Example #1
        internal static void CalcEncoderTargets()
            object HC = null;
            double targetRAEncoder   = 0;
            double targetDECEncoder  = 0;
            double currentRAEncoder  = 0;
            double currentDECEncoder = 0;

            eqmodvector.Coordt tmpcoord = new eqmodvector.Coordt();
            double             tRa      = 0;
            double             tha      = 0;
            double             tPier    = 0;

                EQMath.gSlewStatus = false;

                //stop the motors
                EQMath.eqres = UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.eqcontrl.EQ_MotorStop(2);
                //    eqres = EQ_MotorStop(0)
                //    eqres = EQ_MotorStop(1)

                //    'Wait for motor stop , Need to add timeout routines here
                //    Do
                //        eqres = EQ_GetMotorStatus(0)
                //        If (eqres = EQ_NOTINITIALIZED) Or (eqres = EQ_COMNOTOPEN) Or (eqres = EQ_COMTIMEOUT) Then GoTo SL01
                //    Loop While (eqres And EQ_MOTORBUSY) <> 0
                //    Do
                //        eqres = EQ_GetMotorStatus(1)
                //        If (eqres = EQ_NOTINITIALIZED) Or (eqres = EQ_COMNOTOPEN) Or (eqres = EQ_COMTIMEOUT) Then GoTo SL02
                //    Loop While (eqres And EQ_MOTORBUSY) <> 0

                // read current
                currentRAEncoder  = Common.EQGetMotorValues(0);
                currentDECEncoder = Common.EQGetMotorValues(1);

                tha = EQMath.RangeHA(gTargetRA - EQMath.EQnow_lst(EQMath.gLongitude * EQMath.DEG_RAD));
                if (tha < 0)
                    if (gCWUP)
                        if (EQMath.gHemisphere == 0)
                            tPier = 0;
                            tPier = 1;
                        tRa = gTargetRA;
                        if (EQMath.gHemisphere == 0)
                            tPier = 1;
                            tPier = 0;
                        tRa = EQMath.Range24(gTargetRA - 12);
                    if (gCWUP)
                        if (EQMath.gHemisphere == 0)
                            tPier = 1;
                            tPier = 0;
                        tRa = EQMath.Range24(gTargetRA - 12);
                        if (EQMath.gHemisphere == 0)
                            tPier = 0;
                            tPier = 1;
                        tRa = gTargetRA;

                //Compute for Target RA/DEC Encoder
                targetRAEncoder  = EQMath.Get_RAEncoderfromRA(tRa, 0, EQMath.gLongitude, EQMath.gRAEncoder_Zero_pos, EQMath.gTot_RA, EQMath.gHemisphere);
                targetDECEncoder = EQMath.Get_DECEncoderfromDEC(gTargetDec, tPier, EQMath.gDECEncoder_Zero_pos, EQMath.gTot_DEC, EQMath.gHemisphere);

                if (gCWUP)
                    //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Add_Message is not defined in type Variant. More Information: https://www.mobilize.net/vbtonet/ewis/ewi1067
                    HC.Add_Message("Goto: CW-UP slew requested");
                    // if RA limits are active
                    //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member ChkEnableLimits is not defined in type Variant. More Information: https://www.mobilize.net/vbtonet/ewis/ewi1067
                    if (Convert.ToDouble(HC.ChkEnableLimits.value) == 1 && EQMath.gRA_Limit_East != 0 && EQMath.gRA_Limit_West != 0)
                        // check that the target position is within limits
                        if (EQMath.gHemisphere == 0)
                            if (targetRAEncoder < EQMath.gRA_Limit_East || targetRAEncoder > EQMath.gRA_Limit_West)
                                // target position is outside limits
                                gCWUP = false;
                            if (targetRAEncoder > EQMath.gRA_Limit_East || targetRAEncoder < EQMath.gRA_Limit_West)
                                // target position is outside limits
                                gCWUP = false;

                        // if target position is outside limits
                        if (!gCWUP)
                            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Add_Message is not defined in type Variant. More Information: https://www.mobilize.net/vbtonet/ewis/ewi1067
                            HC.Add_Message("Goto: RA Limits prevent CW-UP slew");
                            //then abandon Counter Weights up Slew and recalculate for a standard slew.
                            if (tha < 0)
                                if (EQMath.gHemisphere == 0)
                                    tPier = 1;
                                    tPier = 0;
                                tRa = EQMath.Range24(gTargetRA - 12);
                                if (EQMath.gHemisphere == 0)
                                    tPier = 0;
                                    tPier = 1;
                                tRa = gTargetRA;
                            targetRAEncoder  = EQMath.Get_RAEncoderfromRA(tRa, 0, EQMath.gLongitude, EQMath.gRAEncoder_Zero_pos, EQMath.gTot_RA, EQMath.gHemisphere);
                            targetDECEncoder = EQMath.Get_DECEncoderfromDEC(gTargetDec, tPier, EQMath.gDECEncoder_Zero_pos, EQMath.gTot_DEC, EQMath.gHemisphere);

                if (!Alignment.gThreeStarEnable)
                    Alignment.gSelectStar = 0;
                    currentRAEncoder      = EQMath.Delta_RA_Map(currentRAEncoder);
                    currentDECEncoder     = EQMath.Delta_DEC_Map(currentDECEncoder);
                    // Transform target using model
                    switch (Common.gAlignmentMode)
                    case 2:
                        // n-star+nearest
                        tmpcoord = EQMath.DeltaSyncReverse_Matrix_Map(targetRAEncoder - EQMath.gRASync01, targetDECEncoder - EQMath.gDECSync01);

                    case 1:
                        // n-star
                        tmpcoord = EQMath.Delta_Matrix_Map(targetRAEncoder - EQMath.gRASync01, targetDECEncoder - EQMath.gDECSync01);

                        // nearest
                        tmpcoord = EQMath.Delta_Matrix_Map(targetRAEncoder - EQMath.gRASync01, targetDECEncoder - EQMath.gDECSync01);

                        if (tmpcoord.f == 0)
                            tmpcoord = EQMath.DeltaSyncReverse_Matrix_Map(targetRAEncoder - EQMath.gRASync01, targetDECEncoder - EQMath.gDECSync01);
                    targetRAEncoder  = tmpcoord.x;
                    targetDECEncoder = tmpcoord.Y;

                //Execute the actual slew
                gGotoParams.RA_targetencoder   = targetRAEncoder;
                gGotoParams.RA_currentencoder  = currentRAEncoder;
                gGotoParams.DEC_targetencoder  = targetDECEncoder;
                gGotoParams.DEC_currentencoder = currentDECEncoder;
                //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Add_Message is not defined in type Variant. More Information: https://www.mobilize.net/vbtonet/ewis/ewi1067
                HC.Add_Message("Goto: " + EQMath.FmtSexa(gTargetRA, false) + " " + EQMath.FmtSexa(gTargetDec, true));
                //    HC.Add_Message "Goto: RaEnc=" & CStr(currentRAEncoder) & " Target=" & CStr(targetRAEncoder)
                //    HC.Add_Message "Goto: DecEnc=" & CStr(currentDECEncoder) & " Target=" & CStr(targetDECEncoder)
Example #2
        //UPGRADE_NOTE: (2041) The following line was commented. More Information: https://www.mobilize.net/vbtonet/ewis/ewi2041
        //[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
        //extern public static int GetTickCount();

        private void EncoderTimer_Timer()
            eqmodvector.Coordt tmpcoord = new eqmodvector.Coordt();
            double             tRa      = 0;
            double             tAlt     = 0;
            double             tAz      = 0;
            object             tmpRa    = null;
            int tmpDec = 0;

            //Avoid overruns
            if (EncoderTimerFlag)
                EncoderTimerFlag = false;
                //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member CheckRASync is not defined in type HC. More Information: https://www.mobilize.net/vbtonet/ewis/ewi1067
                //Read true motor positions
                tmpRa  = Common.EQGetMotorValues(0);
                tmpDec = Common.EQGetMotorValues(1);

                EQMath.gEmulRA      = Convert.ToDouble(tmpRa);
                EQMath.gEmulDEC     = tmpDec;
                EQMath.gEmulRA_Init = EQMath.gEmulRA;
                EQMath.gLast_time   = EQMath.EQnow_lst_norange();
                EQMath.gEmulOneShot = false;

                if (!Alignment.gThreeStarEnable)
                    Alignment.gSelectStar = 0;
                    EQMath.gRA_Encoder    = EQMath.Delta_RA_Map(EQMath.gEmulRA);
                    EQMath.gDec_Encoder   = EQMath.Delta_DEC_Map(EQMath.gEmulDEC);
                    switch (Common.gAlignmentMode)
                    case 2:
                        tmpcoord            = EQMath.DeltaSync_Matrix_Map(EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC);
                        EQMath.gRA_Encoder  = tmpcoord.x;
                        EQMath.gDec_Encoder = tmpcoord.Y;


                    case 1:
                        tmpcoord            = EQMath.Delta_Matrix_Reverse_Map(EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC);
                        EQMath.gRA_Encoder  = tmpcoord.x;
                        EQMath.gDec_Encoder = tmpcoord.Y;


                        tmpcoord            = EQMath.Delta_Matrix_Reverse_Map(EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC);
                        EQMath.gRA_Encoder  = tmpcoord.x;
                        EQMath.gDec_Encoder = tmpcoord.Y;
                        if (tmpcoord.f == 0)
                            tmpcoord            = EQMath.DeltaSync_Matrix_Map(EQMath.gEmulRA, EQMath.gEmulDEC);
                            EQMath.gRA_Encoder  = tmpcoord.x;
                            EQMath.gDec_Encoder = tmpcoord.Y;


                //Convert RA_Encoder to Hours
                if ((EQMath.gRA_Encoder < 0x1000000))
                    EQMath.gRA_Hours = EQMath.Get_EncoderHours(EQMath.gRAEncoder_Zero_pos, EQMath.gRA_Encoder, EQMath.gTot_RA, EQMath.gHemisphere);

                //Convert DEC_Encoder to DEC Degrees
                EQMath.gDec_DegNoAdjust = EQMath.Get_EncoderDegrees(EQMath.gDECEncoder_Zero_pos, EQMath.gDec_Encoder, EQMath.gTot_DEC, EQMath.gHemisphere);
                if (EQMath.gDec_Encoder < 0x1000000)
                    EQMath.gDec_Degrees = EQMath.Range_DEC(EQMath.gDec_DegNoAdjust);

                tRa = EQMath.EQnow_lst(EQMath.gLongitude * EQMath.DEG_RAD) + EQMath.gRA_Hours;
                if (EQMath.gHemisphere == 0)
                    if ((EQMath.gDec_DegNoAdjust > 90) && (EQMath.gDec_DegNoAdjust <= 270))
                        tRa -= 12;
                    if ((EQMath.gDec_DegNoAdjust <= 90) || (EQMath.gDec_DegNoAdjust > 270))
                        tRa += 12;
                tRa = EQMath.Range24(tRa);

                //assign global RA / Dec
                EQMath.gRA  = tRa;
                EQMath.gDec = EQMath.gDec_Degrees;
                EQMath.gha  = tRa - EQMath.EQnow_lst(EQMath.gLongitude * EQMath.DEG_RAD);

                //calc alt/ az poition
                ((Array)hadec_aa).GetValue(Convert.ToInt32(EQMath.gLatitude * EQMath.DEG_RAD), Convert.ToInt32(EQMath.gha * EQMath.HRS_RAD), Convert.ToInt32(EQMath.gDec_Degrees * EQMath.DEG_RAD), Convert.ToInt32(tAlt), Convert.ToInt32(tAz));
                //asign global Alt / Az
                EQMath.gAlt = tAlt * EQMath.RAD_DEG;         // convert to degrees from Radians
                EQMath.gAz  = 360d - (tAz * EQMath.RAD_DEG); //  convert to degrees from Radians

                //Poll the Motor Status while slew is active
                if (EQMath.gSlewStatus)
                    EQMath.gRAStatus  = UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.eqcontrl.EQ_GetMotorStatus(0);
                    EQMath.gDECStatus = UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.SafeNative.eqcontrl.EQ_GetMotorStatus(1);
                    if (EQMath.gEQparkstatus == 0)

                //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Caption is not defined in type Variant. More Information: https://www.mobilize.net/vbtonet/ewis/ewi1067
                AlignmentCountLbl.Caption = Alignment.gAlignmentStars_count.ToString();

                    limit management


                EncoderTimerFlag = true;