;

            // create defending force
            defenderGarrison = target.CreateDefendingArmy();

            // get the minumum days of all army objects involved
            double minDays = Math.Min(attacker.days, defenderGarrison.days);

            if (defenderAdditional != null)
                minDays = Math.Min(minDays, defenderAdditional.days);

            // get defenderAdditional ID, or null if no defenderAdditional
            string defAddID = null;

            if (defenderAdditional != null)
                defAddID = defenderAdditional.armyID;

            // create siege object
            Siege mySiege = new Siege(Globals_Game.GetNextSiegeID(), Globals_Game.clock.currentYear, Globals_Game.clock.currentSeason, attacker.GetOwner().charID, target.owner.charID, attacker.armyID, defenderGarrison.armyID, target.id, minDays, target.keepLevel, defAdd: defAddID);

            // add to master list
            Globals_Game.siegeMasterList.Add(mySiege.siegeID, mySiege);

            // add to siege owners

            // add to fief
            target.siege = mySiege.siegeID;

            // reduce expenditures in fief, except for garrison
            target.infrastructureSpendNext = 0;
            target.keepSpendNext           = 0;
            target.officialsSpendNext      = 0;

            // update days (NOTE: siege.days will be updated in syncDays)

            // sychronise days
            mySiege.SyncSiegeDays(mySiege.days - 1);

            // =================== construct and send JOURNAL ENTRY
            // ID
            uint entryID = Globals_Game.GetNextJournalEntryID();

            // personae
            List <string> tempPersonae = new List <string>();

            tempPersonae.Add(mySiege.GetDefendingPlayer().charID + "|fiefOwner");
            tempPersonae.Add(mySiege.GetBesiegingPlayer().charID + "|attackerOwner");
            tempPersonae.Add(attacker.GetLeader().charID + "|attackerLeader");
            // get defenderLeader
            Character defenderLeader = defenderGarrison.GetLeader();

            if (defenderLeader != null)
                tempPersonae.Add(defenderLeader.charID + "|defenderGarrisonLeader");
            // get additional defending leader
            Character addDefendLeader = null;

            if (defenderAdditional != null)
                addDefendLeader = defenderAdditional.GetLeader();
                if (addDefendLeader != null)
                    tempPersonae.Add(addDefendLeader.charID + "|defenderAdditionalLeader");
            string[] siegePersonae = tempPersonae.ToArray();

            // location
            string siegeLocation = mySiege.GetFief().id;

            // description
            string[] fields = new string[6];
            fields[0] = mySiege.GetBesiegingPlayer().firstName + " " + mySiege.GetBesiegingPlayer().familyName;
            fields[1] = attacker.GetLeader().firstName + " " + attacker.GetLeader().familyName;
            fields[2] = mySiege.GetFief().name;
            fields[3] = mySiege.GetDefendingPlayer().firstName + " " + mySiege.GetDefendingPlayer().familyName;
            fields[4] = fields[5] = "";
            if (defenderLeader != null)
                fields[4] = "The defending garrison is led by " + defenderLeader.firstName + " " + defenderLeader.familyName + ".";
            if (addDefendLeader != null)
                fields[5] = "Additional defending forces are led by " + addDefendLeader.firstName + " " + addDefendLeader.familyName + ".";

            ProtoMessage siege = new ProtoMessage();

            siege.MessageFields = fields;
            siege.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.PillageInitiateSiege;
            // put together new journal entry
            JournalEntry siegeResult = new JournalEntry(entryID, Globals_Game.clock.currentYear, Globals_Game.clock.currentSeason, siegePersonae, "siege", siege, loc: siegeLocation);

            // add new journal entry to pastEvents

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements conditional checks prior to the pillage or siege of a fief
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>bool indicating whether pillage/siege can proceed</returns>
        /// <param name="f">The fief being pillaged/besieged</param>
        /// <param name="a">The pillaging/besieging army</param>
        /// <param name="circumstance">The circumstance - pillage or siege</param>
        public static bool ChecksBeforePillageSiege(Army a, Fief f, out ProtoMessage result, string circumstance = "pillage")
            result = null;
            bool   proceed   = true;
            string operation = "";

            // check if is your own fief
            // note: not necessary for quell rebellion
            if (!circumstance.Equals("quellRebellion"))
                if (f.owner == a.GetOwner())
                    proceed = false;
                    if (circumstance.Equals("pillage"))
                        result = new ProtoMessage();
                        result.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.PillageOwnFief;
                        result.MessageFields = new string[] { "pillage" };
                    else if (circumstance.Equals("siege"))
                        result = new ProtoMessage();
                        result.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.PillageOwnFief;
                        result.MessageFields = new string[] { "siege" };
                else if (a.GetOwner().isAlly(f.owner))
                    proceed = false;
                    if (circumstance.Equals("pillage"))
                        result = new ProtoMessage();
                        result.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.PillageAllyFief;
                        result.MessageFields = new string[] { "pillage" };
                    else if (circumstance.Equals("siege"))
                        result = new ProtoMessage();
                        result.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.PillageAllyFief;
                        result.MessageFields = new string[] { "siege" };

            // check if fief is under siege
            // note: not necessary for quell rebellion
            if (!circumstance.Equals("quellRebellion"))
                if ((!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f.siege)) && (proceed))
                    proceed = false;
                    if (circumstance.Equals("pillage"))
                        result = new ProtoMessage();
                        result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.PillageUnderSiege;
                    else if (circumstance.Equals("siege"))
                        result = new ProtoMessage();
                        result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.PillageSiegeAlready;

            // check if fief already pillaged
            // note: not necessary for quell rebellion (get a 'free' pillage)
            if (!circumstance.Equals("quellRebellion"))
                if (circumstance.Equals("pillage"))
                    // check isPillaged = false
                    if ((f.isPillaged) && (proceed))
                        proceed             = false;
                        result              = new ProtoMessage();
                        result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.PillageAlready;

            // check if your army has a leader
            if (a.GetLeader() == null)
                proceed = false;

                if (circumstance.Equals("quellRebellion"))
                    operation = "Operation";
                if (circumstance.Equals("pillage"))
                    operation = "Pillage";
                else if (circumstance.Equals("siege"))
                    operation = "Siege";
                result = new ProtoMessage();
                result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.ArmyNoLeader;

            // check has min days required
            if ((circumstance.Equals("pillage")) || (circumstance.Equals("quellRebellion")))
                // pillage = min 7
                if ((a.days < 7) && (proceed))
                    proceed = false;
                    if (circumstance.Equals("quellRebellion"))
                        operation = "Quell rebellion";
                        operation = "Pillage";
                    result = new ProtoMessage();
                    result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.ErrorGenericNotEnoughDays;
            else if (circumstance.Equals("siege"))
                // siege = 1 (to set up siege)
                if ((a.days < 1) && (proceed))
                    proceed             = false;
                    result              = new ProtoMessage();
                    result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.ErrorGenericNotEnoughDays;

            // check for presence of armies belonging to fief owner
            if (proceed)
                // iterate through armies in fief
                for (int i = 0; i < f.armies.Count; i++)
                    // get army
                    Army armyInFief = Globals_Game.armyMasterList[f.armies[i]];

                    // check if owned by fief owner
                    if (armyInFief.owner.Equals(f.owner.charID))
                        // army must be outside keep
                        if (!armyInFief.GetLeader().inKeep)
                            // army must have correct aggression settings
                            if (armyInFief.aggression > 1)
                                proceed = false;
                                if (circumstance.Equals("pillage"))
                                    operation = "Pillage";
                                else if (circumstance.Equals("siege"))
                                    operation = "Siege";
                                else if (circumstance.Equals("quellRebellion"))
                                    operation = "Quell rebellion";
                                result = new ProtoMessage();
                                result.ResponseType  = DisplayMessages.PillageArmyDefeat;
                                result.MessageFields = new string[] { armyInFief.armyID };

                // check if fief in rebellion
                if ((circumstance.Equals("siege")) && (proceed))
                    if (f.status.Equals('R'))
                        proceed             = false;
                        result              = new ProtoMessage();
                        result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.PillageSiegeRebellion;

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements the processes involved in the pillage of a fief by an army
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">The pillaging army</param>
        /// <param name="f">The fief being pillaged</param>
        public static ProtoMessage PillageFief(Army a, Fief f)
            ProtoMessage result           = new ProtoMessage();
            bool         pillageCancelled = false;
            bool         bailiffPresent   = false;
            Army         fiefArmy         = null;

            // check if bailiff present in fief (he'll lead the army)
            if (f.bailiff != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < f.charactersInFief.Count; i++)
                    if (f.charactersInFief[i] == f.bailiff)
                        bailiffPresent = true;

            // if bailiff is present, create an army and attempt to give battle
            // no bailiff = no leader = pillage is unopposed by defending forces
            if (bailiffPresent)
                // create temporary army for battle
                fiefArmy = f.CreateDefendingArmy();

                // give battle and get result
                ProtoBattle battleResults;
                pillageCancelled = Battle.GiveBattle(fiefArmy, a, out battleResults, circumstance: "pillage");

                if (pillageCancelled)
                    string toDisplay = "The pillaging force has been forced to retreat by the fief's defenders!";
                    result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.PillageRetreat;
                    // Let owner know that pillage attempt has been thwarted
                    Globals_Game.UpdatePlayer(f.owner.playerID, DisplayMessages.PillageRetreat);

                    // check still have enough days left
                    if (a.days < 7)
                        // Inform fief owner pillage attempt thwarted
                        Globals_Game.UpdatePlayer(f.owner.playerID, DisplayMessages.PillageDays);
                        result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.PillageDays;
                        pillageCancelled    = true;

            if (!pillageCancelled)
                // process pillage
                return(Pillage_Siege.ProcessPillage(f, a));
            result.ResponseType = DisplayMessages.Success;
            result.Message      = "The pillage was successful";