Example #1
        public void CalculateWeights(Point clickPoint)
            List <Double> clickDistances = this.GetClickDistanceList(this.polygon.Points, clickPoint);

            if (this.polygon.Points.Count == 2) //line
                double max = CustomPolygon.GetDistance(this.polygon.Points[0], this.polygon.Points[1]);
                Debug.WriteLine("max distance:{0}", max);
                weights = this.NormalizeWeightsTwoSide(clickDistances, max);
                List <Double> extendedDistances   = this.GetExtendedDistanceList(this.polygon.Points, clickPoint);
                List <Double> unnormalizedWeights = this.GetUnnormalizedWeights(extendedDistances, clickDistances);

                // Need to include this because line thickness of the polygon causes it to "bleed outwards" from the polygon's points
                if (CustomPolygon.ContainsNegative(unnormalizedWeights))
                    Console.WriteLine("Out of bounds of the polygon");
                    weights = this.NormalizeWeights(unnormalizedWeights);
                    weights = this.NormalizeWeights(unnormalizedWeights);
Example #2
        public static bool IsVertical(Point p1, Point p2)
            bool   isVertical = false;
            double slope      = CustomPolygon.GetSlope(p1, p2);

            if (slope == 1e+10)
                isVertical = true;
Example #3
        public MainWindow()
            //default initialization in case of null exeption
            this.polygon       = new Polygon();
            this.customPolygon = new CustomPolygon(polygon, new Point(1, 1));
            this.customPolygon.polygon.Points = new PointCollection();
            this.customPolygon.polygon.Points.Add(new Point(1, 1));

            this.MouseMove += this.onMouseMove;
Example #4
        private List <Double> GetClickDistanceList(PointCollection points, Point clickPoint)
            List <Double> distances = points.Aggregate(
                new List <Double>(),
                (acc, p) =>
                acc.Add(CustomPolygon.GetDistance(p, clickPoint));

Example #5
        public static Point?GetIntersectionPoint(Line l1, Line l2)
            Point  intersectionPoint = new Point();
            Point  l1p1    = new Point(l1.X1, l1.Y1);
            Point  l1p2    = new Point(l1.X2, l1.Y2);
            Point  l2p1    = new Point(l2.X1, l2.Y1);
            Point  l2p2    = new Point(l2.X2, l2.Y2);
            double l1Slope = CustomPolygon.GetSlope(l1p1, l1p2);
            double l2Slope = CustomPolygon.GetSlope(l2p1, l2p2);

            // if parallel
            if (l1Slope == l2Slope)

            // if either one is vertical (but not both because we would have returned null already)
            else if (CustomPolygon.IsVertical(new Point(l1.X1, l1.Y1), new Point(l1.X2, l1.Y2)))
                Debug.WriteLine("L1 vertical");
                intersectionPoint.X = l1p1.X;
                Point  l2Point = l2p1;
                double b       = l2p1.Y - (l2Slope * l2p1.X);              //  (p1.Y - (slope * p1.X));
                intersectionPoint.Y = (intersectionPoint.X * l2Slope) + b; // y=ax +b

            else if (CustomPolygon.IsVertical(new Point(l2.X1, l2.Y1), new Point(l2.X2, l2.Y2)))
                Debug.WriteLine("L2 vertical");
                intersectionPoint.X = l2p1.X;
                Point  l1Point = l1p1;
                double b       = l1p1.Y - (l1Slope * l1p1.X);
                intersectionPoint.Y = (intersectionPoint.X * l1Slope) + b;

                Point  l1Point = l1p1;
                Point  l2Point = l2p1;
                double a1      = l1Point.Y - l1Slope * l1Point.X;
                double a2      = l2Point.Y - l2Slope * l2Point.X;
                intersectionPoint.X = (a1 - a2) / (l2Slope - l1Slope);
                intersectionPoint.Y = a2 + l2Slope * intersectionPoint.X;
            Debug.WriteLine("Intersection point: {0}", intersectionPoint);
Example #6
        public static bool IsPointInLine(Point point3, Line line)
            Point point1 = new Point(line.X1, line.Y1);
            Point point2 = new Point(line.X2, line.Y2);
            // we use sqrt here because getDistance does not actually sqrt
            double p1p2 = CustomPolygon.GetDistance(point1, point2);
            double p1p3 = CustomPolygon.GetDistance(point1, point3);
            double p2p3 = CustomPolygon.GetDistance(point2, point3);

            if (p1p2 == (p1p3 + p2p3))
Example #7
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int sides  = (int)nSides.Value;
            int radius = (int)nRadius.Value;
            int angle  = (int)nAngle.Value;

            //Clear canvas

            //Drawing center point
            Point center = new Point(polygonCanvas.ActualWidth / 2, polygonCanvas.ActualHeight / 2);

            this.customPolygon = new CustomPolygon(this.polygon, center);

            //Drawing the polygon
            polygonCanvas.Children.Add(customPolygon.DrawRegularPolygon(sides, radius, angle, center));

            //Draw labels near polygon points
Example #8
        public Point ClosestPointFromPointToPolygon(CustomPolygon customPolygon, Point point)
            if (customPolygon.GetPolygonVertices().Count == 2)  // horizontal line
                double minX = customPolygon.polygon.Points[0].X;
                double maxX = customPolygon.polygon.Points[0].X;
                for (int i = 1; i < customPolygon.polygon.Points.Count; i++)
                    Point q = customPolygon.polygon.Points[i];
                    minX = Math.Min(q.X, minX);
                    maxX = Math.Max(q.X, maxX);
                if (point.X < minX)
                    point.X = minX;
                if (point.X > maxX)
                    point.X = maxX;
                point.Y = customPolygon.center.Y;
            else  // n > 2
                // list of lines in polygon
                List <Line> polygonLines = customPolygon.GetPolygonLines();
                Point?      minPoint     = null;
                double      minDist      = double.MaxValue;

                // for each line in polygon, find the perpendicular line from point
                foreach (var line in polygonLines)
                    Point p1 = new Point(line.X1, line.Y1);
                    Point p2 = new Point(line.X2, line.Y2);
                    // calculate slopes
                    double slope     = CustomPolygon.GetSlope(p1, p2);
                    double perpSlope = CustomPolygon.GetPerpendicularSlope(slope);
                    Debug.WriteLine("slope:{0}  perp:{1}", slope, perpSlope);

                    // perpendicular line from point
                    Line perpLine = CustomPolygon.GetPerpLine(point, perpSlope);

                    // find intersection point
                    Point?intersectionPoint = CustomPolygon.GetIntersectionPoint(line, perpLine);

                    if (intersectionPoint.HasValue)
                        //get distance from point
                        double dist = CustomPolygon.GetDistance(intersectionPoint.Value, point);
                        Debug.WriteLine("dist: {0}", dist);
                        // does this line intersect the polygon line
                        // is the intersection point and the point a min distance
                        if (CustomPolygon.IsPointInLine(intersectionPoint.Value, line) && dist < minDist)
                            minDist  = dist;
                            minPoint = intersectionPoint;
                        throw new Exception("Intersection Point is null even though it should have a coordinate");

                // If there is no minpoint we calculate the closest distance from the point to the polygon corners
                if (!minPoint.HasValue)
                    minDist = double.MaxValue;
                    PointCollection points = customPolygon.polygon.Points;
                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                        double dist = CustomPolygon.GetDistance(points[i], point);
                        if (dist < minDist)
                            minDist  = dist;
                            minPoint = points[i];

                point = minPoint.Value;

Example #9
        private List <Double> GetExtendedDistanceList(PointCollection points, Point clickPoint)
            List <Double> extendedDistances = new List <Double>();
            const double  offset            = 0.01;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                Point objectivePoint = points[i];

                // get the line from objective point to the clickpoint
                Line clickLine = new Line();
                clickLine.X1 = objectivePoint.X;
                clickLine.X2 = clickPoint.X;
                clickLine.Y1 = objectivePoint.Y;
                clickLine.Y2 = clickPoint.Y;

                Point?intersectionPoint = null;

                // we cycle through the polygon points 2 at a time, finding the polygon line
                // that intersects with the extended clickLine
                for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
                    Point currentPoint = points[j];
                    Point nextPoint;

                    if ((j + 1) < points.Count)
                        nextPoint = points[j + 1];
                        // if the point is the last point, we cycle back to get the point in the 0th index
                        nextPoint = points[0];

                    Line polygonLine = new Line();
                    polygonLine.X1 = currentPoint.X;
                    polygonLine.X2 = nextPoint.X;
                    polygonLine.Y1 = currentPoint.Y;
                    polygonLine.Y2 = nextPoint.Y;

                    intersectionPoint = CustomPolygon.GetIntersectionPoint(clickLine, polygonLine);

                    // Make sure the intersection point calculated is not the objectivePoint
                    if (intersectionPoint.HasValue &&
                        // this part is trick af because it is floating point calculation. Need some offset
                        (!CustomPolygon.FloatsAreEqual(objectivePoint.X, intersectionPoint.Value.X, offset) ||
                         !CustomPolygon.FloatsAreEqual(objectivePoint.Y, intersectionPoint.Value.Y, offset))
                        CustomPolygon.IsPointInLine(intersectionPoint.Value, polygonLine))
                        // if we have discovered the point we break out of the for loop
                        Console.WriteLine("the valid intersection point is ({0}, {1})", intersectionPoint.Value.X, intersectionPoint.Value.Y);

                // Get distance between the polygon corner and the intersecting coordinate
                if (intersectionPoint.HasValue)
                    double extendedDistance = CustomPolygon.GetDistance(intersectionPoint.Value, objectivePoint);
                //    // I should be getting some kind of intersection here if not
                //    throw new Exception("Intersection Point is null even though it should have a coordinate");
