Example #1
        private ProbabilityViewModel GetChancesOnFlop(MyHand myHand)
            //pc.roundText.text = "CHANCES ON THE FLOP";
            List <int> myPocketRanks = myHand.GetPocketCardRanksHighToLow();

            //just the suits of the pocket hand
            List <string> myPocketSuits  = myHand.GetPocketSuits();
            bool          cardsAreSuited = myHand.PocketCardsAreSuited();

            var cardsForPair   = new double();
            var cardsForTriple = new double();

            var chanceHighCard      = new double();
            var chancePair          = new double();
            var chanceTwoPair       = new double();
            var chanceThreeKind     = new double();
            var chanceStraight      = new double();
            var chanceFlush         = new double();
            var chanceFullHouse     = new double();
            var chanceFourKind      = new double();
            var chanceStraightFlush = new double();
            var chanceRoyalFlush    = new double();

            double rank = myHand.GetRank();

            if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.HIGH_CARD))
                //3 cards could pair with first pocket card and 3 with the second
                cardsForPair = 6;

                //				chanceHighCard = 1;

                //flop0 pairs, flop1 doesnt, flop2 doesnt
                //6/50 * 44/49 * (43-3)/48. The 3 represents the number of ranks left matching flop1
                chancePair = cardsForPair / CardsLeft * ((CardsLeft - 1) - (cardsForPair - 1)) / (CardsLeft - 1) * ((CardsLeft - 2) - (cardsForPair - 1) - 3) / (CardsLeft - 2) * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE;

                //TWO PAIR SECTION --------------------------------------------------------

                //chance of first card pairing with a pocket card, 2nd card not pairing, 3rd card pairing with 2nd card
                //6/50 * 44/49 * 3/48
                double chanceTwoPairComm = 6d / CardsLeft * 44d / (CardsLeft - 1) * 3d / (CardsLeft - 2) * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE;

                //chance of first card pairing with a pocket card, 2nd card pairing with other pocket card, 3rd card not pairing
                //6/50 * 3/49 * 44/48
                chanceTwoPair = cardsForPair / CardsLeft * 3d / (CardsLeft - 1) * ((CardsLeft - 2) - (cardsForPair - 2)) / (CardsLeft - 2) * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE + chanceTwoPairComm;

                //chance of all 3 comm cards same rank (not same as either pocket card)
                //(50-6)/50 * 3/49 * 2/48
                double chanceThreeKindComm = (CardsLeft - cardsForPair) / CardsLeft * 3d / (CardsLeft - 1) * 2d / (CardsLeft - 2);

                //chance flop0 pairing, flop1 pairing with flop0, flop3 not pairing
                //6/50 * 2/49 * 44/48 * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE + chanceThreeKindComm
                chanceThreeKind = cardsForPair / CardsLeft * 2d / (CardsLeft - 1) * ((CardsLeft - 2) - (cardsForPair - 2)) / (CardsLeft - 2) * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE + chanceThreeKindComm;

                //STRAIGHT AND STRAIGHT FLUSH POSSIBILITY --------------------------------------------

                //for possible straight on flop,
                //cards must have an Ace and 2,3,4 or 5 (Ace low straight), or cards must be less than 5 ranks different
                bool hasAce             = myPocketRanks[0] == 14;
                bool possAceLowStraight = hasAce && myPocketRanks[1] <= 5;
                bool possNormalStraight = myPocketRanks[0] - myPocketRanks[1] < 5;
                if (possAceLowStraight || possNormalStraight)
                    //STRAIGHT IS POSSIBLE ON FLOP

                    //number of card ranks per each suit
                    double ranksPerSuit = 4d;

                    //IF RANKS ARE < 4 APART AND THERE IS NO ACE, the first card has 8 possibilities
                    //(ie if pocket cards are 2 and 5, first card can be Ace or 6)
                    if (myPocketRanks[0] - myPocketRanks[1] < 4 && !hasAce)
                        //8d / 50d * 4d / 49d * 4d / 48d * 3d*2d;
                        chanceStraight = 2d * ranksPerSuit / CardsLeft * ranksPerSuit / (CardsLeft - 1) * ranksPerSuit / (CardsLeft - 2) * 3d * 2d;
                        //ranks are at the ends of the straight so there is only one possible straight
                        //since they are all different ranks, there are 3! (3*2) different orders for them to be dealt
                        //4d / 50d * 4d / 49d * 4d / 48d * 3d*2d;
                        chanceStraight = ranksPerSuit / CardsLeft * ranksPerSuit / (CardsLeft - 1) * ranksPerSuit / (CardsLeft - 2) * 3d * 2d;

                    //if cards are suited, there's a chance of straight flush on flop
                    if (cardsAreSuited)
                        //straight flush is also possible on flop
                        //1d / 50d * 1d / 49d * 1d / 48d * 3d * 2d;
                        chanceStraightFlush = 1d / CardsLeft * 1d / (CardsLeft - 1) * 1d / (CardsLeft - 2) * 3d * 2d;

                        //Royal flush chance
                        bool bothRankedAtLeastTen = myPocketRanks[0] >= 10 && myPocketRanks[1] >= 10;
                        if (bothRankedAtLeastTen)
                            chanceRoyalFlush = chanceStraightFlush;
                { //cards are not within 5 ranks so no possibility of straight
                    Debug.WriteLine("straight is not possible on flop");
                    chanceStraight      = 0;
                    chanceStraightFlush = 0;

                //FLUSH POSSIBILITY--------------------------------------------

                if (cardsAreSuited)
                    //flush is possible on flop
                    var flushCardsLeft = 11d;
                    //flop0 is flushcard, flop1 is flushcard, flop2 is flushcard (only one way to order this)
                    //11d / 50d * 10d / 49d * 9d / 48d;
                    chanceFlush = flushCardsLeft / CardsLeft * (flushCardsLeft - 1) / (CardsLeft - 1) * (flushCardsLeft - 2) / (CardsLeft - 2);
                    Debug.WriteLine("flush not possible on flop");
                    chanceFlush = 0;

                //FULL HOUSE POSSIBILITY--------------------------------------------

                //chance of pairing on flop0, triple on flop1, pairing with other pocket card on flop2
                //6d / 50d * 2d / 49d * 3d / 48d * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE;
                chanceFullHouse = cardsForPair / CardsLeft * 2d / (CardsLeft - 1) * 3d / (CardsLeft - 2) * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE;

                //FOUR OF A KIND POSSIBILITY--------------------------------------------

                //first card has 6 possibilities for pairing, then only 2 for triple, then 1 for quad
                //6 / 50 * 2 / 49 * 1 / 48
                chanceFourKind = cardsForPair / CardsLeft * 2d / (CardsLeft - 1) * 1d / (CardsLeft - 2);

                //starts from 1 (pair) through straight flush (count-1) because royal flush is a type of straight flush
                chanceHighCard = 1;
            } //CLOSE HIGH CARD
            else if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.PAIR))
                //HIDE HIGH CARD CHANCE TEXT
                //pc.chanceTexts [0].enabled = false;

                //TWO PAIR SECTION --------------------------------------------------------

                //chance of first card not tripling with pocket cards, 2nd card not tripling or pairing with 1st, 3rd card pairing with 2nd card
                //48/50 * (47-3)/49 * 3/48 * 3
                chanceTwoPair = 48d / CardsLeft * 44d / (CardsLeft - 1) * 3d / (CardsLeft - 2) * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE;

                //THREE KIND SECTION

                cardsForTriple = 2;

                //chance flop0 tripling, flop1 no multiple, flop2 no multiple
                //2/50 * 48/49 * (47-3)/48 * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE
                chanceThreeKind = cardsForTriple / CardsLeft * ((CardsLeft - 1) - (cardsForTriple - 1)) / (CardsLeft - 1) * ((CardsLeft - 2) - (cardsForTriple - 1) - 3d) / (CardsLeft - 2) * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE;

                //STRAIGHT, FLUSH, AND STRAIGHT FLUSH NOT POSSIBLE --------------------------------------------

                chanceStraight      = 0;
                chanceFlush         = 0;
                chanceStraightFlush = 0;

                //FULL HOUSE POSSIBILITY--------------------------------------------

                //chance of all 3 comm cards same rank (not same as either pocket card)
                //(50-2)/50 * 3/49 * 2/48
                double chanceThreeKindComm = (CardsLeft - cardsForTriple) / CardsLeft * 3d / (CardsLeft - 1) * 2d / (CardsLeft - 2);

                //TODO: RECODE
                //flop0 triples, flop1 other rank, flop2 pairs with flop1
                //2/50 * 48/49 * 3/48 * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE
                chanceFullHouse = 2d / 50d * 48d / 49d * 3d / 48d * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE + chanceThreeKindComm;

                //flop0 and flop1 make quad, flop2 any card
                //2d / 50d * 1d / 49d * 1d * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE
                chanceFourKind = 2d / 50d * 1d / 49d * 1d * Constants.HOLDEM_FLOPSIZE;

                chancePair = 1;
            } //CLOSE PAIR

            var vm = new ProbabilityViewModel
                         (chanceHighCard, chancePair, chanceTwoPair, chanceThreeKind,
                         chanceStraight, chanceFlush, chanceFullHouse,
                         chanceFourKind, chanceStraightFlush, chanceRoyalFlush);

Example #2
        private ProbabilityViewModel GetChancesOnTurnAndRiver(MyHand myHand)
            var chanceHighCard      = new double();
            var chancePair          = new double();
            var chanceTwoPair       = new double();
            var chanceThreeKind     = new double();
            var chanceStraight      = new double();
            var chanceFlush         = new double();
            var chanceFullHouse     = new double();
            var chanceFourKind      = new double();
            var chanceStraightFlush = new double();
            var chanceRoyalFlush    = new double();

            var cardsForPair   = new double();
            var cardsForTriple = new double();

            double rank = myHand.GetRank();

            //if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
            //    //pc.roundText.text = "ON THE TURN AND RIVER";
            //    //pc.roundText.text = "ON THE RIVER";

            //high card
            if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.HIGH_CARD))
                if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                    //5 cards dealt (including my pocket hand) * 3 left of each rank
                    cardsForPair = 15;

                    // 15/47 * 32/46 * 2
                    chancePair = cardsForPair / CardsLeft * (CardsLeft - cardsForPair) / (CardsLeft - 1) * 2;

                    // 15/47 * 12/46
                    chanceTwoPair = cardsForPair / CardsLeft * (cardsForPair - 3) / (CardsLeft - 1);

                    // 15/47 * 2/46 (there are 2 cards left after pair that could make a triple)
                    chanceThreeKind = cardsForPair / CardsLeft * 2 / (CardsLeft - 1);
                else if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isTurn)
                    cardsForPair = 18;

                    chancePair      = cardsForPair / CardsLeft;
                    chanceTwoPair   = 0;
                    chanceThreeKind = 0;

                chanceFullHouse = 0;
                chanceFourKind  = 0;

                //todo this should be 1 - all other chances
                chanceHighCard = 1;

            else if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.PAIR))
                //pc.chanceTexts [0].enabled = false;

                if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                    // 9/47 * 38/46 * 2 = 31.6%
                    chanceTwoPair = 9d / CardsLeft * (CardsLeft - 9d) / (CardsLeft - 1) * 2;

                    // 2/47 * 45/46 * 2 = 8%
                    chanceThreeKind = 2d / CardsLeft * (CardsLeft - 2d) / (CardsLeft - 1) * 2;

                    //triple, then pair
                    // 2/47 * 9/46 * 2 = 1.7%
                    chanceFullHouse = 2d / CardsLeft * 9d / (CardsLeft - 1) * 2;

                    chanceFourKind = 2d / CardsLeft * 1d / (CardsLeft - 1);
                else //if (GameState.currentRound == GameState.Rounds.isTurn)
                    //6 cards dealt, 2 are a pair, so 4 * 3 possible cards to pair with
                    chanceTwoPair = 12d / CardsLeft;

                    //triple with pocket cards
                    chanceThreeKind = 2d / CardsLeft;

                    chanceFullHouse = 0;
                    chanceFourKind  = 0;
                chancePair = 1;
            else if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.TWO_PAIR))
                Debug.WriteLine("Case: two pair on flop/turn");
                for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                    //don't hide 2 pair
                    if (i != 2)
                        //pc.chanceTexts [i].enabled = false;

                if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                    // 4/47 * 43/46 * 2 = 16%
                    chanceFullHouse = 4d / CardsLeft * (CardsLeft - 4) / (CardsLeft - 1) * 2;

                    chanceFourKind = 4d / CardsLeft * 1d / (CardsLeft - 1);
                    chanceFullHouse = 4d / CardsLeft;
                    chanceFourKind  = 0;
                //if 2 pair, a triple would give a full house
                chanceThreeKind = 0;
                chanceTwoPair   = 1;
            //3 of a kind
            else if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.THREE_OF_A_KIND))
                for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                    //pc.chanceTexts [i].enabled = false;

                if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                    // 6/47 * 41/46 * 2
                    chanceFullHouse = 6d / CardsLeft * (CardsLeft - 6d) / (CardsLeft - 1) * 2;
                    chanceFourKind  = 1d / CardsLeft * 2;
                    chanceFullHouse = 6d / CardsLeft;
                    chanceFourKind  = 1d / CardsLeft;

                chanceThreeKind = 1;
            else if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.STRAIGHT))
                chanceFullHouse = 0;
                chanceFourKind  = 0;
                chanceStraight  = 1;
            else if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.FLUSH))
                chanceFullHouse = 0;
                chanceFourKind  = 0;
                chanceFlush     = 1;
            //full house
            else if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.FULL_HOUSE))
                if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                    chanceFourKind = 1d / CardsLeft * 2;
                    chanceFourKind = 1d / CardsLeft;

                chanceFullHouse = 1;
            //four of a kind
            else if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.FOUR_OF_A_KIND))
                //already checked below
                //chanceStraightFlush = 0;
                chanceFourKind = 1;
            //straight flush
            else if (MyHand.IsMyPokerHand(rank, PokerHand.STRAIGHT_FLUSH))
                int  rankIndexStraightFlush   = (int)PokerHand.STRAIGHT_FLUSH;
                bool isRoyalFlush             = Math.Round(rank, 2) == rankIndexStraightFlush + Constants.ACE_VAL / 100d;
                bool isKingHighStraightFlush  = Math.Round(rank, 2) == rankIndexStraightFlush + Constants.KING_VAL / 100d;
                bool isQueenHighStraightFlush = Math.Round(rank, 2) == rankIndexStraightFlush + Constants.QUEEN_VAL / 100d;

                if (isQueenHighStraightFlush)
                    if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                        chanceRoyalFlush = (2d / CardsLeft) * (1d / (CardsLeft - 1));
                        chanceRoyalFlush = 0;
                else if (isKingHighStraightFlush)
                    if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                        //(chance getting the ace first, anything else second) + (chance getting anything else first, the ace second)
                        chanceRoyalFlush = (1d / CardsLeft) + ((CardsLeft - 1d) / CardsLeft) * (1d / (CardsLeft - 1));
                        chanceRoyalFlush = 1d / CardsLeft;
                //if my hand is a royal flush
                else if (isRoyalFlush)
                    chanceRoyalFlush = 1;
                    return(new ProbabilityViewModel {
                        RoyalFlush = chanceRoyalFlush

                chanceStraightFlush = 1;
                return(new ProbabilityViewModel {
                    StraightFlush = chanceStraightFlush, RoyalFlush = chanceRoyalFlush

            //FLUSH, STRAIGHT, AND STRAIGHT FLUSH POSSIBILITY----------------------------

            //getRank already called checkForStraight

            //equals null if there is no four card flush
            string myFourFlushSuit = myHand.FourFlushSuit;

            string myThreeFlushSuit = myHand.ThreeFlushSuit;

            Debug.WriteLine("four flush suit: " + myFourFlushSuit);
            Debug.WriteLine("three flush suit: " + myThreeFlushSuit);

            MyHand my4FlushHand = null;
            MyHand my3FlushHand = null;

            if (myThreeFlushSuit != null)
                List <string> myThreeFlushCards = myHand.GetFlushCards(myThreeFlushSuit);
                my3FlushHand = new MyHand(myThreeFlushCards);

            if (myFourFlushSuit != null)
                List <string> myFourFlushCards = myHand.GetFlushCards(myFourFlushSuit);
                //create new hand with just 4 flush cards, check if 4 cards present in straight
                my4FlushHand = new MyHand(myFourFlushCards);

            bool isLowerThanFlush    = MyHand.IsMyPokerHandLower(rank, PokerHand.FLUSH);
            bool isLowerThanStraight = MyHand.IsMyPokerHandLower(rank, PokerHand.STRAIGHT);

            //chance for flush
            if (isLowerThanFlush)
                chanceFlush = this.GetFlushChancesOnTurnAndRiver(myHand, myFourFlushSuit, myThreeFlushSuit);

            if (isLowerThanStraight)
                chanceStraight = this.GetStraightChancesOnTurnAndRiver(myHand);

            //works for if I have a flush already too (my4FlushHand can have 4+ cards in it)
            if (my4FlushHand != null && my4FlushHand.Is4AlmostStraight)
                Debug.WriteLine("poss straight flush");
                if (my4FlushHand.Is4AlmostHighStraight)
                    Debug.WriteLine("poss royal flush");
                    if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                        chanceRoyalFlush = 1d / CardsLeft * 2;
                        chanceRoyalFlush = 1d / CardsLeft;
                //check if there is possible Royal Flush w 3 of the 5 poss cards
                else if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop &&
                    Debug.WriteLine("is3almosthighstraight with a 4+ card flush (also is almost straight flush)");
                    chanceRoyalFlush = 2d / CardsLeft * 1d / (CardsLeft - 1);

                //STRAIGHT FLUSH POSSIBILITY: chance with 2 possible cards to finish straight flush
                if (my4FlushHand.NumberOfPossStraightsWithMy4Cards == 2)
                    if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                        chanceStraightFlush = 2d / CardsLeft + (CardsLeft - 2d) / CardsLeft * 2d / (CardsLeft - 1);
                        chanceStraightFlush = 2d / CardsLeft;
                //chance with 1 possible card to finish straight flush
                { //only 1 possible 4straight
                    if (CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                        if (my4FlushHand.Is3AlmostStraight)
                            //chance of completing the 4 straight + chance of completing the 3 straight
                            chanceStraightFlush = (1d / CardsLeft * 2) + 2d / CardsLeft * 1d / (CardsLeft - 1);
                            chanceStraightFlush = 1d / CardsLeft + (CardsLeft - 1d) / CardsLeft * 1d / (CardsLeft - 1);
                        chanceStraightFlush = 1d / CardsLeft;

            //3+ flush hand is 3almost straight during flop round
            else if (my3FlushHand != null && my3FlushHand.Is3AlmostStraight &&
                     CurrentRound == Rounds.isFlop)
                Debug.WriteLine("is3almosthighstraight " + my3FlushHand.Is3AlmostHighStraight);
                if (my3FlushHand.NumberOfPossStraightsWithMy3Cards >= 3)
                    Debug.WriteLine("3 or more diff poss straight flushes");
                    //both cards must straight.
                    //first card has 2 poss ranks to make 4 in a row, then 2 poss ranks for 2nd card +
                    //first card has 2 poss ranks to make 4 in poss straight (with gap), then 1 poss rank (gap card)
                    // 2/47 * 2/46 + 2/47 * 1/46
                    chanceStraightFlush = 2d / CardsLeft * 2d / (CardsLeft - 1) + 2d / CardsLeft * 1d / (CardsLeft - 1);
                else if (my3FlushHand.NumberOfPossStraightsWithMy3Cards == 2)
                    Debug.WriteLine("2 diff poss straight flushes");
                    //1 poss rank for 4 in a row (the gap), then 2 poss ranks (2 ways this can happen)
                    // 1/47 * 2/46 * 2
                    chanceStraightFlush = 1d / CardsLeft * 2d / (CardsLeft - 1) * 2;
                else if (my3FlushHand.NumberOfPossStraightsWithMy3Cards == 1)
                    Debug.WriteLine("1 poss straight flush");
                    //2 poss ranks then 1 poss rank
                    // 2/47 * 1/46
                    chanceStraightFlush = 2d / CardsLeft * 1d / (CardsLeft - 1);

                if (my3FlushHand.Is3AlmostHighStraight)
                    chanceRoyalFlush = 2d / CardsLeft * 1d / (CardsLeft - 1);
                //there are not 4 of 5 straight flush cards present
                chanceStraightFlush = 0;
                chanceRoyalFlush    = 0;

            var vm = new ProbabilityViewModel
                         (chanceHighCard, chancePair, chanceTwoPair, chanceThreeKind,
                         chanceStraight, chanceFlush, chanceFullHouse,
                         chanceFourKind, chanceStraightFlush, chanceRoyalFlush);
