Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called when the game should draw itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>
        protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            // change background color


            switch (currentState)
            case GameStates.Menu:
                //MAIN MENU
                DrawCenteredString(cms, "PONG", new Vector2(450, 200), Color.White);

                //Main menu text
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Press [Space] to start", new Vector2(450, 340), Color.White);
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "or press [S] to go to settings", new Vector2(450, 370), Color.White);
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Controls are {W,S} and {ArrowUp, ArrowDown} for the players", new Vector2(450, 400), Color.Gray);


            case GameStates.GameOver:
                //GAME OVER
                DrawCenteredString(cms, "PONG", new Vector2(450, 200), Color.White);

                //resulting text
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Game over, " + (player_turn ? "Red" : "Blue") + " wins!", new Vector2(450, 340), Color.White);

                //Help text
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Press [Enter] to return to the menu", new Vector2(450, 400), Color.Gray);
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "or press [Space] to play again", new Vector2(450, 430), Color.Gray);

            case GameStates.Settings:
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Settings", new Vector2(450, 60), Color.Gray);

                DrawCenteredString(arial, "______________", new Vector2(450, 100 + 40 * (int)selectedSetting), Color.Gray);

                //The settings
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Paddle speed <" + st.paddle_speed + ">", new Vector2(450, 100), Color.White);
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Speed multiplier on bounce <" + st.bounce_increase + ">", new Vector2(450, 140), Color.White);
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Starting speed of ball <" + st.ball_defaultspeed + ">", new Vector2(450, 180), Color.White);
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Amount of lives <" + st.lives + ">", new Vector2(450, 220), Color.White);

                //Help text
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Use [Arrow keys] to change the values", new Vector2(450, 460), Color.Gray);
                DrawCenteredString(arial, "Press [Enter] to return to the menu", new Vector2(450, 500), Color.Gray);


            case GameStates.Game:
                //GAME IS RUNNING
                //draw middle_line
                spriteBatch.Draw(single_pixel, new Rectangle(450, 0, 1, 600), Color.DarkGray);

                //draw ball and players
                spriteBatch.Draw(ball.GetImage(), new Rectangle((int)ball.GetPosition().X, (int)ball.GetPosition().Y, ball.Width, ball.Height), ball.GetColor());
                spriteBatch.Draw(redPlayer.GetImage(), new Rectangle((int)redPlayer.GetPosition().X, (int)redPlayer.GetPosition().Y, redPlayer.Width, redPlayer.Height), redPlayer.GetColor());
                spriteBatch.Draw(bluePlayer.GetImage(), new Rectangle((int)bluePlayer.GetPosition().X, (int)bluePlayer.GetPosition().Y, bluePlayer.Width, bluePlayer.Height), bluePlayer.GetColor());

                //drawing red player's lives
                for (int i = 0; i < redPlayer.GetLives(); i++)
                    //make sure we dont overflow on the paddle, and instead just draw the remaining lives on the top of the screen
                    if (i < 3)
                        spriteBatch.Draw(single_pixel, new Rectangle(4, (int)redPlayer.GetPosition().Y + 31 + i * 12, 8, 8), redPlayer.GetColor());
                        spriteBatch.Draw(single_pixel, new Rectangle(20 + i * 12, 4, 8, 8), redPlayer.GetColor());

                //drawing blue player's lives
                for (int i = 0; i < bluePlayer.GetLives(); i++)
                    //make sure we dont overflow on the paddle, and instead just draw the remaining lives on the top of the screen
                    if (i < 3)
                        spriteBatch.Draw(single_pixel, new Rectangle((int)900 - bluePlayer.Width + 4, (int)bluePlayer.GetPosition().Y + 31 + i * 12, 8, 8), bluePlayer.GetColor());
                        spriteBatch.Draw(single_pixel, new Rectangle(868 - i * 12, 4, 8, 8), bluePlayer.GetColor());

                //create an indication where the ball will move if the game hasn't started yet
                if (!has_moved)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                        Vector2 nextpos = Vector2.Add(ball.GetPosition(), Vector2.Multiply(ball.GetSpeed(), (float)st.ball_defaultspeed * st.bounce_speed * i * 5));
                        spriteBatch.Draw(ball.GetImage(), new Rectangle((int)nextpos.X + ball.Width / 2, (int)nextpos.Y + ball.Height / 2, ball.Width / 3, ball.Height / 3), ball.GetColor());
