Example #1
 public void submit2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //When you click submit in Form5
         CreditCard[] credit = new CreditCard[1]; //object pointer is created
         credit[0] = new CreditCard(this); //points object of CreditCard
         credit[0].name = this.name.Text; //sets data members to the text boxes values
         credit[0].ccNum = this.cc.Text;
         credit[0].sNum = this.csc.Text;
         credit[0].expDate = this.expdate.Text;
         //MessageBox will output information stored in CreditCard and not this form to show that values have been passed to the class
         DialogResult confirm = MessageBox.Show("Name: " + credit[0].name + "\nCredit Card Number: " + credit[0].ccNum + "\nCVV: " + credit[0].sNum + "\nExpiration Date: " + credit[0].expDate + "\n\n\nConfirm the above information correct?", "Confirm your Credit Card information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
         if (confirm == DialogResult.Yes) //Information confirmation, yes no
         { //if yes, executes command that sets status to sold
             cmd = new MySqlCommand("update listings set status='Sold' where address='" + test + "'", con);
             read = cmd.ExecuteReader();
             MessageBox.Show("Congratulations! You have purchased this property"); //prompts user that they have purchased the property
             read.Close(); //close the read
             cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT address FROM listings", con); //Sytax, select all "address" from "listings" which is the database
             read = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //executes the command
             objs.status.Text = "Sold";
Example #2
 //Repeats the same process for each Radio Button checked
 private void visa_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     CreditCard[] credit = new CreditCard[1];
     credit[0] = new Visa(this);
Example #3
 private void discovercard_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     CreditCard[] credit = new CreditCard[1];
     credit[0] = new DiscoverCard(this);
Example #4
 //if mastercard radiobutton is checked
 private void mastercard_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     CreditCard[] credit = new CreditCard[1]; //create pointer object of CreditCard
     credit[0] = new MasterCard(this); //pointer points to MasterCard (a derived class) and passes argument (this), which is this form
     credit[0].PrintCard(); //calls the class function, PrintCard
Example #5
 private void americanexpress_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     CreditCard[] credit = new CreditCard[1];
     credit[0] = new AmericanExpress(this);