private void buildIntervalNode(int id, progressInterval p, int size, ref Rect r)

            if (popup)
                GUILayout.Label(p.Descriptor, contractSkins.progressBodyTitleBehind, GUILayout.MaxWidth(160 + size * 30));
                if (GUILayout.Button(p.Descriptor, contractSkins.progressBodyTitle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(160 + size * 30)))
                    p.ShowRecords = !p.ShowRecords;

            if (p.ShowRecords)
                for (int i = 1; i < p.Interval; i++)
                    GUILayout.Label(p.Descriptor + " Record " + i.ToString() + ": " + p.getRecord(i).ToString(), contractSkins.progressNodeTitle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(165 + size * 30));

                    r = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();

                    //Only draw the rewards if they are visible in the window
                    if (r.yMin >= (scroll.y - 20) && r.yMax <= (scroll.y + WindowRect.height - (20 + size * 6)))
                        Rect rewardsRect = r;
                        rewardsRect.x = 180 + (size * 30);
                        rewardsRect.y += (2 + (size * 2));

                        scaledContent(ref rewardsRect, p.getFundsString(i), "", Currency.Funds, size, true, false);

                        scaledContent(ref rewardsRect, p.getScienceString(i), "", Currency.Science, size, true, false);

                        scaledContent(ref rewardsRect, p.getRepString(i), "", Currency.Reputation, size, true, false);
Example #2
        private void drawIntervalRecords(progressInterval p, int index)
            GUILayout.Label(string.Format(p.Descriptor + " Record {0}: {1}", index, p.getRecord(index)), CapComSkins.parameterText);

            GUILayout.Label("Rewards: ", CapComSkins.headerText, GUILayout.Width(80));

            sizedContent(p.getFundsString(index), p.getScienceString(index), p.getRepString(index), TransactionReasons.ContractReward);