Example #1
        // function to edit name
        public XElement EditName(XElement dbe, DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> > db)
            Console.Write("\n----------Edit Operation----------");
            Console.Write("\nediting the name of key==5");
            Console.WriteLine("\n name :Dogs is changed to Cats");
            bool result = db.editName <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(Int32.Parse((dbe.Element("key").Value)), "Cats");

            if (result == true)
                XElement t = new XElement("result", "\n  element edited successfully ");
                XElement f = new XElement("result", " failure ");
        void TestR4()
            "Demonstrating Requirement #4".title();
            WriteLine("\n Database before addition ");
            //Demonstrating addition of relationships
            bool ar1 = db.addRelations <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(1, 3);
            bool ar2 = db.addRelations <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(3, 0);

            WriteLine("\n \n addition of relationships  ");
            if (ar1 && ar2)
                WriteLine(" \n addition  Succesfull ");

            //Demonstrating removal of relationships
            WriteLine(" \n DataBase before removing relationships");
            bool remove1 = db.removeRelation <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(1, 2);
            bool remove2 = db.removeRelation <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(3, 1);

            WriteLine("\n DataBase contents after removal");
            if (remove1 && remove2)
                WriteLine("\n Removal Successful");

            //Demonstrating editing of metadata text
            WriteLine("\n DataBase before editing  metadata text ");

            bool editn1 = db2.editName <string, DBElement <string, List <string> >, List <string> >("2", "Edited name for second element");
            bool editn2 = db2.editDescr <string, DBElement <string, List <string> >, List <string> >("2", "New description for second element");

            WriteLine("\n \n DataBase after editing");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            "Testing ItemEditor Package".title('=');

            Write("\n --- Test DBElement<int,string> ---");

            // new database created to test the functionaity
            DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> > db = new DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> >();

            // new elements are created and inserted to the database
            DBElement <int, string> elem1 = new DBElement <int, string>("first element", "first element description");
            DBElement <int, string> elem2 = new DBElement <int, string>("second element", "second element description");
            DBElement <int, string> elem3 = new DBElement <int, string>("third element", "third element description");

            elem1.payload = "Payload of 1";
            elem1.children.AddRange(new List <int> {
                1, 2, 3

            elem2.payload = "Payload of 2";
            elem2.children.AddRange(new List <int> {
                11, 22, 33

            elem3.payload = "Payload of 3";
            elem3.children.AddRange(new List <int> {
                111, 222, 333

            // inserting elements to database
            db.insert(1, elem1);
            db.insert(2, elem2);
            db.insert(3, elem3);

            // testing  addition of relationships to elements
            Write("\n\n  Testing of addition of new relationships");
            bool addr1 = db.addRelations <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(1, 2);
            bool addr2 = db.addRelations <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(2, 3);
            bool addr3 = db.addRelations <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(3, 111);


            // testing  removing relationships to elements
            Write("\n\n  Testing of removal  of relations");
            bool remr1 = db.removeRelation <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(2, 11);
            bool remr2 = db.removeRelation <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(1, 3);

            if (remr1 && remr2)
                Write("\n \n Removal succeded");

            // Testing editing of text data
            Write("\n\n  Testing  of editing of text data");
            bool ed_name1 = db.editName <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(1, "renaming of element 1");
            bool ed_descr = db.editDescr <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(1, "editing description of element 1");
            bool ed_inst  = db.editInstance <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(1, "new instance for element 1");


            Write("\n\n --- Test DBElement<string,List<string>> ---");

            // creating elements to new database of type string,List of strings
            DBElement <string, List <string> > new_elem1 = new DBElement <string, List <string> >("new element 1", "Description of 1");
            DBElement <string, List <string> > new_elem2 = new DBElement <string, List <string> >("new element 2", "Description of 2");
            DBElement <string, List <string> > new_elem3 = new DBElement <string, List <string> >("new element 3", "Description of 3");
            //creating  new database
            DBEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > > new_db = new DBEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > >();

            new_elem1.payload = new List <string> {
                "First data in payload ", "Second data in payload", "Third data in payload"
            new_elem1.children.AddRange(new List <string> {
                "one", "two", "three"

            new_elem2.payload = new List <string> {
                "DP", "SMA", "OOD"
            new_elem2.children.AddRange(new List <string> {
                "four", "five", "six"

            new_elem3.payload = new List <string> {
                "CE", "CS", "EE"
            new_elem3.children.AddRange(new List <string> {
                "seven", "eight", "nine"

            // inserting elements to database
            new_db.insert("One", new_elem1);
            new_db.insert("Two", new_elem2);
            new_db.insert("Three", new_elem3);

            // testing  addition of relationships to elements
            Write("\n\n  testing addition of relationship ");
            bool add1 = new_db.addRelations <string, DBElement <string, List <string> >, List <string> >("One", "two");
            bool add2 = new_db.addRelations <string, DBElement <string, List <string> >, List <string> >("Two", "three");
            bool add3 = new_db.addRelations <string, DBElement <string, List <string> >, List <string> >("Three", "one");

            if (add1 && add2 && add3)
                Write("\n \n Adding relationship  successful.");

            // testing  removing relationships to elements
            Write("\n \n  Now going to test removing of relationships in DB-element: Element-One");
            bool rem1 = new_db.removeRelation <string, DBElement <string, List <string> >, List <string> >("One", "Nine");
            bool rem2 = new_db.removeRelation <string, DBElement <string, List <string> >, List <string> >("One", "two");

            if (rem1 && rem2)
                Write("\n \n Deleting of relationships succeeded ");

            // Testing   editing of text data
            Write("\n \n  Now going to test edition of name, description and replacing instance of payload with new instance in Element-One.");
            new_db.editName <string, DBElement <string, List <string> >, List <string> >("One", "Edited name for Element-One");
            new_db.editDescr <string, DBElement <string, List <string> >, List <string> >("One", "New description for Element-One");
            new_db.editInstance <string, DBElement <string, List <string> >, List <string> >("One", new List <string> {
                "New payload - String One", "New payload - String Two", "New payload - String Three"