/// <summary>
        /// Gets triggered before the request has been made
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objSession"></param>
        private void FiddlerApplication_BeforeRequest(Session objSession)


                String strContentType = String.Empty;
                String strRequestedParameters = String.Empty;

                //Get the flag whether its an allowable URL
                Website website = _snifferConfigHandler.GetWebsite(objSession.fullUrl);

                //Check whether a matching website was found
                _IsAllowedURL = website != null;

                //Sniff out only if this URL was in the list of websites
                if (_IsAllowedURL)
                    //Get the content type
                    strContentType = objSession.oRequest.headers["Accept"];

                    //If its not a capture onl only HTML requests or it has to be HTML only content

                    //Get the request headers
                    HTTPRequestHeaders objRequestHeaders = objSession.oRequest.headers;

                    //Construct the network data
                    NetworkData objNetworkData = new NetworkData
                        URLFullPath = objSession.fullUrl,
                        IsHTTPS = objSession.isHTTPS,
                        SentOn = objSession.Timers.ClientBeginRequest.ToString(),
                        Site = website

                    //Get the request body
                    String strRequestBody = objSession.GetRequestBodyAsString();

                    //If its a POST request
                    if (objRequestHeaders.HTTPMethod == "POST")
                        //Get the request parameters
                        strRequestedParameters = strRequestBody;
                    else if (objRequestHeaders.HTTPMethod == "GET")
                        String[] arrQueryString = objNetworkData.URLFullPath.Split(new Char[] { '?' });

                        if (arrQueryString.Length > 1)
                            strRequestedParameters = arrQueryString[1];

                    //TO DO: Capture only if the content has any PII data
                    if (objNetworkData.ContainsPII(_snifferConfigHandler.Person, strRequestedParameters))
                        //Update the capture to Mongo DB
                    //Uncomment this if tampering of response is required
                    //objSession.bBufferResponse = true;


            catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utility.Logger.Log("FiddlerApplication_BeforeRequest: " + ex.Message);
