private static void CreateOutputMeasurementsWhereNull(AdoDataConnection database, string nodeIDQueryString, Action <string> statusMessage)
            statusMessage("Checking for calculations with null output measurements...");

            string query =
                $"SELECT " +
                $"    pc.ID, " +
                $"    pc.CircuitDescription, " +
                $"    pc.ActivePowerOutputSignalID, " +
                $"    pc.ApparentPowerOutputSignalID, " +
                $"    pc.ReactivePowerOutputSignalID, " +
                $"    v.Acronym AS VendorAcronym, " +
                $"    d.Acronym AS DeviceAcronym, " +
                $"    c.Acronym AS CompanyAcronym, " +
                $" AS DeviceID, " +
                $"    vm.HistorianID AS HistorianID, " +
                $"    p.Label AS CurrentLabel " +
                $"FROM " +
                $"    PowerCalculation pc JOIN " +
                $"    Measurement vm ON vm.SignalID = pc.VoltageAngleSignalID JOIN " +
                $"    Measurement im ON im.SignalID = pc.CurrentAngleSignalID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Phasor p ON im.DeviceID = p.DeviceID AND im.PhasorSourceIndex = p.SourceIndex LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Device d ON vm.DeviceID = d.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    VendorDevice vd ON vd.ID = d.VendorDeviceID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Vendor v ON vd.VendorID = v.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Company c ON d.CompanyID = c.ID " +
                $"WHERE " +
                $"    pc.Enabled <> 0 AND " +
                $"    pc.NodeID = {nodeIDQueryString} AND " +
                $"    ( " +
                $"        pc.ActivePowerOutputSignalID IS NULL OR " +
                $"        pc.ReactivePowerOutputSignalID IS NULL OR " +
                $"        pc.ApparentPowerOutputSignalID IS NULL " +
                $"    )";

            Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement> activePowerUpdates   = new Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement>();
            Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement> reactivePowerUpdates = new Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement>();
            Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement> apparentPowerUpdates = new Dictionary <int, PowerMeasurement>();

            using (IDbCommand cmd = database.Connection.CreateCommand())
                cmd.CommandText = query;
                using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (rdr.Read())
                        int    powerCalculationID = rdr.GetInt32(0);
                        string companyAcronym     = rdr.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : rdr.GetString(7);
                        string vendorAcronym      = rdr.IsDBNull(5) ? "" : rdr.GetString(5);
                        string signalTypeAcronym  = "CALC";
                        string circuitDescription = rdr.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : rdr.GetString(1);
                        int    deviceID           = rdr.GetInt32(8);
                        int?   historianID        = rdr.IsDBNull(9) ? null : (int?)rdr.GetInt32(9);

                        // Remove any settings defined in circuit description
                        int semicolonIndex = circuitDescription.IndexOf(';');

                        if (semicolonIndex > -1)
                            circuitDescription = circuitDescription.Substring(0, semicolonIndex);

                        if (rdr.IsDBNull(2)) // Real - MW
                            // create active power output measurement
                            PowerMeasurement measurement = CreateMeasurement(companyAcronym, circuitDescription + "-MW", vendorAcronym, signalTypeAcronym, circuitDescription, deviceID, historianID, "Active Power Calculation");
                            activePowerUpdates.Add(powerCalculationID, measurement);

                        if (rdr.IsDBNull(3)) // Apparent - MVA
                            // create apparent power output measurement
                            PowerMeasurement measurement = CreateMeasurement(companyAcronym, circuitDescription + "-MVA", vendorAcronym, signalTypeAcronym, circuitDescription, deviceID, historianID, "Apparent Power Calculation");
                            apparentPowerUpdates.Add(powerCalculationID, measurement);

                        if (rdr.IsDBNull(4)) // Reactive - MVAR
                            //create reactive power output measurement
                            PowerMeasurement measurement = CreateMeasurement(companyAcronym, circuitDescription + "-MVAR", vendorAcronym, signalTypeAcronym, circuitDescription, deviceID, historianID, "Reactive Power Calculation");
                            reactivePowerUpdates.Add(powerCalculationID, measurement);

            int newMeasurementsCount = activePowerUpdates.Count + reactivePowerUpdates.Count + apparentPowerUpdates.Count;

            if (newMeasurementsCount > 0)
                MeasurementRepository repo = new MeasurementRepository();

                statusMessage($"Creating {newMeasurementsCount} new output measurements for power calculation...");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PowerMeasurement> update in activePowerUpdates)
                    repo.Save(database, update.Value);
                    UpdatePowerCalculation(database, update.Key, activePowerOutputSignalID: update.Value.SignalID);

                statusMessage("Successfully created new active power calculations.");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PowerMeasurement> update in reactivePowerUpdates)
                    repo.Save(database, update.Value);
                    UpdatePowerCalculation(database, update.Key, reactivePowerOutputSignalID: update.Value.SignalID);

                statusMessage("Successfully created new reactive power calculations.");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PowerMeasurement> update in apparentPowerUpdates)
                    repo.Save(database, update.Value);
                    UpdatePowerCalculation(database, update.Key, apparentPowerOutputSignalID: update.Value.SignalID);

                statusMessage("Successfully created new apparent power calculations.");

                statusMessage("Completed creation of new measurements for null output measurements on power calculations.");
        private static void CreateOutputMeasurementsWhereNull(AdoDataConnection database, string nodeIDQueryString, Action<string> statusMessage)
            statusMessage("Checking for calculations with null output measurements...");

            string query =
                $"SELECT " +
                $"    pc.ID, " +
                $"    pc.CircuitDescription, " +
                $"    pc.ActivePowerOutputSignalID, " +
                $"    pc.ApparentPowerOutputSignalID, " +
                $"    pc.ReactivePowerOutputSignalID, " +
                $"    v.Acronym AS vendoracronym, " +
                $"    d.Acronym AS deviceacronym, " +
                $"    c.Acronym AS companyacronym, " +
                $" AS deviceid, " +
                $"    d.historianid AS historianid, " +
                $"    p.Label AS currentLabel " +
                $"FROM " +
                $"    PowerCalculation pc JOIN " +
                $"    Measurement vm ON vm.SignalID = pc.voltageanglesignalid JOIN " +
                $"    Measurement im ON im.SignalID = pc.CurrentAngleSignalID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Phasor p ON im.DeviceID = p.DeviceID AND im.PhasorSourceIndex = p.SourceIndex LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Device d ON vm.deviceid = LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    VendorDevice vd ON = d.VendorDeviceID LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Vendor v ON vd.VendorID = LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                $"    Company c ON d.CompanyID = " +
                $"WHERE " +
                $"    pc.Enabled = 1 AND " +
                $"    pc.nodeid = {nodeIDQueryString} AND " +
                $"    ( " +
                $"        pc.ActivePowerOutputSignalID IS NULL OR " +
                $"        pc.ReactivePowerOutputSignalID IS NULL OR " +
                $"        pc.ApparentPowerOutputSignalID IS NULL " +
                $"    )";

            Dictionary<int, PowerMeasurement> activePowerUpdates = new Dictionary<int, PowerMeasurement>();
            Dictionary<int, PowerMeasurement> reactivePowerUpdates = new Dictionary<int, PowerMeasurement>();
            Dictionary<int, PowerMeasurement> apparentPowerUpdates = new Dictionary<int, PowerMeasurement>();

            using (IDbCommand cmd = database.Connection.CreateCommand())
                cmd.CommandText = query;
                using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (rdr.Read())
                        int powerCalculationID = rdr.GetInt32(0);
                        string companyAcronym = rdr.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : rdr.GetString(7);
                        string vendorAcronym = rdr.IsDBNull(5) ? "" : rdr.GetString(5);
                        string signalTypeAcronym = "CALC";
                        string circuitDescription = rdr.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : rdr.GetString(1);
                        int deviceID = rdr.GetInt32(8);
                        int? historianID = rdr.IsDBNull(9) ? null : (int?)rdr.GetInt32(9);

                        if (rdr.IsDBNull(2)) // Real - MW
                            // create active power output measurement
                            PowerMeasurement measurement = CreateMeasurement(companyAcronym, circuitDescription + "-MW", vendorAcronym, signalTypeAcronym, circuitDescription, deviceID, historianID, "Active Power Calculation");
                            activePowerUpdates.Add(powerCalculationID, measurement);

                        if (rdr.IsDBNull(3)) // Apparent - MVA
                            // create apparent power output measurement
                            PowerMeasurement measurement = CreateMeasurement(companyAcronym, circuitDescription + "-MVA", vendorAcronym, signalTypeAcronym, circuitDescription, deviceID, historianID, "Apparent Power Calculation");
                            apparentPowerUpdates.Add(powerCalculationID, measurement);

                        if (rdr.IsDBNull(4)) // Reactive - MVAR
                            //create reactive power output measurement
                            PowerMeasurement measurement = CreateMeasurement(companyAcronym, circuitDescription + "-MVAR", vendorAcronym, signalTypeAcronym, circuitDescription, deviceID, historianID, "Reactive Power Calculation");
                            reactivePowerUpdates.Add(powerCalculationID, measurement);

            int newMeasurementsCount = activePowerUpdates.Count + reactivePowerUpdates.Count + apparentPowerUpdates.Count;

            if (newMeasurementsCount > 0)
                MeasurementRepository repo = new MeasurementRepository();

                statusMessage($"Creating {newMeasurementsCount} new output measurements for power calculation...");

                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, PowerMeasurement> update in activePowerUpdates)
                    repo.Save(database, update.Value);
                    UpdatePowerCalculation(database, update.Key, activePowerOutputSignalID: update.Value.SignalID);

                statusMessage("Successfully created new active power calculations.");

                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, PowerMeasurement> update in reactivePowerUpdates)
                    repo.Save(database, update.Value);
                    UpdatePowerCalculation(database, update.Key, reactivePowerOutputSignalID: update.Value.SignalID);

                statusMessage("Successfully created new reactive power calculations.");

                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, PowerMeasurement> update in apparentPowerUpdates)
                    repo.Save(database, update.Value);
                    UpdatePowerCalculation(database, update.Key, apparentPowerOutputSignalID: update.Value.SignalID);

                statusMessage("Successfully created new apparent power calculations.");

                statusMessage("Completed creation of new measurements for null output measurements on power calculations.");