void CheckForBoundaryHop(NSSet touches)
            long id = touches.Handle.ToInt64();

            // TODO: Might require converting to a List for multiple hits
            TouchRecognizer_Touch recognizerHit = null;

            foreach (UIView view in _viewDictionary.Keys)
                var locations = touches.Cast <UITouch>().Select(touch => touch.LocationInView(view));
                if (locations.Any(location => IsInView(view, location)))
                    recognizerHit = _viewDictionary[view];

            if (!ReferenceEquals(recognizerHit, _idToTouchDictionary[id]))
                if (_idToTouchDictionary[id] != null)
                    RaiseEvent(_idToTouchDictionary[id], id, TouchState.Exited, touches, true);

                if (recognizerHit != null)
                    RaiseEvent(recognizerHit, id, TouchState.Entered, touches, true);

                _idToTouchDictionary[id] = recognizerHit;
        private static void RaiseEvent(TouchRecognizer_Touch recognizer, long id, TouchState actionType, NSSet touches, bool isInContact)
            var formsPoints = touches.Cast <UITouch>()
                              .Select(touch => touch.LocationInView(recognizer.View))
                              .Select(cgPoint => new TouchPoint(cgPoint.ToPoint(), IsInView(recognizer.View, cgPoint)))

            // Get the method to call for firing events
            // note: this would live on the VisualElement and not in an effect :)
            var effect = recognizer._formsView.Effects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Is <TouchEffect>()) as TouchEffect;

            effect?.SendTouched(recognizer._formsView, new TouchEventArgs(actionType, formsPoints, id, isInContact));
Example #3
        protected override void OnAttached()
            if (!Element.Is(out _formsElement))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can only attach Touch Effects to Views");

            _uiGestureRecognizer = new TouchRecognizer_Touch(_formsElement, UiView);

            UiView.UserInteractionEnabled = true;

            // none of this has to do with Forms GestureRecognizers
            if (!(UiView.GestureRecognizers is null) && UiView.GestureRecognizers.Contains(_uiGestureRecognizer))
