private void commitAction(string userID, string password) { if (pageMode == PageFunctions.LogIn && SSOCheckBox.IsChecked == true && LoginFunctions.SingleSignon(userID)) { pageSuccess = true; } else if (!LoginFunctions.CheckPassword(userID, password)) { MessageFunctions.InvalidMessage("Incorrect existing username or password. Please check and try again.", "Incorrect Login"); } else if (pageMode == PageFunctions.LogIn) { LoginFunctions.AttemptLogin(userID, password); pageSuccess = true; } else if (pageMode == PageFunctions.PassChange) { bool success = LoginFunctions.ChangeLoginDetails(Globals.MyStaffID, userID, NewPassword.Password, ConfirmPassword.Password); if (success) { MessageFunctions.SuccessAlert("Your password has been changed successfully.", "Password Changed"); pageSuccess = true; } } }
private void completeAction() { if (pageSuccess) { LoginFunctions.CompleteLogIn(); } toggleWaitMessage(false); }
private void loadContent() { CapsLockLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; try { pageMode = PageFunctions.pageParameter(this, "Mode"); } catch (Exception generalException) { MessageFunctions.Error("Error retrieving query details", generalException); PageFunctions.ShowTilesPage(); } if (pageMode == PageFunctions.LogIn) { try { ssoID = LoginFunctions.SingleSignonID(); canSSO = (ssoID != ""); if (Globals.MyStaffID > 0) // already logged in, aiming to change login { PageHeader.Content = "Log In as a Different User"; if (canSSO && ssoID != Globals.MyUserID) { Welcome.Content = "Please use single sign-on or enter a UserID and password to change your login."; SSOCheckBox.IsChecked = true; } else { Welcome.Content = "Please enter a UserID and password to change your login."; SSOCheckBox.IsChecked = false; SSOCheckBox.IsEnabled = false; PasswordLabel.Visibility = Password.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } RightHeader.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } else if (canSSO) { SSOCheckBox.IsChecked = true; Welcome.Content = "Please log in via single sign-on, or un-check the 'Single Sign-on' option and enter a UserID and password."; MessageFunctions.InfoAlert("Please log in to the system.", "Welcome to ProjectTile"); } else { SSOCheckBox.IsEnabled = false; PasswordLabel.Visibility = Password.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; MessageFunctions.InfoAlert("Please enter your login credentials.", "Welcome to ProjectTile"); } } catch (Exception generalException) { MessageFunctions.Error("Error setting initial login view", generalException); } } else if (pageMode == PageFunctions.PassChange) { try { PasswordLabel.Visibility = Password.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; NewPassword.Visibility = NewPasswordLabel.Visibility = ConfirmPassword.Visibility = ConfirmLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; NewPasswordLabel.Margin = SSOLabel.Margin; NewPassword.Margin = SSOCheckBox.Margin; CommitButtonText.Text = "Change"; PageHeader.Content = "Change Your ProjectTile Password"; HeaderImage2.SetResourceReference(Image.SourceProperty, "PasswordIcon"); Welcome.Content = "Please enter your existing password, and your new password twice."; UserID.IsEnabled = false; UserID.Text = Globals.MyUserID; RightHeader.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; PleaseWaitLabel.Content = SSOLabel.Visibility = SSOCheckBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; if (LoginFunctions.HasSingleSignon(Globals.MyUserID)) { SSONote.Text = "Note that your account currently has Single Sign-on, which allows direct login (without entering a password) when logged into the " + "operating system as yourself, so a ProjectTile password is not normally required."; } } catch (Exception generalException) { MessageFunctions.Error("Error setting screen components", generalException); PageFunctions.ShowTilesPage(); } } }