static void Main(string[] args) { bool firstRun = true; SuperBowl mySuperBowl = new SuperBowl(); while (firstRun == true && mySuperBowl.welcome() == false) { mySuperBowl.getText(@"Super_Bowl_Project.csv"); mySuperBowl.writeFile(mySuperBowl.generateFile()); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Press any Key to Continue...."); firstRun = false; } }
public string yearManager(SuperBowl thing) { string year = ""; for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { year = Convert.ToString("-")[2]); if (Convert.ToInt32(year) >= 66) { year = "19" + year; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(year) <= 66) { year = "20" + year; } } a++; return(year); }
static void Writer3(ref StreamWriter write, ref List <SuperBowl> listOfSuperBowls) { var groupQuery = from superBowl in listOfSuperBowls group superBowl by superBowl.State into stateGroup orderby stateGroup.Count() descending select new { aGroup = stateGroup.Key, Count = stateGroup.Count() }; var Taker = groupQuery.Take(1); foreach (var superBowl in Taker) { write.Write($"The state that has hosted the most superbowls is {superBowl.aGroup}. They have hosted {superBowl.Count} superbowls.\n"); } //This is crude, how to do using LINQ foreach (var SuperBowl in listOfSuperBowls) { if (SuperBowl.State == "Florida") { write.Write(SuperBowl.HighestState() + "\n"); } } }
//Method helps assign values to values list public static SuperBowl FromCsv(string csvLine) { string[] values = csvLine.Split(','); SuperBowl superBowl = new SuperBowl(); superBowl.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(values[0]); superBowl.romanNumeral = values[1]; superBowl.Attendance = Convert.ToInt32(values[2]); superBowl.winningQB = values[3]; superBowl.winningCoach = values[4]; superBowl.winningTeam = values[5]; superBowl.winningPts = Convert.ToInt32(values[6]); superBowl.losingQB = values[7]; superBowl.losingCoach = values[8]; superBowl.losingTeam = values[9]; superBowl.losingPts = Convert.ToInt32(values[10]); superBowl.MVP = values[11]; superBowl.pointDifference = Convert.ToInt32(values[6]) - Convert.ToInt32(values[10]); superBowl.hostStadium = values[12]; superBowl.hostCity = values[13]; superBowl.hostState = values[14]; return(superBowl); }
//Method that writes to filePath2(includes all queries) static void ReadWriteFiles(string adjustedFilePath, string filePath2) { //Create list of SuperBowl objects List <SuperBowl> values = File.ReadAllLines(adjustedFilePath) .Skip(1) .Select(v => SuperBowl.FromCsv(v)) .ToList(); //Enable writing to the text file StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath2); //Generate a list of all super bowl winners sw.WriteLine(" SUPER BOWL WINNERS "); sw.WriteLine("----Winning Team------------Year-----Winning Quarterback--------------Winning Coach-------Super Bowl MVP------------------Point Spread--"); var superBowlWinners = from superBowl in values where superBowl.Date != null select superBowl; foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in superBowlWinners) { string output = String.Format(" {0,-23} {1,-8} {2,-32} {3,-19} {4,-31} {5,-17}", superBowl.winningTeam, superBowl.Date.Year, superBowl.winningQB, superBowl.winningCoach, superBowl.MVP, superBowl.pointDifference); sw.WriteLine(output); } //Generate a list of the top five attended super bowl’s sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine(" TOP FIVE ATTENDED SUPER BOWLS "); sw.WriteLine("----Year-----Winning Team------------Losing Team-------------Host City--------Host State------Host Stadium-----"); var topFiveAttended = (from superBowl in values orderby superBowl.Attendance descending select superBowl).Take(5); foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in topFiveAttended) { string output = String.Format(" {0,-8} {1,-23} {2,-23} {3,-16} {4,-15} {5,-17}", superBowl.Date.Year, superBowl.winningTeam, superBowl.losingTeam, superBowl.hostCity, superBowl.hostState, superBowl.hostStadium); sw.WriteLine(output); } //Output the state that hosted the most super bowls sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine(" THE STATE THAT HOSTED THE MOST SUPER BOWLS "); sw.WriteLine("------Host City--------Host State-------Host Stadium-------"); var stateMostHosted = values.GroupBy(superBowl => superBowl.hostState) .Select(group => new { hostState = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }) .OrderByDescending(superBowl => superBowl.Count); var item = stateMostHosted.First(); var mostFrequent = item.hostState; var mostFrequentCount = item.Count; foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in values) { if (superBowl.hostState.Equals(mostFrequent)) { string output = String.Format(" {0,-16} {1,-16} {2,-17}", superBowl.hostCity, superBowl.hostState, superBowl.hostStadium); sw.WriteLine(output); } } //Generate a list of players who won MVP more than once sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine(" PLAYERS WHO WON THE SUPER BOWL MVP TITLE MORE THAN ONCE "); sw.WriteLine("------Super Bowl MVP--------Winning Team--------------Losing Team--------"); var moreThanOnceMVP = from superBowl in values group superBowl by superBowl.MVP into MVPGroups orderby MVPGroups.Count() descending select MVPGroups; foreach (var groupMVP in moreThanOnceMVP) { if (groupMVP.Count() > 1) { foreach (var superBowl in groupMVP) { string output = String.Format(" {0,-21} {1,-25} {2,-25}", superBowl.MVP, superBowl.winningTeam, superBowl.losingTeam); sw.WriteLine(output); } } } //Which coach lost the most super bowls? sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("THE COACH THAT LOST THE MOST SUPER BOWLS"); var coachLostMost = values.GroupBy(superBowl => superBowl.losingCoach) .Select(group => new { losingCoach = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }) .OrderByDescending(superBowl => superBowl.Count); var clm = coachLostMost.First(); var mostLosses = clm.losingCoach; var mostFrequentLosses = clm.Count; foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in values) { if (superBowl.losingCoach.Equals(mostLosses)) { sw.WriteLine(" " + superBowl.losingCoach + " "); break; } } //Which coach won the most super bowls? sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("THE COACH THAT WON THE MOST SUPER BOWLS"); var coachWonMost = values.GroupBy(superBowl => superBowl.winningCoach) .Select(group => new { winningCoach = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }) .OrderByDescending(superBowl => superBowl.Count); var cwm = coachWonMost.First(); var mostWins = cwm.winningCoach; var mostFrequentWins = cwm.Count; foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in values) { if (superBowl.winningCoach.Equals(mostWins)) { sw.WriteLine(" " + superBowl.winningCoach + " "); break; } } //Which team(s) won the most super bowls? sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("THE TEAM(s) THAT WON THE MOST SUPER BOWLS"); var teamWonMost = values.GroupBy(superBowl => superBowl.winningTeam) .Select(group => new { winningTeam = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }) .OrderByDescending(superBowl => superBowl.Count); var twm = teamWonMost.FirstOrDefault(); var tMostWins = twm.winningTeam; var tMostFrequentWins = twm.Count; foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in values) { if (superBowl.winningTeam.Equals(tMostWins)) { sw.WriteLine(" " + superBowl.winningTeam + " "); break; } } //Which team(s) lost the most super bowls? sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("THE TEAM(s) THAT LOST THE MOST SUPER BOWLS"); var teamLostMost = values.GroupBy(superBowl => superBowl.losingTeam) .Select(group => new { losingTeam = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }) .OrderByDescending(superBowl => superBowl.Count); var tlm = teamLostMost.FirstOrDefault(); var tMostLosses = tlm.losingTeam; var tMostFrequentLosses = tlm.Count; foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in values) { if (superBowl.losingTeam.Equals(tMostLosses)) { sw.WriteLine(" " + superBowl.losingTeam + " "); break; } } //Which Super bowl had the greatest point difference? sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("THE SUPER BOWL THAT HAD THE GREATEST POINT DIFFERENCE"); var greatestPointDifference = values.GroupBy(superBowl => superBowl.pointDifference) .Select(group => new { pointDifference = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }) .OrderBy(superBowl => superBowl.pointDifference); var gpd = greatestPointDifference.Last(); var greatestDifference = gpd.pointDifference; var pointDifferenceCount = gpd.Count; foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in values) { if (superBowl.pointDifference.Equals(greatestDifference)) { sw.WriteLine("Super Bowl " + superBowl.romanNumeral + " had the greatest point differnce of " + superBowl.pointDifference + " in " + superBowl.Date.Year + "."); } } //What is the average attendance of all super bowls? sw.WriteLine(""); sw.WriteLine("AVERAGE ATTENDANCE OF ALL SUPER BOWLS 1967-2017"); double AvgAttendance = values.Average(superBowl => superBowl.Attendance); sw.WriteLine("The average attendance at Super Bowls between 1967 to 2017 is " + AvgAttendance.ToString("n0") + " attendees."); sw.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string filePath; Console.WriteLine("Enter the file path for 'Super_Bowl_Project.csv': "); filePath = Console.ReadLine(); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { List <SuperBowl> superBowlList = new List <SuperBowl>(); FileStream CSVFile = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(CSVFile); var parentDirectory = Directory.GetParent(filePath); Console.WriteLine("Enter desired name for new .txt file:"); string fileName = Console.ReadLine(); string newFilePath = parentDirectory + "/" + fileName + ".txt"; FileStream txtFile = new FileStream(newFilePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(txtFile); string row = reader.ReadLine(); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { row = reader.ReadLine(); string[] aSuperBowl = row.Split(','); SuperBowl theBigGame = new SuperBowl(aSuperBowl[0], aSuperBowl[1], Convert.ToInt32(aSuperBowl[2]), aSuperBowl[3], aSuperBowl[4], aSuperBowl[5], Convert.ToInt32(aSuperBowl[6]), aSuperBowl[7], aSuperBowl[8], aSuperBowl[9], Convert.ToInt32(aSuperBowl[10]), aSuperBowl[11], aSuperBowl[12], aSuperBowl[13], aSuperBowl[14]); superBowlList.Add(theBigGame); } //SB WINNER OUTPUT writer.WriteLine("Super Bowl Winners:"); string sbNumber = "SB"; string sbWinner = "Winner"; string sbLoser = "Loser"; string sbYear = "Year"; string sbQB = "QB"; string sbCoach = "Coach"; string sbMVP = "MVP"; string sbPtDiff = "Pt Diff"; string sbCity = "City"; string sbState = "State"; string sbStadium = "Stadium"; writer.WriteLine("{0,-8}{1,-21}{2,-5}{3,-27}{4,-16}{5,-26}{6,-7}", sbNumber, sbWinner, sbYear, sbQB, sbCoach, sbMVP, sbPtDiff); writer.WriteLine(new string('-', 110)); foreach (SuperBowl winner in superBowlList) { double ptDifference = winner.winnerPts - winner.loserPts; writer.WriteLine($"{,-8}{winner.winner,-20} '{ - 2),-3} {winner.winnerQB,-26} {winner.winnerCoach,-15} {winner.MVP,-25} {ptDifference,-7}"); } //TOP 5 ATTENDED SBs var top5AttendedSBsQ = (from superBowl in superBowlList orderby superBowl.attendance descending select superBowl).Take(5); writer.WriteLine("\nTop 5 attended super bowls:"); writer.WriteLine("{0,-5}{1,-20}{2,-20}{3,-10}{4,-11}{5,-16}", sbYear, sbWinner, sbLoser, sbCity, sbState, sbStadium); writer.WriteLine(new string('-', 81)); foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in top5AttendedSBsQ) { writer.WriteLine("'{0,-4}{1,-20}{2,-20}{3,-10}{4,-11}{5,-16}", - 2), superBowl.winner, superBowl.loser,, superBowl.state, superBowl.stadium); } // STATE/CITY/STADIUM THAT HOSTED THE MOST SUPER BOWLS var mostHostState = superBowlList .GroupBy(state => state.state) .OrderByDescending(group => group.Count()) .First().Key; var mostHostCity = superBowlList .GroupBy(city => .OrderByDescending(group => group.Count()) .First().Key; var mostHostStadium = superBowlList .GroupBy(stadium => stadium.stadium) .OrderByDescending(group => group.Count()) .First().Key; writer.WriteLine("\nState that hosted the most super bowls:\n\t{0}\n" + "City that hosted the most super bowls:\n\t{1}\n" + "Stadium that hosted the most super bowls:\n\t{2}", mostHostState, mostHostCity, mostHostStadium); // PLAYERS WHO WON MVP MORE THAN ONCE writer.WriteLine("\nPlayers who've won MVP multiple times:"); var mvpGroup = from superBowl in superBowlList group superBowl by superBowl.MVP into mvps where mvps.Count() > 1 orderby mvps.Key select mvps; /* * var multiMVP = from mvp in mvpGroup * where mvpGroup.Count() > 1 * select mvp; */ foreach (var player in mvpGroup) { writer.WriteLine(player.Key); foreach (var mvp in player) { writer.WriteLine("\tWon with {0} and beat {1}", mvp.winner, mvp.loser); } } //1 //WHICH COACH LOST THE MOST AMOUNT OF SUPER BOWLSSS? var mostLossesCoach = superBowlList .GroupBy(coach => coach.loserCoach) .OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Count()) .First().Key; writer.WriteLine("\nWhich coach lost the most super bowls?\n\t{0}", mostLossesCoach); //2 //WHICH COACH WON THE MOST AMOUNT OF SUPER BOWLSSS? var mostWinsCoach = superBowlList .GroupBy(coach => coach.winnerCoach) .OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Count()) .First().Key; writer.WriteLine("\nWhich coach won the most super bowls?\n\t{0}", mostWinsCoach); //3 //WHICH TEAMS WON THE MOST SUPERBOWLS var mostWinsTeam = superBowlList .GroupBy(team => team.winner) .OrderByDescending(team => team.Count()) .First().Key; writer.WriteLine("\nWhich team has won the most super bowls?\n\t{0}", mostWinsTeam); //4 //WHICH TEAM LOST THE MOST SUPER BOWLS var mostLossesTeam = superBowlList .GroupBy(team => team.loser) .OrderByDescending(team => team.Count()) .First().Key; writer.WriteLine("\nWhich team has lost the most super bowls?\n\t{0}", mostLossesTeam); //5 //WHICH SUPER BOWL HAD THE GREATEST POINT DIFFERENCE var ptDiffQ = from superBowl in superBowlList orderby(superBowl.winnerPts - superBowl.loserPts) descending select superBowl; writer.WriteLine("\nWhich super bowl had the greatest point difference?\n\tSuper bowl {0}", ptDiffQ.First().sb); //6 //WHAT IS THE AVE ATTENDANCE OF ALL THE SBs int totalAttendance = 0; foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in superBowlList) { totalAttendance = totalAttendance + superBowl.attendance; } int avgAttendance = totalAttendance / superBowlList.Count(); writer.WriteLine("\nWhat is the average attendance of all the super bowls?\n\t{0} people", avgAttendance); CSVFile.Close(); reader.Close(); txtFile.Close(); } else { Console.WriteLine("I can't seem to find that file :(\nPlease locate the file and restart the program !"); } Console.WriteLine("Check directory of 'Super_Bowl_Project.csv' for the new file !\n\nPress 'Enter' to quit"); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Reading from a file //Declaring variables FileStream input; StreamReader read; string primingValue; string[] sbData; string csvPATH = ""; string txtPATH = ""; //Program Introduction Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Superbowl CSV file reader."); Console.WriteLine("This Program will read the data from the CSV file and write it to a TXT file.\n"); //User defines the PATH to the csv Console.WriteLine("Where do you want to read the csv file from?\n"); Console.WriteLine("for example:\nC:\\Users\\Jake\\Documents\\College\\SENG Semester 2\\Advanced Programming\\Projects\\Project 2\\Project_Two\\Super_Bowl_Project.csv\n"); Console.WriteLine("Input the PATH to the CSV File:"); csvPATH = @Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); //User defines the PATH to the txt Console.WriteLine("Where do you want to read the csv file from?\n"); Console.WriteLine("for example:\nC:\\Users\\Jake\\Documents\\College\\SENG Semester 2\\Advanced Programming\\Projects\\Project 2\\Project_Two\\Super_Bowl_Project.txt\n"); Console.WriteLine("Input the PATH to the TXT File:"); txtPATH = @Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); try { //declaring a file stream to write to the text file with the superbowl data FileStream newfile = new FileStream(txtPATH, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(newfile); input = new FileStream(csvPATH, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); read = new StreamReader(input); primingValue = read.ReadLine(); List <SuperBowl> sbDataList = new List <SuperBowl>(); //declaring superbowl data list //Establishing a looping structure to read in all the superbowl data while (!read.EndOfStream) { sbData = read.ReadLine().Split(','); //reads in each element between each comma and splits the comma off SuperBowl sb = new SuperBowl(sbData); //each element of the list will be called sb sbDataList.Add(sb); //adds a superbowl to the list //Console.WriteLine(sbDataList[sbDataList.Count - 1]); //used to insure that the data is populating the list } read.Dispose(); input.Dispose(); //Below outputs the list of the winning teams Console.WriteLine(" List of Winning Teams"); outfile.WriteLine(" List of Winning Teams"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); outfile.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); //invoking the print winner function in a foreach foreach (SuperBowl sb in sbDataList) { Console.WriteLine(sb.printWinner()); } foreach (SuperBowl sb in sbDataList) { outfile.WriteLine(sb.printWinner()); } //Below outputs the list of the top attended superbowl counts Console.WriteLine(" Top 5 Attended Superbowls"); outfile.WriteLine(" Top 5 Attended Superbowls"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); outfile.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); var attendanceQuery = (from sb in sbDataList orderby sb.Attendance descending select sb).ToList <SuperBowl>().Take(5); //selects 5 superbowls by top attendance from the superbowl data list and pust them into an attendance query list //For each element in the attendance query write the date, winning team, losing team, city, state, and stadium //This code was influenced off of LeAnn Simonson and Sarah Fox attendanceQuery.ToList <SuperBowl>().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine($"1. The date the team won: {x.Date}\n2. The winning team: {x.winningTeam}\n3. The losing team: {x.losingTeam}\n" + $"4. The city: {x.City}\n5. The state: {x.State}\n6. The stadium: {x.Stadium}\n7. The attendance: {x.Attendance}\n")); attendanceQuery.ToList <SuperBowl>().ForEach(x => outfile.WriteLine($"1. The date the team won: {x.Date}\n2. The winning team: {x.winningTeam}\n3. The losing team: {x.losingTeam}\n" + $"4. The city: {x.City}\n5. The state: {x.State}\n6. The stadium: {x.Stadium}\n7. The attedance: {x.Attendance}\n")); //Below outputs the state that hosted the most superbowls //This section and the MVP section contain adapted code originally from LeAnn Simonson Console.WriteLine(" State That Hosted The Most Superbowls"); outfile.WriteLine(" State That Hosted The Most Superbowls"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); outfile.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); var hostQueryCount = (from sb in sbDataList //defining a query count variable that is used to make a descending list group sb by sb.State into nestedQuery //creates a group of state data and puts it into a nested query orderby nestedQuery.Count() descending //orders the list select nestedQuery).First().Count(); //takes the count of the first element in nestedQuery (the state that hosted the most superbowls) var hostCount = (from sb in sbDataList //defining a host count variable that considers each superbowl(sb) in the superbowl data list group sb by sb.State into hostGroup //creates a group of state data and puts it into host group where hostGroup.Count() == hostQueryCount //adds a condition to the list where the only element it contains can be equal to the most hosted count select hostGroup).Take(1); //takes the one element in the list foreach (var sb in hostCount) //iterates through the list (even though it's just one element) { Console.WriteLine($"{sb.Key} hosted the most superbowls. They hosted {sb.Count()} superbowls.\n"); //writes the state and count to the terminal outfile.WriteLine($"{sb.Key} hosted the most superbowls. They hosted {sb.Count()} superbowls.\n"); //writes the state and count to the file foreach (var info in sb) //iterates through the info attached to the sb element and outputs the city, state, stadium, and date { Console.WriteLine($"1. City: {info.City}"); //using methods to pull data from a superbowl outfile.WriteLine($"1. City: {info.City}"); Console.WriteLine($"2. State: {info.State}"); outfile.WriteLine($"2. State: {info.State}"); Console.WriteLine($"3. Stadium: {info.Stadium}"); outfile.WriteLine($"3. Stadium: {info.Stadium}"); Console.WriteLine($"4. Date: {info.Date}\n"); outfile.WriteLine($"4. Date: {info.Date}\n"); } } //Below outputs players that won MVP for than once as well as their team and the team they beat Console.WriteLine("List of Players That Won Mvp More Than 1 Time"); outfile.WriteLine("List of Players That Won Mvp More Than 1 Time"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); outfile.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); var MVPCount = from sb in sbDataList //defining an MVPCount variable that considers each superbowl(sb) in the superbowl data list group sb by sb.MVP into MVPGroup //creates a group of MVP data to be counted where MVPGroup.Count() > 1 //only adds the MVP to the group if the player was MVP more than once orderby MVPGroup.Key //orders the list select MVPGroup; //returns the ordered list of MVPs in a list format foreach (var sb in MVPCount) { Console.WriteLine($"{sb.Key} won MVP {sb.Count()} times\n"); //writes the MVP and amount of times they were MVP outfile.WriteLine($"{sb.Key} won MVP {sb.Count()} times\n"); foreach (var info in sb) //iterates through the info attached to the sb element(MVP) and outputs the winning team, team they beat, and the date the superbowl took place. { Console.WriteLine($"1. Their winning team: {info.winningTeam}"); //using methods to pull data from a superbowl outfile.WriteLine($"1. Their winning team: {info.winningTeam}"); Console.WriteLine($"2. The team they beat: {info.losingTeam}"); outfile.WriteLine($"2. The team they beat: {info.losingTeam}"); Console.WriteLine($"3. Superbowl took place: {info.Date}\n"); outfile.WriteLine($"3. Superbowl took place: {info.Date}\n"); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); outfile.WriteLine("\n"); } //Below outputs the coach that lost the most superbowls Console.WriteLine(" Coach That Lost The Most Superbowls "); outfile.WriteLine(" Coach That Lost The Most Superbowls "); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); outfile.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); //Defining a query count variable that is used to make a descending list to determine highest loss count. //It creates a group of losing coach data and puts it into a nested query, orders the list, and takes the //count of the first element in nestedQuery (the coach that lost the most superbowls). var highestLossCount = (from sb in sbDataList group sb by sb.losingCoach into nestedQuery orderby nestedQuery.Count() descending select nestedQuery).First().Count(); //defining a losing coach query that is designed to take the coach that lost the most by using a condition that //was found in the nested query. From there, the coaches that lost the most are selected and added to an array var losingCoachQuery = (from sb in sbDataList group sb by sb.losingCoach into losingCoachGroup where losingCoachGroup.Count() == highestLossCount select losingCoachGroup.Key).ToArray(); for (var x = 0; x < losingCoachQuery.Length; x++) { Console.WriteLine($"- {losingCoachQuery[x]} lost the most superbowls\n"); outfile.WriteLine($"- {losingCoachQuery[x]} lost the most superbowls\n"); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); outfile.WriteLine("\n"); //Below outputs the coach that won the most superbowls ////// Console.WriteLine(" Coach That Won The Most Superbowls "); outfile.WriteLine(" Coach That Won The Most Superbowls "); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); outfile.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); //The same process as the most losses coach section is used for this query manipulation. var highestWinCount = (from sb in sbDataList group sb by sb.winningCoach into nestedQuery orderby nestedQuery.Count() descending select nestedQuery).First().Count(); var winningCoachQuery = (from sb in sbDataList group sb by sb.winningCoach into winningCoachGroup where winningCoachGroup.Count() == highestWinCount select winningCoachGroup.Key).ToArray(); for (var x = 0; x < winningCoachQuery.Length; x++) { Console.WriteLine($"- {winningCoachQuery[x]} won the most superbowls\n"); outfile.WriteLine($"- {winningCoachQuery[x]} won the most superbowls\n"); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); outfile.WriteLine("\n"); //Below outputs the team that won the most superbowls ////// Console.WriteLine(" Team That Won The Most Superbowls"); outfile.WriteLine(" Team That Won The Most Superbowls"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); outfile.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); //The same process as the most losses coach section is used for this query manipulation. var teamHighestWinCount = (from sb in sbDataList group sb by sb.winningTeam into nestedQuery orderby nestedQuery.Count() descending select nestedQuery).First().Count(); var winningTeamQuery = (from sb in sbDataList group sb by sb.winningTeam into winningTeamGroup where winningTeamGroup.Count() == teamHighestWinCount select winningTeamGroup.Key).ToArray(); for (var x = 0; x < winningTeamQuery.Length; x++) { Console.WriteLine($"- {winningTeamQuery[x]} won the most superbowls\n"); outfile.WriteLine($"- {winningTeamQuery[x]} won the most superbowls\n"); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); outfile.WriteLine("\n"); //Below outputs the team that lost the most superbowls ////// Console.WriteLine(" Team That Lost The Most Superbowls"); outfile.WriteLine(" Team That Lost The Most Superbowls"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); outfile.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); //The same process as the most losses coach section is used for this query manipulation. var teamHighestLossCount = (from sb in sbDataList group sb by sb.losingTeam into nestedQuery orderby nestedQuery.Count() descending select nestedQuery).First().Count(); var losingTeamQuery = (from sb in sbDataList group sb by sb.losingTeam into losingTeamGroup where losingTeamGroup.Count() == teamHighestLossCount select losingTeamGroup.Key).ToArray(); for (var x = 0; x < losingTeamQuery.Length; x++) { Console.WriteLine($"- {losingTeamQuery[x]} lost the most superbowls\n"); outfile.WriteLine($"- {losingTeamQuery[x]} lost the most superbowls\n"); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); outfile.WriteLine("\n"); //Below outputs the superbowl that had the greatest point difference Console.WriteLine(" Superbowl with Greatest Point Difference"); outfile.WriteLine(" Superbowl with Greatest Point Difference"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); outfile.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); //declaring an empty list to place the point differences var pointDifferences = new List <int>(); //for each superbowl element in the superbowl data list, add the point differences associated with the superbowl to the list foreach (var sb in sbDataList) { pointDifferences.Add(sb.pointDifference()); } //delcaring a greatest point difference variable and making it equal to the max point difference in the point differences list var greatestPointDifference = pointDifferences.Max(); //for each superbowl element in the superbowl data list, write to the file and //console only if the point difference is equal to the greatest point difference foreach (var sb in sbDataList) { if (sb.pointDifference() == greatestPointDifference) { Console.WriteLine($"- Superbowl {sb.SB} has the greatest point difference of {sb.pointDifference()}"); outfile.WriteLine($"- Superbowl {sb.SB} has the greatest point difference of {sb.pointDifference()}"); } } Console.WriteLine("\n"); outfile.WriteLine("\n"); //Below outputs the average attendance Console.WriteLine(" Average Attendance of All Superbowls"); outfile.WriteLine(" Average Attendance of All Superbowls"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); outfile.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------\n"); //declaring integers to invoke an attendance function int totalAttendance = 0; int avgAttendance; int count = 0; //adds the attendance onto the total attendance and increases the //count by one for each superbowl element in superbowl data list foreach (var sb in sbDataList) { totalAttendance = totalAttendance + sb.Attendance; count = count + 1; } //simple average attendance function avgAttendance = totalAttendance / count; Console.WriteLine($"Average Attendance: {avgAttendance}"); outfile.WriteLine($"Average Attendance: {avgAttendance}"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); outfile.WriteLine("\n"); //End message and file closing outfile.Close(); //closes the outfile (this fixes data stream issues as well) Console.WriteLine("The data displayed above has been written to the TXT file"); } //end of try catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { /**Your application should allow the end user to pass a file path for output * or guide them through generating the file. **/ string filePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string backOne = Directory.GetParent(filePath).ToString(); string backTwo = Directory.GetParent(backOne).ToString(); string backThree = Directory.GetParent(backTwo).ToString(); string SBData = @"E:\P2\Project_Two\Super_Bowl_Project.csv"; Console.WriteLine(backThree); if (Directory.Exists(backThree)) { Console.WriteLine("It exists."); if (File.Exists(SBData)) { Console.WriteLine("It exists."); List <SuperBowl> sbList = new List <SuperBowl>(); FileStream csvFile = new FileStream(SBData, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(csvFile); var newDirectory = Directory.GetParent(backThree); Console.WriteLine("This will print out a .txt file containing data on Super Bowls."); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a name for the new .txt file."); string newTxtFile = Console.ReadLine(); string newFilePath = newDirectory + "/" + newTxtFile + ".txt"; FileStream txtFile = new FileStream(newFilePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(txtFile); string row = reader.ReadLine(); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { row = reader.ReadLine(); string[] SBDataTwo = row.Split(","); SuperBowl SBDTwo = new SuperBowl() { Date = SBDataTwo[0], SB = SBDataTwo[1], Attendance = Convert.ToInt32(SBDataTwo[2]), QBWinner = SBDataTwo[3], CoachWinner = SBDataTwo[4], Winner = SBDataTwo[5], WinnerPts = Convert.ToInt32(SBDataTwo[6]), QBLoser = SBDataTwo[7], CoachLoser = SBDataTwo[8], Loser = SBDataTwo[9], LoserPts = Convert.ToInt32(SBDataTwo[10]), Mvp = SBDataTwo[11], Stadium = SBDataTwo[12], City = SBDataTwo[13], State = SBDataTwo[14] }; sbList.Add(SBDTwo); } writer.WriteLine("Super Bowl Winners:"); writer.WriteLine("/n"); string sbNum = "SB"; string sbWinner = "Winner"; string sbLoser = "Loser"; string sbYear = "Year"; string sbQuarterBack = "Quarter Back"; string sbCoachOne = "Coach"; string sbMVP = "Most Valuable Player"; string sbPointDif = "Point Difference"; string sbCity = "City"; string sbState = "State"; string sbStadium = "Stadium"; writer.WriteLine("{0,-8}{1,-21}{2,-5}{3,-27}{4,-16}{5,-26}{6,-7}", sbNum, sbWinner, sbYear, sbQuarterBack, sbCoachOne, sbMVP, sbPointDif); writer.WriteLine(new string('-', 110)); foreach (SuperBowl winner in sbList) { double ptDifference = winner.WinnerPts - winner.LoserPts; writer.WriteLine($"{winner.SB,-8}{winner.Winner,-20} '{winner.Date.Substring(winner.Date.Length - 2),-3} {winner.QBWinner,-26} {winner.CoachWinner,-15} {winner.Mvp,-25} {ptDifference,-7}"); } var topAttendance = (from superBowl in sbList orderby superBowl.Attendance descending select superBowl).Take(5); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Top 5 attended super bowls:"); writer.WriteLine("{0,-5}{1,-20}{2,-20}{3,-10}{4,-11}{5,-16}", sbYear, sbWinner, sbLoser, sbCity, sbState, sbStadium); writer.WriteLine(new string('-', 81)); foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in topAttendance) { writer.WriteLine("'{0,-4}{1,-20}{2,-20}{3,-10}{4,-11}{5,-16}", superBowl.Date.Substring(superBowl.Date.Length - 2), superBowl.Winner, superBowl.Loser, superBowl.City, superBowl.State, superBowl.Stadium); } var HostingState = sbList .GroupBy(state => state.State) .OrderByDescending(group => group.Count()) .First().Key; var HostingCity = sbList .GroupBy(city => city.City) .OrderByDescending(group => group.Count()) .First().Key; var HostingStadium = sbList .GroupBy(stadium => stadium.Stadium) .OrderByDescending(group => group.Count()) .First().Key; writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("The state that hosted the most super bowl games:\n\t{0}\n" + "The city that hosted the most super bowl games:\n\t{1}\n" + "The stadium that hosted the most super bowl games:\n\t{2}", HostingState, HostingCity, HostingStadium); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("These are the players who have won MVP multiple times: "); var mvpGroup = from superBowl in sbList group superBowl by superBowl.Mvp into mvps where mvps.Count() > 1 orderby mvps.Key select mvps; foreach (var player in mvpGroup) { writer.WriteLine(player.Key); foreach (var mvp in player) { writer.WriteLine("\t {0} V.S. {1}", mvp.Winner, mvp.Loser); } } var coachLosses = sbList .GroupBy(coach => coach.CoachLoser) .OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Count()) .First().Key; writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Which coach lost the most super bowls?\n\t{0}", coachLosses); var coachWins = sbList .GroupBy(coach => coach.CoachWinner) .OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Count()) .First().Key; writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Which coach won the most super bowls?\n\t{0}", coachWins); var teamWins = sbList .GroupBy(team => team.Winner) .OrderByDescending(team => team.Count()) .First().Key; writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Which team has won the most super bowls?\n\t{0}", teamWins); var teamLosses = sbList .GroupBy(team => team.Loser) .OrderByDescending(team => team.Count()) .First().Key; writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Which team lost the most super bowls?\n\t{0}", teamLosses); var ptDiffQ = from superBowl in sbList orderby(superBowl.WinnerPts - superBowl.LoserPts) descending select superBowl; writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Which super bowl had the greatest point difference?\n\tSuper bowl {0}", ptDiffQ.First().SB); int maxAttendance = 0; foreach (SuperBowl superBowl in sbList) { maxAttendance = maxAttendance + superBowl.Attendance; } int averageAttendance = maxAttendance / sbList.Count(); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("What is the average attendance of all the super bowls? \n\t{0} people?", averageAttendance); csvFile.Close(); reader.Close(); txtFile.Close(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong with the program..."); Console.WriteLine("Please contact tech support at 426-5678 (IAM-LOST)."); Console.WriteLine("This program will now close. Have a nice day."); } }