public void TestCase2() { //Potrebne promenljive za elemente string url = ""; string btnPrijaviteSe = "//li/a[@data-target='#login_modal']"; string txtUsername = "******"; string txtPassword = "******"; string btn2PrijaviteSe = "#login_modal > div > div > form > div.modal-footer > div > div:nth-child(1) > button"; //string txtLog = "//*[@id=\"parsley - id - 0331\"]/li"; //Potrebne promenljive za Logovanje var methodName = "TestCase2 - Login with invalid username:"******""; //Inicijalizacija Chrome driver stepName = "1.Initialization Chrome driver"; IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); // Odlazak na stranicu stepName = "2.Navigate to login page"; driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(url); driver.Manage().Window.Maximize(); var wait = driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); //Kliknemo na dugme Prijavite se stepName = "3.Click on button Prijavite se"; driver.FindElement(By.XPath(btnPrijaviteSe)).Click(); Thread.Sleep(3000); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); //Unos teksta u polje username stepName = "5.Provide invalid username"; driver.FindElement(By.Id(txtUsername)).SendKeys(""); Thread.Sleep(2000); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); //Unos teksta u polje password stepName = "5.Provide valid password"; driver.FindElement(By.Id(txtPassword)).SendKeys("gorica87"); Thread.Sleep(2000); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); //Click on button Prijavite se stepName = "6.Click on button Prijavite se"; driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector(btn2PrijaviteSe)).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); //Provera ispravnosti testa try { var confirmLog = driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("parsley-required")); if (confirmLog.Text == "Ovo polje je obavezno.") { LogTest.LogPassedTest(); } } catch (Exception) { LogTest.LogFailedTest(); } finally { //Kraj testa LogTest.LogEnd(); driver.Quit(); } }
public void TestCase1() { //Potrebne promenljive za elemente string url = ""; string btnPrijaviteSe = "//li/a[@data-target='#login_modal']"; string txtUsername = "******"; string txtPassword = "******"; string btn2PrijaviteSe = "#login_modal > div > div > form > div.modal-footer > div > div:nth-child(1) > button"; string logout = "body > div.header.container-wrapper > div.header-top > div > div.row > div.col-xs-10.col-sm-6.col-md-4.col-lg-4.user-actions-wrapper > div > div > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a"; string mojNalog = "body > div.header.container-wrapper > div.header-top > div > div.row > div.col-xs-10.col-sm-6.col-md-4.col-lg-4.user-actions-wrapper > div > div > ul > li:nth-child(2) > a"; string txtNalog = "body > div.container.profile.appear.appeared > div.heading-wrapper-inline.heading-wrapper-profile > div > div > div.headline-title > h1"; //Potrebne promenljive za Logovanje var methodName = "TestCase1-Login with valid data:"; var stepName = ""; //Inicijalizacija Chrome driver stepName = "1.Initialization Chrome driver"; IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); // Odlazak na stranicu stepName = "2.Navigate to login page"; driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(url); driver.Manage().Window.Maximize(); var wait = driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); //Kliknemo na dugme Prijavite se stepName = "3.Click on button Prijavite se"; driver.FindElement(By.XPath(btnPrijaviteSe)).Click(); Thread.Sleep(3000); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); //Unos teksta u polje username stepName = "5.Provide valid username"; driver.FindElement(By.Id(txtUsername)).SendKeys("*****@*****.**"); Thread.Sleep(2000); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); //Unos teksta u polje password stepName = "5.Provide valid password"; driver.FindElement(By.Id(txtPassword)).SendKeys("gorica87"); Thread.Sleep(2000); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); //Click on button Prijavite se stepName = "6.Click on button Prijavite se"; driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector(btn2PrijaviteSe)).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); LogTest.LogStep(methodName, stepName); //Provera ispravnosti testa try { var clickNalog = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector(mojNalog)); clickNalog.Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); var confirmLog = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector(txtNalog)); confirmLog.GetAttribute("Moj nalog"); if (confirmLog.Displayed) { LogTest.LogPassedTest(); } } catch (Exception) { LogTest.LogFailedTest(); } finally { //Logout driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector(logout)).Click(); Thread.Sleep(2000); //Kraj testa LogTest.LogEnd(); driver.Quit(); } }